339 research outputs found

    Design of a Stationary Energy Recovery System in Rail Transport

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    Although rail is one of the most sustainable transport systems, there is still room to reduce its energy demand. In particular, during the braking of DC powered trains, a significant amount of energy is wasted. The recent developments in energy storage system technologies, combined with the widely used technique of regenerative braking, can considerably increase energy saving. This paper explores this theme, quantifying the amount of braking energy that can be potentially recovered in a real case study, starting from the experimental data measured on-board train. A simplified numerical model of the recovery process has been implemented. Adopting it, the energy that can be saved, with one or two energy storage systems, has been quantified for each possible position along the track. The procedure allows to determine the optimal position. Further findings about the impact of voltage level on the efficiency of the recovery process have been reported. The optimal level of voltage has been determined, also considering the additional losses in the catenary, both during the traction and braking phase of the train. Moreover, it allows dimensioning of stationary storage systems considering two different energy management strategies and their impact on the peak of stored energy. The proposed approach will be presented with reference to the concrete case of a specific route on the Italian rail network, analyzing a train in normal commuter service and the obtained results will be discussed. In the best situation, about the 73% of the braking energy can be recovered

    Unimpaired Neuropsychological Performance and Enhanced Memory Recall in Patients with Sbma: A Large Sample Comparative Study.

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    Peculiar cognitive profile of patients with SBMA has been described by fragmented literature. Our retrospective study reports the neuropsychological evaluations of a large cohort of patients in order to contribute towards the understanding of this field. We consider 64 neuropsychological evaluations assessing mnesic, linguistic and executive functions collected from 2013 to 2015 in patients attending at Motor Neuron Disease Centre of University of Padova. The battery consisted in: Digit Span forwards and backwards, Prose Memory test, Phonemic Verbal fluency and Trail making tests. ANCOVA statistics were employed to compare tests scores results with those obtained from a sample of healthy control subjects. Multiple linear regressions were used to study the effect on cognitive performance of CAG-repeat expansion, the degree of androgen insensitivity and their interaction to cognitive performance. Statistical analyses did not reveal altered scores in any neuropsychological tests among those adopted. Interestingly, patients performed significantly better in the Prose Memory test's score. No relevant associations were found with genetic, hormonal or clinical patients' profile. Results inconsistent with previous studies have been interpreted according to the phenomenon of somatic mosaicism. We suggest a testosterone-related and the mood state-dependant perspectives as two possible interpretations of the enhanced performances in the Prose Memory test. Further studies employing more datailed tests batteries are encouraged

    Interventional Ultrasound in Dermatology: A Pictorial Overview Focusing on Cutaneous Melanoma Patients

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    Cutaneous melanoma incidence is increasing worldwide, representing an aggressive tumor when evolving to the metastatic phase. High-resolution ultrasound (US) is playing a growing role in the assessment of newly diagnosed melanoma cases, in the locoregional staging prior to the sentinel lymph-node biopsy procedure, and in the melanoma patient follow-up. Additionally, US may guide a number of percutaneous procedures in the melanoma patients, encompassing diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. These include fine needle cytology, core biopsy, placement of presurgical guidewires, aspiration of lymphoceles and seromas, and electrochemotherapy

    Collapse of spherical charged anisotropic fluid spacetimes

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    A class of spherical collapsing exact solutions with electromagnetic charge is derived. This class of solutions -- in general anisotropic -- contains however as a particular case the charged dust model already known in literature. Under some regularity assumptions that in the uncharged case give rise to naked singularities, it is shown that the process of shell focusing singularities avoidance -- already known for the dust collapse -- also takes place here, determing shell crossing effects or a completely regular solution.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures. Version to appear on Class Quantum Gra

    Addition of tabulated equation of state and neutrino leakage support to IllinoisGRMHD

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    We have added support for realistic, microphysical, finite-temperature equations of state (EOS) and neutrino physics via a leakage scheme to IllinoisGRMHD, an open-source GRMHD code for dynamical spacetimes in the Einstein Toolkit. These new features are provided by two new, NRPy+-based codes: NRPyEOS, which performs highly efficient EOS table lookups and interpolations, and NRPyLeakage, which implements a new, AMR-capable neutrino leakage scheme in the Einstein Toolkit. We have performed a series of strenuous validation tests that demonstrate the robustness of these new codes, particularly on the Cartesian AMR grids provided by Carpet. Furthermore, we show results from fully dynamical GRMHD simulations of single unmagnetized neutron stars, and magnetized binary neutron star mergers. This new version of IllinoisGRMHD, as well as NRPyEOS and NRPyLeakage, is pedagogically documented in Jupyter notebooks and fully open source. The codes will be proposed for inclusion in an upcoming version of the Einstein Toolkit.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures. v2 matches PRD versio

    Comparative life cycle environmental and economic assessment of anaerobic membrane bioreactor and disinfection for reclaimed water reuse in agricultural irrigation: A case study in Italy

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    Supplementary data are available online at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959652621004212#appsec1 .Reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation purposes is a measure to reduce water stress and overexploitation of freshwater resources. This study aims to investigate the environmental and economic impacts of a current conventional wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Peschiera Borromeo (Milan, Italy), and compare possible scenarios to enable reclaimed water reuse for agriculture. Accordingly, we propose alternative disinfection methods (i.e. enhanced UV, peracetic acid) and replace conventional activated sludge (CAS) with upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) for biological treatment and use anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) as the tertiary treatment. Life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle costing (LCC) were implemented on the existing full-scale wastewater treatment line and the hypothetical scenarios. In most cases, the impact categories are primarily influenced by fertilizer application and direct emissions to water (i.e. nutrients and heavy metals). The baseline scenario appears to have the largest environmental impact, except for freshwater eutrophication, human ecotoxicity and terrestrial ecotoxicity. As expected, water depletion is the most apparent impact category between the baseline and proposed scenarios. The UASB + AnMBR scenario gives relatively higher environmental benefits than the other proposed scenarios in climate change (−28%), fossil fuel depletion (−31%), mineral resource depletion (−52%), and terrestrial ecotoxicity compared to the baseline. On the other hand, the highest impact on freshwater eutrophication is also obtained by this scenario since the effluent from the anaerobic processes is rich in nutrients. Moreover, investment and operational costs vary remarkably between the scenarios, and the highest overall costs are obtained for the UASB + AnMBR line mostly due to the replacement of membrane modules (24% of the total cost). The results highlighted the importance of the life cycle approach to support decision making when considering possible upgrading scenarios in WWTPs for water reuse.This study was carried out within the framework of the ‘Digital-Water.City - DWC’ Innovation Action which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 820954. Alessia Foglia kindly acknowledges the Fondazione Cariverona for funding her PhD scholarship

    The role of architectural design for rheumatic patients' wellbeing: the point of view of Environmental Psychology

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    Rheumatic diseases (RD) are among the most frequent disorders in the population and the major causes of chronic pain and disability. The resulting consequences are catastrophic, leading to a significant socio-economic burden, which includes significant reductions in quality of life (QoL) and limitations in regular work and daily activities of patients. In spite of this, rheumatic diseases are often misunderstood or diagnosed late, probably due to their characteristics of silent diseases, sometimes unrecognizable to unaffected or unskilled people. Actually, it is surprising that, despite their consequences on QoL and on individual impact, rheumatic diseases are underestimated by the public opinion, which is probably more attracted by other major diseases causing death. This silent perception can even be seen in some among the most recent psycho-social approaches to population needs in the fields of Health Psychology and Environmental Psychology. The latter, also known as Architectural Psychology, is a branch of Psychology that analyses the effects of the built environment on humans, including those affected by diseases. Paradoxically, in many cases, some components of the environments created to protect individuals and/or the population may represent barriers and subsequently causes of disability and suffering in patients with rheumatic diseases. In order to increase awareness about this particular aspect of social life, HEMOVE Onlus, a non-profit association, has promoted the creation of a multidisciplinary Task Group, which included mainly rheumatologists, psychologists and architects, with the aim of applying also for the benefit of rheumatic patients the most modern technical skills available in the context of Environmental Psychology, including in particular design and information technology
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