33 research outputs found

    Walking family: Programme of parental skills during foster care and reunification. Summary of main findings of the Project I+D EDU2014-52921-C2. [Infographics]

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    Podeu consultar la versió castellana, francesa i portuguesa al recurs relacionat.Walking Family is a support programme for specific parenting skills in foster care and reunification. Its main aim is to promote the acceptance and involvement of the welfare measure and to foster and strengthen reunification. One of the most relevant aspects of the programme is its group methodology, as it can be used to convey effective coping strategies for everyday problems. Walking Family is characterised by three cornerstones of innovation: positive parenting and child welfare, child participation and family resilience. The programme is developed over 5 modules, each containing 3 sessions. Each session offers activities to do with the children, with the parents and with the family as a unit

    Caminhar em família: Programa de competências parentais durante o acolhimento e a reunificação familiar. Resumo dos principais resultados do Projeto I+D EDU2014-52921-C2. [Infográficos]

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    Podeu consultar la versió castellana, anglesa i francesa al recurs relacionat.Caminhar em familia é um programa de apoio às competências parentais específicas aos processos de acolhimento e de reunificação familiar. O seu principal objetivo é promover a aceitação e o envolvimento com a medida de proteção, bem como o de favorecer e consolidar a reunificação familiar. Um dos aspetos mais relevantes do programa é a sua metodologia grupal, já que através da mesma se transmitem estratégias eficazes para dar resposta aos problemas quotidianos. O Caminhar em família carateriza-se por três linhas de inovação: Parentalidade positiva e proteção à infância, participação infantil e resiliência familiar. O Programa desenvolve-se em 5 módulos e cada um deles inclui 3 sessões. Cada sessão apresenta atividades para realizar com filhos e filhas, com pais e mães e com a família em conjunto

    Marcher en famille: Programme de compétences parentales pendant l'accueil et la réunification familiale. Résumé des principaux résultats du Projet I+D EDU2014-52921-C2. [Infographie]

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    Podeu consultar la versió castellana, anglesa i portuguesa al recurs relacionat.Marcher en famille est un programme de soutien aux compétences parentales spécifiques dans un processus d’accueil et de réunification familiale. Son objectif principal est de promouvoir l’acceptation et l’implication de la mesure de protection, ainsi que de favoriser et de garantir la réunification familiale. L’un des aspects les plus importants du programme est sa méthodologie groupale, puisque l’on peut au travers d’elle transmettre des stratégies effectives d’affrontement des problèmes quotidiens. Le Marcher en famille se caractérise par trois axes d’innovation: Parentalité positive et protection de l’enfance, participation infantile et résilience familiale. Le programme se développe en 5 modules et chacun d’entre eux comprend 3 séances. Chaque séance présente des activités à réaliser avec les fils

    Caminar en familia: Programa de competencias parentales durante el acogimiento y la reunificación familiar. Resumen de los principales resultados del Proyecto I+D EDU2014-52921-C2. [Infografía]

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    Podeu consultar la versió anglesa, francesa i portuguesa al recurs relacionat.Caminar en familia es un programa de apoyo a las competencias parentales específicas en un proceso de acogida y de reunificación familiar. Su principal objetivo es promocionar la aceptación y la implicación de la medida de protección así como favorecer y afianzar la reunificación familiar. Uno de los aspectos más relevante del programa es su metodología grupal, ya que a través de ella se pueden transmitir estrategias efectivas de afrontamiento de los problemas cotidianos. El Caminar en familia se caracteriza por tres ejes de innovación: Parentalidad positiva y protección a la infancia, participación infantil y resiliencia familiar. El programa se desarrolla en 5 módulos y por cada uno de ellos contiene 3 sesiones. Cada sesión presenta actividades para realizar con los hijos e hijas, con los padres y madres y con la familia en su conjunto

    Global, regional, and national disease burden estimates of acute lower respiratory infections due to respiratory syncytial virus in young children in 2015:a systematic review and modelling study

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    Background: We have previously estimated that respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was associated with 22% of all episodes of (severe) acute lower respiratory infection (ALRI) resulting in 55 000 to 199 000 deaths in children younger than 5 years in 2005. In the past 5 years, major research activity on RSV has yielded substantial new data from developing countries. With a considerably expanded dataset from a large international collaboration, we aimed to estimate the global incidence, hospital admission rate, and mortality from RSV-ALRI episodes in young children in 2015. Methods: We estimated the incidence and hospital admission rate of RSV-associated ALRI (RSV-ALRI) in children younger than 5 years stratified by age and World Bank income regions from a systematic review of studies published between Jan 1, 1995, and Dec 31, 2016, and unpublished data from 76 high quality population-based studies. We estimated the RSV-ALRI incidence for 132 developing countries using a risk factor-based model and 2015 population estimates. We estimated the in-hospital RSV-ALRI mortality by combining in-hospital case fatality ratios with hospital admission estimates from hospital-based (published and unpublished) studies. We also estimated overall RSV-ALRI mortality by identifying studies reporting monthly data for ALRI mortality in the community and RSV activity. Findings: We estimated that globally in 2015, 33·1 million (uncertainty range [UR] 21·6–50·3) episodes of RSV-ALRI, resulted in about 3·2 million (2·7–3·8) hospital admissions, and 59 600 (48 000–74 500) in-hospital deaths in children younger than 5 years. In children younger than 6 months, 1·4 million (UR 1·2–1·7) hospital admissions, and 27 300 (UR 20 700–36 200) in-hospital deaths were due to RSV-ALRI. We also estimated that the overall RSV-ALRI mortality could be as high as 118 200 (UR 94 600–149 400). Incidence and mortality varied substantially from year to year in any given population. Interpretation: Globally, RSV is a common cause of childhood ALRI and a major cause of hospital admissions in young children, resulting in a substantial burden on health-care services. About 45% of hospital admissions and in-hospital deaths due to RSV-ALRI occur in children younger than 6 months. An effective maternal RSV vaccine or monoclonal antibody could have a substantial effect on disease burden in this age group

    Characterization of the LPS and 3OHFA Contents in the Lipoprotein Fractions and Lipoprotein Particles of Healthy Men

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    Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease that is caused by the accumulation of LDL particles in the intima, causing the activation of immune cells and triggering an inflammatory response. LPS is a potent activator of the innate immune response and it can be transported by lipoproteins. Since humans are much more sensitive to LPS than other mammals, and very low amounts of LPS can elicit an immune response, the aim of this study is to characterize the distribution of LPS and its immunogenic portion (3OHFAs) among lipoprotein types of healthy men. We separated lipoprotein fractions by ultracentrifugation and the amount of each 3OHFA was measured by MS in each lipoprotein fraction to calculate LPS concentration. Lipoprotein particle concentration was measured by NMR. LDL and HDL fractions transported the highest concentration of LPS (35.7% and 31.5%, respectively), but VLDL particles carried more LPS molecules per particle (0.55 molecules/particle) than LDL or HDL (p < 0.01). The distribution of LPS and all 3OHFAs among lipoprotein fractions showed high interindividual variability, suggesting that they may be studied as a potential biomarker. This may help understand the role of LPS in atherosclerosis in those cases where the disease cannot be explained by traditional risk factors

    Boletín informativo sobre el estado de la investigación. “La familia biológica en el ámbito de protección a la infancia” I+D EDU2011-30144-C02-01. Número 7. Marzo 2015

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    La finalidad del boletín es informar sobre el estado y el avance del proyecto I+D "La familia biológica en el ámbito de protección a la infancia" [I+D EDU2011-30144-C02_01]. La investigación trata de identificar las necesidades de las familias y de los hijos e hijas en situación de separación como medida de protección. El objetivo es elaborar un Programa de Apoyo para las familias biológicas que tienen a sus hijos e hijas en una medida de separación provisional. Se pretende fomentar procesos socioeducativos que faciliten la reunificación familiar.Esta investigación ha sido financiada por el Ministerio de educación, cultura y deporte