28 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh likuiditas, nilai tukar dan inflasi terhadap harga saham pada perusahaan Food and Beverages yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Jenis dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini didapatkan dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling yaitu metode pemilihan sampel dengan kriteria-kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Berdasarkan metode purposive sampling tersebut terpilih 8 perusahaan sampel makanan dan minuman yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama periode tahun 2015-2019. Sampel yang digunakan merupakan laporan-laporan keuangan perusahaan sampel yang telah diaudit dan dipublikasikan oleh Bursa Efek Indonesia. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda dengan menggunakan program SPSS versi 20. Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa likuiditas berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap hrga saham. Nilai tukar juga berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap harga saham. Sedangkan inflasi berpengaruh tidak signifikan dan negatif terhadap harga saha

    Pengaruh Life Style, Kualitas Produk dan Store Image terhadap Keputusan Pembelian

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    The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the influence of life style, product quality, and store image on consumer purchasing decisions atMulia InternationalStore Fashion Sukaramai PlazaPekanbaru.The method used is multiple linear regression analysis.The sample used was 100 respondents.The results of this study indicate that life style and product quality have a significant effect on purchasing decisions, while store image has no significant effect on consumer purchasing decisions inMulia InternationalStore Fashion Sukaramai PlazaPekanbaru. Keywords: Life Style, Product Quality, Store Image, Purchasing Decision


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    The aim of the research is to develop interactive learning media Excited Math Games on set material for class VII junior high school students. The research method used is development research referring to the ADDIE model. The research instruments were media development sheets and student learning outcomes tests. The results of the research are based on the design carried out (1) analysis: needs analysis which shows that the use of learning media is still limited, and students have not been actively involved in the learning process, technology analysis, a combination of Power Point and iSping Suite 10 used as the main software, and curriculum analysis according to with the 2013 curriculum; (2) design: collecting references, designing material content according to aspects of understanding concepts, preparing stoyboards and flowcharts to make it easier to create learning media; (3) development; creating learning media, expert validation to determine the validity of learning media, and revising phase I products based on validator input; (4) implementation: trial to obtain data on students' level of understanding of concepts after applying learning media; (5) evaluation: analyzing student learning test results to determine the level of understanding of concepts. The quality of the learning media developed meets the very valid criteria based on the assessment of media experts and material experts with scores of 3.8125 and 3.65 respectively. Meanwhile, the level of understanding of students' concepts after applying the Excited Math Games learning media obtained very high criteria based on student learning outcomes tests with a completeness percentage of 86.67% and an average score of 88 or above the students' completeness score, namely > 70

    Investigasi Tingkat Kerawanan Gedung Dalam Rangka Implementasi Mitigasi Gempa Bumi di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mataram

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    After the 2018 Lombok Earthquake, buildings at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram (FT Unram) were severely damaged and there was no comprehensive treatment. Facilities for earthquake mitigation are still minimal and if available they are not designed and placed properly. Some parts of the building have been renovated but appear unfinished, while there were new constructions that have not been investigated regarding their suitability with earthquake mitigation. Anticipating re-occurrence of a major earthquake in Lombok, it is very necessary to implement earthquake mitigation at FT Unram. In this paper, results of vulnerability investigation of each building will be presented including number, type, and level of damages as well as their locations and detailed documentation of each point of damages in form of pictures and photos/videos. Through this activity vulnerabilities of each building can be identified comprehensively, so that appropriate treatments can be carried out, and the safest evacuation route can be planned as well

    Dasar Algoritma & Struktur Data Dengan Bahasa Java

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    xii + 332 hlm.; 28 cm

    Dasar Algoritma dan Struktur Data dengan Bahasa Java

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    xii, 332 hlm.; 20 x 28 c

    Teori dan Algoritma Graph dengan Bahasa Java

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    x, 294 hlm.; 23 c

    Algoritma pemrograman dan struktur data menggunakan C++

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    Buku Algoritma Pemrograman dan Struktur Data Menggunakan C++ dapat anda dapatkan di toko buku Andi Publisher terdekat di kota anda, atau dibeli melalui website toko buku online kami Buku ini berisi tentang algoritma-algoritma dasa dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman C++ . Materi yang terdapat dalam buku ini wajib diketahui bagi anda yang ingin berkecimpung dalam dunia pemrograman komputer. Dengan mempelajari seluruh bagian dari buku ini, anda akan diajak untuk belajar pemrograman dan algoritma dai NOL. Materi yang dibahas mulai dari pengenalan operator dan logika, sejumlah tipe variable dalam bahasa pemrograman C++ sampai kepada bahasan yang lebih kompleks, seperti Tree dan Graph. Selain itu, dalam tiap babnya, penulis melakukan pendekatan pemrograman dengan konsep Class dan Object serta menggunakan sejumlah gambar untuk visualisasi agar pembahasanya menjadi lebih menarik dan mudah dipahami.xii, 384 hlm.: 23 cm + C

    Teori & algoritma graph dengan bahasa java

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