361 research outputs found

    Étude prĂ©liminaire sur l'incorporation de liants dans un aliment composĂ© pour poisson d'Ă©levage en CĂŽte d'Ivoire

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    Artificial feeding constitutes a very important aspect for intensive fish culture. Then, the physical properties, particularly water stability of feed, wider influence the fish production. By trying to find some answers to these problems, a preliminary study on water stability has been conducted at the LAYO aquaculture research station. This work consisted in incorporating different types of binders available in tropical countries in fish pellets of 3.5 mm and 6.0 mm diameters in order to identify an efficient binder allowing the improvement of the water stability of feed. From this experiment, it comes out that the use of wheat flour (A1) gives excellent quality pellets followed by cassava flour residue (A3). Moreover, this study shows that it exists an influence of the diameter on the crumbling of the pellets

    Identification des usages de Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich) hoscht dans la zone du Ferlo (Senegal) et evaluation du potentiel biochimique et nutritionnel de son fruit

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    Le prunier d’Afrique ou Sclerocarya birrea est un arbre fruitier de la famille des Anacardiaceae, qui fournit aux populations des fruits consommables pendant la pĂ©riode de soudure. Bien que prĂ©sente dans les rĂ©gions Ă  climat soudano-sahĂ©lien du SĂ©nĂ©gal, sa zone de prĂ©dilection demeure le Ferlo. Elle y fait l’objet de rĂ©habilitation dans la mise en place du programme de l’Union Africaine dite de la muraille verte. Malheureusement, peu d’études scientifiques n’ont encore fait mention de la composition nutritive des fruits issus de cette zone. Dans le cadre de la reconstitution du couvert vĂ©gĂ©tal des zones arides, la connaissance des relations entre l’homme et son milieu s’avĂšre importante. Ainsi, la prĂ©sente Ă©tude est entreprise dans le but de connaĂźtre les usages de Sclerocarya birrea et les potentialitĂ©s qu’offre son fruit. Des enquĂȘtes ethnobotaniques ont permis de recueillir les connaissances sur les usages de l’espĂšce dans la zone du Ferlo (SĂ©nĂ©gal). Des Ă©chantillons de fruits mĂ»rs rĂ©coltĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s grĂące Ă  des techniques de dosages normalisĂ©s et conventionnelles. Les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent que les populations du Ferlo connaissent bien S. birrea, dont l’usage mĂ©dicinal est de loin le plus important (79%). En usage mĂ©dicinal, les organes vĂ©gĂ©taux les plus utilisĂ©s sont les Ă©corces et les feuilles. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus sur la pulpe du fruit montrent qu'elle constitue une bonne source en vitamine C, en sucres, en Calcium, MagnĂ©sium, Potassium, Sodium et en PolyphĂ©nols totaux. L'huile de l'amande prĂ©sente des caractĂ©ristiques qui dans l'ensemble restent dans la norme admise pour les huiles alimentaires. Ces rĂ©sultats sont marquĂ©s par une forte variabilitĂ© de la composition physico-chimique qui semble ĂȘtre liĂ©es aux variations des conditions Ă©daphiques et climatiques. Il ressort de cette analyse que le fruit de S. birrea constitue une excellente source de nutriments et peut valablement combler certaines carences nutritionnelles des populations autochtones. Par ailleurs, le fruit prĂ©sente aussi des potentialitĂ©s de transformation et de conservation qui doivent ĂȘtre explorĂ©es.Mots clĂ©s:  Sclerocarya birrea, fruits, usages, valeurs nutritionnelles, polyphĂ©nols, vitamine C, variabilitĂ©, FerloEnglish AbstractThe present study was undertaken to know the uses and some nutritional potentials of Sclerocarya birrea. The African plum tree called Sclerocarya birrea is a fruit tree of the Anacardiaceae family, which provides populations some consumable fruits during the lean season. Although it is present in Sudano-Sahelian regions of Senegal, its favorite repartition zone is the Ferlo. Sclerocarya birrea is being rehabilitated in the framework of the implementation of the African Union program called the “Green Wall”. Unfortunately, no scientific studies have mentioned the nutritional content of fruits coming from this area. In the context of the reconstitution of the vegetation cover, knowledge of the relations between man and his environment is important. Thus, the present study is undertaken with the aim of knowing the uses of Sclerocarya birrea and its fruits attibutes. According to that, ethnobotanical surveys have gathered knowledge on the species' uses in the Ferlo area (Senegal). Samples of ripe fruits harvested were analyzed using standard and conventional assay techniques. The results revealed that the populations of the Ferlo are well acquainted with Sclerocarya birrea and that its medicinal use is by far the most important (79%). In medicinal use, the most commonly used plant organs are barks and leaves. The results obtained on the pulp of the fruit showed that it is a good source of vitamin C, sugars, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium and total polyphenols. The almond oil has characteristics that remain within the accepted food standards. These results are marked by a high variability in the physicochemical composition, which appears to be linked to variations in edaphic and climatic conditions. The analysis shows that the fruit of Sclerocarya birrea is an excellent source of nutrients and can validly fill certain nutritional deficiencies of indigenous peoples. The fruit also has potential for transformation that needs to be explored.Keywords: Sclerocarya birrea, fruits, uses, nutritional values, polyphenols, vitamin C, variability, Ferl

    Utilisation des plantes indigÚnes à effet insecticide pour la protection des denrées stockées contre des insectes ravageurs à Boukoko (Centrafrique)

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    Les paysans utilisent couramment des plantes indigènes pour protéger les denrées des attaques des ravageurs en Centrafrique. Des enquêtes ethnobotaniques effectuées auprès de 79 paysans centrafricains à Boukoko ont permis de collectionner 9 plantes indigènes à effet insecticide potentiel. Les données d’enquêtes ethnobotaniques ont été traitées par une analyse factorielle de correspondance dont les deux premiers axes expliquent 84,75% de la variance totale. Ces plantes se repartissent en 7 familles dont les Méliacées et les Huacées sont les plus utilisées; les écorces étant les parties les plus exploitées. Le dispositif utilisé pour les tests biologiques à l’égard de Sitophilus zeamaïs et Tribolium castaneum est un bloc complètement randomisé. Les variables mesurées sont le taux de mortalité et le nombre d’insectes émergés. Ces variables sont soumises à une analyse de variance modèle fixe à 4 facteurs dans Minitab 14. Les résultats ont montré qu’Afrostyrax lepidophyllus et Trichilia gilgiana sont les espèces les plus prometteuses. Le logiciel RIZA a été utilisé pour calculer les CL50. Trichilia gilgiana appliqué à Sitophilus zeamaïs et Tribolium castaneum après 25 jours de traitement a présenté respectivement une CL50 de 5,13 g/100g et de 5,30 g/100g de spéculations tandis qu’Afrostyrax lepidophyllus a présenté une CL50 de 5,60 g/100g et de CL 5,86 g/100g.Mots clés: Plantes indigènes, protection, denrées stockées, insectes ravageur

    Calf muscle stimulation with the Veinoplus device results in a significant increase in lower limb inflow without generating limb ischemia or pain in patients with peripheral artery disease

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    OBJECTIVE: Increase in arterial inflow to the lower limbs is important to obtain functional improvement in peripheral artery disease (PAD) patients with claudication. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of electrical stimulation of calf muscles on arterial inflow and tissue oxygen content in PAD in the area of stimulation.METHODS: Fifteen adult patients [mean (standard deviation) age, 62 (12 ) years; height, 165 (8)cm; weight, 76 (13) kg; lowest ankle-brachial index 0.66 (0.19)] with stable arterial claudication were recruited. All patients performed a treadmill test (3.2 km/h, 10% slope) associated with a transcutaneous oximetry test expressed as decrease from rest of oxygen pressure (DROP) index values (calf changes minus chest changes from rest) with a maximum walking distance (median [25th/75th percentiles]) of 295 [133-881] m. The DROP index on the symptomatic side was -25 [-18/-34] mm Hg. On another day the patients underwent electrical stimulation in the seated position on the leg that was the most symptomatic on the treadmill. After resting values were recorded, the gastrocnemius was stimulated for 20minutes at increasing contraction rates at 5-minute steps of 60, 75, 86, and 100bpm on the most symptomatic side. Arterial blood inflow with duplex Doppler ultrasound scanning of the femoral artery, DROP transcutaneous oxygen pressure value, and oxygen concentration (O2Hb) from the near-infrared spectroscopic signal of the calf were recorded on both sides. Patients were instructed to report eventual contraction-induced pain in the stimulated calf. Results are given as mean (standard deviation) or median [25th/75th percentiles] according to distribution, and the level of statistical significance was set at P < .05 on two-tailed tests. RESULTS: Lower limb inflow (mL/min) was 64 [48/86] vs 63 [57/81] (P> .05) before stimulation, 123 [75/156] vs 57 [44/92] (P < .01) at 60bpm, 127 [91/207] vs 49 [43/68] (P < .01) at 75bpm, 140 [84/200] vs 57 [45/71] (P < .01) at 86bpm, and 154 [86/185] vs 55 [46/94] (P < .01) at 100bpm on the stimulated vs nonstimulated limb, respectively. No apparent decrease or significant leg difference was observed in DROP index or O2Hb values. None of the patients reported contraction-induced pain in the leg. CONCLUSIONS: Electrical stimulation of calf muscle with the Veinoplus device results in a significant increase of arterial inflow without measurable muscle ischemia or pain. Potential use of this device as an adjuvant treatment to improve walking capacity in PAD patients remains to be evaluated

    Genetic architecture of delayed senescence, biomass, and grain yield under drought stress in cowpea

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    CowpeaThe stay-green phenomenon is a key plant trait with wide usage in managing crop production under limited water conditions. This trait enhances delayed senescence, biomass, and grain yield under drought stress. In this study we sought to identify QTLs in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) consistent across experiments conducted in Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Senegal, and the United States of America under limited water conditions. A panel of 383 diverse cowpea accessions and a recombinant inbred line population (RIL) were SNP genotyped using an Illumina 1536 GoldenGate assay. Phenotypic data from thirteen experiments conducted across the four countries were used to identify SNP-trait associations based on linkage disequilibrium association mapping, with bi-parental QTL mapping as a complementary strategy. We identified seven loci, five of which exhibited evidence suggesting pleiotropic effects (stay-green) between delayed senescence, biomass, and grain yield. Further, we provide evidence suggesting the existence of positive pleiotropy in cowpea based on positively correlated mean phenotypic values (0.34, r ,0.87) and allele effects (0.07, r ,0.86) for delayed senescence and grain yield across three African environments. Three of the five putative stay-green QTLs, Dro-1, 3, and 7 were identified in both RILs and diverse germplasm with resolutions of 3.2 cM or less for each of the three loci, suggesting that these may be valuable targets for marker-assisted breeding in cowpea. Also, the co-location of early vegetative delayed senescence with biomass and grain yield QTLs suggests the possibility of using delayed senescence at the seedling stage as a rapid screening tool for post-flowering drought tolerance in cowpea breeding. BLAST analysis using EST sequences harboring SNPs with the highest associations provided a genomic context for loci identified in this study in closely related common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and soybean (Glycine max) reference genomes

    Senna occidentalis L., une plante prometteuse dans la lutte contre Caryedon serratus Ol. (Coleoptera, Bruchidae), insecte ravageur des stocks d’arachide au SĂ©nĂ©gal

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    Dans la perspective de concevoir une stratĂ©gie de protection intĂ©grĂ©e des nuisibles associĂ©s aux produits post-rĂ©colte au SĂ©nĂ©gal, la bioactivitĂ© des extraits et huile essentielle de Senna occidentalis L. sur les oeufs et adultes de Caryedon serratus (Ol.), a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e. Les extraits bruts (Ă©thĂ©rĂ© et mĂ©thanolique) et fractions d’extrait (hexane, acĂ©tate d’éthyle, mĂ©thanol) ont Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©s sur l’insecteĂ  0,1 ; 0,01 et 0,001 g/ml. Les principaux rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent que S. occidentalis L. affectent significativement la survie des stades traitĂ©s, selon sa concentration et sa polaritĂ©. L’extrait Ă©thĂ©rĂ© et la fraction hexanique provoquent 79,17% de mortalité embryonnaire en C1, tandis que la fraction mĂ©thanolique tue 39,58% des oeufs en C1. Les produits polaires (extrait et fraction mĂ©thanoliques) provoquent respectivement 69,92 ± 2,87% et 72,01 ± 6,86%de mortalitĂ©s d’adulte. Par contre, ceux apolaires (Ă©thĂ©rĂ© et hexanique) tuent respectivement en moyenne 30,41 ± 1,74% et 27,9 ± 0,34% des adultes. L’activitĂ© adulticide de l’huile essentielle augmente avec la concentration (91,67% pour 3 ml/l et 30,56% pour 1 ml/l). Cette bioactivitĂ© s’exprime aussi par un dĂ©sĂ©quilibre du sex-ratio en faveur de mĂąles, une modification du cycle de dĂ©veloppement, une fĂ©conditĂ© rĂ©duite de 67,2% pour la fraction acĂ©tate et une fertilitĂ© limitĂ©e.Mots clĂ©s : Caryedon serratus, arachide, Senna occidentalis, plantes biocides

    Etude de la germination de cinq provenances de Tamarindusindica L. en conditions de stress hydrique au Sénégal

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    Ce prĂ©sent travail se propose d’évaluer le comportement germinatif de cinq provenances de tamarinier (Tamarindus indica L.) dans des conditions de stress  hydrique. Six concentrations croissantes 0 ; - 1,4 ; - 2,8 ; - 4,2 ; - 5,6 ; -7 bar de polyĂ©thylĂšne glycol (PEG 6000) ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© une  variabilitĂ© de la germination de l’espĂšce en fonction de l’intensitĂ© du stress et de la provenance. Le seuil critique de germination des provenances du tamarinier est  de -7 bar. La provenance Sakkal de la zone sahĂ©lienne s’est montrĂ©e plus tolĂ©rante au stress hydrique avec un taux de germination de 2% en conditions de stress  sĂ©vĂšre. Toutefois, ces faibles rĂ©sultats sont imputables aux conditions de conservation des graines. Ces informations sur l'Ă©cologie et la physiologie de la  germination du tamarinier sont vitales, non seulement pour comprendre les variations gĂ©nĂ©tiques des diffĂ©rentes populations de tamarinier au SĂ©nĂ©gal, mais aussi pour dĂ©velopper des stratĂ©gies pour la conservation de la biodiversitĂ© et la restauration des forĂȘts tropicales.Mots clĂ©s : Germination, provenances, Tamarindus indica L., stress hydrique, SĂ©nĂ©gal

    Application of PCR-DGGE to the study of dynamics and biodiversity of microbial contaminants during the processing of Hibiscus sabdariffa drinks and concentrates

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    Introduction. Bissap (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) is a common plant in the tropics. In Senegal, the calyces are used to make a popular juice. In the food industry, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are responsible for the transformation of bissap calyces into drinks, concentrates, jam, etc. In spite of the very low pH of the juice (pH < 3), problems of contamination and fermentation are often observed in the final products post-pasteurization. They are mainly due to Pseudomonas spp., E. coli, Klebsiella spp. and Pichia opuntiae. To solve this issue, monitoring of the microbial ecology was performed during the full process of bissap products. Methods and results. Fresh calyces and dried mixed calyces of the two varieties of Hibiscus sabdariffa ('Koor' and 'Vimto'), as well as juice samples, were collected at every stage of the processing of a bissap drink and syrup in a Senegalese SME. The monitoring of microbial flora was performed by using molecular fingerprinting. The molecular technique PCR-DGGE was employed to evaluate the microbial dynamics using bacterial 16S rDNA, yeast 26S rDNA and 28S rDNA mold profiles at each critical stage of the process. Results and discussion. The genetic profiles generated contributed to identifying the critical points in the manufacturing processes. A multivariate analysis based on the presence or absence of spots in the denaturing gradient electrophoresis gels (DGGE) showed that the microbial flora (bacteria, yeasts, molds) of bissap evolved during the following phases: harvest (fresh flower), drying (dried calyces) and processing (before filtration, after pasteurization and before packaging). Conclusion. Our work contributed to determining the microorganisms responsible for the microbial contamination of the final products, and highlighted the origin of these contaminants. The most important critical point was identified as the pasteurization step. (Résumé d'auteur
