29 research outputs found

    Unexpected Modulation of Recall B and T Cell Responses after Immunization with Rotavirus-like Particles in the Presence of LT-R192G

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    LT-R192G, a mutant of the thermolabile enterotoxin of E. coli, is a potent adjuvant of immunization. Immune responses are generally analyzed at the end of protocols including at least 2 administrations, but rarely after a prime. To investigate this point, we compared B and T cell responses in mice after one and two intrarectal immunizations with 2/6 rotavirus-like particles (2/6-VLP) and LT-R192G. After a boost, we found, an unexpected lower B cell expansion measured by flow cytometry, despite a secondary antibody response. We then analyzed CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) and CD4+CD25+Foxp3− helper T cells after in vitro (re)stimulation of mesenteric lymph node cells with the antigen (2/6-VLP), the adjuvant (LT-R192G) or both. 2/6-VLP did not activate CD4+CD25+Foxp3− nor Foxp3+ T cells from non-immunized and 2/6-VLP immunized mice, whereas they did activate both subsets from mice immunized with 2/6-VLP in the presence of adjuvant. LT-R192G dramatically decreased CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ T cells from non-immunized and 2/6-VLP immunized mice but not from mice immunized with 2/6-VLP and adjuvant. Moreover, in this case, LT-R192G increased Foxp3 expression on CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ cells, suggesting specific Treg activation during the recall. Finally, when both 2/6-VLP and LT-R192G were used for restimulation, LT-R192G clearly suppressed both 2/6-VLP-specific CD4+CD25+Foxp3− and Foxp3+ T cells. All together, these results suggest that LT-R192G exerts different effects on CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ T cells, depending on a first or a second contact. The unexpected immunomodulation observed during the recall should be considered in designing vaccination protocols

    How can students-as-partners work address challenges to student, faculty, and staff mental health and well-being?

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    How can students-as-partners work address challenges to student, faculty, and staff mental health and well-being?

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    Mental health has emerged as a critical area of attention in higher education, and educational research over the last 15 years has focused increasingly on emotions and wellbeing at all stages of education (Hill et al., 2021). While definitions of well-being vary, most are premised on “good quality of life” (Nair et al., 2018, p. 69). Within the last few years, we have experienced an intersection of several forces that undermine or threaten good quality of life. These include the uncertainties prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic (Hews et al., 2022, U.S. Surgeon General, n.d.), climate change (Charlson et al., 2021), racism and social injustices (Williams & Etkins, 2021), the cost-of-living crisis (Montacute, 2023), and the lack of motivation and higher incidence of mental health issues associated with growing concerns about job prospects and income (Chowdhury et al., 2022). This fifth iteration of Voices from the Field explores some of the ways in which students-as-partners work can address challenges to the mental health and well-being of students, faculty, and staff. This focus, proposed by members of the IJSaP Editorial Board, both responds to the intersecting realities named above and remains true to the goal of this section of the journal, which is to offer a venue for a wide range of contributors to address important questions around and aspects of students-as-partners work without going through the intensive submission, peer-review, and revision processes. The prompt we included in the call for this iteration of Voices was: “In what ways can students-as-partners work address challenges to the mental health and well-being of students, staff, and faculty posed by the current realities in the wider world (socio-political, environmental, economic, etc.) that affect higher education?

    Évagre le Pontique, Scholies aux Psaumes

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    P. GĂ©hin avait dĂ©jĂ  publiĂ© dans la collection Sources chrĂ©tiennes (SC) les Scholies aux Proverbes (SC 340), les Scholies Ă  l’EcclĂ©siaste (SC 397), Sur les pensĂ©es avec A. et C. Guillaumont (SC 438), les Chapitres des disciples d’Évagre (SC 514) et les Chapitres sur la priĂšre (SC 589). L’Ɠuvre exĂ©gĂ©tique du grand thĂ©oricien de la vie monastique vient d’ĂȘtre complĂ©tĂ©e par la premiĂšre Ă©dition intĂ©grale du corpus des scholies d’Évagre aux Psaumes. Dans le style habituel de l’auteur des Kephalaia..

    La perception sensible dans les Questions Ă  Thalassios de Maxime le Confesseur

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    International audienc

    Le six sigma (un outil d'amélioration pour l'industrie pharmaceutique)

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    DIJON-BU MĂ©decine Pharmacie (212312103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    La dĂ©marche Lean (intĂ©rĂȘts pour l'industrie pharmaceutique)

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    DIJON-BU MĂ©decine Pharmacie (212312103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Du dépistage à la prise en charge de la dénutrition (une évaluation au CHU de Dijon)

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    Résumé françaisDIJON-BU Médecine Pharmacie (212312103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Qualification/Validation en milieu stérile

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    Dans l industrie pharmaceutique, la qualification et la validation font parties des bonnes pratiques de fabrication des mĂ©dicaments, ce qui en fait un exigence rĂ©glementaire pour laquelle les organismes nationaux de contrĂŽle attachent un intĂ©rĂȘt croissant. Mais ce sont avant tout des outils puissants qui permettent Ă  l industriel de garantir la qualitĂ© de ses produits vis-Ă -vis du public. Les mĂ©dicaments stĂ©riles font l objet de contraintes encore plus exigeantes. C est pourquoi, qualification et validation font l objet d un soin particulier. Ce mĂ©moire explique ces notions et dĂ©crit trois exemples concrets de qualification et de validation et milieu stĂ©rile.DIJON-BU MĂ©decine Pharmacie (212312103) / SudocSudocFranceF