20 research outputs found

    Diabetes mellitus in a girl with thyroid hormone resistance syndrome: A little recognized interaction between the two diseases

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    The syndrome of resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH) is characterized by elevated serum free thyroid hormones (FT4 and FT3) in the presence of unsuppressed TSH levels, reflecting resistance to the normal negative feedback mechanisms in the hypothalamus and pituitary. The degree of resistance within peripheral tissues determines whether thyrotoxic clinical features are associated with this condition. Classic features include attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, growth delay, tachycardia, and goiter. However, other features, such as frequent ear, nose and throat infections, hearing deficit, and decreased bone mass have recently been recognized. The phenotype of RTH is variable, with most patients presenting with mild to moderate symptoms. In this report we describe a girl with familiar RTH and diabetes mellitus. This is, to our knowledge, the first report regarding this association. Nearly one year after long-term triiodothyroacetic acid (Triac) therapy, we observed a reduction of thyroid hormone levels with an amelioration of insulin resistance. The possible interactions between these disorders are discussed

    Are pre-miR-146a and PTTG1 associated with papillary thyroid cancer?

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    Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most common endocrine malignancy, with a steadily increasing incidence in the last few decades worldwide. The predisposition to developing this carcinoma by the heterozygous state of rs2910164 within the precursor of the miR-146a has been reported, but recently not confirmed. Interestingly, on the same chromosome, almost 50 kb separate the pre-miR-146a from the pituitary tumor-transforming gene 1 (PTTG1), a proto-oncogene involved in several tumors, including thyroid cancers. In this study, we analyzed, using a case–control design, the genetic association between PTC and the genomic region encompassing pre-miR-146a rs2910164 and PTTG1 rs1862391 and rs2910202. We enrolled 307 affected patients and 206 healthy controls. The possible presence of thyroid nodules in controls was excluded by ultrasonography. All the cases were submitted to single- nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping of pre-miR-146a and PTTG1, and risk association analyses were carried out. The genotypic and allelic frequencies of pre-miR-146a rs2910164 were not statistically different in the patients and controls, and this SNP was not in linkage disequilibrium with the investigated PTTG1 SNPs. Consistently, meta-analyses, the first including all the affected cases published to date, did not confirm the previously reported association of the heterozygous CG genotype with PTC. The PTTG1 SNPs exhibited the same allelic frequency in the patients and controls and were not associated with the disease. In conclusion, in a well-selected Italian population, neither pre-miR-146a rs2910164 nor PTTG1 rs1862391 and rs2910202 were found to be associated with the risk of developing PTC

    Segmental Maternal UPD of Chromosome 7q in a Patient With Pendred and Silver Russell Syndromes-Like Features

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    Pendred syndrome (PS) is an autosomal recessive disorder due to mutations in the SLC26A4 gene (chr7q22. 3) and characterized by sensorineural hearing loss and variable thyroid phenotype. Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS) is a heterogeneous imprinting disorder including severe intrauterine and postnatal growth retardation, and dysmorphic features. Maternal uniparental disomy of either the whole chromosome 7 (upd(7)mat) or 7q (upd(7q)mat) is one of the multiple mechanisms impacting the expression of imprinted genes in SRS, and is associated with milder clinical features. Here, we report genetic and clinical characterization of a female child with PS, postnatal growth retardation, and minor dysmorphic features. A gross homozygous deletion of SLC26A4 exons 17-20 was suspected by Sanger sequencing and then confirmed by array-CGH. Moreover, an insertion of about 1 kb of the CCDC126 gene (7p15.3), which does not appear to be clinically relevant, was detected. The possible occurrence of a balanced rearrangement between 7p and 7q was excluded. The absence of the deletion in the father led to the investigation of upd, and microsatellite segregation analysis revealed a segmental 7q (upd(7q)mat), leading to SLC26A4 homozygosity and responsible for both PS and SRS-like traits. The proband matched 3 out of 6 major SRS criteria. In conclusion, this is the first report of uniparental isodisomy encompassing almost the whole long arm of chromosome 7 resulting in PS and SRS-like features. Whereas, the inner ear phenotype of PS is typical, the clinical features suggestive of SRS might have been overlooked

    Thyroid cancer and endocrine disruptive chemicals: a case–control study on per-fluoroalkyl substances and other persistent organic pollutants

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    Objective: The aim was to evaluate the possible association between some endocrine disruptive chemicals and thyroid cancer (TC) in an Italian case–control cohort. Methods: We enrolled 112 TC patients and 112 sex- and age-matched controls without known thyroid diseases. Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), poly-chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (4,4′-DDT and 4,4′-DDE) were measured in the serum by liquid or gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Unconditional logistic regression, Bayesan kernel machine regression and weighted quantile sum models were used to estimate the association between TC and pollutants’ levels, considered individually or as mixture. BRAFV600E mutation was assessed by standard methods. Results: The detection of perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) was positively correlated to TC (OR = 2.03, 95% CI: 1.10–3.75, P = 0.02), while a negative association was found with perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS) levels (OR = 0.63, 95% CI: 0.41–0.98, P = 0.04). Moreover, perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) was positively associated with the presence of thyroiditis, while PFHxS and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) with higher levels of presurgical thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). PFHxS, PFOS, PFNA, and PFDA were correlated with less aggressive TC, while poly-chlorinated biphenyls (PCB-105 and PCB-118) with larger and more aggressive tumors. Statistical models showed a negative association between pollutants’ mixture and TC. BRAFV600E mutations were associated with PCB-153, PCB-138, and PCB-180. Conclusion: Our study suggests, for the first time in a case–control population, that exposure to some PFAS and PCBs associates with TC and some clinical and molecular features. On the contrary, an inverse correlation was found with both PFHxS and pollutants’ mixture, likely due to a potential reverse causality

    Oxidative Stress Correlates with More Aggressive Features in Thyroid Cancer

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    Oxidative stress (OS) can have an impact in the pathogenesis and in the progression of thyroid cancer. We investigated the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in 50 malignant and benign thyroid lesions and 41 normal tissues, and correlated them with the thyroid differentiation score-TDS and the clinico-pathologic features. NOX4 expression, GPx activity and the genetic pattern of tumors were evaluated. In malignant and benign lesions, ROS generation and NOX4 protein expression were higher than in normal tissues. Follicular (FTCs) and anaplastic/poorly differentiated cancers had increased OS relative to papillary tumors (PTCs). Moreover, OS in FTCs was higher than in follicular adenomas. Mutated PTCs showed increased OS compared with non-mutated PTCs. In malignant tumors, OS was inversely correlated with TDS, and directly correlated with tumor stage and ATA risk. GPx activity was increased in tumors compared with normal tissues, and inversely correlated to OS. In conclusion, our data indicate that thyroid tumors are exposed to higher OS compared with normal tissues, while showing a compensative increased GPx activity. OS correlates with tumor aggressiveness and mutations in the MEK-ERK pathway in PTC. The inverse correlation between OS and TDS suggests that ROS may repress genes involved in thyroid differentiation