2,417 research outputs found

    Изменения эластичности артерий при лечении статинами

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    Department of Functional Cardiology, Institute of CardiologyA clinical study was performed on statins therapy’s influence on arterial elasticity with global systolic insufficiency patients. This study included 42 patients divided into 2 groups based on the administration or non-administration of statins. The study was limited to 12 months. From the onset of the study up to the end, both groups of patients were homogenous in terms of gender, clinical and hemodynamic parameters. The statins treatment was efficient in the statistically significant reduction of cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides. Lipid profile amelioration was accompanied by simultaneous supplementary increase in the large and small arteries’ elasticity, independent from the positive hemodynamic effect produced by conventional treatment of congestive heart failure in both groups.В данной работе было изучено влияние статинов на эластичность сосудов у больных с хронической сердечной недостаточностью. В исследовании были включены 2 группы, одна из которых принимала статины на фоне стандартного лечения хронической сердечной недостаточности. В общем, было исследовано 42 пациента. Длительность наблюдения составило 12 месяцев. Обе группы были гомогенны по возрасту, клиническим и гемодинамическим данным. По исходу наблюдения было выявлено статистически значимое снижение уровня холестерина, триглицеридов и холестерина низкой плотности в группе получающих статины. Также в данной группе было документировано статистически значимое улучшение эластичности сосудов в независимости от гемодинамических показателей застойной сердечной недостаточности

    Dataflow Computing with Polymorphic Registers

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    Heterogeneous systems are becoming increasingly popular for data processing. They improve performance of simple kernels applied to large amounts of data. However, sequential data loads may have negative impact. Data parallel solutions such as Polymorphic Register Files (PRFs) can potentially accelerate applications by facilitating high speed, parallel access to performance-critical data. Furthermore, by PRF customization, specific data path features are exposed to the programmer in a very convenient way. PRFs allow additional control over the registers dimensions, and the number of elements which can be simultaneously accessed by computational units. This paper shows how PRFs can be integrated in dataflow computational platforms. In particular, starting from an annotated source code, we present a compiler-based methodology that automatically generates the customized PRFs and the enhanced computational kernels that efficiently exploit them

    Prediction of large-for-gestational-age neonate by routine third-trimester ultrasound

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    Objectives: First, to evaluate and compare the performance of routine ultrasonographic estimated fetal weight (EFW) and fetal abdominal circumference (AC) at 31+0 - 33+6 and 35+0 - 36+6 weeks’ gestation in the prediction of large for gestational age (LGA) neonates born at ≥37 weeks’ gestation. Second, to assess the additive value of fetal growth velocity between 32 and 36 weeks’ gestation on the performance of EFW at 35+0 - 36+6 weeks’ gestation for prediction of LGA neonates. Third, to define the predictive performance for LGA neonates of different EFW cut-offs at routine ultrasound examination at 35+0 - 36+6 weeks’ gestation. Fourth, to propose a two-stage strategy for identifying pregnancies with LGA fetuses that may benefit from iatrogenic delivery during the 38th gestational week. Methods: First, data from 21,989 singleton pregnancies that had undergone routine ultrasound examination at 31+0 - 33+6 weeks’ gestation and 45,847 that had undergone routine ultrasound examination at 35+0 - 36+6 weeks were used to compare the predictive performance of EFW and AC for LGA neonates with birthweight >90th and >97th percentiles born at ≥37 weeks’ gestation. Second, data from 14,497 singleton pregnancies that had undergone routine ultrasound examination at 35+0 - 36+6 weeks’ gestation and had a previous scan at 30+0 – 34+6 weeks were used to determine, through multivariable logistic regression analysis, whether addition of growth velocity, defined by a difference in EFW and AC Z-scores between the early and late third trimester scans divided by the time interval between them, improved the performance of EFW at 35+0 - 36+6 weeks in the prediction of delivery of LGA neonates born at ≥37 weeks’ gestation. Third, in the database of the 45,847 pregnancies that had undergone routine ultrasound examination at 35+0 - 36+6 weeks’ gestation the screen positive and detection rate of LGA neonates born at ≥37 weeks’ gestation and at ≤10 days from the initial scan were calculated for different EFW percentile cut-offs between the 50th and 90th percentile. Results: First, the areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUROC) of screening for LGA neonates were significantly higher with EFW Z-score than AC Z-score and at 35+0 - 36+6 than at 31+0 - 33+6 weeks’ gestation (p90th percentile at 35+0 - 36+6 weeks’ gestation the predictive performance for LGA neonates born at ≥37 weeks’ gestation was modest (65% and 46% for neonates with birthweight >97th and >90th percentiles, respectively, at screen positive rate of 10%), but the performance was better for prediction of LGA neonates born at ≤10 days from the scan (84% and 71% for neonates with birthweight >97th and >90th percentiles, respectively, at screen positive rate of 11%). Fourth, screening by EFW >70th percentile at 35+0 - 36+6 weeks’ gestation predicted 91% and 82% of LGA neonates with birthweight >97th and >90th percentiles born at ≥37 weeks’ gestation, at screen positive rate of 32%, and the respective values of screening by EFW >85th percentile for prediction of LGA neonates born at ≤10 days from the scan were 88%, 81% and 15%. On the basis of these results it was proposed that routine fetal biometry at 36 weeks’ gestation is a screening rather than diagnostic test for fetal macrosomia and that EFW >70th percentile should be used to identify pregnancies in need for another scan at 38 weeks and in the latter those with EFW >85th percentile should be considered for iatrogenic delivery during the 38th week. Conclusions: First, the predictive performance for LGA neonates by routine ultrasonographic examination during the third trimester is higher if the scan is carried out at 36 than at 32 weeks, the method of screening is EFW than fetal AC, the outcome measure is birthweight >97th than >90th percentile and if delivery occurs within 10 days than at any stage after assessment. Second, prediction of LGA neonates by EFW >90th percentile is modest and the study presents a two-stage strategy for maximizing the prenatal prediction of LGA neonates

    Конечные продукты гликирования и эластичность периферических артерий при сердечной недостаточности

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    Department of Interventional Cardiology, Institute of CardiologyAdvanced glycation and products (AGEs) are modifications of proteins or lipids that become nonenzymatically glycated and oxidized after contact with mono-sugars. Bounding to specific cell receptors they lead to cross-link formation basically of the large matrix proteins such as collagen and elastin resulting in increased stiffness of the vasculature. By this reason we evaluated the AGEs circulating levels and artery elasticity indices in heart failure due to diastolic or systolic dysfunction. In hypertensive patients with diastolic dysfunction AGEs level elevated 2.5 times while elasticity value of large and smooth arteries decreased by 54 and 46% respectively. Systolic dysfunction was associated with AGEs rising 2.9 times and smooths elasticity index diminution by almost 30%. Hence, the AGEs can be vied as a predictor of vascular stiffening and remedies of glycation inhibition may be useful in heart failure treatment.Конечные продукты гликирования (КПГ) представляют собой модифицированные белки или липиды, образующиеся при неферментативной гликации и способствующие формированию связей, в основном, белков интерстиция, коллагена и эластина, что приводит к увеличению ригидности сосудов. В этой связи мы определили уровень КПГ в крови и показатели эластичности периферических артерий при сердечной недостаточности. У гипертензивных больных с диастолической дисфункцией уровень КПГ был повышен в 3,5 раза, в то время как показатели эластичности больших и малых артерий снизились на 54 и 46% соответственно. Систолическая дисфункция сопровождалась увеличением КПГ в 2,9 раза и уменьшением эластичности малых артерий на 30%. КПГ могут быть рассмотрены как предиктор ригидности сосудов, а средства ингибирующие гликирование – как препараты для лечения сердечной недостаточности

    Dependencies and Simultaneity in Membrane Systems

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    Membrane system computations proceed in a synchronous fashion: at each step all the applicable rules are actually applied. Hence each step depends on the previous one. This coarse view can be refined by looking at the dependencies among rule occurrences, by recording, for an object, which was the a rule that produced it and subsequently (in a later step), which was the a rule that consumed it. In this paper we propose a way to look also at the other main ingredient in membrane system computations, namely the simultaneity in the rule applications. This is achieved using zero-safe nets that allows to synchronize transitions, i.e., rule occurrences. Zero-safe nets can be unfolded into occurrence nets in a classical way, and to this unfolding an event structure can be associated. The capability of capturing simultaneity of zero-safe nets is transferred on the level of event structure by adding a way to express which events occur simultaneously

    Hardware Development for CBM ToF

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    Влияние дородового излития околоплодных вод на исходы многоплодной беременности

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    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Scientific Research Institute of Mother and Child Health Care, Congresul III al Medicilor de Familie din Republica Moldova, 17–18 mai, 2012, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Conferinţa Naţională „Maladii bronhoobstructive la copii”, consacrată profesorului universitar, doctor habilitat Victor Gheţeul, 27 aprilie, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaThe relevance of twin pregnancy is determined by the high perinatal morbidity and mortality, a great deal of complications during childbirth and high rate of caesarean sections. Spontaneous preterm birth is the leading cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality in twin pregnancies, with preterm premature rupture of membranes a significant cause. The article presents the results of a retrospective study based on the analysis of 160 obstetric records from all twin pregnancies delivered in 2010 in the Scientific Research Institute of Mother and Child Health Care. The aim of the present study was to define the incidence of PROM in twin pregnancies at < 34 weeks of gestation, to highlight the risk factors involved, which predispose to the development of PROM, as well as to evaluate maternal and fetal complications that occur secondary to premature rupture of membranes.Актуальность изучения многоплодной беременности связана с повышенной перинатальной заболеваемостью и смертностью, большим количеством осложнений родов, а также высокой частотой кесарева сечения. Преждевременные роды, часто дебютируя с дородового излития околоплодных вод, представляют собой основную причину перинатальной заболеваемости и смертности у близнецов. В статье представлены результаты ретроспективного исследования, основанного на анализе 160 акушерских историй женщин, родоразрешенных в Научно-Исследовательском Институте Охраны Здоровья Матери и Ребенка в течение 2010 года. Целью настоящего исследования явилась оценка частоты ПИОВ при многоплодной беременности с гестационным сроком < 34 недели, выявление факторов риска, ведущих к ПИОВ, а также оценка осложнений со стороны матери и плода, появляющихся вследствие разрыва плодных оболочек до начала родовой деятельности