102 research outputs found

    Faint, Large-scale H-Alpha Filaments in the Milky Way

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    During the initial data reduction of the Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper (WHAM) H-Alpha Sky Survey, we have discovered several very long (~30--80 deg) filaments superimposed on the diffuse H-Alpha background. These features have no clear correspondence to the other phases of the interstellar medium revealed by 21 cm, X-ray, IR, or radio continuum surveys, and they have no readily identifiable origin or source of ionization. In this letter, the data for two of these faint (I_{H-Alpha} = 0.5--1.5 R) structures are presented. The first is an 80 deg-long, 2 deg-wide arch that extends nearly perpendicular to the Galactic plane at l = 225 deg and attains a maximum latitude of +51 deg near l = 240 deg. Where this feature appears to meet the Galactic plane near l = 225 deg, it is directly above the H II region surrounding CMa R1/OB1. A second filament consists of a ~25--30 deg-long arc spanning l = 210--240 deg at b = +30 deg to +40 deg. Both features have measurable velocity trends with position. However, they have rather constant intensities along their entire lengths, ranging from 0.5--1.5 R (EM = 1--3 cm^{-6} pc) with no obvious trends.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures; Figure 1 is full color PostScript. Accepted for publication by ApJ Letters. More information on the WHAM project can be found at http://www.astro.wisc.edu/wham

    Radial Velocities of Six OB Stars

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    We present new results from a radial velocity study of six bright OB stars with little or no prior measurements. One of these, HD 45314, may be a long-period binary, but the velocity variations of this Be star may be related to changes in its circumstellar disk. Significant velocity variations were also found for HD 60848 (possibly related to nonradial pulsations) and HD 61827 (related to wind variations). The other three targets, HD 46150, HD 54879, and HD 206183, are constant velocity objects, but we note that HD 54879 has Hα\alpha emission that may originate from a binary companion. We illustrate the average red spectrum of each target.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASP July 2007 issu

    New Methods for Determining the Ages of PMS Stars

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    We present three new methods for determining the age of groups of pre-main-sequence stars. The first, creating empirical isochrones allows us to create a robust age ordering, but not to derive actual ages. The second, using the width of the gap in colour-magnitude space between the pre-main-sequence and main-sequence (the radiative convective gap) has promise as a distance and extinction independent measure of age, but is as yet uncalibrated. Finally we discuss tau-squared fitting of the main sequence as the stars approach the terminus of the main sequence. This method suggests that there is a factor two difference between these "nuclear" ages, and more conventional pre-main-sequence contraction ages.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    The r-Process Enriched Low Metallicity Giant HD 115444

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    New high resolution, very high signal-to-noise spectra of ultra-metal-poor (UMP) giant stars HD 115444 and HD 122563 have been gathered with the High-Resolution Echelle Spectrometer of the McDonald Observatory 2.7m Telescope. With these spectra, line identification and model atmosphere analyses have been conducted, emphasizing the neutron-capture elements. Twenty elements with Z > 30 have been identified in the spectrum of HD 115444. This star is known to have overabundances of the neutron-capture elements, but it has lacked a detailed analysis necessary to compare with nucleosynthesis predictions. The new study features a line-by-line differential abundance comparison of HD 115444 with the bright, well-studied halo giant HD 122563. For HD 115444, the overall metallicity is [Fe/H]~ -3.0. The abundances of the light and iron-peak elements generally show the same pattern as other UMP stars (e.g. overdeficiencies of manganese and chromium, overabundances of cobalt), but the differential analysis indicates several nucleosynthesis signatures that are unique to each star.Comment: To Appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Optical Light Curve of the Type Ia Supernova 1998bu in M96 and the Supernova Calibration of the Hubble Constant

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    We present the UBVRI light curves of the Type Ia supernova SN 1998bu which appeared in the nearby galaxy M96 (NGC 3368). M96 is a spiral galaxy in the Leo I group which has a Cepheid-based distance. Our photometry allows us to calculate the absolute magnitude and reddening of this supernova. These data, when combined with measurements of the four other well-observed supernovae with Cepheid based distances, allow us to calculate the Hubble constant with respect to the Hubble flow defined by the distant Calan/Tololo Type Ia sample. We find a Hubble constant of 64.0 +/- 2.2(internal) +/- 3.5(external) km/s/Mpc, consistent with most previous estimates based on Type Ia supernovae. We note that the two well-observed Type Ia supernovae in Fornax, if placed at the Cepheid distance to the possible Fornax spiral NGC 1365, are apparently too faint with respect to the Calan/Tololo sample calibrated with the five Type Ia supernovae with Cepheid distances to the host galaxies.Comment: AAS LaTeX, 20 pages, 4 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal. Figure 1 (finding chart) not include

    The Chemical Composition and Age of the Metal-Poor Halo Star BD +17^\circ 3248

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    We have combined new high-resolution spectra obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and ground-based facilities to make a comprehensive new abundance analysis of the metal-poor, halo star BD +17^\circ 3248. We have detected the third r-process peak elements osmium, platinum, and (for the first time in a metal-poor star) gold, elements whose abundances can only be reliably determined using HST. Our observations illustrate a pattern seen in other similar halo stars with the abundances of the heavier neutron-capture elements, including the third r-process peak elements, consistent with a scaled solar system r-process distribution. The abundances of the lighter neutron-capture elements, including germanium and silver, fall below that same scaled solar r-process curve, a result similar to that seen in the ultra-metal-poor star CS 22892--052. A single site with two regimes or sets of conditions, or perhaps two different sites for the lighter and heavier neutron-capture elements, might explain the abundance pattern seen in this star. In addition we have derived a reliable abundance for the radioactive element thorium. We tentatively identify U II at 3859 A in the spectrum of BD +17^\circ 3248, which makes this the second detection of uranium in a very metal-poor halo star. Our combined observations cover the widest range in proton number (from germanium to uranium) thus far of neutron-capture elements in metal-poor Galactic halo stars. Employing the thorium and uranium abundances in comparison with each other and with several stable elements, we determine an average cosmochronological age for BD +17^\circ 3248 of 13.8 +/- 4 Gyr, consistent with that found for other similar metal-poor halo stars.Comment: 58 pages, 4 tables, 11 figures; To appear in ApJ Typo correcte

    Differential inflammasome activation predisposes to acute-on-chronic liver failure in human and experimental cirrhosis with and without previous decompensation

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    OBJECTIVE Systemic inflammation predisposes acutely decompensated (AD) cirrhosis to the development of acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF). Supportive treatment can improve AD patients, becoming recompensated. Little is known about the outcome of patients recompensated after AD. We hypothesise that different inflammasome activation is involved in ACL F development in compensated and recompensated patients. DESIGN 249 patients with cirrhosis, divided into compensated and recompensated (previous AD), were followed prospectively for fatal ACL F development. Two external cohorts (n=327) (recompensation, AD and ACL F) were included. Inflammasome-driving interleukins (ILs), IL-1α (caspase-4/11-dependent) and IL-1β (caspase-1- dependent), were measured. In rats, bile duct ligationinduced cirrhosis and lipopolysaccharide exposition were used to induce AD and subsequent recompensation. IL-1α and IL-1β levels and upstream/downstream gene expression were measured. RESULTS Patients developing ACL F showed higher baseline levels of ILs. Recompensated patients and patients with detectable ILs had higher rates of ACL F development than compensated patients. Baseline CLIF-­C (European Foundation for the study of chronic liver failure consortium) AD, albumin and IL-1α were independent predictors of ACL F development in compensated and CLIF-­C AD and IL-1β in recompensated patients. Compensated rats showed higher IL-1α gene expression and recompensated rats higher IL-1β levels with higher hepatic gene expression. Higher IL-1β detection rates in recompensated patients developing ACL F and higher IL-1α and IL-1β detection rates in patients with ACL F were confirmed in the two external cohorts. CONCLUSION Previous AD is an important risk factor for fatal ACL F development and possibly linked with inflammasome activation. Animal models confirmed the results showing a link between ACL F development and IL-1α in compensated cirrhosis and IL-1β in recompensated cirrhosi

    The Distances to Open Clusters from Main-Sequence Fitting. IV. Galactic Cepheids, the LMC, and the Local Distance Scale

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    We derive the basic properties of seven Galactic open clusters containing Cepheids and construct their period-luminosity (P-L) relations. For our cluster main-sequence fitting we extend previous Hyades-based empirical color-temperature corrections to hotter stars using the Pleiades as a template. We use BVI_{C}JHK_{s} data to test the reddening law, and include metallicity effects to perform a more comprehensive study for our clusters than prior efforts. The ratio of total to selective extinction R_V that we derive is consistent with expectations. Assuming the LMC P-L slopes, we find = -3.93 +/- 0.07 (statistical) +/- 0.14 (systematic) for 10-day period Cepheids, which is generally fainter than those in previous studies. Our results are consistent with recent HST and Hipparcos parallax studies when using the Wesenheit magnitudes W(VI). Uncertainties in reddening and metallicity are the major remaining sources of error in the V-band P-L relation, but a higher precision could be obtained with deeper optical and near-infrared cluster photometry. We derive distances to NGC4258, the LMC, and M33 of (m - M)_0 = 29.28 +/- 0.10, 18.34 +/- 0.06, and 24.55 +/- 0.28, respectively, with an additional systematic error of 0.16 mag in the P-L relations. The distance to NGC4258 is in good agreement with the geometric distance derived from water masers [\Delta (m - M)_0 = 0.01 +/- 0.24]; our value for M33 is less consistent with the distance from an eclipsing binary [\Delta (m - M)_0 = 0.37 +/- 0.34]; our LMC distance is moderately shorter than the adopted distance in the HST Key Project, which formally implies an increase in the Hubble constant of 7% +/- 8%.Comment: 28 pages, 21 figures; accepted for publication in the Ap

    Relation between the luminosity of young stellar objects and their circumstellar environment

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    We present a new model-independent method of comparison of NIR visibility data of YSOs. The method is based on scaling the measured baseline with the YSO's distance and luminosity, which removes the dependence of visibility on these two variables. We use this method to compare all available NIR visibility data and demonstrate that it distinguishes YSOs of luminosity >1000L_sun (low-L) from YSOs of <1000L_sun (high-L). This confirms earlier suggestions, based on fits of image models to the visibility data, for the difference between the NIR sizes of these two luminosity groups. When plotted against the ``scaled'' baseline, the visibility creates the following data clusters: low-L Herbig Ae/Be stars, T Tauri stars, and high-L Herbig Be stars. The T Tau cluster is similar to the low-L Herbig Ae/Be cluster, which has ~7 times smaller ``scaled'' baselines than the high-L Herbig Be cluster. We model the shape and size of clusters with different image models and find that low-L Herbig stars are the best explained by the uniform brightness ring and the halo model, T Tauri stars with the halo model, and high-L Herbig stars with the accretion disk model. However, the plausibility of each model is not well established. Therefore, we try to build a descriptive model of the circumstellar environment consistent with various observed properties of YSOs. We argue that low-L YSOs have optically thick disks with the optically thin inner dust sublimation cavity and an optically thin dusty outflow above the inner disk regions. High-L YSOs have optically thick accretion disks with high accretion rates enabling gas to dominate the NIR emission over dust. Although observations would favor such a description of YSOs, the required dust distribution is not supported by our current understanding of dust dynamics.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Why are the K dwarfs in the Pleiades so Blue?

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    The K dwarfs in the Pleiades fall nearly one half magnitude below a main sequence isochrone when plotted in a color-magnitude diagram utilizing V magnitude as the luminosity index and B-V as the color index. This peculiarity has been known for forty years but has gone unexplained and mostly ignored. When compared to Praesepe members, the Pleiades K dwarfs again are subluminous (or blue) in a color-magnitude diagram using B-V as the color index. However, using V-I as the color index, stars in the two clusters are coincident to M_V ~ 10; using V-K as the color index, Pleiades late K and M stars fall above the main sequence locus defined by Praesepe members. We believe that the anomalous spectral energy distributions for the Pleiades K dwarfs, as compared to older clusters, are a consequence of rapid stellar rotation and may be primarily due to spottedness. If so, the required areal filling factor for the cool component has to be very large (=> 50%). Weak-lined T Tauri stars have similar color anomalies, and we suspect this is a common feature of all very young K dwarfs (sp. type > K3). The peculiar spectral energy distribution needs to be considered in deriving accurate pre-main sequence isochrone-fitting ages for clusters like the Pleiades since the age derived will depend on the temperature index used.Comment: 41 pages, 15 figures, AASTeX5.0. Accepted 05 May 2003; Scheduled for publication in the Astronomical Journal (August 2003