2,380 research outputs found

    Nurse prescribing of medicines in 13 European countries

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    Background: Nurse prescribing of medicines is increasing worldwide, but there is limited research in Europe. The objective of this study was to analyse which countries in Europe have adopted laws on nurse prescribing. Methods: Cross-country comparative analysis of reforms on nurse prescribing, based on an expert survey (TaskShift2Nurses Survey) and an OECD study. Country experts provided country-specific information, which was complemented with the peer-reviewed and grey literature. The analysis was based on policy and thematic analyses. Results: In Europe, as of 2019, a total of 13 countries have adopted laws on nurse prescribing, of which 12 apply nationwide (Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom (UK)) and one regionally, to the Canton Vaud (Switzerland). Eight countries adopted laws since 2010. The extent of prescribing rights ranged from nearly all medicines within nurses’ specialisations (Ireland for nurse prescribers, Netherlands for nurse specialists, UK for independent nurse prescribers) to a limited set of medicines (Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden). All countries have regulatory and minimum educational requirements in place to ensure patient safety; the majority require some form of physician oversight. Conclusions: The role of nurses has expanded in Europe over the last decade, as demonstrated by the adoption of new laws on prescribing rights.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel - 201

    Label-free proteomics assisted by affinity enrichment for elucidating the chemical reactivity of the liver mitochondrial proteome toward adduction by the lipid electrophile 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE)

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    The analysis of oxidative stress-induced post-translational modifications remains challenging due to the chemical diversity of these modifications, the possibility of the presence of positional isomers and the low stoichiometry of the modified proteins present in a cell or tissue proteome. Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is a multifactorial disease in which mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress have been identified as being critically involved in the progression of the disease from steatosis to cirrhosis. Ethanol metabolism leads to increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), glutathione depletion and lipid peroxidation. Posttranslational modification of proteins by electrophilic products of lipid peroxidation has been associated with governing redox-associated signaling mechanisms, but also as contributing to protein dysfunction leading to organelle and liver injury. In particular the prototypical α,β-unsaturated aldehyde, 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE), has been extensively studied as marker of increased oxidative stress in hepatocytes. In this study, we combined a LC-MS label-free quantification method and affinity enrichment to assess the dose-dependent insult by HNE on the proteome of rat liver mitochondria. We used a carbonyl-selective probe, the ARP probe, to label HNE-protein adducts and to perform affinity capture at the protein level. Using LC-MS to obtain protein abundance estimates, a list of protein targets was obtained with increasing concentration of HNE used in the exposure studies. In parallel, we performed affinity capture at the peptide level to acquire site-specific information. Examining the concentration-dependence of the protein modifications, we observed distinct reactivity profiles for HNE-protein adduction. Pathway analysis indicated that proteins associated with metabolic processes, including amino acid, fatty acid, and glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism, bile acid synthesis and TCA cycle, showed enhanced reactivity to HNE adduction. Whereas, proteins associated with oxidative phosphorylation displayed retardation toward HNE adduction. We provide a list of 31 protein targets with a total of 61 modification sites that may guide future targeted LC-MS assays to monitor disease progression and/or intervention in preclinical models of ALD and possibly other liver diseases with an oxidative stress component

    Affekttheorien fĂĽr die Medienforschung nutzbar machen

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    Zentrales Anliegen des Beitrags ist es, Affekttheorien für die empirische Anwendung in der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft nutzbar zu machen. Dazu stellen wir zunächst zentra-le Stränge der Emotionsforschung in der Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung sowie der Medi-entextanalyse dar, klären die von ihnen verwendeten Begriffe und machen ihre Bezüge zur Af-fektforschung deutlich. Daran anschließend führen wir knapp in aktuelle affekttheoretische An-sätze ein, beginnend mit einer Rekonstruktion früher Auseinandersetzungen in den Cultural Stu-dies, und entwickeln schließlich ein Analysemodell, mit dem Affekte als sozial-relationale Phä-nomene der Medienkommunikation empirisch analysiert werden können. Zur Exemplifizierung beziehen wir uns primär auf das Medium Fernsehen als einem Modus audiovisueller Kommuni-kation. Diese Betrachtung erlaubt jedoch auch weiterführende Überlegungen zur Bedeutung affektiver Dynamiken zwischen Medientechnologien, -texten und ihren Nutzer_innen.This article focuses on affect theories and their relevance for communication and media studies. Relying on the strength and potential of the different ‚affective turns’, we develop an empirical approach to analyze affect as a relational phenomenon within media communication. To begin with, we introduce key concepts of emotion in audience and reception studies and in textual media analyses. Thereby, we try to clarify their central understanding of emotion and affect and explain their reference to contemporary affect theory. Introducing central strands of current affect theory, we develop an analytical approach to be used for empirical studies of affect in communication and media studies. Our considerations will be exemplified by the case of television. Nevertheless, the analytical approach provides the possibility for further reflections on the significance of affective dynamics within audiovisual media. We argue for an understanding of the affective dynamics of current media saturated societies

    Sulindac sulfide reverses aberrant self-renewal of progenitor cells induced by the AML-associated fusion proteins PML/RARalpha and PLZF/RARalpha

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    Chromosomal translocations can lead to the formation of chimeric genes encoding fusion proteins such as PML/RARalpha, PLZF/RARalpha, and AML-1/ETO, which are able to induce and maintain acute myeloid leukemia (AML). One key mechanism in leukemogenesis is increased self renewal of leukemic stem cells via aberrant activation of the Wnt signaling pathway. Either X-RAR, PML/RARalpha and PLZF/RARalpha or AML-1/ETO activate Wnt signaling by upregulating gamma-catenin and beta-catenin. In a prospective study, a lower risk of leukemia was observed with aspirin use, which is consistent with numerous studies reporting an inverse association of aspirin with other cancers. Furthermore, a reduction in leukemia risk was associated with use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), where the effects on AML risk was FAB subtype-specific. To better investigate whether NSAID treatment is effective, we used Sulindac Sulfide in X-RARalpha-positive progenitor cell models. Sulindac Sulfide (SSi) is a derivative of Sulindac, a NSAID known to inactivate Wnt signaling. We found that SSi downregulated both beta-catenin and gamma-catenin in X-RARalpha-expressing cells and reversed the leukemic phenotype by reducing stem cell capacity and increasing differentiation potential in X-RARalpha-positive HSCs. The data presented herein show that SSi inhibits the leukemic cell growth as well as hematopoietic progenitors cells (HPCs) expressing PML/RARalpha, and it indicates that Sulindac is a valid molecular therapeutic approach that should be further validated using in vivo leukemia models and in clinical settings

    Influencing Factors on Consumers’ Willingness to Share Energy Data on Online Energy Platforms

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    Climate change requires an adaptation of the energy system towards an efficient use of renewable energies. For efficient control and optimization of the energy system, energy consumption and production data at household level play an essential role. Sharing platforms can enable the bundling and controlling of energy data from individual households. However, there is often a lack of acceptance among potential users to share their own data on such platforms. Therefore, this paper investigates the willingness of consumers to share their personal energy data. In particular, several factors that influence this willingness are examined. Decisive for the willingness are incentives for consumers in return for sharing their energy data. These can be offered in personal added value or collective added value. This paper shows that the factors perceived behavioral control, personal attitude and subjective norm have an influence on the willingness of private users to share energy data if a personal benefit or a collective benefit is provided. The age of users and their privacy concerns affect the willingness to share only in case personal value is added. These findings are valuable for the development and operation of online energy platforms

    Probing metal ion binding and conformational properties of the colicin E9 endonuclease by electrospray ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry

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    Nano-electrospray ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) was used to study the conformational consequences of metal ion binding to the colicin E9 endonuclease (E9 DNase) by taking advantage of the unique capability of ESI-MS to allow simultaneous assessment of conformational heterogeneity and metal ion binding. Alterations of charge state distributions on metal ion binding/release were correlated with spectral changes observed in far- and near-UV circular dichroism (CD) and intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence. In addition, hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange experiments were used to probe structural integrity. The present study shows that ESI-MS is sensitive to changes of the thermodynamic stability of E9 DNase as a result of metal ion binding/release in a manner consistent with that deduced from proteolysis and calorimetric experiments. Interestingly, acid-induced release of the metal ion from the E9 DNase causes dramatic conformational instability associated with a loss of fixed tertiary structure, but secondary structure is retained. Furthermore, ESI-MS enabled the direct observation of the noncovalent protein complex of E9 DNase bound to its cognate immunity protein Im9 in the presence and absence of Zn2+. Gas-phase dissociation experiments of the deuterium-labeled binary and ternary complexes revealed that metal ion binding, not Im9, results in a dramatic exchange protection of E9 DNase in the complex. In addition, our metal ion binding studies and gas-phase dissociation experiments of the ternary E9 DNase-Zn2+-Im9 complex have provided further evidence that electrostatic interactions govern the gas phase ion stability

    Correlates of depressive symptoms among Latino and Non-Latino White adolescents: Findings from the 2003 California Health Interview Survey

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    BACKGROUND: The prevalence of depression is increasing not only among adults, but also among adolescents. Several risk factors for depression in youth have been identified, including female gender, increasing age, lower socio-economic status, and Latino ethnic background. The literature is divided regarding the role of acculturation as risk factor among Latino youth. We analyzed the correlates of depressive symptoms among Latino and Non-Latino White adolescents residing in California with a special focus on acculturation. METHODS: We performed an analysis of the adolescent sample of the 2003 California Health Interview Survey, which included 3,196 telephone-interviews with Latino and Non-Latino White adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17. Depressive symptomatology was measured with a reduced version of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Acculturation was measured by a score based on language in which the interview was conducted, language(s) spoken at home, place of birth, number of years lived in the United States, and citizenship status of the adolescent and both of his/her parents, using canonical principal component analysis. Other variables used in the analysis were: support provided by adults at school and at home, age of the adolescent, gender, socio-economic status, and household type (two parent or one parent household). RESULTS: Unadjusted analysis suggested that the risk of depressive symptoms was twice as high among Latinos as compared to Non-Latino Whites (10.5% versus 5.5 %, p < 0.001). The risk was slightly higher in the low acculturation group than in the high acculturation group (13.1% versus 9.7%, p = 0.12). Similarly, low acculturation was associated with an increased risk of depressive symptoms in multivariate analysis within the Latino subsample (OR 1.54, CI 0.97–2.44, p = 0.07). Latino ethnicity emerged as risk factor for depressive symptoms among the strata with higher income and high support at home and at school. In the disadvantaged subgroups (higher poverty, low support at home and at school) Non-Latino Whites and Latinos had a similar risk of depressive symptoms. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that the differences in depressive symptoms between Non-Latino Whites and Latino adolescents disappear at least in some strata after adjusting for socio-demographic and social support variables

    Phytochemical characterization of Tabernanthe iboga root bark and its effects on dysfunctional metabolism and cognitive performance in high-fat-fed C57BL/6J mice

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    Preparations of the root bark of Tabernanthe iboga have long been used in Central and West African traditional medicine to combat fatigue, as a neuro-stimulant in rituals, and for treatment of diabetes. The principal alkaloid of T. iboga, ibogaine, has attracted attention in many countries around the world for providing relief for opioid craving in drug addicts. Using a plant metabolomics approach, we detected five phenolic compounds, including 3- O-caffeoylquinic acid, and 30 alkaloids, seven of which were previously reported from T. iboga root bark. Following a report that iboga extracts contain insulinotropic agents, we aimed to determine the potential alleviating effects of the water extract of iboga root bark on high-fat diet (HFD)-induced hyperglycemia as well as its effects on cognitive function in male C57BL/6J mice. Feeding a HFD to mice for 10 weeks produced manifestations of metabolic syndrome such as increased body weight and increased plasma levels of glucose, triacylglycerols, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, insulin, leptin, and pro-inflammatory mediators (IL-6, MCP-1, ICAM-1), as compared to mice fed a low-fat diet (LFD). Supplementation of HFD with iboga extract at ibogaine doses of 0.83 (low) and 2.07 (high) mg/kg/day did not improve these HFD-induced metabolic effects except for a reduction of plasma MCP-1 in the low dose group, indicative of an anti-inflammatory effect. When the HFD mice were tested in the water maze, the high-dose iboga extract caused hippocampus-dependent impairments in spatial learning and memory, as compared to mice receiving only a HFD.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio
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