37 research outputs found

    Growth performance, carcass traits, and blood biochemistry of broiler chicks fed with low-fibre sunflower meal and phytase

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    This study was designed to evaluate the impact of graded replacements of soybean meal (SBM) with low-fibre sunflower meal (LF-SFM), with and without phytase supplementation, on growth performance, carcass traits, and plasma profile of broilers. A total of 800 mixed sex one-day-old broiler chicks (Cobb 500) were randomly assigned to eight dietary treatment groups (five replicates each) in a 4 × 2 factorial arrangement, including four levels of LF-SFM (0%, 25%, 50%, and 75% to replace SBM) and two levels of microbial phytase (0 or 0.2 g/kg diet). Feed conversion ratio (FCR), and bodyweight gain (BWG) were decreased significantly if LF-SFM replaced more than 25% SBM. There was no significant effect between the interaction of the main factors (LF-SFM × phytase) on growth performance during the starter, grower, finisher and the overall period. The addition of phytase had no beneficial effects on performance traits. Carcass traits were not influenced by feeding LF-SFM or enzyme addition. However, increasing the level of LF-SFM (50% and 75%, respectively) in diets reduced the abdominal fat, whereas the weight of the small intestine was increased. Plasma metabolic profile was not affected by LF-SFM levels in broiler diets, except for high-density lipoproteins cholesterol (HDL-C) and total cholesterol (T-Cho), which were not affected by the dietary enzyme. It is concluded that the diets with LF-SFM levels up to 25% generated growth performance and carcass traits comparable with the diet that contained SBM.Keywords: Cobb 500, digestive organs, enzyme, growth traits, low-fibre sunflower meal, plasma profil

    The Negru Lake from Vrancea Mountains. A possible scientific reserve

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    Lacul Negru din Munţii Vrancei. O posibilă rezervaţie ştiinţifică. Această depresiune lacustră s-a format prin alunecarea unui versant, favorizată de litologia dominată de gresia de Kliwa. Din punct de vedere morfometric este un lac mic (13 300 m2 şi o adâncime de maximum 6,5). Importanţa sa rezidă în biodiversitatea floristică de pe insula plutitoare care acoperă  40% din suprafaţa lacului. Unele aspecte reflectă evoluţii specifice unor anumite condiţii paleoclimatice

    Influence of litter on footpad dermatitis and body weight in broilers

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    Footpad dermatitis (FPD) is a relatively widespread problem in Europe and constitutes a welfare issue. FPD affect the plantar regions of the feet. In this study the influence of four type of litter (whole wheat straw, wood shavings, rice hulls and mixture of all three in the same proportion) on body weight and FPD was determined. A total of 1260 as-hatched broiler chickens (Ross 308) were randomly allocated in 12 pens of 5.0 m x 1.4 m. The body weights were recorded and calculated weekly for all birds from day 1 till 42 days. FPD occurred at as early as 7 days. Both foots were examined and scored for the incidence and development of FPD on a scale from 0 (no lesion) to 2 (very severe lesions). The body weights at 42 day were 2290.04 grams for birds reared on whole wheat straw, 2371.78 grams for birds reared on wood shavings, 2304.07 grams for broilers reared on rice hulls and 2321.85 grams for birds reared on mixture. FPD scores at 42 days were 7 (wood shavings), 24 (rice hulls), 78 (mixture) and 150 (hole wheat straw) exceeding the value of 50 points considered by the EU proposal 221 “Laying down minimum rules for the protection of chickens kept for meat production” as threshold. The incidences of FPD were 8% (wood shavings), 22% (rice hulls), 52% (mixture) and 80% (whole wheat straw). The litter had no significant effect on mortality. Mortality rate was lower than 1%+0.06% multiplied by 42 days (Council Directive 2007/43/EC). The results obtained in this study lead to the conclusion that litter type influences in a great extent the FPD score and body weights of broiler chickens at slaughter. (P<0.05)

    Characterization of the localized surface chemical activity of Ti-Mo and Ti-Ta alloys for biomedical applications using scanning electrochemical microscopy

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    Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) was employed for in situ characterization of surface chemical activity of various Ti-Mo and Ti-Ta alloys for biomedical application. In this work the local differences in surface reactivity for different Ti-Mo and Ti-Ta alloys were analyzed when they were polarized in 0.1 M NaCl solution and in Ringer’s physiological solution using SECM, and results compared to those for the unbiased samples. The analysis of the shape of the approach curves obtained for the Ti-Mo and Ti-Ta alloys shows a different behaviour to be distinguished depending on the nature of the alloying element. There are also differences among the various Ti-Ta alloys tested, that cause changes in the shape of the approach curves with the value of the polarization applied to the substrate, defining a transition potential between -0.30 and -0.40 V vs. Ag/AgCl/KCl(3M) for most of the systems under study. Furthermore, from the line scans and array scans, a change in reactivity of the surface has been observed corresponding to the activation of the localized sites which occurs selectively with the applied potential. SECM is shown to be a powerful technique for the investigation of the surface characteristics of biomaterials in simulated physiological environments

    Multiscale electrochemical analysis of the corrosion of titanium and nitinol for implant applications

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    Surface electrochemical activity of titanium and nitinol biomaterials in naturally aerated Ringer’s physiological solution was investigated using potentiodynamic polarization and scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) techniques. SECM was operated in feedback and redox competition modes as a function of potential applied to the substrate. The kinetics of the electron transfer rate on both materials was characterized by mathematical modelling of the Z-approach curves monitored under feedback conditions. The rate constant values greatly depended on the characteristics of the passive layers formed over the metals under potentiostatic control. A more insulating film was found on nitinol when biased at low polarizations, resulting in smaller tip current increments during tip approach to the investigated surface under positive feedback and competition operation modes. However, at higher anodic polarizations, nitinol passive layers experience breakdown, and therefore tip current values reflect the release of metal cations from the biomaterial surfac


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    The paper presents a study conducted in INCDBNA –BALOTEŞTI on 840 Ross- 308 broilers from hatching to 42 days. The broilers were assigned to 3 groups (control – C, and two experimental – GLU and GERM), with 280 broilers per group (3 groups × 2 replicates × 140 broilers). Three compound feeds formulations were used, one control and two experimental. The control diet was based on corn, soybean meal, full fat soy and fish meal; in the experimental groups the fish meal was replaced by corn gluten (GLU); in the other experimental group the full fat soy was replaced by corn germs (GERM). All compound feeds formulations were isoprotein, isocaloric and contained equal levels of total and digestible sulphur amino acids, lysine, calcium and available phosphorus, in agreement with the feeding requirements recommended for the intensive rearing of these performing hybrids. The broilers were phased feed with diets according to their age: start (0 – 14 days), growerdeveloper (15 – 28 days) and finisher (29 – 42 days). The monitored productive parameters were: average daily feed intake (g); body weight evolution by growth stage (g); feed conversion ratio (g feed/g gain); stock liveability (%); slaughtering yield and proportion of carcass parts (%), economic efficiency (%)

    Effect of dietary cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L] walp) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) seeds on growth performance, blood parameters and breast meat fatty acids in broiler chickens

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    The effects of dietary replacement of soybean meal (SBM) with two different protein sources (cowpea [CWP] and chickpea [CKP]) on growth performance (GP), blood parameters and breast meat fatty acids (FA) content were evaluated. A total of 780 one-d-old broiler chicks (Cobb 500) were allocated, over 2 growth phases (starter, 0–21 d; finisher, 22–42 d), to 5 dietary treatments as follow: (1) a corn-SBM basal diet as control; (2) 10% raw cowpea; (3) 20% raw cowpea; (4) 10% raw chickpea and (5) 20% raw chickpea. The results indicated that CWP and CKP diets conducted to similar GP (body weight, body weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio) when compared to the SBM diet, but changes in the content of blood parameters were observed. Glucose and total cholesterol decreased significantly in birds fed CWP (p<.0001) and CKP (p<.001) diet. Also, the use of CWP and CKP had a significant effect on the content of breast muscle FA, especially for alfa-linolenic (p <.0001), eicosapentaenoic (p<.0001), docosapentaenoic (p=.034) and docosahexaenoic (p =.003), which were higher than those fed SBM diet. In addition, there was a significant interaction between the protein source and the inclusion level (S × L) for the majority of the FA’s. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that CWP and CKP seeds represent an interesting alternative protein sources, which can improve broilers performance, health status and breast fatty acids composition.Highlights Cowpea (CWP) and chickpea (CKP) can be used as replacement for soybean meal in broiler chickens diets, at inclusion levels up to 200 g/kg. Dietary use of CWP and CKP decreased plasma cholesterol and glucose concentration. Use of CWP and CKP in broilers diets positively modified breast meat fatty acids, especially α-linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic or docosahexaenoic acids with potential benefits to human nutrition