4,634 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan Pembagian Warisan Pada Masyarakat Tionghoa Di Gunungsitoli-nias (Studi Pada: Persatuan Amal Sosial Gunungsitoli-nias)

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    The implementation of distributing inheritance in the Chinese of the Indonesian citizens is based on the Civil Code since there is no law which regulates it. The implementation of distributing inheritance in the Chinese community in Gunungsitoli, Nias is based on the Chinese adat law by discussing the share of each heir in a spirit of mutual cooperation and consensus. The legal consequence of this system is that it is binding for the heirs to comply with it. It becomes the basic philosophy for settling any conflict about the distribution of inheritance so that it is the least possibility for the heirs not to agree with this amicable decision because of the strong adat tradition among the Chinese community, and the adat law practitipners themselves have admitted its existence

    Analisis Hubungan antara Size, Product Life Cycle, dan Market Position dengan Penggunaan Balanced Scorecard pada Sektor Industri Manufaktur

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    The Increasing business competition requires companies to possess an appropriate and accurate performance measurement. Balanced scorecard is an appropriate performance measurement tool to use pertinent to the financial and non-financial aspects of the measurement. The research was conducted to know the relationships among size, product life cycle, and market position and the use of balanced scorecard in the manufacturing industry. The study was conducted to 34 manufacturing companies located in Surabaya and Sidoarjo. The manufacturing companies were business to customer types that came from the consumer goods, chemicals, and various industry sectors. The data were collected by distributing questionnaires to the managers or owners of the manufacturing companies. The data analysis technique used in this study was the Pearson correlation test to determine whether there were relationships among the size, product life cycle, and market position and the use of a balanced scorecard. The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship among the variable size, product life cycle, and market position and the use of the balanced scorecard in the manufacturing industry sector in Surabaya and Sidoarjo. In addition, it was noted that the highest use of the balanced scorecard was on the internal business process perspective, which amounted to 26%

    Frontotemporal dementia: the impact of patient behavioral symptoms on the physical and mental health of family caregivers.

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    BackgroundProviding informal support to someone with frontotemporal dementia (FTD) could be very stressful. Clarifying the relationship between patient behavioral problems and caregiver health could spur future research on effective symptom management strategies.MethodsSixty-one FTD family caregivers participated in a postal survey.ResultsPatient symptom severity was negatively associated with caregiver mental health (r = -0.26, p < 0.05) but not significantly associated with caregiver physical health. In a regression analysis, caregiver emotional distress from patient behaviors made a statistically significant contribution to caregiver mental health, explaining approximately 10% of its variance.ConclusionThis study underscores the importance of focusing on FTD caregivers' perceived emotional distress from patient behavioral problems and ensuring they are getting the appropriate support they need

    Shuttle PRCS plume contamination analysis for Astro-2 mission

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    The Astro-2 mission scheduled for Jan. 1995 flight is co-manifested with the Spartan experiment. The Astro instrument array consists of several telescopes operating in the UV spectrum. To obtain the desired 300 observations with the telescope array in a shorter time than the Astro-1 mission, it will be necessary to use the primary reaction control system (PRCS) rather than just the Vernier reaction control system. The high mass flow rate of the PRCS engines cause considerable concern about contamination due to PRCS plume return flux. Performance of these instruments depends heavily on the environment they encounter. The ability of the optical system to detect a remote signal depends not only on the intensity of the incoming signal, but also on the ensuing transmission loss through the optical train of the instrument. Performance of these instruments is thus dependent on the properties of the optical surface and the medium through which it propagates. The on-orbit contamination environment will have a strong influence on the performance of these instruments. The finding of a two-month study of the molecular contamination environment of the Astro-2 instruments due to PRCS thruster plumes during the planned Astro-2 mission are summarized

    Minimal Permutations and 2-Regular Skew Tableaux

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    Bouvel and Pergola introduced the notion of minimal permutations in the study of the whole genome duplication-random loss model for genome rearrangements. Let Fd(n)\mathcal{F}_d(n) denote the set of minimal permutations of length nn with dd descents, and let fd(n)=Fd(n)f_d(n)= |\mathcal{F}_d(n)|. They derived that fn2(n)=2n(n1)n2f_{n-2}(n)=2^{n}-(n-1)n-2 and fn(2n)=Cnf_n(2n)=C_n, where CnC_n is the nn-th Catalan number. Mansour and Yan proved that fn+1(2n+1)=2n2nCn+1f_{n+1}(2n+1)=2^{n-2}nC_{n+1}. In this paper, we consider the problem of counting minimal permutations in Fd(n)\mathcal{F}_d(n) with a prescribed set of ascents. We show that such structures are in one-to-one correspondence with a class of skew Young tableaux, which we call 22-regular skew tableaux. Using the determinantal formula for the number of skew Young tableaux of a given shape, we find an explicit formula for fn3(n)f_{n-3}(n). Furthermore, by using the Knuth equivalence, we give a combinatorial interpretation of a formula for a refinement of the number fn+1(2n+1)f_{n+1}(2n+1).Comment: 19 page

    Gravitational energy as dark energy: Concordance of cosmological tests

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    We provide preliminary quantitative evidence that a new solution to averaging the observed inhomogeneous structure of matter in the universe [gr-qc/0702082, arxiv:0709.0732], may lead to an observationally viable cosmology without exotic dark energy. We find parameters which simultaneously satisfy three independent tests: the match to the angular scale of the sound horizon detected in the cosmic microwave background anisotropy spectrum; the effective comoving baryon acoustic oscillation scale detected in galaxy clustering statistics; and type Ia supernova luminosity distances. Independently of the supernova data, concordance is obtained for a value of the Hubble constant which agrees with the measurement of the Hubble Key team of Sandage et al [astro-ph/0603647]. Best-fit parameters include a global average Hubble constant H_0 = 61.7 (+1.2/-1.1) km/s/Mpc, a present epoch void volume fraction of f_{v0} = 0.76 (+0.12/-0.09), and an age of the universe of 14.7 (+0.7/-0.5) billion years as measured by observers in galaxies. The mass ratio of non-baryonic dark matter to baryonic matter is 3.1 (+2.5/-2.4), computed with a baryon-to-photon ratio that concords with primordial lithium abundances.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; v2 improved statistics, references added, to appear in ApJ Letter

    Konsep Kampung Tematik Kavling Agrowisata Syariah Kota Semarang

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    Investor dan Pengelola kavling haruslah mengutamakan mempertahankan kelestarian alam dan ramah lingkungan bagi warganya.Tidak hanya mengejar profit penjualan dari Perumahan,apartment,resort maupun hotel tanpa memikirkan kavling yang dipakai merupakan daerah pegunungan yang merupakan daerah resapan air.Solusi yang bisa saya gambarkan disini adalah mengalihkan USAha profit dengan mengubah mindset bukan hanya untuk membangun terus menerus tetapi juga memperhitungkan kelangsungan hidup khalayak umum.Dimana Kelanjutannya Konsep Kampung Tematik Kavling Agrowisata Syariah Di Kota Semarang yang nantinya dapat digunakan sebagai landasan penyusunan Masterplan Pengembangan Agrowisata Syariah Kota Semarang.Wisata Syariah juga dapat menjadi daya saing wisata di pasar dunia. Kata Kunci: Kampung Tematik,Kavling,Agrowisata,Wisata Syaria

    Isolasi Senyawa Flavonoid Pada Biji Pinang Yaki (Areca Vestiaria Giseke)

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    Pinang Yaki (Areca vestiaria Giseke) adalah tanaman endemik Sulawesi Utara yang berkhasiat untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit. Penelitian sebelumnya menyatakan bahwa biji dan kulit Pinang Yaki mengandung flavonoid (Samosir et al., 2012; Mamonto et al., 2014). Sekarang akan dilaporkan Isolasi Senyawa Flavonoid dari biji Pinang Yaki. Metoda yang dilakukan sebagai berikut: Ekstrak metanol difraksinasi dengan n-heksan, etil asetat dan air. Fraksi etil asetat dimurnikan dengan metode Kromatografi Lapis Tipis Kresgel G60 F254 dan Kromatografi Kolom dengan berbagai pelarut, setiap pemisahan dipandu dengan AlCl3 5% dalam etanol yang menampakan warna khas dari flavonoid. Isolat murni yang didapatkan selanjutnya dikarakterisasi dengan menggunakan metode spektroskopi UV dan H-NMR. Isolat murni yang diperoleh diduga adalah Afzelekin.Pinang Yaki (Areca vestiaria Giseke) is a endemic plant of North sulawesi that efficacious for various disease treatment. Same research reported that Pinang Yaki seed and skin seed contain Flavonoid compound (Samosir et al., 2012; Mamonto et al., 2014). This research reported isolation of Flavonoid compound from Pinang Yaki seed, The methods is: methanol ekstract fractionating with n-hexane, ethyl acetate dan aquades. Ethyl acetate fraction was purified by Thin Layer Chromatography Kresgel G60 F254 method and Column Chromatography with various solvent, every separation guided by 5% AlCl3 in ethanol which reveals the typical colour of Flavonoid compound. After that, the obtained pure isolates was characterized by various UV-Spectroscopy and H-NMR methods. The structure of isolate compound predicted as Afzelechin

    A Culture Represented by the Words “White and Whitening” on Hand and Body Lotion Product's Label

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    This research is about the words ‘white' and ‘whitening' that are found on the label of hand & body lotion product which represent a cultural product based on the study of Linguistic Anthropology. This research is purposely conducted as the writer notices that hand and body lotion product contains linguistic data manifesting Indonesian culture, particularly women. The purpose of the study is to reveal the culture of Indonesian women that is set by the hand and body lotion products' producers by using the words ‘white' and ‘whitening' in the labels of hand and body lotion products. The writer used Open-ended Questionnaire from Creswell (2010:26) to collect the respondents' answers. To collect the words ‘white' and ‘whitening', the writer used Note-Taking Technique from Creswell (2010:272) and Non-Participatory Observation Method from Liu and Maitlis (2010). To analyze the data, the writer used Theory of Culture as a System of Mediation by Duranti (1997:40-41). The writer found that the words ‘white' and ‘whitening' refer to a certain concept of what Indonesian women expect to be. The writer concludes that it is a condition that one characteristic of beauty shaped by the Indonesian women is having white or bright complexion