101 research outputs found

    Length scale dependence of dynamical heterogeneity in a colloidal fractal gel

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    We use time-resolved dynamic light scattering to investigate the slow dynamics of a colloidal gel. The final decay of the average intensity autocorrelation function is well described by g_2(q,τ)1exp[(τ/τ_f)p]g\_2(q,\tau)-1 \sim \exp[-(\tau/\tau\_\mathrm{f})^p], with τ_fq1\tau\_\mathrm{f} \sim q^{-1} and pp decreasing from 1.5 to 1 with increasing qq. We show that the dynamics is not due to a continuous ballistic process, as proposed in previous works, but rather to rare, intermittent rearrangements. We quantify the dynamical fluctuations resulting from intermittency by means of the variance χ(τ,q)\chi(\tau,q) of the instantaneous autocorrelation function, the analogous of the dynamical susceptibility χ_4\chi\_4 studied in glass formers. The amplitude of χ\chi is found to grow linearly with qq. We propose a simple --yet general-- model of intermittent dynamics that accounts for the qq dependence of both the average correlation functions and χ\chi.Comment: Revised and improved, to appear in Europhys. Let

    Multiangle static and dynamic light scattering in the intermediate scattering angle range

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    We describe a light scattering apparatus based on a novel optical scheme covering the scattering angle range 0.5\dg \le \theta \le 25\dg, an intermediate regime at the frontier between wide angle and small angle setups that is difficult to access by existing instruments. Our apparatus uses standard, readily available optomechanical components. Thanks to the use of a charge-coupled device detector, both static and dynamic light scattering can be performed simultaneously at several scattering angles. We demonstrate the capabilities of our apparatus by measuring the scattering profile of a variety of samples and the Brownian dynamics of a dilute colloidal suspension

    Investigation of qq-dependent dynamical heterogeneity in a colloidal gel by x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy

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    We use time-resolved X-Photon Correlation Spectroscopy to investigate the slow dynamics of colloidal gels made of moderately attractive carbon black particles. We show that the slow dynamics is temporally heterogeneous and quantify its fluctuations by measuring the variance χ\chi of the instantaneous intensity correlation function. The amplitude of dynamical fluctuations has a non-monotonic dependence on scattering vector qq, in stark contrast with recent experiments on strongly attractive colloidal gels [Duri and Cipelletti, \textit{Europhys. Lett.} \textbf{76}, 972 (2006)]. We propose a simple scaling argument for the qq-dependence of fluctuations in glassy systems that rationalizes these findings.Comment: Final version published in PR

    Noise in laser speckle correlation and imaging techniques

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    We study the noise of the intensity variance and of the intensity correlation and structure functions measured in light scattering from a random medium in the case when these quantities are obtained by averaging over a finite number N of pixels of a digital camera. We show that the noise scales as 1/N in all cases and that it is sensitive to correlations of signals corresponding to adjacent pixels as well as to the effective time averaging (due to the finite sampling time) and spatial averaging (due to the finite pixel size). Our results provide a guide to estimation of noise level in such applications as the multi-speckle dynamic light scattering, time-resolved correlation spectroscopy, speckle visibility spectroscopy, laser speckle imaging etc.Comment: submitted 14 May 201

    Resolving long-range spatial correlations in jammed colloidal systems using photon correlation imaging

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    We introduce a new dynamic light scattering method, termed photon correlation imaging, which enables us to resolve the dynamics of soft matter in space and time. We demonstrate photon correlation imaging by investigating the slow dynamics of a quasi two-dimensional coarsening foam made of highly packed, deformable bubbles and a rigid gel network formed by dilute, attractive colloidal particles. We find the dynamics of both systems to be determined by intermittent rearrangement events. For the foam, the rearrangements extend over a few bubbles, but a small dynamical correlation is observed up to macroscopic length scales. For the gel, dynamical correlations extend up to the system size. These results indicate that dynamical correlations can be extremely long-ranged in jammed systems and point to the key role of mechanical properties in determining their nature.Comment: Published version (Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 085702 (2009)) The Dynamical Activity Mapsprovided as Supplementary Online Material are also available on http://w3.lcvn.univ-montp2.fr/~lucacip/dam/movies.ht

    Shear-induced anisotropic decay of correlations in hard-sphere colloidal glasses

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    Spatial correlations of microscopic fluctuations are investigated via real-space experiments and computer simulations of colloidal glasses under steady shear. It is shown that while the distribution of one-particle fluctuations is always isotropic regardless of the relative importance of shear as compared to thermal fluctuations, their spatial correlations show a marked sensitivity to the competition between shear-induced and thermally activated relaxation. Correlations are isotropic in the thermally dominated regime, but develop strong anisotropy as shear dominates the dynamics of microscopic fluctuations. We discuss the relevance of this observation for a better understanding of flow heterogeneity in sheared amorphous solids.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    The Glassy Wormlike Chain

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    We introduce a new model for the dynamics of a wormlike chain in an environment that gives rise to a rough free energy landscape, which we baptise the glassy wormlike chain. It is obtained from the common wormlike chain by an exponential stretching of the relaxation spectrum of its long-wavelength eigenmodes, controlled by a single stretching parameter. Predictions for pertinent observables such as the dynamic structure factor and the microrheological susceptibility exhibit the characteristics of soft glassy rheology and compare favourably with experimental data for reconstituted cytoskeletal networks and live cells. We speculate about the possible microscopic origin of the stretching, implications for the nonlinear rheology, and the potential physiological significance of our results.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. Minor correction

    Time Resolved Correlation measurements of temporally heterogeneous dynamics

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    Time Resolved Correlation (TRC) is a recently introduced light scattering technique that allows to detect and quantify dynamic heterogeneities. The technique is based on the analysis of the temporal evolution of the speckle pattern generated by the light scattered by a sample, which is quantified by c_I(t,τ)c\_I(t,\tau), the degree of correlation between speckle images recorded at time tt and t+τt+\tau. Heterogeneous dynamics results in significant fluctuations of c_I(t,τ)c\_I(t,\tau) with time tt. We describe how to optimize TRC measurements and how to detect and avoid possible artifacts. The statistical properties of the fluctuations of c_Ic\_I are analyzed by studying their variance, probability distribution function, and time autocorrelation function. We show that these quantities are affected by a noise contribution due to the finite number NN of detected speckles. We propose and demonstrate a method to correct for the noise contribution, based on a NN\to \infty extrapolation scheme. Examples from both homogeneous and heterogeneous dynamics are provided. Connections with recent numerical and analytical works on heterogeneous glassy dynamics are briefly discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures. Submitted to PR

    Direct measurement of antiferromagnetic domain fluctuations

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    Measurements of magnetic noise emanating from ferromagnets due to domain motion were first carried out nearly 100 years ago and have underpinned much science and technology. Antiferromagnets, which carry no net external magnetic dipole moment, yet have a periodic arrangement of the electron spins extending over macroscopic distances, should also display magnetic noise, but this must be sampled at spatial wavelengths of order several interatomic spacings, rather than the macroscopic scales characteristic of ferromagnets. Here we present the first direct measurement of the fluctuations in the nanometre-scale spin- (charge-) density wave superstructure associated with antiferromagnetism in elemental Chromium. The technique used is X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy, where coherent x-ray diffraction produces a speckle pattern that serves as a "fingerprint" of a particular magnetic domain configuration. The temporal evolution of the patterns corresponds to domain walls advancing and retreating over micron distances. While the domain wall motion is thermally activated at temperatures above 100K, it is not so at lower temperatures, and indeed has a rate which saturates at a finite value - consistent with quantum fluctuations - on cooling below 40K. Our work is important because it provides an important new measurement tool for antiferromagnetic domain engineering as well as revealing a fundamental new fact about spin dynamics in the simplest antiferromagnet.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure