918 research outputs found

    An apparent medieval stereogram incorporating a symbol for optical illusion

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    Stereograms mark a threshold in understanding visual perception. Modern study of stereopsis began with Wheatstone's invention of the stereogram and stereoscope (~ 1832), important tools in vision research and technical imagery ever since. Stereoscopic images formed with frieze and wallpaper patterns in illuminated Insular manuscripts such as the Book of Durrow (~ 680 CE), Lindisfarne Gospels (~ 700-720), and Book of Kells (~ 800) show that, long before spectacle-quality magnifying lenses (~ 1286), illuminators somehow copied multicolored, microscopically detailed designs _freehand_ with an accuracy unsurpassed in scientific instruments until the Renaissance (but well within the power of normally sighted humans' stereoscopic discrimination). If the artists accomplished this feat by free fusion using the unaided eyes as a magnifying stereocomparator, as suggested, they should have been able to create autostereograms. Did they? Here I report two examples of an apparent stereopair from the Book of Durrow, which gives a sharp, strongly three-dimensional image that includes, among other symbols, an eye-shaped sign identified with mirages (Fig. 1). Apparently, precocious empirical knowledge of stereopsis played more than a technical role in the creation of some of the world's more famous graphic art

    Distributed problem-based learning in a low resources setting

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    Distributed problem-based learning in a low resources setting

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    Beecher\u27s Trilobite Bed revisited: Ecology of an Ordovician deepwater fauna

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    Beecher\u27s Trilobite Bed in the Frankfort Shale of New York State preserves an exceptional record of the benthic macrofauna of a Late Ordovician deepwater marine environment. It has long been famous for specimens of the trilobites Triarthrus eatoni (Hall), Cryptolithus bellulus (Ulrich), Primaspis crosotus (Locke), and Cornuproetus beecheri (Ruedemann), new combination, which preserve the ventral appendages and even traces of the musculature. This fossil assemblage was accumulated when benthic animals and associated detritus were caught up and buried by a turbidity flow. Burial was indirectly the cause of mortality; and this factor, together with the abundance of already decayed organic matter in the sediment, the protection of a thickness of fine sediment, and sedimentary compaction following soon after burial, contributed to the exceptionally fine preservation of these animals in iron pyrite. As a natural census, this assemblage reveals the preservable benthic macrofauna as comprised of some 24 species of epifaunal and shallow infaunal organisms, chief among which were deposit-feeding trilobites (2 common species comprising 58 percent of individuals), suspension-feeding dendroid graptolites (3 species; 22 percent) and brachiopods (3 species; 9 percent). Annelids were probably abundant; large, poorly preserved specimens comprise about 6 percent of the sample. As compared with the benthic faunas of similar modern environments in deep basins on the continental borderland off southern California, this Ordovician fauna differs greatly in high-level taxonomic composition but has very much the same level of diversity in preservable species

    Memphis Low Line and Community Hub: Creating a Place for Refuge

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    In today’s society, when people migrate to a new setting, it can either be a welcoming or neglecting experience. It affects one’s sense of place, his or her relationship to the community and, therefore, his or her being. The challenge is to work toward the restoration of the site and respect the old, while still embedding a sense of refuge and identity to the place.The intent of this thesis is to create intimate and social gathering spaces with multi-sensory experiences that produce a meaningful attachment to place, community, and one’s self. The design process of this thesis demonstrates that the key to design thinking is integration of both the poetic image and the rational. This is explored through the adaptive reuse of an existing building and a ravine located in the Edge District of Memphis, Tennessee. Additionally, a new building is designed as transitional residences

    A comparison of selected factors relating to college success

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    This study dealt with factors selected to be investigated for their relationships with type of college attended, first year college grades, college transfer/non-transfer during the first year of college and college graduation/non-graduation. The subjects of the study were the 1960-1964 (inclusive) graduates of a certain Henrico County high school who attended college. It was an objective of this study to determine the amount of multiple college application, rejection and acceptance experienced by a student. Any trend in the applications to junior or senior colleges, and the extent of acceptance and rejection by junior and senior colleges, was investigated. In addition, the types of courses in which applicants were deficient according to entrance requirements were studied

    Reporte Marcus y mercadeo de productos informe final restaurante Marcus y plan de marketing de C&C bombones.

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    Lo presentado en el menú son sabores y texturas ya conocidas, es una España resumida en un menú ya que encontramos platos de valencia, platos tradicionales catalanes, etc. Se destaca el uso de mariscos como camarón, langostino, pescado, pulpo que son usados muy comúnmente si es que no se dice que son uno de los ejes para la cocina española. El azafrán que es uno de los productos más usados para la elaboración de la paella, pimientos, vainitas, etc., en fin una selección de ingredientes que sean capaces de transportar por un momento a España. El objetivo primordial de este proyecto es aprender a desenvolverse dentro de la elaboración de un menú gourmet, involucrando absolutamente todas las aéreas, aplicando conocimientos teóricos y prácticos ya estudiados en Marcus. La comida española es muy conocida por todos y es una de las preferidas al ser objeto de elección, sus sabores son familiares al paladar y la elaboración aunque es un poco extensa no es demasiado complicada. Aquí es donde se aplicaron los procesos y técnicas aprendidas para no perder la exquisitez de la comida española

    O Papel do Planejamento Tributário na Redução das Infrações Cometidas pelas Empresas nos Tributos Estaduais

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    This paper aims to analyze how tax planning can reduce infringements committed in relation to state taxes by companies registered with the Secretariat of Finance of the State of Ceará - SEFAZ/CE. For this, a survey was carried out of all cases that were judged by the Administrative Tax Litigation - CONAT, in 2017, making a total of 1017 cases. The methodology applied in relation to the approach is a qualitative descriptive and documentary research. The judged processes were analyzed to identify the most recurrent infractions committed by the companies, as well as the nature of the decision rendered by the judging body: Nullity, extinction, origin, partial origin and dismissal. The results show that among the most frequent tax infractions: transport of goods without tax documents; Failure to pay the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services - ICMS; omission of exits; as well as the omission of information in magnetic files. The research highlights the importance of tax planning as a tool for companies, supported by legality, to seek ways to reduce their tax burden, minimize the incidence of fines and additional costs incurred as result of non-compliance with their tax obligations and lack of planning and organization.Este artigo tem por objetivo geral analisar de que forma o planejamento tributário pode reduzir as infrações cometidas em relação aos tributos estaduais pelas empresas inscritas na Secretaria da Fazenda do Estado do Ceará - SEFAZ/CE. Para isso, procedeu-se o levantamento de todos os processos que foram julgados pelo Contencioso Administrativo Tributário – CONAT, em 2017, perfazendo um total de 1017 processos. A metodologia aplicada em relação à abordagem trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo descritiva e documental. Analisou-se os processos julgados para se identificar as infrações mais recorrentes cometidas pelas empresas, bem como a natureza da decisão proferida pelo órgão julgador: Nulidade, extinção, procedência, parcial procedência e improcedência. Os resultados apontam que entre as infrações tributárias com maior ocorrência estão: transporte de mercadoria sem documento fiscal; Falta de Recolhimento do Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços - ICMS; omissão de saídas; bem como a omissão de informações em arquivos magnéticos. A pesquisa ressalta a importância do planejamento tributário como ferramenta para que as empresas, amparadas na legalidade, busquem formas de reduzir sua carga tributária, minimizem a incidência de multas e custos adicionais, incorridos em decorrência do descumprimento de suas obrigações tributárias e da falta de planejamento e organização. &nbsp

    Evaluación de la publicidad en el Centro Comercial “Almacenes Tropigás” del municipio de Matagalpa durante el año 2008

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    El manejo financiero es elemento esencial para formar y manejar una empresa; su valor depende de la manera de administrarlo, por ello, es necesario conocer, cuándo y de qué forma una empresas está utilizándolo de manera efectiva. La publicidad, en cierta forma, podría ser considerada un gasto y no una inversión, puesto que a simple vista no retribuye nada a las empresas. Sin embargo, la publicidad ha desempeñado un papel fundamental en la actividad comercial de la tienda Almacenes TROPIGÁS del Municipio de Matagalpa, en la cual ha sido el medio más importante para darse a conocer como empresa, asegurándose un alto nivel empresarial. El principal objetivo de la investigación consistió en la evaluación de la publicidad de la tienda, a través de la valoración del gerente, vendedores y clientes, identificando los medios publicitarios más importantes usados. Utilizando como instrumentos para la recopilación de la información, la encuesta y la entrevista. Los resultados más sobresalientes en la investigación, expresan que la aplicación de la publicidad en la tienda ha sido muy efectiva para el crecimiento de las ventas, más aún, en los meses festivos del año, en los que se percibe mayores ingresos, contribuyendo al desarrollo empresarial y social del Municipio, confirmándose la publicidad como factor positivo para llegar al público - meta por su calidad, sus frecuentes apariciones en los medios y su poder de atracció


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    O presente trabalho visa demonstrar a importância do planejamento nas organizações, com enfoque para o planejamento estratégico realizado nas instituições federais de ensino superior, em particular, na Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV. Apresenta-se as experiências, trajetórias e evoluções do planejamento, desde a sua fundação, em 1926, e avalia-se, ao longo do tempo, a efetividade de uma cultura de planejamento, sendo capaz, então, de fazer uso desta ferramenta de administração tão importante e necessária para enfrentar o desafio de se manter uma universidade sólida e de qualidade, que atenda aos anseios da sociedade e consiga expandir suas atividades acadêmicas apesar das restrições de recursos. Resultado de pesquisa documental realizada junto à unidade de planejamento da instituição, verifica-se que, do processo da federalização aos dias atuais, a UFV apresenta experiências informais e formais de planejamento, podendo-se identificar doze momentos de ação sistêmica de planejamento; alguns apresentando resultados, outros não. Verifica-se, também, que as ferramentas utilizadas para aplicação das técnicas de planejamento, vêm se tornando mais modernas e informatizadas, num intuito de tornar efetivos o envolvimento e a participação do dirigente no processo de planejamento e avaliação institucional