41 research outputs found

    Origin and evolution of Cenozoic magmatism of Sardinia (Italy). A combined isotopic (Sr-Nd-Pb-O-Hf-Os) and petrological view

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    The Cenozoic igneous activity of Sardinia is essentially concentrated in the 38-0.1 Myr time range. On the basis of volcanological, petrographic, mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic considerations, two main rock types can be defined. The first group, here defined SR (Subduction-Related) comprises Late Eocene-Middle Miocene (~ 38-15 Ma) igneous rocks, essentially developed along the Sardinian Trough, a N-S oriented graben developed during the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene. The climax of magmatism is recorded during the Early Miocene (~ 23-18 Ma) with minor activity before and after this time range. Major and trace element indicators, as well as Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-Os-O isotope systematic indicate complex petrogenetic processes including subduction-related metasomatism, variable degrees of crustal contamination at shallow depths, fractional crystallization and basic rock partial melting. Hybridization processes between mantle and crustal melts and between pure mantle and crustally contaminated mantle melts increased the isotopic and elemental variability of the composition of the evolved (intermediate to acid) melts. The earliest igneous activity, pre-dating the Early Miocene magmatic climax, is related to the pushing effects exerted by the Alpine Tethys over the Hercynian or older lower crust, rather than to dehydration processes of the oceanic plate itself. The second group comprises volcanic rocks emplaced from ~ 12 to ~ 0.1 Ma. The major and, partially, trace element content of these rocks roughly resemble magmas emplaced in within-plate tectonic settings. From a Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-Os isotopic point of view, it is possible to subdivide these rocks in two subgroups. The first, defined RPV (Radiogenic Pb Volcanic) group comprises the oldest and very rare products (~ 12-4.4 Ma) occurring only in the southern sectors of Sardinia. The second group, defined UPV (Unradiogenic Pb Volcanic), comprises rocks emplaced in the remaining central and northern sectors during the ~ 4.8-0.1 Ma time range. The origin of the RPV rocks remains quite enigmatic, since they formed just a few Myr after the end of a subduction-related igneous activity but do not show any evidence of slab-derived metasomatic effects. In contrast, the complex origin of the mafic UPV rocks, characterized by low 206Pb/204Pb (17.4-18.1), low 143Nd/144Nd (0.51232-0.51264), low 176Hf/177Hf (0.28258-0.28280), mildly radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr (~ 0.7044) and radiogenic 187Os/188Os ratios (0.125-0.160) can be explained with a mantle source modified after interaction with ancient delaminated lower crustal lithologies. The strong isotopic difference between the RPV and UPV magmas and the absence of lower crustal-related features in the SR and RPV remain aspects to be solved

    Tetra-Plot: A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to perform tetrahedral diagrams

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    Tetra-plot is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet developed for the visualization of mineralogical, petrological and geochemical data in three dimensions. This program allows to normalize and plot a number of data on tetrahedral diagrams. The tetrahedron can be freely rotated in space. Tetra-Plot includes a set of functionalities that help users to manipulate data for 3D visualization

    Tetra-Plot: A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to perform tetrahedral diagrams short note

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    Tetra-plot is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet developed for the visualization of mineralogical, petrological and geochemical data in three dimensions. This program allows to normalize and plot a number of data on tetrahedral diagrams. The tetrahedron can be freely rotated in space. Tetra-Plot includes a set of functionalities that help users to manipulate data for 3D visualization

    Constraints on duration, age and migration of the feeder systems of the Madagascan Flood Basalt Province from high-precision 40Ar/39Ar chronology

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    The Late Cretaceous magmatism in Madagascar is correlated with the break-up between Madagascar and Greater India, with a presumed track of a hotspot from Madagascar towards the Marion Island and with an anoxic event in the Late Cretaceous. The lava succession and associated dyke swarms and sills of western Madagascar (Mailaka area) represent a volumetrically important area of the igneous province, where dykes with random orientation, several igneous intrusions and a flood basalt to rhyodacite sequence do occur. The magmas have a tholeiitic and weakly alkaline affinity. Using plagioclase separates, we obtained two plateau 40Ar/39Ar ages, and an inverse isochron age statistically indistinguishable, ranging from 92.9 ± 3.8 to 91.2 ± 1.3 Ma (2σ). These ages indicate that tholeiitic and alkaline rocks were erupted in the same age span. In addition, these ages are close to the Cenomanian–Turonian (C–T; 93.9 ± 0.2 Ma) boundary and are indistinguishable from the U–Pb ages available for the capping rhyodacitic unit of the Mailaka lava succession. A filtered compilation of eight ages for northern and central-western Madagascar rocks suggests a duration for the magmatic activity in this part of Madagascar province of the order of c. 3 Ma. If the western Madagascar magmatism is plume related, the plume head would need to have been located near the Mailaka area at c. 93 Ma. The geochemistry of the mafic lavas and dykes of western Madagascar is barely distinguishable from mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB), with an increasing crustal contamination towards the evolved rocks, and does not constrain input of typical components derived by plume magmatism

    Mantle and Crustal Contributions to the Mount Girnar Alkaline Plutonic Complex and the Circum-Girnar Mafic-Silicic Intrusions of Saurashtra, Northwestern Deccan Traps

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    Continental flood basalt (CFB) provinces, while dominated by tholeiitic basalts and basaltic andesites, often also contain alkaline mafic to felsic lavas and intrusions. The tholeiitic and alkaline magmas may reflect different degrees of partial melting of the same mantle source, or the alkaline magmas may be derived from metasomatised, incompatible element-enriched mantle sources. The tholeiitic and alkaline suites, even if closely associated spatially or temporally, require independent magmatic plumbing systems. In the Saurashtra region of the northwestern Deccan Traps CFB province, India, tholeiitic lavas have been intruded by the ~66 Ma Mount Girnar plutonic complex, which comprises olivine gabbros (often with cumulate textures), diorites, and monzonites, profusely intruded by dykes and veins of foid-bearing syenites and lamprophyres. In the region surrounding the complex the tholeiitic lavas have been intruded by a large (12 km- diameter) silicic ring dyke, as well as tholeiitic dykes and sills. The region thus provides an excellent opportunity to study potential petrogenetic relationships between tholeiitic, alkaline and silicic magmatism in a CFB province, evaluated here using field, petrographic, mineral chemical, and whole-rock geochemical (including Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic) data. Initial (at 65 Ma) Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic ratios of an olivine gabbro and diorites of the Girnar plutonic suite are in the ranges (87Sr/86Sr)t = 0.70499 to 0.70584, (143Nd/144Nd)t = 0.512675 to 0.512484 (εNdt = +2.4 to –1.4) and (206Pb/204Pb)t = 18.270-18.679. Foid-bearing syenites and lamprophyres have broadly similar isotopic ratios and marked enrichments in the most incompatible elements. Thermobarometric calculations indicate crystallisation of mineral phases in the Girnar plutonic suite at varied crustal pressures (0.02-0.9 GPa). Small but significant Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic variations within the plutonic suite rule out closed-system fractional crystallisation as a viable process, whereas a lack of correlation between isotopic ratio and degree of magmatic evolution (rock type) also negates any simple scheme of combined assimilation-fractional crystallisation (AFC). The circum-Girnar tholeiitic intrusions, hitherto practically unstudied, are low-Ti and moderately to fairly evolved (MgO = 8.0-3.9 wt.%); olivine gabbro and picrite dykes with cumulus olivine show higher MgO (10.1–15.7 wt.%), Ni (360–700 ppm) and Cr (410–1710 ppm) contents. The circum-Girnar tholeiitic intrusions have a large range of Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic ratios (e.g. εNdt = +4.2 to –18.7) indicating open-system processes. We infer that magmas of the alkaline Girnar plutonic suite were derived from enriched mantle, with only minor crustal residence or material input, possibly reflecting a very thin basement crust under the complex. In contrast, magmas forming the circum-Girnar tholeiitic intrusions were derived from depleted mantle (εNdt > +4.2) by high degrees of melting, and they experienced olivine fractionation or accumulation in crustal chambers and significant contamination by ancient granitic basement crust. These features probably reflect a much thicker crust surrounding the plutonic complex than directly under it. The circum-Girnar silicic ring dyke has Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic ratios suggesting an origin by anatexis of the basement crust. Based on a range of evidence, the tholeiitic and silicic circum-Girnar dykes and sills are petrogenetically and structurally unrelated to the alkaline Girnar plutonic suite

    Geochemistry of the Palitana flood basalt sequence and the Eastern Saurashtra dykes, Deccan Traps: clues to petrogenesis, dyke???flow relationships, and regional lava stratigraphy

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    Recent studies of large mafic dyke swarms in the Deccan Traps flood basalt province, India, indicate that some of the correlative lava flows reached several hundred kilometers in length. Here we present field, petrographic, mineral chemical, and whole-rock geochemical (including Sr-Nd iso- topic) data on the Palitana lava sequence and nearby dykes in the Saurashtra region of the northwestern Deccan Traps. These rocks are moderately evolved, many with low-Ti-Nb characteristics. We infer that most dykes are notably (and systematically) less contaminated by ancient continental crust than the Palitana flows, but four dykes are equally or signif- icantly more contaminated, with some of the most extreme Sr-Nd isotopic compositions seen in the entire Deccan Traps (initial ??Nd is as low as ???18.0). A Bhimashankar-type and a Poladpur-type dyke are present several hundred kilometersfrom the type section of these magma types in the Western Ghats escarpment. We find no geochemical correlations between the Palitana sequence and three subsurface sequences in NE Saurashtra containing abundant picritic rocks, surface lavas previously studied from Saurashtra, or the Western Ghats sequence. Intriguingly, the Eastern Saurashtra dykes cannot have been feeders to any of these lava sequences. Feeder dykes of these sequences may be located in southwestern or central Saurashtra, or in the Dhule-Nandurbar Dediapada areas across the Gulf of Cambay, 200???300 km east of Palitana. Our results indicate polycentric flood basalt erup- tions not only on the scale of the Deccan Traps province, but also within the Saurashtra region itself

    Mineralogy, geochemistry and 40Ar–39Ar geochronology of the Barda and Alech complexes, Saurashtra, northwestern Deccan Traps: early silicic magmas derived by flood basalt fractionation

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    Most continental flood basalt (CFB) provinces of the world contain silicic (granitic and rhyolitic) rocks, which are of significant petrogenetic interest. These rocks can form by advanced fractional crystallization of basaltic magmas, crustal assimilation with fractional crystallization, partial melting of hydrothermally altered basaltic lava flows or intrusions, anatexis of old basement crust, or hybridization between basaltic and crustal melts. In the Deccan Traps CFB province of India, the Barda and Alech Hills, dominated by granophyre and rhyolite, respectively, form the largest silicic complexes. We present petrographic, mineral chemical, and whole-rock geochemical (major and trace element and Sr–Nd isotopic) data on rocks of both complexes, along with 40Ar–39Ar ages of 69.5–68.5 Ma on three Barda granophyres. Whereas silicic magmatism in the Deccan Traps typically postdates flood basalt eruptions, the Barda granophyre intrusions (and the Deccan basalt flows they intrude) significantly pre-date (by 3–4 My) the intense 66–65 Ma flood basalt phase forming the bulk of the province. A tholeiitic dyke cutting the Barda granophyres contains quartzite xenoliths, the first being reported from Saurashtra and probably representing Precambrian basement crust. However, geochemical–isotopic data show little involvement of ancient basement crust in the genesis of the Barda–Alech silicic rocks. We conclude that these rocks formed by advanced (70–75 %), nearly-closed system fractional crystallization of basaltic magmas in crustal magma chambers. The sheer size of each complex (tens of kilometres in diameter) indicates a very large mafic magma chamber, and a wide, pronounced, circular-shaped gravity high and magnetic anomaly mapped over these complexes is arguably the geophysical signature of this solidified magma chamber. The Barda and Alech complexes are important for understanding CFB-associated silicic magmatism, and anorogenic, intraplate silicic magmatism in general

    The geochemistry of primitive volcanic rocks of the Ankaratra volcanic complex, and source enrichment processes in the genesis of the Cenozoic magmatism in Madagascar

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    The Ankaratra volcanic complex in central Madagascar consists of lava flows, domes, scoria cones, tuff rings and maars of Cenozoic age that are scattered over 3800 km2. The mafic rocks include olivine-leucite-nephelinites, basanites, alkali basalts and hawaiites, and tholeiitic basalts. Primitive samples have high Mg# (>60), high Cr and Ni concentrations; their mantle-normalized patterns peak at Nb and Ba, have troughs at K, and smoothly decrease towards the least incompatible elements. The Ankaratra mafic rocks show small variation in Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions (e.g., 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70377–0.70446, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51273–0.51280, 206Pb/204Pb = 18.25–18.87). These isotopic values differ markedly from those of Cenozoic mafic lavas of northern Madagascar and the Comoro archipelago, typical Indian Ocean MORB and oceanic basalt end-members. The patterns of olivine nephelinitic magmas can be obtained through 3–10% partial melting of a mantle source that was enriched by a Ca-rich alkaline melt, and that contained garnet, carbonates and phlogopite. The patterns of tholeiitic basalts can be obtained after 10–12% partial melting of a source enriched with lower amounts of the same alkaline melt, in the spinel- (and possibly amphibole-) facies mantle, hence in volumes where carbonate is not a factor. The significant isotopic change from the northernmost volcanic rocks of Madagascar and those in the central part of the island implicates a distinct source heterogeneity, and ultimately assess the role of the continental lithospheric mantle as source region. The source of at least some volcanic rocks of the still active Comoro archipelago may have suffered the same time-integrated geochemical and isotopic evolution as that of the northern Madagascar volcanic rocks

    40Ar/39Ar geochronology and geochemistry of the Central Saurashtra mafic dyke swarm: insights into magmatic evolution, magma transport, and dyke-flow relationships in the northwestern Deccan Traps

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    The Central Saurashtra mafic dyke swarm in the northwestern Deccan Traps contains a few picrites, several subalkalic basalts and basaltic andesites, and an andesite. We have obtained precise 40Ar/39Ar ages of 65.6± 0.2 Ma, 66.6±0.3, and 62.4±0.3 Ma (2σ errors) for three of the dykes, indicating the emplacement of the swarm over several million years. Mineral chemical and whole-rock major and trace element and Sr–Nd isotopic data show that fractional crystallization and crystal accumulation were important processes. Except for two dykes (with εNdt values of –8.2 and –12.3), the magmas were only moderately contaminated by continental crust. The late-emplaced (62.4 Ma) basalt dyke has compositional characteristics (low La/Sm and Th/Nb, high εNdt of +4.3) suggesting little or no crustal contamination. Most dykes are low-Ti and a few high-Ti, and these contrasting Ti types cannot be produced by fractional crystallization processes but require distinct parental magmas. Some dykes are compositionally homogeneous over tens of kilometers, whereas others are heterogeneous, partly because they were formed by multiple magma injections. The combined field and geochemical data establish the Sardhar dyke as ≥62 km long and the longest in Saurashtra, but this and the other Central Saurasthra dykes cannot have fed any of the hitherto studied lava-flow sequences in Saurashtra, given their very distinct Sr–Nd isotopic compositions. As observed previously, high-Ti lavas and dykes only outcrop east– northeast of a line joining Rajkot and Palitana, probably because of underlying enriched mantle at ~65 Ma