182 research outputs found

    Taxonomic revision of the genus Neoheligmonella Durette-Desset, 1971 (Nematoda, Heligmonellidae) parasitic in Muridae mainly from the Ethiopian Region

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    The genus Neoheligmonella Durette-Desset, 1971 (Nippostrongylinae) is revised and split into three genera, one of them with two subgenera. The new genera can be discriminated mainly by characters of the synlophe which had been not considered previously at the supraspecific level. These characters include the presence of a careen, the size of the right ridge relative to the left ridge, and the presence of gradients in the ridge size. The genus Neoheligmonella sensu stricto is proposed to include species with a careen, and it is divided into two subgenera: Neoheligmonella (Neoheligmonella) characterized by a right ridge measuring more than 45% of the ventral ridge of the careen, and Neoheligmonella (Duplantierus) n. subgen. with a right ridge measuring less than 45% of the ventral ridge of the careen. Dioufnema n. gen. includes one species with neither a careen nor hypertrophied ridges and having a bursa of type 1-3-1. Taranchonema n. gen. includes species without a careen, with the left ridge and the right ridge hypertrophied, and without a dorsal gradient in ridge size. A dichotomous key to the new genera and subgenera is provided. Five species of unknown synlophe, originally placed in the former genus Neoheligmonella and validated by other characters, are considered as Nippostrongylinae incertae sedis.Révision taxonomique du genre Neoheligmonella Durette-Desset, 1971 (Nematoda, Heligmonellidae) parasite de Muridae principalement de la Région éthiopienne. Le genre Neoheligmonella Durette-Desset, 1971 (Nippostrongylinae) est révisé et scindé en trois genres, dont un avec deux sous-genres. Les nouveaux genres peuvent être principalement différenciés par des caractères du synlophe qui n'avaient pas été considérés jusqu'à présent au niveau supra-spécifique. Ces caractères incluent la présence d'une carène, la taille relative de la crête droite par rapport à la crête gauche, et la présence de gradients de la taille des crêtes. Le genre Neoheligmonella sensu stricto est proposé pour inclure des espèces possédant une carène et il se divise en deux sous-genres: Neoheligmonella (Neoheligmonella) caractérisé par une crête droite mesurant plus du 45 % de la crête ventrale de la carène et Neoheligmonella (Duplantierus) n. subgen. avec une crête droite mesurant moins du 45 % de la crête ventrale de la carène. Dioufnema n. gen. inclut une espèce sans carène ni crêtes hypertrophiées et possédant une bourse caudale du type 1-3-1. Taranchonema n. gen. inclut des espèces sans carène, avec la crête gauche et la crête droite hypertrophiées et sans gradient dorsal des crêtes. Une clé dichotomique des nouveaux genres et sous-genres est fournie. Cinq espèces dont le synlophe est inconnu, placées jusqu'à présent dans le précédent genre Neoheligmonella et validées par d'autres caractères, sont considérées comme des Nippostrongylinae incertae sedis.Fil: Digiani, Maria Celina. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoologia Invertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Durette Desset, Marie Claude. Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle; Franci

    Revision of the genera of Heligmonellidae (Nematoda, Heligmosomoidea), parasitic in Muridae from New Guinea

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    Up to now, 24 genera of Nematoda belonging to the Nippostrongylinae (Heligmonellidae) have been reported from New Guinean murid rodents. Nine of these genera have been reviewed in previous works. In the present work, another 11 genera are re-examined on morphological characters mainly corresponding to the synlophe and to a lesser degree to the bursa. This re-examination leads us to recognize three valid genera: Melomystrongylus, Pogonomystrongylus and Nugininema. The remaining genera appear to us insufficiently described or seem to involve more than one taxon; we consider them genera inquirenda. These are: Mawsonema, Montistrongylus, Parvinema, Missimstrongylus, Flannerystrongylus, Helgenema and Paramelomystrongylus. The genus Rodentanema does not belong to the Nippostrongylinae but to the Herpetostrongylidae (Heligmosomoidea). In addition to the three genera recognized herein, nine other genera of Nippostrongylinae are present in New Guinea: Equilophos, Hasanuddinia, Hasegawanema, Hughjonestrongylus, Lesleyella, Macrostrongylus, Nippostrongylus, Parasabanema and Sanduanensis. Several species attributed to the genera Bunomystrongylus, Chisholmia, Odilia and Sabanema are insufficiently described and their generic assignment could not be rectified or ratified. Consequently, the presence of these latter genera in New Guinean rodents remains unconfirmed, until more complete descriptions or illustrations are provided.Fil: Durette Desset, Marie Claude. Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle; Francia. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; FranciaFil: Digiani, Maria Celina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología Invertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentin

    Révision taxonomique des Nippostrongylinae (Nematoda, Heligmonellidae) parasites de Muridae de la région australasienne. Le genre Odilia Durette-Desset, 1973

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    The species of the genus Odilia Durette-Desset, 1973 (Heligmonellidae, Nippostrongylinae) are re-distributed among eight genera of which five are new. This classification is mainly based on certain characters of the synlophe not previously taken into account at the supraspecific level. These characters mainly include the presence or absence of a careen, the relative size of the ridges forming the careen, the development and position of ridge 1', the development of the left ridge and right ridge, and the distribution of the largest ridges. Eighteen of the 20 known species are rearranged in the following genera: Odilia sensu stricto Durette-Desset, 1973 with Odilia mackerrasae (Mawson, 1961) as type species, Chisholmia n. gen. with Chisholmia bainae (Beveridge & Durette-Desset, 1992) n. comb. as type species, Equilophos n. gen. with Equilophos polyrhabdote (Mawson, 1961) n. comb. as type species, Hasegawanema n. gen. with Hasegawanema mamasaense (Hasegawa, Miyata & Syafruddin, 1999) n. comb. as type species, Hughjonestrongylus Digiani & Durette-Desset, 2014 with Hughjonestrongylus ennisae (Smales & Heinrich, 2010) as type species, Lesleyella n. gen. with Lesleyella wauensis (Smales, 2010) n. comb. as type and sole species, Parasabanema szalayi Smales & Heinrich, 2010, and Sanduanensis n. gen. with Sanduanensis dividua (Smales, 2010) as type and sole species. Odilia uromyos Mawson, 1961 and Odilia carinatae Smales, 2008 are not included in the new classification. A key to the proposed genera is provided. The new generic arrangement follows a distribution more related to the biogeographical areas than to the host groups.Les espèces du genre Odilia Durette-Desset, 1973 (Heligmonellidae, Nippostrongylinae) sont réparties en huit genres, dont cinq nouveaux. Cette classification s’appuie principalement sur certains caractères du synlophe non pris en compte jusqu’à présent au niveau supraspécifique. Ces caractères incluent principalement la présence ou l’absence d’une carène, la taille relative des crêtes formant la carène, le développement et la position de la crête 1’, le développement de la crête gauche et de la crête droite, et la répartition des crêtes les plus larges. Dix-huit espèces sur les 20 actuellement connues sont classées dans les genres suivants: Odilia sensu stricto Durette-Desset, 1973 avec Odilia mackerrasae (Mawson, 1961) comme espèce type, Chisholmia n. gen. avec Chisholmia bainae (Beveridge & Durette-Desset, 1992) n. comb. comme espèce type, Equilophos n. gen. avec Equilophos polyrhabdote (Mawson, 1961) n. comb. comme espèce type, Hasegawanema n. gen. avec Hasegawanema mamasaense (Hasegawa, Miyata & Syafruddin, 1999) n. comb. comme espèce type, Hughjonestrongylus Digiani & Durette-Desset, 2014 avec Hughjonestrongylus ennisae (Smales & Heinrich, 2010) comme espèce type, Lesleyella n. gen. avec Lesleyella wauensis (Smales, 2010) n. comb. comme espèce type et unique espèce, Parasabanema szalayi Smales & Heinrich, 2010 et Sanduanensis n. gen. avec Sanduanensis dividua (Smales, 2010) comme espèce type et unique espèce. Odilia uromyos Mawson, 1961 et Odilia carinatae Smales, 2008 ne sont pas incluses dans la nouvelle classification. Une clé dichotomique des genres proposés est fournie. Le nouvel arrangement générique suit une répartition plus liée aux aires biogéographiques qu’aux groupes d’hôtes.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Pudicinae (Nematoda) coparasitic in Proechimys roberti (rodentia: Echimyidae) from the Brazilian amazonia: Description of a new species of Pudica, redescription of pudica evandroi (travassos) and updated key to the species of the genus

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    The re-examination of nematodes collected decades ago from a spiny rat, Proechimys roberti (Echimyidae) from Pará State, revealed the presence of Acanthostrongylus acanthostrongylus Travassos, 1937, and two coparasitic species of Pudica (Heligmonellidae: Pudicinae), one of them new to science. Pudica minima n. sp. mostly resembles Pudica tenua Durette-Desset, 1970, described from Proechimys semispinosus in Colombia. Nevertheless, it differs from P. tenua by having a synlophe with 12 ridges with poorly developed careen, bursal pattern of type 2-2-1 on the right lobe, bursal rays 2 and 3 similar in length, and spicules longer with spoon-shaped tips. Pudica evandroi (Travassos, 1937) was already described from Pr. roberti but its synlophe remained undescribed and the original description lacked some details. A detailed study of the synlophe is provided and the range of morphometric data for males and females is enlarged. The study of the synlophe allowed ratifying the placement of this species within Pudica, as early suggested by previous authors. The species list and identification key to species of Pudica are updated with the inclusion of three species. The status of Heligmosomum alpha Travassos, 1918, which was transferred to Pudica in 1990, is emended and the species is considered a Nippostrongylinae incertae sedis.Fil: Serrano, Paula Carolina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División de Zoología Invertebrados; ArgentinaFil: Durette Desset, Marie Claude. Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle; FranciaFil: Digiani, Maria Celina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División de Zoología Invertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentin

    Description of a new species of Heligmonina Baylis, 1928 (Nematoda: Heligmonellidae) a parasite of Mastomys Natalensis (Rodentia: Muridae) from Swaziland and new data on the synlophe of Heligmonina Chabaudi (Desset, 1966)

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    A new species of heligmosomoid nematode belonging to the subfamily Nippostrongylinae Durette-Desset, 1970 is described: Heligmonina wakelini n. sp., a parasite from the small intestine of the commensal rodent Mastomys natalensis (Smith, 1834) from Swaziland. It differs from the most closely related species H. boomkeri Durette-Desset & Digiani, 2005 by the number of the cuticular ridges in the female synlophe (10 vs 12), the width of the left ala, larger than the body diameter in the male, and the inclination of the axis of orientation of the ridges in both sexes (53° vs 70°). New morphological data (head and synlophe) on Heligmonina chabaudi (Desset, 1964), also a parasite of Mastomys natalensis in the Republic of Congo, are provided in order to compare with the new species.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A Blind Beam Tracking Scheme for Millimeter Wave Systems

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    Millimeter-wave is one of the technologies powering the new generation of wireless communication systems. To compensate the high path-loss, millimeter-wave devices need to use highly directional antennas. Consequently, beam misalignment causes strong performance degradation reducing the link throughput or even provoking a complete outage. Conventional solutions, e.g. IEEE 802.11ad, propose the usage of additional training sequences to track beam misalignment. These methods however introduce significant overhead especially in dynamic scenarios. In this paper we propose a beamforming scheme that can reduce this overhead. First, we propose an algorithm to design a codebook suitable for mobile scenarios. Secondly, we propose a blind beam tracking algorithm based on particle filter, which describes the angular position of the devices with a posterior density function constructed by particles. The proposed scheme reduces by more than 80% the overhead caused by additional training sequences.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Description of a new species of Heligmonina Baylis, 1928 (Nematoda: Heligmonellidae) a parasite of Mastomys Natalensis (Rodentia: Muridae) from Swaziland and new data on the synlophe of Heligmonina Chabaudi (Desset, 1966)

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    A new species of heligmosomoid nematode belonging to the subfamily Nippostrongylinae Durette-Desset, 1970 is described: Heligmonina wakelini n. sp., a parasite from the small intestine of the commensal rodent Mastomys natalensis (Smith, 1834) from Swaziland. It differs from the most closely related species H. boomkeri Durette-Desset & Digiani, 2005 by the number of the cuticular ridges in the female synlophe (10 vs 12), the width of the left ala, larger than the body diameter in the male, and the inclination of the axis of orientation of the ridges in both sexes (53° vs 70°). New morphological data (head and synlophe) on Heligmonina chabaudi (Desset, 1964), also a parasite of Mastomys natalensis in the Republic of Congo, are provided in order to compare with the new species.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Révision taxonomique des Nippostrongylinae (Nematoda, Heligmonellidae) parasites de Muridae de la région australasienne. Le genre Odilia Durette-Desset, 1973

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    The species of the genus Odilia Durette-Desset, 1973 (Heligmonellidae, Nippostrongylinae) are re-distributed among eight genera of which five are new. This classification is mainly based on certain characters of the synlophe not previously taken into account at the supraspecific level. These characters mainly include the presence or absence of a careen, the relative size of the ridges forming the careen, the development and position of ridge 1', the development of the left ridge and right ridge, and the distribution of the largest ridges. Eighteen of the 20 known species are rearranged in the following genera: Odilia sensu stricto Durette-Desset, 1973 with Odilia mackerrasae (Mawson, 1961) as type species, Chisholmia n. gen. with Chisholmia bainae (Beveridge & Durette-Desset, 1992) n. comb. as type species, Equilophos n. gen. with Equilophos polyrhabdote (Mawson, 1961) n. comb. as type species, Hasegawanema n. gen. with Hasegawanema mamasaense (Hasegawa, Miyata & Syafruddin, 1999) n. comb. as type species, Hughjonestrongylus Digiani & Durette-Desset, 2014 with Hughjonestrongylus ennisae (Smales & Heinrich, 2010) as type species, Lesleyella n. gen. with Lesleyella wauensis (Smales, 2010) n. comb. as type and sole species, Parasabanema szalayi Smales & Heinrich, 2010, and Sanduanensis n. gen. with Sanduanensis dividua (Smales, 2010) as type and sole species. Odilia uromyos Mawson, 1961 and Odilia carinatae Smales, 2008 are not included in the new classification. A key to the proposed genera is provided. The new generic arrangement follows a distribution more related to the biogeographical areas than to the host groups.Les espèces du genre Odilia Durette-Desset, 1973 (Heligmonellidae, Nippostrongylinae) sont réparties en huit genres, dont cinq nouveaux. Cette classification s’appuie principalement sur certains caractères du synlophe non pris en compte jusqu’à présent au niveau supraspécifique. Ces caractères incluent principalement la présence ou l’absence d’une carène, la taille relative des crêtes formant la carène, le développement et la position de la crête 1’, le développement de la crête gauche et de la crête droite, et la répartition des crêtes les plus larges. Dix-huit espèces sur les 20 actuellement connues sont classées dans les genres suivants: Odilia sensu stricto Durette-Desset, 1973 avec Odilia mackerrasae (Mawson, 1961) comme espèce type, Chisholmia n. gen. avec Chisholmia bainae (Beveridge & Durette-Desset, 1992) n. comb. comme espèce type, Equilophos n. gen. avec Equilophos polyrhabdote (Mawson, 1961) n. comb. comme espèce type, Hasegawanema n. gen. avec Hasegawanema mamasaense (Hasegawa, Miyata & Syafruddin, 1999) n. comb. comme espèce type, Hughjonestrongylus Digiani & Durette-Desset, 2014 avec Hughjonestrongylus ennisae (Smales & Heinrich, 2010) comme espèce type, Lesleyella n. gen. avec Lesleyella wauensis (Smales, 2010) n. comb. comme espèce type et unique espèce, Parasabanema szalayi Smales & Heinrich, 2010 et Sanduanensis n. gen. avec Sanduanensis dividua (Smales, 2010) comme espèce type et unique espèce. Odilia uromyos Mawson, 1961 et Odilia carinatae Smales, 2008 ne sont pas incluses dans la nouvelle classification. Une clé dichotomique des genres proposés est fournie. Le nouvel arrangement générique suit une répartition plus liée aux aires biogéographiques qu’aux groupes d’hôtes.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Pudicinae (Nematoda) coparasitic in <i>Proechimys roberti</i> (Rodentia: Echimyidae) from the Brazilian Amazonia: description of a new species of <i>Pudica</i>, redescription of <i>Pudica evandroi</i> (Travassos) and updated key to the species of the genus

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    The re-examination of nematodes collected decades ago from a spiny rat, Proechimys roberti (Echimyidae) from Para State, revealed the presence of Acanthostrongylus acanthostrongylus Travassos, 1937, and two coparasitic species of Pudica (Heligmonellidae: Pudicinae), one of them new to science. Pudica minima n. sp. mostly resembles Pudica tenua Durette-Desset, 1970, described from Proechimys semispinosus in Colombia. Nevertheless, it differs from P. tenua by having a synlophe with 12 ridges with poorly developed careen, bursal pattern of type 2-2-1 on the right lobe, bursal rays 2 and 3 similar in length, and spicules longer with spoon-shaped tips. Pudica evandroi (Travassos, 1937) was already described from Pr. roberti but its synlophe remained undescribed and the original description lacked some details. A detailed study of the synlophe is provided and the range of morphometric data for males and females is enlarged. The study of the synlophe allowed ratifying the placement of this species within Pudica, as early suggested by previous authors. The species list and identification key to species of Pudica are updated with the inclusion of three species. The status of Heligmosomum alpha Travassos, 1918, which was transferred to Pudica in 1990, is emended and the species is considered a Nippostrongylinae incertae sedis.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse
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