459 research outputs found

    Evidence for increasing rainfall extremes remains elusive at large spatial scales: the case of Italy

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    The widespread perception of an increase in the severity of extreme rainstorms has not found yet clear confirmation in the scientific literature, often showing vastly different results. Especially for short‐duration extremes, spatial heterogeneities can affect the outcomes of large‐scale trend analyses, providing misleading results dependent on the adopted spatial domain. Based on the availability of a renewed and comprehensive database, the present work assesses the presence of regional trends in the magnitude and frequency of annual rainfall maxima for sub‐daily durations in Italy. Versions of the Mann‐Kendall test and a record‐breaking analysis, that considers the spatial correlation, have been adopted for the scope. Significant trends do not appear at the whole‐country scale, but distinct patterns of change emerge in smaller domains having homogeneous geographical characteristics. Results of the study underline the importance of a multi‐scale approach to regional trend analysis and the need of more advanced explanations of localized trends

    Secured Credit and Insolvency Law in Argentina and the U.S.: Gaining Insight from a Comparative Perspective

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    It is not the purpose of this study to argue for or against changes in the secured credit or insolvency law of Argentina or the U.S. The perpetual clash of interested noted by James Madison and the contemporary pressures of the global economy are likely to assure that these areas of law will be subject to continuing scrutiny in both countries. Instead, we first urge that the law governing the creation and enforcement of security devices and the way in which insolvency laws impact these devices be considered together as part of one system of financing. The power which secured credit devices give to the creditor may be either checked or enhanced once the debtor files an insolvency proceeding. Second, by comparing how secured credit and insolvency law interact in Argentina and the U.S., we believe that it is possible to gain insight as to the core values and attitudes embodied in the present legal systems and a helpful viewpoint for evaluating proposed legal changes in either country. Comparison may even tend to free us from the ideological commitments which still seem to dominate discussion of the rights of debtors and creditors

    Technical note: Design flood under hydrological uncertainty

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    Planning and verification of hydraulic infrastructures require a design estimate of hydrologic variables, usually provided by frequency analysis, and neglecting hydrologic uncertainty. However, when hydrologic uncertainty is accounted for, the design flood value for a specific return period is no longer a unique value, but is represented by a distribution of values. As a consequence, the design flood is no longer univocally defined, making the design process undetermined. The Uncertainty Compliant Design Flood Estimation (UNCODE) procedure is a novel approach that, starting from a range of possible design flood estimates obtained in uncertain conditions, converges to a single design value. This is obtained through a cost–benefit criterion with additional constraints that is numerically solved in a simulation framework. This paper contributes to promoting a practical use of the UNCODE procedure without resorting to numerical computation. A modified procedure is proposed by using a correction coefficient that modifies the standard (i.e., uncertainty-free) design value on the basis of sample length and return period only. The procedure is robust and parsimonious, as it does not require additional parameters with respect to the traditional uncertainty-free analysis. Simple equations to compute the correction term are provided for a number of probability distributions commonly used to represent the flood frequency curve. The UNCODE procedure, when coupled with this simple correction factor, provides a robust way to manage the hydrologic uncertainty and to go beyond the use of traditional safety factors. With all the other parameters being equal, an increase in the sample length reduces the correction factor, and thus the construction costs, while still keeping the same safety level

    Significación hispanoamericana del pensamiento de Carlos Vaz Ferreira

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    Carlos Vaz Ferreira (1872-1958) integra, juntamente con Varona, Deustua, Caso, Korn, Vasconcelos y Molina, el grupo que tan acertadamente Francisco Romero, en su libro Sobre la filosofía en América (Buenos Aires, 1952), ha denominado los fundadores, “es decir aquellos que por la capacidad especulativa, la autenticidad de la vocación y la autoridad moral, echan las bases del pensamiento filosófico hispanoamericano”. Trabajaron solitarios en sus respectivos países y aislados entre sí, pero parece que obedecían a un imperativo común. Entre todos ellos la figura de Vaz Ferreira se diferencia claramente por una actitud radicalmente distinta frente a los problemas filosóficos, por una originalidad del tipo y de la calidad de pensamiento, si bien pueden ser similares la importancia de las obras y la gravitación en la cultura de sus respectivos países. No creemos que ninguno de los otros fundadores ofrezca un pensamiento tan depurado de influencias, tan vertebrado sobre una sostenida estructura lógica y que pueda significar un punto de partida del filosofar como Vaz Ferreira. Este carácter diferencial es el que me propongo apuntar en este trabajo, destacando la significación que para la filosofía hispanoamericana tiene el pensamiento del maestro uruguayo.Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Significación hispanoamericana del pensamiento de Carlos Vaz Ferreira

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    Carlos Vaz Ferreira (1872-1958) integra, juntamente con Varona, Deustua, Caso, Korn, Vasconcelos y Molina, el grupo que tan acertadamente Francisco Romero, en su libro Sobre la filosofía en América (Buenos Aires, 1952), ha denominado los fundadores, “es decir aquellos que por la capacidad especulativa, la autenticidad de la vocación y la autoridad moral, echan las bases del pensamiento filosófico hispanoamericano”. Trabajaron solitarios en sus respectivos países y aislados entre sí, pero parece que obedecían a un imperativo común. Entre todos ellos la figura de Vaz Ferreira se diferencia claramente por una actitud radicalmente distinta frente a los problemas filosóficos, por una originalidad del tipo y de la calidad de pensamiento, si bien pueden ser similares la importancia de las obras y la gravitación en la cultura de sus respectivos países. No creemos que ninguno de los otros fundadores ofrezca un pensamiento tan depurado de influencias, tan vertebrado sobre una sostenida estructura lógica y que pueda significar un punto de partida del filosofar como Vaz Ferreira. Este carácter diferencial es el que me propongo apuntar en este trabajo, destacando la significación que para la filosofía hispanoamericana tiene el pensamiento del maestro uruguayo.Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Significación hispanoamericana del pensamiento de Carlos Vaz Ferreira

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    Carlos Vaz Ferreira (1872-1958) integra, juntamente con Varona, Deustua, Caso, Korn, Vasconcelos y Molina, el grupo que tan acertadamente Francisco Romero, en su libro Sobre la filosofía en América (Buenos Aires, 1952), ha denominado los fundadores, “es decir aquellos que por la capacidad especulativa, la autenticidad de la vocación y la autoridad moral, echan las bases del pensamiento filosófico hispanoamericano”. Trabajaron solitarios en sus respectivos países y aislados entre sí, pero parece que obedecían a un imperativo común. Entre todos ellos la figura de Vaz Ferreira se diferencia claramente por una actitud radicalmente distinta frente a los problemas filosóficos, por una originalidad del tipo y de la calidad de pensamiento, si bien pueden ser similares la importancia de las obras y la gravitación en la cultura de sus respectivos países. No creemos que ninguno de los otros fundadores ofrezca un pensamiento tan depurado de influencias, tan vertebrado sobre una sostenida estructura lógica y que pueda significar un punto de partida del filosofar como Vaz Ferreira. Este carácter diferencial es el que me propongo apuntar en este trabajo, destacando la significación que para la filosofía hispanoamericana tiene el pensamiento del maestro uruguayo.Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Respuesta de la estructura zooplanctónica a cambios físicos y biológicos en una laguna pampásica (Laguna Lacombe)

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    Fil: Ardohain, Diego. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnología Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet; ArgentinaFil: Benítez, Hernán Hugo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnología Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet; ArgentinaFil: Gabellone, Néstor A.. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnología Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet; ArgentinaFil: Claps, María Cristina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnología Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet; Argentin

    How should eosinophilic cystitis be treated in patients with chronic granulomatous disease?

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    Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is a primary immunodeficiency resulting from the absence or malfunction of oxidative mechanism in phagocytic cells. The disease is due to a mutation in one of four genes that encode subunits of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase complex. Affected patients experience severe infections and granuloma formation due to exuberant inflammatory responses. Some evidence suggests that eosinophilic cystitis (EC) is included in the spectrum of inflammatory manifestations. EC is an inflammatory disease, rare in childhood, which may require different, nonstandardized therapeutic approaches, ranging from antihistamines to cyclosporine

    Yield and quality of milk and udder health in Martina Franca ass: effects of daily interval and time of machine milking

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    Twenty asses of Martina Franca breed, machine milked twice a day, were used to assess the influence of milking interval (3-h, 5-h, and 8-h; N=5) and time (700, 1200 and 1900) on milk yield and udder health. Individual milk samples were taken to determine fat, protein and lactose con- tent. Sensory analysis profile was also assessed. Milk's total bacterial count (TBC), somatic cell con- tent (SCC) and udder's skin temperature were considered to assess udder health. Milk yield increases by 28.4% (P<0.01) with a milking interval from 3-h to 8-h and is higher (P<0.01) at morning milking. The maximum milk yield per milking corresponds to 700 milking (1416.9 mL) thus indicating a circa- dian rhythm in milk secretion processes. Milking intervals of 5 and 8 hours cause a decrease (P<0.01) in milk fat and lactose content. The 8-h interval leads to an increase (P<0.01) in SCC but without any significance for the health udder. No alterations about CBT, clinical evaluation and temperature of ud- der were observed. Milk organoleptic characteristics were better in the 3-h interval milking