356 research outputs found

    Oral History Report / World War II

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    This is an oral history report about William Paysonutt who was in the U.S. Naval Amphibious Force during the Second World War. The interview includes information about his life before, during and after the war

    Una aproximación antropológica al arte y la tecnología: la práctica artística según lo descrito por artistas digitales

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    Este artículo enfatiza en la forma en que los llamados artistas digitales describen su propia práctica. Supone aproximarse a sus explicaciones sobre las funciones y sentido del arte, la obra de arte y la figura del artista. Describen el lugar que la tecnología digital ocupa en su trabajo, las causas de los usos que adoptan o rechazan y evalúan los efectos deseados y no deseados de esta tecnología, así como de los productos resultantes de su práctica artística

    Proyecto eMadrid: metodologías educativas, ludificación y calidad

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    Esta comunicación presenta un conjunto de trabajos de investigación sobre metodologías docentes, ludificación y calidad realizados en el seno del proyecto eMadrid, de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid. En primer lugar se resumen los trabajos realizados en los dos primeros años del proyecto. Posteriormente se presentan las líneas de trabajo previstas para los dos años restantesEstos trabajos se han financiado parcialmente por el proyecto eMadrid (S2013/ICE-2715) de la Comunidad de Madrid, los proyectos FLEXOR (TIN2014-52129-R), RESET (TIN2014-53199-C3-1-R) e iProg (TIN2015-66731-C2-1-R) del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, y el proyecto “Adaptación de la metodología PhyMEL a la formación clínica mediante el uso de simuladores” financiado por la empresa Medical Simulato

    Una propuesta que facilita el uso eficaz de los libros de texto a los futuros profesores de matemáticas

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    En este trabajo se presentan los primeros resultados de una experiencia piloto desarrollada en el marco del Máster de Formación de Profesores de Matemáticas de Secundaria, Bachillerato e Idiomas (MFP) de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid (URJC), en la que se trata de obtener información, a través de cuestionarios diseñados a tal efecto por el equipo de investigadores que presenta esta propuesta, sobre qué conocimientos matemáticos específicos necesita un profesor de matemáticas para usar de manera eficaz en el aula el libro de texto. Como punto de partida, y a través del trabajo colaborativo de los autores de la propuesta aquí presentada, se ha diseñado un conjunto de ítems para analizar minuciosamente los contenidos de una Unidad Didáctica de un libro de texto

    Pandemic influenza A/H1N1 2009 antibodies in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires in Argentina

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    SummaryObjectiveTo estimate the infection prevalence in Buenos Aires during the outbreak of pandemic influenza A/H1N1 2009 virus (A(H1N1)pdm09).MethodsA(H1N1)pdm09-specific antibodies were measured by hemagglutination inhibition assay in human serum samples collected 6 months after the outbreak and before the introduction of the A(H1N1)pdm09 vaccine in Argentina. Baseline levels of cross-reactive antibodies to A(H1N1)pdm09 were determined by testing 162 serum samples collected before 2009.ResultsThe overall seroprevalence of A(H1N1)pdm09 in 150 children and 427 adults was 28.9% (95% confidence interval (CI) 25–33%), with a 58.0% prevalence in children <19 years of age and an 18.7% prevalence in adults ≥19 years of age (p<0.001). The prevalence was 43.5% in children <5 years old and 60.6% among children aged 5–18 years. The prevalence in adults declined with increasing age: 24.9% in 19–39-year-olds, 9.7% in 40–59-year-olds, and 8.1% in those ≥60 years old. The prevalence of specific A(H1N1)pdm09 antibodies was higher compared with the baseline in children (p=0.014), adolescents (p<0.001), and adults <40 years old (p=0.017). Seroprevalence in health care workers was not different from the rest of the population (13.6% vs. 19.3%, respectively; p=0.421).ConclusionsThe prevalence of specific A(H1N1)pdm09 antibodies was high at 28.9%. The highest prevalence was observed in children, adolescents, and young adults

    The N-terminal intrinsically disordered domain of mgm101p is localized to the mitochondrial nucleoid.

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    The mitochondrial genome maintenance gene, MGM101, is essential for yeasts that depend on mitochondrial DNA replication. Previously, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it has been found that the carboxy-terminal two-thirds of Mgm101p has a functional core. Furthermore, there is a high level of amino acid sequence conservation in this region from widely diverse species. By contrast, the amino-terminal region, that is also essential for function, does not have recognizable conservation. Using a bioinformatic approach we find that the functional core from yeast and a corresponding region of Mgm101p from the coral Acropora millepora have an ordered structure, while the N-terminal domains of sequences from yeast and coral are predicted to be disordered. To examine whether ordered and disordered domains of Mgm101p have specific or general functions we made chimeric proteins from yeast and coral by swapping the two regions. We find, by an in vivo assay in S.cerevisiae, that the ordered domain of A.millepora can functionally replace the yeast core region but the disordered domain of the coral protein cannot substitute for its yeast counterpart. Mgm101p is found in the mitochondrial nucleoid along with enzymes and proteins involved in mtDNA replication. By attaching green fluorescent protein to the N-terminal disordered domain of yeast Mgm101p we find that GFP is still directed to the mitochondrial nucleoid where full-length Mgm101p-GFP is targeted

    A broad distribution of the alternative oxidase in microsporidian parasites

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    Microsporidia are a group of obligate intracellular parasitic eukaryotes that were considered to be amitochondriate until the recent discovery of highly reduced mitochondrial organelles called mitosomes. Analysis of the complete genome of Encephalitozoon cuniculi revealed a highly reduced set of proteins in the organelle, mostly related to the assembly of ironsulphur clusters. Oxidative phosphorylation and the Krebs cycle proteins were absent, in keeping with the notion that the microsporidia and their mitosomes are anaerobic, as is the case for other mitosome bearing eukaryotes, such as Giardia. Here we provide evidence opening the possibility that mitosomes in a number of microsporidian lineages are not completely anaerobic. Specifically, we have identified and characterized a gene encoding the alternative oxidase (AOX), a typically mitochondrial terminal oxidase in eukaryotes, in the genomes of several distantly related microsporidian species, even though this gene is absent from the complete genome of E. cuniculi. In order to confirm that these genes encode functional proteins, AOX genes from both A. locustae and T. hominis were over-expressed in E. coli and AOX activity measured spectrophotometrically using ubiquinol-1 (UQ-1) as substrate. Both A. locustae and T. hominis AOX proteins reduced UQ-1 in a cyanide and antimycin-resistant manner that was sensitive to ascofuranone, a potent inhibitor of the trypanosomal AOX. The physiological role of AOX microsporidia may be to reoxidise reducing equivalents produced by glycolysis, in a manner comparable to that observed in trypanosome