11 research outputs found

    In vitro culturing of ciliary respiratory cells—a model for studies of genetic diseases

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare genetic disorder caused by the impaired functioning of ciliated cells. Its diagnosis is based on the analysis of the structure and functioning of cilia present in the respiratory epithelium (RE) of the patient. Abnormalities of cilia caused by hereditary mutations closely resemble and often overlap with defects induced by the environmental factors. As a result, proper diagnosis of PCD is difficult and may require repeated sampling of patients’ tissue, which is not always possible. The culturing of differentiated cells and tissues derived from the human RE seems to be the best way to diagnose PCD, to study genotype–phenotype relations of genes involved in ciliary dysfunction, as well as other aspects related to the functioning of the RE. In this review, different methods of culturing differentiated cells and tissues derived from the human RE, along with their potential and limitations, are summarized. Several considerations with respect to the factors influencing the process of in vitro differentiation (cell-to-cell interactions, medium composition, cell-support substrate) are also discussed


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    Table of contents: 1. The nature of addiction 2. Who becomes addicted? 3. The health consequences of alcohol and other drug dependence 4. Theories of addiction: Causes and maintenance of addiction 5. Alcohol 6. Nicotine 7. Cannabis 8. Opiates 9. Psychostimulants: Amphetamines and cocaine 10. Addiction: The highs and low

    Characteristics of maltase activity in amniotic fluid

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    The nature and origin of maltase activity present in amniotic fluid, and used as a marker enzyme in the prenatal monitoring of cystic fibrosis, has been studied. Using monoclonal antibodies against human intestinal disaccharidases and via heat inactivation experiments it is shown that the maltase activity found in amniotic fluids from pregnancies of 16-24 wk of gestational age originates completely from sucrase-isomaltase; no maltase-glucoamylase could be detected. With various monospecific antibodies the possible contribution of non-intestinal brush border enzymes to the total maltase pool could be excluded: neither renal nor lysosomal maltase appeared to be present

    Sucrase-isomaltase and cystic fibrosis

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    The intestinal microvillar enzyme complex sucrase-isomaltase has been studied in cystic fibrosis and control ileum. A number of biochemical parameters of the enzyme in ileum homogenates have been determined. Both solubilized as well as membrane-bound sucrase-isomaltase were analyzed with respect to their reaction with monoclonal antibodies against human sucrase-isomaltase. Finally the subcellular localization of sucrase-isomaltase was verified by immunoelectronmicroscopy or via the analysis of purified brush-border membrane preparations. At all levels no significant differences could be detected between sucrase-isomaltase of cystic fibrosis and control ileum. It is concluded that an abnormal subcellular localization and/or abnormal enzymatic activity of sucrase-isomaltase in cystic fibrosis intestine cannot explain the markedly decreased disaccharidase activities in amniotic fluids from pregnancies resulting in a child affected with cystic fibrosis

    Syphilis: diagnostic and treatment

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    Seit 2002 nahm die Zahl der gemeldeten Syphilisdiagnosen in der Schweiz kontinuierlich zu. 2013 sind beim Bundesamt fĂŒr Gesundheit 1069 Meldungen eingegangen, von denen jedoch wegen fehlender Angaben nur die HĂ€lfte als SyphilisfĂ€lle klassifiziert wurden. 2011 wurde durch das BAG eine wichtige Neuerung eingefĂŒhrt: Auf der Ă€rztlichen ErgĂ€nzungsmeldung kann seither eine Re-Infektion ausdrĂŒcklich als solche ge­kennzeichnet werden

    Uptake of particulate vaccine adjuvants by dendritic cells activates the NALP3 inflammasome

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    Many currently used and candidate vaccine adjuvants are particulate in nature, but their mechanism of action is not well understood. Here, we show that particulate adjuvants, including biodegradable poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG) and polystyrene microparticles, dramatically enhance secretion of interleukin-1ÎČ (IL-1ÎČ) by dendritic cells (DCs). The ability of particulates to promote IL-1ÎČ secretion and caspase 1 activation required particle uptake by DCs and NALP3. Uptake of microparticles induced lysosomal damage, whereas particle-mediated enhancement of IL-1ÎČ secretion required phagosomal acidification and the lysosomal cysteine protease cathepsin B, suggesting a role for lysosomal damage in inflammasome activation. Although the presence of a Toll-like receptor (TLR) agonist was required to induce IL-1ÎČ production in vitro, injection of the adjuvants in the absence of TLR agonists induced IL-1ÎČ production at the injection site, indicating that endogenous factors can synergize with particulates to promote inflammasome activation. The enhancement of antigen-specific antibody production by PLG microparticles was independent of NALP3. However, the ability of PLG microparticles to promote antigen-specific IL-6 production by T cells and the recruitment and activation of a population of CD11b+Gr1− cells required NALP3. Our data demonstrate that uptake of microparticulate adjuvants by DCs activates the NALP3 inflammasome, and this contributes to their enhancing effects on innate and antigen-specific cellular immunity