232 research outputs found


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    In the United States, one in five women reports experiencing sexual assault while in college. Rape myths, or stereotypical beliefs that serve to blame survivors (i.e., “She Asked For It” and “She Lied”) and exonerate sexual assault perpetrators (“He Didn’t Mean To”), may influence how women conceptualize their own sexual assault experiences and relatedly, their post-assault functioning. Several demographic characteristics, including race and ethnicity, generational status, education level, sexual orientation, and religiosity, have been found to be associated with rape myth acceptance (RMA). Researchers have reported mixed findings, however, regarding the association between sexual assault history and RMA. This study aimed to prospectively examine the impact of new sexual assault experiences (i.e., acquiring new knowledge of a sexual assault survivor or having a personal experience of sexual assault) on change in RMA. The current study consisted of subsamples of college women. At baseline, 240 women were examined. At follow-up, a subsample consisting of 79 women was examined. Participants completed surveys on demographic characteristics, engagement in activities that promote women’s rights and sexual assault prevention, RMA, and sexual assault experiences. At baseline, cross-sectional design was employed to examine the interactive effect of knowing a sexual assault survivor and personal history of sexual assault on RMA. Qualitative methods were employed to further understand the nature of RMA among a subsample of sexual assault survivors. At follow-up, repeated measures were used to prospectively examine the impact of new sexual assault experiences as a moderator of change in RMA. At baseline, the interaction between knowing a sexual assault survivor and personal history of sexual assault contributed unique variance to the perception that “She Asked For It.” For sexual assault survivors, knowing another survivor was protective with regards to RMA, highlighting the importance of creating supportive environments for disclosure to occur among college women. Prospective, longitudinal examination revealed that although change occurred in the perception that “He Didn’t Mean To,” new sexual assault experiences were not associated with this change. Additional public health and clinical implications will be discussed

    Embracing Interfaith Competency as a Part of Our Mission

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    This session will explore why developing interfaith competency on both staff and student levels is essential to the role of a student affairs practitioner in Catholic higher education. Participants will learn about the foundational document of the Catholic Church on interreligious dialogue (Nostra Aetate) and what it means for the work we do in student affairs and in promoting the common good. This session will explore how student affairs practitioners from various focus areas can benefit from developing programs and creating learning outcomes that incorporate an interfaith component. Lastly, this session will give participants time to develop one goal related to interfaith development and advocacy

    Vested Seniority Rights: A Conceptual Approach

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    Under contemporary jurisprudence, vested seniority rights are considered creatures of contract. As such, they generally are subject to divestiture with the termination of the collective-bargaining agreement. Relying upon Zdanok v. Glidden Co. and Locke\u27s labor theory of property, the author argues that seniority rights are property rights derived from the worker\u27s employment independent of the contract


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    Sexual assault is a public health crisis in the United States, with college women at an increased risk for experiencing unwanted sexual contact and rape. Following an experience of sexual assault, women are susceptible to negative outcomes including suicidality, posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety. One of the factors that influences the development of psychopathology after a sexual assault is social reactions to disclosure. When women tell someone about their sexual assault, they may receive both positive and negative social reactions. Social reactions have been found to be associated with negative mental health outcomes for survivors. Several sexual assault characteristics, including the relationship between the survivor and perpetrator and the involvement of alcohol or other substances, have been found to be associated with social reactions. Previous researchers have examined the associations between sexual assault characteristics and social reactions to disclosure. There is a lack of understanding, however, about which of these assault characteristics have the greatest impact on negative social reactions to disclosure. This study aimed to directly compare a number of sexual assault characteristics to understand how each characteristic is uniquely associated with social reactions to disclosure. The current study examined 340 undergraduate female survivors of sexual assault (i.e., unwanted sexual contact and attempted/completed rape). Participants completed surveys on traumatic experiences, sexual assault experiences, and social reactions to disclosure. Hierarchical regressions were employed to understand the unique variance of sexual assault characteristics in association with social reactions to disclosure. Closeness of the survivor-perpetrator relationship contributed the most variance in relation to negative social reactions to disclosure. Involvement of alcohol, surprisingly, did not contribute unique variance to this association with negative social reactions to disclosure. Implications for university programming and interventions will be discussed

    PENERAPAN MODEL PROJECT BASED LEARNING DALAM MENUMBUHKAN SIKAP SAINS ANAK USIA DINI : Classroom Action Research di TK Nurul Ilmi Kecamatan Cileunyi, Kabupaten Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2016-2017

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    Pesatnya perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi telah memberi dampak signifikan pada seluruh aspek kehidupan, sehingga hal ini memberi implikasi pula bagi pengembangan sumber daya manusia yang harus memiliki kompetensi utuh. Sikap sains menjadi penting dimiliki seseorang dalam upaya mengembangkan kemampuan sumberdaya manusia yang memiliki kompetensi utuh. Dalam implementasinya diperlukan upaya pendidikan yang secara implementatif dapat menumbuhkan sikap sains pada anak yang diberikan sejak usia dini. Permasalahan muncul ketika proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru masih bersifat teacher center. Hal tersebut berdampak pada tidak munculnya sikap sains pada siswa di TK Nurul Ilmi sehingga diperlukan upaya perbaikan melalui penelitian. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui, menjelaskan, dan memaparkan: (1) Profil sikap sains anak TK Nurul Ilmi sebelum menggunakan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning (2) Pengembangan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning untuk menumbuhkan sikap sains anak TK Nurul Ilmi (3) Profil sikap sains anak TK Nurul Ilmi setelah menggunakan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning.. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan penelitian Classroom Action Research (CAR), dengan menggunakan analaisis data statistik deskriftif kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, terjadi peningkatan kemunculan sikap sains pada siswa di TK tersebut. Sikap rasa ingin tahu, kreatif, kritis, dan tanggung jawab pada siswa yang belum muncul mengalami peningkatan kemunculan pada setiap siklusnya setelah menerapkan model Project Based Learning. Adapun implikasi dari penelitian ini salah satunya adalah hakikat anak sebagai mahluk bermain (homo ludens) tidak terenggut kebermaknaannya, karena pada proses pembelajaran siswa mendapatkan kebebasan untuk melakukan eksplorasi berbagai hal yang dipelajari secara bermakna, selain itu proses pembelajaran menjadi berpusat pada anak (student center).---- Rapid development of science and technology had given significant impact for all of life aspects, so it also gives implication for development of human resource that mus have whole competence. Science attitude becomes important to have in order to develop human resource ability that has whole competence. In the implementation it needs education effort that in implementation manner can grow science attitude of children that given since early childhood. The problems came when learning process that teacher did is still teacher centered. It has the impact for science attitude that is not appear in students of TK Nurul Ilmi so it needs improvement effort by reseach. The purpose of this research are for knowing and applying: (1) science attitude profile of TK Nurul Ilmi students before use Project Based Learning Model (2) Development of Project Based Learning model to grow children science attitude in TK Nurul Ilmi (3) Scientific attitude profile TK Nurul Ilmi students after use Project Based Learning model. This reseach implementated using Classroom Action Research (CAR), with statistic descriptive quantitative data analysis. Based on the research result, it happens an increase in science attitude appearance of students in that TK. Curiosity, creativity, critical, and responsibility that have not appeared yet were also increased in every learning cycle after aplly Project Based Learning model. One of the implication of this research is the meaningfulness of children nature as playing creature (homo ludens) is not taken away, because in learning process students get the freedom to do explore anything they learn meaningfully. Beside that learning process become student centered

    Parenthood in Academia: What Happens When There Is No Policy?

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    In 2001 the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) declared that “the development and implementation of institutional policies that enable the healthy integration of work responsibilities with family life in academe requires renewed attention.” In the current study, we explore the perceptions and experiences of faculty at a university system that does not have formal work/family policies. Our findings demonstrate that with no formal policy, academic and professional faculty are left confused (and often misguided) about what options are available for parental leave
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