31 research outputs found

    From one Language to Another: Creativity in ‘English for Science’ and Innovation in Didactics of Sciences

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    This contribution is part of a project on university teaching literacy in English for science and focuses on how to construct knowledge that will be relevant to teachers of English for teaching in a scientific context. It aims to reflect on the relationship to language in science (particularly Latin and English) and its fundamental role in the process of elaborating science through some examples drawn from the history of science. Because the historical perspective allows us to understand how language in science was constructed. We will emphasise the creative potential of scholars and innovation in science by considering their multilingual skills, which allowed knowledge to advance by constructing it differently. Plurilingualism will be addressed in science insofar as English has become the language of international communication, which is not without consequences for the production and dissemination of science

    Thoughts on LANSOD Teaching and Learning in France:The Example of English for Science

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    For over 30 years, demand for English courses in LANSOD (Languages for Specialists of Other Disciplines) has been high in French universities. In response, universities have created new jobs and new needs have been identified. Consequently, two important problems have emerged: student management and teacher training. A more coherent structure should be considered to develop specialized language teaching.  The question then arises of how this can be achieved? We address the issue by drawing upon research conducted in the course of our practical work as an English teacher in a French university specializing in science and medicine

    What autonomy in learning among ESP - science students? Case study of oral presentation in English

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    La production orale reprĂ©sente souvent une difficultĂ© pour les Ă©tudiants LANSAD (LANgues pour SpĂ©cialistes d’Autres Disciplines) – sciences et constitue un champ d’étude peu explorĂ©. Cet article propose une recherche-action menĂ©e auprĂšs d’étudiants en L3 de l’UniversitĂ© Paul Sabatier Ă  Toulouse sur la prĂ©sentation orale qui est souvent l’activitĂ© privilĂ©giĂ©e pour l’évaluation des Ă©tudiants LANSAD-sciences. Il s’agit de montrer d’une part, comment les Ă©tudiants ont progressĂ© au 2Ăšme semestre aprĂšs avoir Ă©tĂ© guidĂ© au 1er semestre car certaines formes de guidage peuvent favoriser l’autonomie (Rivens Mompean & Eisenbeis, 2009) et, d’autre part, comment l’autonomie d’apprentissage s’est manifestĂ©e. AprĂšs avoir situĂ© le contexte thĂ©orique (prĂ©sentation orale, autonomie) et le cadre de l’étude (public, module), nous discuterons des rĂ©sultats obtenus aux 1er et 2Ăšme semestres. A partir de questionnaires de satisfaction distribuĂ©s aux Ă©tudiants, des Ă©valuations et des observations de l’enseignante, nous analyserons Ă©galement la perception du travail par les deux acteurs. Puis nous proposerons une optimisation du dispositif pour que les Ă©tudiants s’acheminent vers l’autonomie.La producciĂłn oral representa una verdadera dificultad para los estudiantes IOD (Idiomas de otras disciplinas) - ciencias y es un campo de estudio poco explorado hasta ahora. Este artĂ­culo presenta una investigaciĂłn-acciĂłn realizada con estudiantes de L3 de la Universidad Paul Sabatier en Toulouse, sobre la presentaciĂłn oral que a menudo es la mĂĄs preferida para la evaluaciĂłn de los estudiantes IOD Ciencias. Esto es para mostrar, por una parte, cĂłmo los estudiantes han hecho progresos en la prĂĄctica de la presentaciĂłn oral en el segundo semestre despuĂ©s de haber sido guiados en el primer semestre, porque algunas formas de seguido pueden favorecer la autonomĂ­a y por otra parte, cĂłmo la autonomĂ­a de aprendizaje ha aparecido. DespuĂ©s de situar el contexto teĂłrico (presentaciĂłn oral, autonomĂ­a) y el marco del estudio (pĂșblico, mĂłdulo), discutiremos de los resultados obtenidos en el primero y segundo semestres. A partir de cuestionarios de satisfacciĂłn distribuidos a los estudiantes, evaluaciones y observaciones del profesor, tambiĂ©n analizaremos la percepciĂłn del trabajo por la parte de los dos actores. Para acabar, propondremos una optimizaciĂłn del dispositivo para que los estudiantes vuelvan autĂłnomos.Oral production is often a challenge for ESP (English for Specific Purpose) - science students and has not been much explored. This article presents an action research conducted with students in L3 at Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse in the oral presentation which is often preferred for ESP student assessment. The article aims at, on the one hand, showing how students have made progress in the 2nd semester after being guided in the 1st semester because some forms of guidance can foster autonomy (Rivens Mompean & Eisenbeis, 2009) and, on the other hand, how autonomy in learning appeared. After situating the theoretical background (oral presentation, autonomy) and the framework of the study (public, module), we will discuss the results obtained in the first and second semesters. From satisfaction questionnaires handed out to the students, assessments and observations of the teacher, we will also analyze the perception of the work by both actors. Then we will propose an optimization of the system so that the students become autonomous

    Dimension et autonomisation psycho-affectives dans deux dispositifs hybrides - Études de cas en Master 12

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    International audienceCurrently lecturers have to rethink their English teaching approach due to university requirements as well as to changing students' profiles, needs and goals in the Lansad-sciences sector (language for specialists of other disciplines). In this paper we present two blended learning courses that we have designed for second-year master's students. We assume that focusing on the psycho-affective dimension is likely to help students change their views on language learning. Our module aims at providing better language efficacy and autonomy in their last year of university studies.The place held by autonomy in technical, methodological, social and language aspects is widely recognized in blended learning courses. By contrast psycho-affective, cognitive and metacognitive autonomy has not been investigated in all fields (Nissen, 2007). Based on the literature and our own experience, we have targeted the psycho-affective perspective, its role in the language learning process and in affective autonomy acquisition. In this paper, we will show how our blended learning courses contribute to developing affective autonomization in students. We will also stress the means that are likely to help them reach the goal. Finally we will see how the teacher's posture has been modified.Actuellement, dans les formations universitaires Lansad-sciences (langues pour spécialistes d'autres disciplines), les enseignants-chercheurs doivent repenser l'enseignement de l'anglais en raison des contraintes institutionnelles. Dans cet article, nous décrivons l'expérience que nous avons menée auprÚs d'étudiants en 2 Úme année de master (M2) à travers deux dispositifs hybrides. Nous émettons l'hypothÚse qu'un module d'anglais dans lequel la dimension psycho-affective est au centre de la mise en place d'un dispositif est susceptible, d'une part, de provoquer un changement d'attitude des apprenants face à leur apprentissage et, d'autre part, d'améliorer leurs compétences langagiÚres et leur autonomie. Certaines formations hybrides favorisent l'autonomie dans les domaines technique, méthodologique, social et langagier ; en revanche, l'autonomie psycho-affective, cognitive et métacognitive n'est pas intégrée dans toutes les formations (Nissen, 2007). On peut définir l'autonomie psycho-affective comme étant la capacité de chaque individu à se connaßtre afin de réguler ses émotions dans son apprentissage et assumer la responsabilité de ses choix (Nissen, 2007 : 133 ; 136-137). Suite à nos lectures et notre expérience, nous avons choisi de centrer notre étude sur la dimension psycho-affective pouvant conduire à l'autonomie affective et sur son rÎle dans l'apprentissage de la langue. AprÚs avoir décrit nos deux dispositifs, nous montrerons comment ils s'intÚgrent dans le processus d'autonomisation. Nous mettrons l'accent sur l'importance des moyens mis en oeuvre susceptibles d'initier et d'accélérer le développement de l'autonomie psycho-affective dans notre étude de cas. Nous évoquerons également le rÎle de l'enseignant, lequel est alors modifié

    RĂ©flexion sur la relation enseignant-Ă©tudiants dans un dispositif hybride en LANSAD-sciences

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    The social and psychological aspects of communication, as factors promoting or inhibiting speech in a foreign language, have often been neglected (DĂ©curĂ©, 2000). The students have rarely been questioned and how they see the problem rarely been studied. This action research as reflective practice was initially designed to analyze the factors of 'success' in oral production in English in a system taking into account certain elements liked to the learner with master students in LANSAD-science in a French scientific university, Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse). Yet the author was faced with several questions in particular relational ones. She continued her discussion of practitioner-researcher because of the difficulties related to the interaction of the system and actors who have been specifically addressed in a comprehensive and interactionist approach taking into account the individual specificities including the teacher’s posture.

    Pratiques littératiques universitaires en anglais en contexte scientifique français : cas des doctorants

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    L’arrĂȘtĂ© du 25 mai 2016 fixe le cadre national de la formation et les modalitĂ©s conduisant Ă  la dĂ©livrance du diplĂŽme national de doctorat. C’est donc l’occasion pour les doctorants, ici en sciences, de travailler sur leur projet de thĂšse et de se former aux aspects variĂ©s du mĂ©tier de chercheur. Nous nous interrogerons donc sur la place de la langue notamment l’anglais, qui est devenu essentiel dans la communautĂ© scientifique, dans la formation doctorale Ă  travers deux genres d’écrit et d’oral : les communications orales sont en anglais tout comme les articles de recherche. Nous nous focaliserons Ă©galement sur l’intĂ©gration de la culture scientifique dans ces formations en considĂ©rant les notions de rhĂ©torique de la science et de mode de pensĂ©e. À travers une enquĂȘte exploratoire auprĂšs des doctorants de sciences des Ă©coles doctorales de l'Univ. X, nous nous intĂ©resserons Ă  leurs reprĂ©sentations dans la perspective de la littĂ©ratie universitaire Ă©tudiante : les pratiques littĂ©ratiques en anglais des sciences Ă  l’écrit et Ă  l’oral et notamment la compĂ©tence de rĂ©daction d’articles de recherche en anglais

    Des cours de sciences en anglais Ă  l’EMILE : Ă©tat des lieux, rĂ©flexion et recommandations

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    Actuellement, les cursus en anglais dans l’enseignement supĂ©rieur en France se multiplient. À l’universitĂ© Paul Sabatier (UPS), l’on commence Ă  rĂ©flĂ©chir Ă  la gĂ©nĂ©ralisation de ces formations qui se sont crĂ©Ă©es sans que les enseignants d’anglais y soient associĂ©s. Nous avons examinĂ© l’existant Ă  l’UPS en nous entretenant avec des collĂšgues scientifiques ayant crĂ©Ă© des masters dans lesquels les cours sont en anglais afin de connaĂźtre leur motivation et d’avoir des reprĂ©sentations de leurs pratiques d’enseignement disciplinaire en anglais. Ainsi, nous pourrons faire des recommandations concrĂštes : comment aider les collĂšgues scientifiques Ă  aller vers l’EMILE ? Quel peut ĂȘtre le rĂŽle de l’anglais de spĂ©cialité ?Currently, courses in English in higher education in France are multiplying. At UniversitĂ© Paul Sabatier (UPS), the generalization of these courses, which were created without associating the English teachers to the process, has been considered. We have examined the current situation by interviewing the professors in charge of the Masters of Science taught in English as a Foreign Language that have already been implemented in order to study their motivations and have representations of their methods of teaching a discipline in English. Thus, we will give some concrete recommendations on how to help our scientific colleagues move towards CLIL and on what the role of ESP could be

    Le support filmique comme outil de médiation entre enseignant et étudiants LANSAD-sciences

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    Le concept de mĂ©diation est actuellement au cƓur des prĂ©occupations de la didactique des langues, c’est pourquoi une rĂ©flexion sur le processus de mĂ©diation impliquant un support pĂ©dagogique adaptĂ© Ă  un cours LANSAD-sciences, les Ă©tudiants et l’enseignant est proposĂ© ici. L’analyse porte sur un cas concret Ă©tayĂ© par des considĂ©rations thĂ©oriques, celui des Ă©tudiants de M2 Professionnel en mĂ©canique/Ă©nergĂ©tique de l’UniversitĂ© Paul Sabatier (UPS) qui constituent un groupe de niveau hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne (A2 Ă  B2) peu motivĂ© par l’apprentissage de l’anglais. Par ailleurs, en raison de la structure et des contraintes de l’UPS, une approche mĂ©thodologique communicative n’est pas toujours possible. Il en rĂ©sulte que le support filmique Apollo 13 paraĂźt ĂȘtre un mĂ©diateur motivant Ă  utiliser pour notre Ă©tude. AprĂšs avoir dĂ©gagĂ© les mĂ©diations culturelle/langagiĂšre, technologique et pĂ©dagogique impliquĂ©es par un tel choix, une autre forme de mĂ©diation semble Ă©merger : la mĂ©diation maĂŻeutique. L’enseignant devient un ‘apprenant’ qui s’intĂ©resse au contenu. C’est une maniĂšre de susciter l’intĂ©rĂȘt des Ă©tudiants et de les faire s’exprimer sur leur spĂ©cialisation Ă  partir du film.The concept of mediation is at the heart of language teaching and learning concerns today. That is why a reflection on the mediation process between a pedagogical support adapted to an ESP Science course, the students and the teacher was considered. The analysis focused on a concrete case in theory. M2 students in Mechanics / Energetics at Paul Sabatier University (PSU) are hardly motivated by English and are a heterogeneous group level (A2-B2). The filmic medium Apollo 13 seemed to be a motivating mediator. Given the context of PSU (structure, constraints), a mĂ©thodological communicative approach is not always possible. After bringing out the cultural, language, technological and pedagogical mediations from the film, another form of mediation may be developed : the maieutics mediation. The teacher will become a learner interested in the content. It is a way to attract the students’ interest and have them talk about their specialization from the film


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    We offer a reflection starting from field observation: the practice of teaching scientific English in a French scientific university (University Paul Sabatier-UPS-Toulouse) because it is our research and teaching domain. Let us not forget that English has become the universal language of science because of American globalization. At UPS, English teachers essentially design their courses of scientific English from constraints, training and experience. These difficulties are reinforced by the low recognition of their courses. These findings are part of the broader issue of LANSAD (Languages for Other Specialized Disciplines). Yet these teachers have been trained in the traditional areas of English (literature, civilization, language). Consequently the issue of training in this context arises. Because it is essential to be legitimate, credible and hence recognized in this domain. The problem lies in the very low number of masters in LANSAD and LSP/ASP. This is due to a few number of research work in the domain. We believe that recognition goes through research which must be credible by meeting certain external validity criteria and even more so in our scientific context. It is therefore necessary to undertake an epistemological approach of the LSP/ASP in their uses, by integrating the specialty that is missing in LSP studies (Van der Yeught, 2014) and the didactic dimension because LSP is a research and teaching subject, aiming at the competence in the specialty and not in their sole function of production of specialized knowledge. Because we believe that LSP can contribute to the professionalization of university courses (Van der Yeught, 2014). We would like to make our contribution to the epistemology of LSP/ASP with our research work in English for science that also covers teacher training in LANSAD in scientific university contexts. We set some milestones, beginning with the description of science in its relation to the English language-culture through an interdisciplinary approach: the history of science, sociology of science, philosophy of science. Finally, we offer food for thought on teacher training in LANSAD