84 research outputs found

    Confession Obsession: How to Protect Minors in Interrogations

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    In Vivo screening and discovery of novel candidate thalidomide analogs in the zebrafish embryo and chicken embryo model systems

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    This study was supported by a Wellcome Trust-NIH PhD Studentship to SB, WDF and NV. Grant number 098252/Z/12/Z. SB, CHC and WDF are supported by the Intramural Research Program, NCI, NIH. NHG and WL are supported by the Intramural Research Program, NIA, NIH.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Shared mechanism of teratogenicity of anti-angiogenic drugs identified in the chicken embryo model

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    Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Maria Kisakyamaria and Scott McMenemy for preliminary experimental data. This work was supported by a Wellcome Trust-NIH PhD Studentship awarded to SB, WDF and NV (Grant number 098252/Z/12/Z). This research was supported in part by the Intramural Research Program of the National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organization imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Validation of Analytic Methods for Biomarkers Used in Drug Development

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    The role of biomarkers in drug discovery and development has gained precedence over the years. As biomarkers become integrated into drug development and clinical trials, quality assurance and in particular assay validation becomes essential with the need to establish standardized guidelines for analytical methods used in biomarker measurements. New biomarkers can revolutionize both the development and use of therapeutics, but is contingent upon the establishment of a concrete validation process that addresses technology integration and method validation as well as regulatory pathways for efficient biomarker development. This perspective focuses on the general principles of the biomarker validation process with an emphasis on assay validation and the collaborative efforts undertaken by various sectors to promote the standardization of this procedure for efficient biomarker development

    Anticancer Properties of a Novel Class of Tetrafluorinated Thalidomide Analogues

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    The authors thank Scott McMenemy for carrying out preliminary, early studies looking at effects of Gu compounds upon chicken embryology, as well as Charles D. Crowe, Jeffrey E. Roth, and Adam C. Rolt for critical comments on the article. fli1:EGFP zebrafish were obtained from the Zebrafish International Research Center (27). mpo:GFP zebrafish [also termed Tg(MPO:GFP)114] zebrafish were obtained from Dr. Stephen Renshaw, University of Sheffield (Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK; ref. 29).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Antiangiogenic Activity and in Silico Cereblon Binding Analysis of Novel Thalidomide Analogs

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    Funding: This research was supported in part by the Intramural Research Program of the Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute (ZIA SC006538); in part with Federal funds from the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, National Institutes of Health, under contract HHSN261200800001E; the Intramural Research Program of the National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health; and a Wellcome Trust-NIH PhD Studentship to SB, WDF, and NV (Grant number 098252/Z/12/Z). Acknowledgments: The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products or organizations imply endorsement by the US Government.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and surveillance of BAP1 tumour predisposition syndrome

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    BRCA1-associated protein-1 (BAP1) is a recognised tumour suppressor gene. Germline BAP1 pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants are associated with predisposition to multiple tumours, including uveal melanoma, malignant pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma, renal cell carcinoma and specific non-malignant neoplasms of the skin, as part of the autosomal dominant BAP1-tumour predisposition syndrome. The overall lifetime risk for BAP1 carriers to develop at least one BAP1-associated tumour is up to 85%, although due to ascertainment bias, current estimates of risk are likely to be overestimated. As for many rare cancer predisposition syndromes, there is limited scientific evidence to support the utility of surveillance and, therefore, management recommendations for BAP1 carriers are based on expert opinion. To date, European recommendations for BAP1 carriers have not been published but are necessary due to the emerging phenotype of this recently described syndrome and increased identification of BAP1 carriers via large gene panels or tumour sequencing. To address this, the Clinical Guideline Working Group of the CanGene-CanVar project in the United Kingdom invited European collaborators to collaborate to develop guidelines to harmonize surveillance programmes within Europe. Recommendations with respect to BAP1 testing and surveillance were achieved following literature review and Delphi survey completed by a core group and an extended expert group of 34 European specialists including Geneticists, Ophthalmologists, Oncologists, Dermatologists and Pathologists. It is recognised that these largely evidence-based but pragmatic recommendations will evolve over time as further data from research collaborations informs the phenotypic spectrum and surveillance outcomes.</p

    Validation of a novel device to measure and provide feedback on sedentary behavior

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    Purpose. Pedometers, which enable self-monitoring of step counts, are effective in facilitating increases in physical activity. Similar devices which provide real-time feedback on sedentary (sitting) behavior are limited. This study aimed to develop and validate a novel device – the SitFIT – which could accurately measure and provide feedback on sedentary behavior and physical activity. Methods. The SitFIT is a tri-axial accelerometer, developed by PAL Technologies, which is worn in the front trouser pocket. This enables tracking of thigh inclination and therefore differentiation between sitting and upright postures, as well as tracking of step count. It has a display to provide user feedback. To determine the validity of the SitFIT for measuring sedentary behavior and step counts, 21 men, aged 30-65 years, with body mass index 26.6±3.9 kg.m-2 wore a SitFIT in a front trouser pocket and an activPAL accelerometer attached to their thigh for up to seven days. Outputs from the SitFIT were compared with the activPAL, which was assumed to provide gold-standard measurements of sitting and step counts. Results. Mean step counts were ~4% lower with the SitFIT than activPAL, with correlation between the two methods being very high (r=0.98) and no obvious bias from the line of equality (regression line: y=1.0035x+418.35). Mean sedentary time was ~5% higher with the SitFIT than activPAL, correlation between methods was high (r=0.84) and the equation of the regression line was close to the line of equality (y=0.8728x+38.445). Conclusions. The SitFIT has excellent validity for measurement of free-living step counts and sedentary time and therefore addresses a clear need for a device that can be used as a tool to provide feedback on sedentary behavior to facilitate behavior change

    Families with BAP1-tumor predisposition syndrome in The Netherlands: Path to identification and a proposal for genetic screening guidelines

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    Germline pathogenic variants in the BRCA1-associated protein-1 (BAP1) gene cause the BAP1-tumor predisposition syndrome (BAP1-TPDS, OMIM 614327). BAP1-TPDS is associated with an increased risk of developing uveal melanoma (UM), cutaneous melanoma (CM), malignant mesothelioma (MMe), renal cell carcinoma (RCC), meningioma, cholangiocarcinoma, multiple non-melanoma skin cancers, and BAP1-inactivated nevi. Because of this increased risk, it is important to identify patients with BAP1-TPDS. The associated tumors are treated by different medical disciplines, emphasizing the need for generally applicable guidelines for initiating genetic analysis. In this study, we describe the path to identification of BAP1-TPDS in 21 probands found in the Netherlands and the family history at the time of presentation. We report two cases of de novo BAP1 germline mutations (2/21, 9.5%). Findings of this study combined with previously published literature, led to a proposal of guidelines for genetic referral. We recommend genetic analysis in patients with ≥2 BAP1-TPDS-associated tumors in their medical history and/or family history. We also propose to test germline BAP1 in patients diagnosed with UM <40 years, CM <18 years, MMe <50 years, or RCC <46 years. Furthermore, other candidate susceptibility genes for tumor types associated with BAP1-TPDS are discussed, which can be included in gene panels when testing patients