57 research outputs found

    Surface-Initiated Polymer Brushes in the Biomedical Field: Applications in Membrane Science, Biosensing, Cell Culture, Regenerative Medicine and Antibacterial Coatings

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    Engineering. The thesis is equivalent to 20 weeks of full time studies. Contact Information: Author

    Design och implementering av en asynkron pipelinad FFT processor

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    FFT processors are today one of the most important blocks in communication equipment. They are used in everything from broadband to 3G and digital TV to Radio LANs. This master's thesis project will deal with pipelined hardware solutions for FFT processors with long FFT transforms, 1K to 8K points. These processors could be used for instance in OFDM communication systems. The final implementation of the FFT processor uses a GALS (Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous) architecture, that implements the SDF (Single Delay Feedback) radix-22 algorithm. The goal of this report is to outline the knowledge gained during the master's thesis project, to describe a design methodology and to document the different building blocks needed in these kinds of systems

    CMP Developer

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    Since first published in 1998, the Enterprise JavaBeans technology has become a popular choice for the development of middleware systems. Even though its popularity, the technology is considered quite complex and rather difficult to master. The main contribution to its complexity is the part of the EJB that deals with persistence. The most common and most popular way of implementing EJB persistence is called Container Managed Persistence (CMP). Today, developers consider the utilization of CASE tools for the EJB development process obvious. Despite this, available CASE tools have very limited support for the complete CMP development process. In this thesis we have isolated steps within the CMP development process that could benefit from CASE tool support. We have then identified possible solutions and remedies to address these steps. These solutions where then implemented in a full fledged CASE tool, called CMP Developer

    Intestinal effects of lung recruitment maneuvers

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    Background and aims: Lung recruitment maneuvers (brief episodes of high airway pressure) are a modern treatment alternative to achieve open lung conditions under mechanical ventilation of patients with acute lung injury. It is well known that positive pressure ventilation with high airway pressures cause negative circulatory effects, and that the effects on regional vascular beds can be even more pronounced than the systemic effects. Hypoperfusion of the mesenteric vascular bed can lead to tissue ischemia and local inflammation. This intestinal inflammation has been associated with subsequent development of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, a syndrome that still carries a high mortality and is a leading cause of death for intensive care patients. The aim of this thesis was therefore to investigate whether lung recruitment maneuvers would cause negative effects on mesenteric circulation, oxygenation or metabolism. Methods and results: In an initial study on ten patients with acute lung injury, we could demonstrate a trend towards a decreased gastric mucosal perfusion during three repeated lung recruitment maneuvers. To more closely examine this finding, we set up an oleic acid lung injury model in pigs, and in our second study we established that this model was devoid of inherent intestinal effects and was adequate for subsequent studies of intestinal effects of lung recrutiment maneuvers. In the acute lung injury model, we also tested the effect of an infusion of a vasodilating agent concurrent with the recruitment maneuvers, the hypothesis being that a vasodilating agent would prevent intestinal vasoconstriction and hypoperfusion. We could show that three repeated lung recruitment maneuvers induced short term negative effects on mesenteric oxygenation and metabolism, but that these findings were transient and short lasting. Further, the effects of prostacyclin were minor and opposing. These findings of relative little impact on the intestines of lung recruitment maneuvers, lead us to investigate the hypothesis that repeated recruitment maneuvers maybe could elicite a protective intestinal preconditioning response, a phenomenon previously described both in the rat and in the dog. However, in our fourth study, using both classical ischemic preconditioning with brief periods of intestinal ischemia or repeated lung recrutiment maneuvers, we could not demonstrate the phenomenon of intestinal preconditioning in the pig. Conclusions: We conclude, that from a mesenteric point of view, lung recruitment maneuvers are safe, and only induce transient and short lasting negative effects. We also conclude that the cause of the minor effects of lung recruitment maneuvers is not dependent on intestinal preconditioning

    CMP Developer

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    Since first published in 1998, the Enterprise JavaBeans technology has become a popular choice for the development of middleware systems. Even though its popularity, the technology is considered quite complex and rather difficult to master. The main contribution to its complexity is the part of the EJB that deals with persistence. The most common and most popular way of implementing EJB persistence is called Container Managed Persistence (CMP). Today, developers consider the utilization of CASE tools for the EJB development process obvious. Despite this, available CASE tools have very limited support for the complete CMP development process. In this thesis we have isolated steps within the CMP development process that could benefit from CASE tool support. We have then identified possible solutions and remedies to address these steps. These solutions where then implemented in a full fledged CASE tool, called CMP Developer

    CMP Developer -Ett CASE verktyg som stödjer hela CMP utvecklingsprocessen

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    Since first published in 1998, the Enterprise JavaBeans technology has become a popular choice for the development of middleware systems. Even though its popularity, the technology is considered quite complex and rather difficult to master. The main contribution to its complexity is the part of the EJB that deals with persistence. The most common and most popular way of implementing EJB persistence is called Container Managed Persistence (CMP). Today, developers consider the utilization of CASE tools for the EJB development process obvious. Despite this, available CASE tools have very limited support for the complete CMP development process. In this thesis we have isolated steps within the CMP development process that could benefit from CASE tool support. We have then identified possible solutions and remedies to address these steps. These solutions where then implemented in a full fledged CASE tool, called CMP Developer

    CMP Developer -Ett CASE verktyg som stödjer hela CMP utvecklingsprocessen

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    Since first published in 1998, the Enterprise JavaBeans technology has become a popular choice for the development of middleware systems. Even though its popularity, the technology is considered quite complex and rather difficult to master. The main contribution to its complexity is the part of the EJB that deals with persistence. The most common and most popular way of implementing EJB persistence is called Container Managed Persistence (CMP). Today, developers consider the utilization of CASE tools for the EJB development process obvious. Despite this, available CASE tools have very limited support for the complete CMP development process. In this thesis we have isolated steps within the CMP development process that could benefit from CASE tool support. We have then identified possible solutions and remedies to address these steps. These solutions where then implemented in a full fledged CASE tool, called CMP Developer

    Quantifying patterns of interactions between lakes and watercourses in water chemistry

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    Detta examensarbete syftar till att studera hur olika vattenkemiska parametrar förändras då vattnet rinner genom sjöar i Emåns avrinningsområde. Vattenkemidata hämtades från Sveriges lantbruksuniversitets databank. Genom att använda ArcGIS verktyget STARS, Spatial Tools for the Analysis of River Systems, kunde en hydrologisk nätverksmodell byggas upp. De vattenkemiska parametrarna som analyserades var pH, färgtal, absorbans filtrerad (Abs), syraneutraliserande förmåga (ANC), oorganiskt kväve (IN), organiskt kväve (ON), total kväve (TN), total organisk kol (TOC), total fosfor (Tot-P) samt fosfat (PO4-P).  Tillvägagångsättet i examensarbetet har varit ett statistiskt sätt att bearbeta och kvantifiera data mellan sjöar och vattendrag. Inga kemiska, fysikaliska eller biologiska processer har studerats. Detta examensarbete ger en inblick i de möjliga samband som finns mellan sjöar och vattendrag i landskapet. Geostatistiska modeller är viktiga verktyg för att förstå hur kemiska och biologiska processer verkar i sjöar och vattendrag. När geostatistiska modeller analyseras används olika avståndsmodeller där dessa kan ge en djupare förståelse för vad som händer mellan miljöövervakningsstationerna. Vid bestämning av färdväg och avstånd mellan miljöövervakningsstationerna är euklidiskt avstånd (fågelvägen) eller ett hydrologiskt avstånd (fiskvägen) de vanligaste. Dessa avstånd kan antingen definieras som symmetriskt eller asymmetriskt avstånd. Studier har visat att det finns brister i hur sjöar skall analyseras på ett korrekt sätt i modellerna. I den här studien används längden mellan sjöars in- och utlopp, sjölängd (SL), som beräknades för samtliga sjöar och jämfördes med avstånden ovan för att urskilja effekterna av sjöar. Arean på sjöar och våtmarker, SV, beräknades också till varje miljöövervakningsstation. Statistiskanalysering utfördes med vattenkemidata från augusti månad från åren 2010 och 2013. Under augusti månad inhämtades data från samtliga miljöövervakningsstationer. Skillnaden i månadsmedelflöde var störst åren 2010 och 2013 jämfört med övriga år. Resultatet av analyseringen visade att Abs, färgtal, IN, ON, PO4-P, TN, TOC och Tot-P hade en negativ korrelation mot SL och SV area uppströms miljöövervakningsstationerna. pH hade en positiv korrelation och det fanns ingen signifikant korrelation för ANC. SL var starkt korrelerad med sjöegenskaperna area, volym, max- och medeldjup. Baserat på samtliga ovannämnda resultat drogs slutsatsen att sjöar hade en större påverkan på de vattenkemiska parametrarna än vattendragen. Ur ett landskapsperspektiv ökade koncentrationen av de vattenkemiska parametrarna längs med vattendragen men koncentrationen minskade när vattnet strömmade igenom sjöar. Att använda SL som avståndsmätning i sjöar är ett enkelt och bra sätt att beskriva vattnets väg genom sjöar där stark korrelation fanns mellan SL och sjöegenskaperna. The aim of this Master’s Thesis is to study how different water chemistry parameters change as water flows through the lakes in the watershed of the river Emån. Water chemistry data was extracted from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences database. By using the ArcGIS toolset STARS, Spatial Tools for the Analysis of River Systems, it was possible to build a landscape network. The water chemistry parameters that were analyzed included: pH, color, absorbance filtered (Abs), acid neutralizing capacity (ANC), inorganic nitrogen (IN), organic nitrogen (ON), total amount nitrogen (TN), total organic carbon (TOC), total phosphorus (Tot-P) and phosphate (PO4-P). In this thesis statistical analysis of available data were performed including processing and quantifying the impact of lakes on water chemistry. While this approach does not inherently consider chemical, physical or biological processes, it does offer a straightforward view of possible patterns of interactions between lakes and watercourses in the landscape. Geostatistical models are important tools for understanding how chemical and biological processes operates in lakes and stream networks. When geostatistical models are analyzed, different distance models can give a deeper insight of what happens between monitoring stations. When determining the routes and the distances between monitoring stations in a network it is most common to use the Euclidean (straight line) distance or the hydrological distances. Further, these distances can be defined either symmetrically or asymmetrically.  Studies have shown that there is a need in how to properly analyze lakes in these distance models. In this thesis the lengths between inlet and outlet of the lakes in the stream network, lake length (SL), were calculated for all the lakes. SL were compared within the distance metrics mentioned above to discern the impacts of lakes. The area lake and wetlands, SV, were also calculated to each site. The analyses were performed with water chemistry data from August for the years 2010 and 2013. Data was collected from all monitoring stations during this month. The difference in average month flow rate was highest in 2010 and 2013 compared to other years.Analyses showed that Abs, color, IN, ON, PO4-P, TN, TOC and Tot-P had a negative correlation in relation to SL and SV. On the other hand, pH had a positive correlation and there were no significant correlations for ANC. SL had a strong correlation with lake area, volume, maximum depth and average depth. Based on these findings it can be concluded that lakes have a stronger impact on changing water chemistry than streams. In a landscape perspective the water chemical parameters increased in concentration as water flowed downstream, but the concentrations decreased as water flowed through the lakes. The results of this study demonstrate that SL supplies an adequate way to describe the path of water through the lakes shown in the correlation between SL and lake properties.