28 research outputs found

    Big Dada: From visualisation to experience

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    Our approach to the future of visualisation focuses on experience as a central concept, questioning what is considered information or data, moving to multimodal, multisensory forms of representation, and redefining the designer as an artist with a critical perspective who works with a range of media and materials

    Containers of stories: using co-design and digital augmentation to empower the museum community and create novel experiences of heritage at a house museum

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    This paper presents current research on the design and evaluation of tangible interaction within house museums – a particular type of heritage site. Containers of Stories was an interactive installation co-designed with the volunteers at the Bishops’ House museum, one of the few surviving Tudor buildings in Sheffield, UK. Dating from the 16th century, the house was turned into a museum in the 1970s for its historical and social importance and is now managed by a community of local volunteers who constantly needs to increase both visitors’ interest and awareness of the place for its survival. The experience of co-designing Containers of Stories pushed the volunteers beyond day-to-day management toward more creative and curatorial roles. This paper gives insights on how this hybrid physical-digital installation succeeded in engaging visitors in new ways with heritage that has the potential to strengthen the resilience of the community

    Multisensory interactive storytelling to augment the visit of a historical house museum

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    We present an interactive and multisensory intervention designed for a house museum. Digital technology holds great potential for such heritage sites, but current use is limited to the pre- and post-visit experience. Interviews with museum professionals highlighted their concerns about technology placed in historic houses and suggested four design principles that we used to carefully integrate interactive technology, and the value of a bespoke installation. The installation, the Interactive Tableaux, shows a novel use of digital interactive storytelling where we combined both tangible qualities and informational aspects while respecting the aesthetic of the house and its home feeling. We discuss the process of crafting a conversation in and with a particular place and present evidence from our evaluations that the interactive multisensory installation encouraged observation, reflection and conversation

    Design synthesis: An act of Research through Design

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    We present a reflective practice where challenges of assembling, making sense of and drawing conclusions from co-created materials were addressed through a process of design synthesis that improved the clarity and meaning making during the interpretation process. In this paper, we illustrate our point by presenting a set of design research artifacts resulting from design synthesis: a manifesto, a scale model, a set of storyboards and illustrated characters. Inspired by the arts and creative practice in other disciplines such as film making, we adapted these methods as a means of transforming participants’ contributions into inspirational resources for interactive design. This process encouraged the production of new creative and active forms of documentation and enabled us to handle interpretation in a way that embraced the inspirational and provisional nature of our creative and participatory processes. By doing so, we broaden the current practice of documentation in design and show how our process of design synthesis can serve the purpose of co-creation. Finally, we encourage design practitioners to adapt and develop design-based methods to filter and externalize insights, making their thinking tangible for them and others so they can be collectively discussed, tested and reflected upon to inspire future ideas

    Gestures convey different physiological responses when performed toward and away from the body

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    We assessed the sympathetic and parasympathetic activation associated to the observation of Pantomime (i.e. the mime of the use of a tool) and Intransitive gestures (i.e. expressive) performed toward (e.g. a comb and "thinking") and away from the body (e.g. key and "come here") in a group of healthy participants while both pupil dilation (N = 31) and heart rate variability (N = 33; HF-HRV) were recorded. Large pupil dilation was observed in both Pantomime and Intransitive gestures toward the body; whereas an increase of the vagal suppression was observed in Intransitive gestures away from the body but not in those toward the body. Our results suggest that the space where people act when performing a gesture has an impact on the physiological responses of the observer in relation to the type of social communicative information that the gesture direction conveys, from a more intimate (toward the body) to a more interactive one (away from the body).We would like to thank Johanna Viana, Raphael Kroll and Alberto Villar for their precious help in the task construction and in the recruitment of participants. We also thank all the participants that entered the study. This work was funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR-11-EQPX-0023) and supported by European funds through the program FEDER SCV-IrDIVE. This study was partially conducted at the Psychology Research Centre (PSI/01662), University of Minho, and supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (UID/PSI/01662/2019), through the national funds (PIDDAC)

    People with long-term conditions sharing personal health data via digital health technologies:a scoping review to inform design

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    The use of digital technology amongst people living with a range of long-term health conditions to support self-management has increased dramatically. More recently, digital health technologies to share and exchange personal health data with others have been investigated. Sharing personal health data with others is not without its risks: sharing data creates threats to the privacy and security of personal data and plays a role in trust, adoption and continued use of digital health technology. Our work aims to inform the design of these digital health technologies by investigating the reported intentions of sharing health data with others, the associated user experiences when using these digital health technologies and the trust, identity, privacy and security (TIPS) considerations for designing digital health technologies that support the trusted sharing of personal health data to support the self-management of long-term health conditions. To address these aims, we conducted a scoping review, analysing over 12,000 papers in the area of digital health technologies. We conducted a reflexive thematic analysis of 17 papers that described digital health technologies that support sharing of personal health data, and extracted design implications that could enhance the future development of trusted, private and secure digital health technologies.</p

    Crafting Critical Heritage Discourses into Interactive Exhibition Design

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    This paper argues how a more reflective design practice that embraces critical discourses can transform interactive exhibition design and therefore the museum visiting experience. Four framing arguments underpin our exhibition design making: the value of materiality, visiting as an aesthetic experience, challenging the authorized voice, and heritage as a process. These arguments were embodied through design, art and craft practice into one interactive exhibition at a house museum. We draw from our design process discussing the implications that adopting an approach informed by critical heritage debates has on exhibition design and suggest three sensitizing concepts (polyvocal narratives, dialogical interaction, interweaving time and space) bridging the practice of interactive exhibition design and critical heritage theory

    Studies of the mechanisms of emotional regulation in alcohol-impaired individuals who are alcohol-abstinent in the short and long term

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    Les dérèglements émotionnels ont été largement avancés dans le développement et le maintien des conduites addictives. Ces perturbations des processus émotionnels sont associées à l’utilisation privilégiée de stratégies compensatoires mal adaptées qui vont à leur tour entériner les conduites addictives et entraver une consolidation de l’abstinence. Ce travail vise une meilleure compréhension des facteurs de vulnérabilité de la rechute à l’alcool par l’étude de l’évolution des compétences émotionnelles avec l’abstinence à travers trois volets expérimentaux. Pour cela, nous étudierons spécifiquement les mécanismes de régulation émotionnelle considérés comme centraux dans la problématique addictive. Nous utiliserons des outils particuliers pour étudier ces mécanismes que sont des indicateurs physiologiques du système nerveux autonome.Dans un premier volet, nous avons étudié les réponses du système sympathique par la mesure du diamètre pupillaire en réponse à la présentation d’images neutres etémotionnelles (positives et négatives). Nous avons démontré qu’en situation d’induction émotionnelle les patients abstinents à court terme présentent une activation plus forte du système d’alerte sympathique que les abstinents à long terme et les participants contrôles. Le niveau intermédiaire de la réponse pupillaire observé chez les abstinents à long terme suggère une amélioration partielle dans l’activation sympathique à la présentation d’une information émotionnelle (étude 1). La variabilité de la fréquence cardiaque (VFC) est un indicateur du système parasympathique, est reconnue comme marqueur de la régulation émotionnelle. L’étude de la VFC avant pendant et après une situation d’induction émotionnelle a montré une normalisation de la VFC en réponse aux stimuli émotionnels avec une abstinence à long terme. Cependant, les résultats pour les stimuli à valence négative ne sont pas différents entre les groupes abstinents à court et à long terme. Ce pattern de réponse appuie l’hypothèse d’un maintien de vulnérabilité aux émotions négatives en dépit d’une abstinence prolongée. De plus, une corrélation négative a été observée pour les deux groupes de patients entre les scores de craving et une augmentation de la VFC (étude 2). Enfin, dans un dernier volet expérimental, nous avons investigué les compétences et difficultés de régulation émotionnelle par des autoquestionnaires(CERQ et DERS) auprès de patients abstinents de quelques semaines à plusieurs années. Les résultats supportent l’hypothèse d’une limite de récupération capacités après deux ans d’abstinence (étude 3). L’étude de l’étendue des récupérations des compétences émotionnelles est une piste majeure dans la consolidation de l’abstinence. Ces trois études confirment la récupération des compétences émotionnelles avec l’abstinence mais surtout la persistance d’une vulnérabilité dans les processus émotionnels. Le caractère partiel des récupérations de ces mécanismes suppose non seulement le maintien d’une vulnérabilité en dépit d’une abstinence prolongée et met également en évidence la nécessité d’un travail d’accompagnement dans la remédiation de ces compétences à long terme. Un ensemble de perspectives de recherches et d’applications cliniques s’ouvrent au regard de ces résultats, et seront ici discutées.Emotional disorders are recognized as a major factor of development andcontinuity of addictive behavior. These perturbations of the emotional processes areassociated with the preference given to ill-suited compensatory strategies which will inturn perpetuate addictive behaviors and interfere with the consolidation of abstinence.This study aimed to give a better understanding of the vulnerability factors of alcoholrelapse by studying the evolution of emotional competence with abstinence over threeexperimental chapters. For this purpose, we looked more closely at the mechanisms ofemotional regulation, which are considered as crucial in the addiction problem. In orderto study these mechanisms we used specific tools like the physiological cues of theautonomic nervous system.In a first chapter, we studied sympathetic system response by measuringpupillary diameter after exposure to neutral and emotional pictures (positive andnegative). We showed that when exposed to emotional induction, short-term abstinentpatients showed a stronger activation of the sympathetic nervous system than long-termabstinent patients as well as the control group. The intermediary level of pupillaryresponse found among long-term abstinent patients suggests a partial improvement ofsympathetic activation when exposed to emotional information (study 1). Heart RateVariability (HRV) is an indicator of the parasympathetic system and is viewed as amarker of emotional regulation. The study of HRV before, during and after a situation ofemotional induction showed a normalization of HRV in response to emotional stimuliwith long-term abstinence. However, results for stimuli with negative valence are notdifferent between the long-term and short-term abstinence groups. This responsepattern supports the hypothesis that there is still a vulnerability to negative emotionsdespite the prolonged abstinence. Moreover, a negative correlation between cravingscores and increase of HRV has been observed for the two patient groups (study 2).Finally, in a last experimental chapter, emotional competence and emotional regulationdifficulties were assessed by presenting the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale(DERS) and the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ) to few weeks tofew years abstinent patients. Results support the hypothesis of a recovery shift of twoyears of abstinence for these abilities (study 3).The study of the extent of the recoveries of emotional competence is a major leadfor the consolidation of abstinence. Those three studies confirm the retrieval ofemotional competence with abstinence but they particularly show the persistence of avulnerability in the emotional processes. The fact that there is a recovery shift for thosemechanisms not only involves the continuity of a vulnerability despite a prolongedabstinence, but also underlines the need of a work of support for the remediation ofemotional competence in the long term. These results can lead to several researchprospects and clinical applications that will be discussed here

    The Augmented House Museum : Co-exploring tangible interaction to increase engagement with heritage in House Museums

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    The goal of this practice-led research is to explore how tangible interaction can be used to create novel experiences of heritage at house museums (HMs). I use "designerly" and participatory approaches to co-design a series of interactive exhibits at the Bishops' House museum (BHm) in Sheffield. This research has shown so far the potential for using tangible interaction to bring the place to life and demonstrated different ways to use creative and participatory methods, which benefited both the design and implementation of interactive systems in the museum and with the local community