48 research outputs found

    Measurement of tissue oxygenation in isolated rat hearts using near infrared spectroscopy

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    New techniques involving Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) and imaging are rapidly evolving for a large number of new clinical applications. These techniques, based upon nearinfrared light transmission through biological tissue, aim to monitor the hemoglobin and myoglobin concentration changes due to particular physiological state. Clinical applications regard, for instance, the monitoring of muscles and cerebral oxygenation, functional brain activation studies and heart perfusion research. Recently, some works presented tissue oxygenation studies in beating or arrested isolated porcine hearts. In our work we present the design and realization of a dedicated NIRS system for the myocardial perfusion analysis of isolated, saline solution perfused beating rat hearts; in this case the absence of blood allows for unambiguous measurement of tissue myoglobin oxygenation. The presented prototype is portable, low cost, battery operated and permits the measurement of both oxy and deoxy myoglobin concentration changes during imposed regional or global ischemia and reperfusion

    Potential role of low kV ex vivo micro-CT for 3D morphometry of paraffin embedded coronary vessels before histology

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    Purpose: Micro CT is an established tool for non destructive 3D inspection of small specimens. Aim of the study was to demonstrate that despite its limitations in differentiation of soft materials, micro CT can reliably display coronary vessel structure and surrounding tissues after paraffin embedding. Data were obtained from coronary specimens of pig, physical phantoms and numerical simulations. Preliminary images with dual-energy techniques are also shown. Methods: A micro CT scanner built by our group was used for the experiments. The x-ray tube was set up in the range of 20-50 kV; the voxel size was set to 21 μm. A phantom composed of formalin fixed fat and myocardium of rat, dehydrated and paraffin embedded, was used to measure the contrast of different tissues with respect to background. Similar acquisitions were simulated numerically. Real samples of pig excised coronary arteries were processed in the same way and acquired with the same settings; resulting images were compared to those obtained by histology. Results: In phantom, the myocardium contrast vs. paraffin varied from 40% at 20 kV to 29% at 50 kV. The fat contrast vs. background was 2% at 20 kV, whereas it was indistinguishable from the background at 50 kV; all the contrasts in phantom appeared lower than those expected from simulations, probably because of tissue shrinkage. In the samples from pig (see Figure), the vessel wall contrast was 25% greater than the myocardium contrast; the pericardium and a balloon induced stenosis were clearly distinguished. All micro CT scans were shorter than 1 hour. Conclusion: Micro CT is a useful complementary tool for the 3D morphometry of coronary vessels after paraffin embedding, and it can help for the preliminary identification of features of interest for subsequent histological analysis

    Lacking P2X7-receptors protects substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons and hippocampal-related cognitive performance from the deleterious effects of high-fat diet exposure in adult male mice

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    BackgroundDietary fat consumption, involved in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and impaired glucose metabolism, is linked with decline in cognitive functions, dementia, and development of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Mature IL-1β, requiring the activation of the P2X7 receptor (P2X7R)-inflammasome complex, is an important mediator of neuroinflammation. The aim of the study was to test whether P2X7R activation might interfere with systemic and cerebral metabolic homeostasis.MethodsWe treated WT and P2X7R KO mice with a high-fat diet (HFD) for 16 weeks, evaluating the effects on the Substantia Nigra and Hippocampus, target areas of damage in several forms of cognitive impairment.ResultsHFD-treated WT and P2X7R KO mice showed a different brain mRNA profile of Insulin and Igf-1, with these genes and relative receptors, more expressed in KO mice. Unlike P2X7R KO mice, WT mice treated with HFD displayed a diameter reduction in dopaminergic neurons in the Substantia Nigra, accompanied by an increased IBA1 expression in this area; they also showed poor performances during Y-Maze and Morris Water Maze, tasks involving Hippocampus activity. Conversely, Parkin, whose reduction might promote neuronal cell death, was increased in the brain of P2X7R KO animals.ConclusionWe report for the first time that HFD induces damage in dopaminergic neurons of the Substantia Nigra and a Hippocampus-related worse cognitive performance, both attenuated in the absence of P2X7R. The involved mechanisms might differ in the two brain areas, with a predominant role of inflammation in the Substantia Nigra and a metabolic derangement in the Hippocampus

    Gas embolization of the liver in a rat model of rapid decompression

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    Occurrence of liver gas embolism after rapid decompression was assessed in 31 female rats that were decompressed in 12 min after 42 min of compression at 7 ATA (protocol A). Sixteen rats died after decompression (group I). Of the surviving rats, seven were killed at 3 h (group II), and eight at 24 h (group III). In group I, bubbles were visible in the right heart, aortic arch, liver, and mesenteric veins and on the intestinal surface. Histology showed perilobular microcavities in sinusoids, interstitial spaces, and hepatocytes. In group II, liver gas was visible in two rats. Perilobular vacuolization and significant plasma aminotransferase increase were present. In group III, liver edema was evident at gross examination in all cases. Histology showed perilobular cell swelling, vacuolization, or hydropic degeneration. Compared with basal, enzymatic markers of liver damage increased significantly. An additional 14 rats were decompressed twice (protocol B). Overall mortality was 93%. In addition to diffuse hydropic degeneration, centrilobular necrosis was frequently observed after the second decompression. Additionally, 10 rats were exposed to three decompression sessions (protocol C) with doubled decompression time. Their mortality rate decreased to 20%, but enzymatic markers still increased in surviving rats compared with predecompression, and perilobular cell swelling and vacuolization were present in five rats. Study challenges were 1) liver is not part of the pathophysiology of decompression in the existing paradigm, and 2) although significant cellular necrosis was observed in few animals, zonal or diffuse hepatocellular damage associated with liver dysfunction was frequently demonstrated. Liver participation in human decompression sickness should be looked for and clinically evaluated

    Myocardial perfusion in chronic diabetic mice by the up-regulation of pLKB1 and AMPK signaling

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    Previous studies related impaired myocardial microcirculation in diabetes to oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction. Thus, this study was aimed to determine the effect of up-regulating pAMPK-pAKT signaling on coronary microvascular reactivity in the isolated heart of diabetic mice. We measured coronary resistance in wild-type and streptozotocin (STZ)-treated mice, during perfusion pressure changes. Glucose, insulin, and adiponectin levels in plasma and superoxide formation, NOx levels and heme oxygenase (HO) activity in myocardial tissue were determined. In addition, the expression of HO-1, 3-nitrotyrosine, pLKB1, pAMPK, pAKT, and peNOS proteins in control and diabetic hearts were measured. Coronary response to changes in perfusion pressure diverged from control in a time-dependent manner following STZ administration. The responses observed at 28 weeks of diabetes (the maximum time examined) were mimicked by L-NAME administration to control animals and were associated with a decrease in serum adiponectin and myocardial pLKB1, pAMPK, pAKT, and pGSK-3 expression. Cobalt protoporphyrin treatment to induce HO-1 expression reversed the microvascular reactivity seen in diabetes towards that of controls. Up-regulation of HO-1 was associated with an increase in adiponectin, pLKB1, pAKT, pAMPK, pGSK-3, and peNOS levels and a decrease in myocardial superoxide and 3-nitrotyrosine levels. In the present study we describe the time course of microvascular functional changes during the development of diabetes and the existence of a unique relationship between the levels of serum adiponectin, pLKB1, pAKT, and pAMPK activation in diabetic hearts. The restoration of microvascular function suggests a new therapeutic approach to even advanced cardiac microvascular derangement in diabetes

    Antitumoral effects of attenuated Listeria monocytogenes in a genetically engineered mouse model of melanoma

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    Attenuated Listeria monocytogenes (Lmat-LLO) represents a valuable anticancer vaccine and drug delivery platform. Here we show that in vitro Lmat-LLO causes ROS production and, in turn, apoptotic killing of a wide variety of melanoma cells, irrespectively of their stage, mutational status, sensitivity to BRAF inhibitors or degree of stemness. We also show that, when administered in the therapeutic setting to Braf/Pten genetically engineered mice, Lmat-LLO causes a strong decrease in the size and volume of primary melanoma tumors, as well as a reduction of the metastatic burden. At the molecular level, we confirm that the anti-melanoma activity exerted in vivo by Lmat-LLO depends also on its ability to potentiate the immune response of the organism against the infected tumor. Our data pave the way to the preclinical testing of listeria-based immunotherapeutic strategies against metastatic melanoma, using a genetically engineered mouse rather than xenograft models

    Gut-derived metabolites mediating cognitive development in 5-year-old children: Early-life transplant in mice has lasting effects throughout adulthood

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    The gut microbiota has been causally linked to cognitive development. We aimed to identify metabolites mediating its effect on cognitive development, and foods or nutrients related to most promising metabolites. Faeces from 5-year-old children (DORIAN-PISAC cohort, including 90 general population families with infants, 42/48 females/males, born in 2011-2014) were transplanted (FMT) into C57BL/6 germ-free mice. Children and recipient mice were stratified by cognitive phenotype, or based on protective metabolites. Food frequency questionnaires were obtained in children. Cognitive measurements in mice included five Y-maze tests until 23 weeks post-FMT, and (at 23 weeks) PET-CT for brain metabolism and radiodensity, and ultrasound-based carotid vascular indices. Children (faeces, urine) and mice (faeces, plasma) metabolome was measured by 1H NMR spectroscopy, and the faecal microbiota was profiled in mice by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. Cognitive scores of children and recipient mice were correlated. FMT-dependent modifications of brain metabolism were observed. Mice receiving FMT from high-cognitive or protective metabolite-enriched children developed superior cognitive-behavioural performance. A panel of metabolites, namely xanthine, hypoxanthine, formate, mannose, tyrosine, phenylalanine, glutamine, was found to mediate the gut-cognitive axis in donor children and recipient mice. Vascular indices partially explained the metabolite-to-phenotype relationships. Children's consumption of legumes, whole-milk yogurt and eggs, and intake of iron, zinc and vitamin D appeared to support protective gut metabolites. Overall, metabolites involved in inflammation, purine metabolism and neurotransmitter synthesis mediate the gut-cognitive axis, and holds promise for screening. The related dietary and nutritional findings offer leads to microbiota-targeted interventions for cognitive protection, with long-lasting effects

    Organosilicon phantom for photoacoustic imaging

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    Photoacoustic imaging is an emerging technique. Although commercially available photoacoustic imaging systems currently exist, the technology is still in its infancy. Therefore, the design of stable phantoms is essential to achieve semiquantitative evaluation of the performance of a photoacoustic system and can help optimize the properties of contrast agents. We designed and developed a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) phantom with exceptionally fine geometry; the phantom was tested using photoacoustic experiments loaded with the standard indocyanine green dye and compared to an agar phantom pattern through polyethylene glycol-gold nanorods. The linearity of the photoacoustic signal with the nanoparticle number was assessed. The signal-to-noise ratio and contrast were employed as image quality parameters, and enhancements of up to 50 and up to 300%, respectively, were measured with the PDMS phantom with respect to the agar one. A tissue-mimicking (TM)-PDMS was prepared by adding TiO2 and India ink; photoacoustic tests were performed in order to compare the signal generated by the TM-PDMS and the biological tissue. The PDMS phantom can become a particularly promising tool in the field of photoacoustics for the evaluation of the performance of a PA system and as a model of the structure of vascularized soft tissues. (C) 2015 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE

    Ex-vivo micro-CT for the assessment of the structure of paraffin embedded coronary vessels before histology

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    Purpose: Aim of the study was to demonstrate that absorption-based single low-energy micro-CT can reliably display coronary vessel structure and surrounding tissues after paraffin embedding. Methods and Materials: A micro-CT scanner built by our group was used for the experiments. The x-ray tube was set up in the range of 20-50 kV. A phantom composed of formalin fixed fat and myocardial tissues of rat, dehydrated and paraffin embedded, was used to measure the image contrast of relevant tissues with respect to the background. Similar acquisitions were simulated using standardized attenuation functions and simulated spectra. Real samples of pig excised coronary arteries were also processed in the same way and acquired with similar settings; resulting images were compared to those obtained by histology. The voxel size in the micro-CT images was 21 μm. Results: In phantom, the myocardium contrast vs. paraffin varied from 40% at 20 kV to 29% at 50 kV. The fat contrast was 2% at 20 kV, whereas it was indistinguishable from the background at 50 kV. The pericardium and a balloon induced stenosis were clearly distinguished. A noncalcified fatty streak was also identified. All contrasts in phantom appeared lower than those expected from simulations, probably because of the sample processing. The image quality was sufficient for segmentation purposes, allowing quantitative morphometry within the selected Volume of Interest (VOI). Conclusion: Micro-CT is a useful complementary tool for the assessment of coronary vessels structure after sample embedding in paraffin prior to histological examination. This type of imaging can help for the identification of features for subsequent histological analysis in experimental models of restenosis and atherogenesis

    Effects of sacubitril-valsartan on remodelling, fibrosis and mitochondria in a murine model of isoproterenol-induced left ventricular dysfunction

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    Background: Sacubitril/valsartan has been demonstrated to promote left ventricular (LV) reverse remodelling and improve outcomes in patients with heart failure (HF) with reduced ejection fraction (EF). Its molecular and tissue effects have not been fully elucidated yet, due to the paucity of preclinical studies, mostly based on ischaemic models. We aimed to evaluate the effects of sacubitril/valsartan on LV remodelling, myocardial fibrosis and mitochondrial biology in a murine model of non-ischaemic LV dysfunction. Methods: Adult transgenic male mice with cardiac-specific hyperaldosteronism (AS mice) received subcutaneous isoproterenol injections to induce LV systolic dysfunction. After 7 days, mice were randomized to a 2-week treatment with saline (ISO-AS n = 15), valsartan (ISO + V n = 12) or sacubitril/valsartan (ISO + S/V n = 12). Echocardiography was performed at baseline, at day 7, and after each of the 2 weeks of treatment. After sacrifice at day 21, histological and immunochemical assays were performed. A control group of AS mice was also obtained (Ctrl-AS n = 8). Results: Treatment with sacubitril/valsartan, but not with valsartan, induced a significant improvement in LVEF (p = 0.009 vs ISO-AS) and fractional shortening (p = 0.032 vs ISO-AS) after 2- week treatment. In both ISO + V and ISO + S/V groups, a trend toward reduction of the cardiac collagen 1/3 expression ratio was detected. ISO + V and ISO + S/V groups showed a significant recovery of mitochondrial morphology and inner membrane function meant for oxidative phosphorylation. Conclusion: In a murine model of non-ischaemic HF, sacubitril/valsartan proved to have beneficial effects on LV systolic function, and on cardiac energetics, by improving mitochondrial activity