461 research outputs found

    BCI-assisted training for upper limb motor rehabilitation: estimation of effects on individual brain connectivity and motor functions

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    The aim of the study is to quantify individual changes in scalp connectivity patterns associated to the affected hand movement in stroke patients after a 1-month training based on BCIsupported motor imagery to improve upper limb motor recovery. To perform the statistical evaluation between pre- and post-training conditions at the single subject level, a resampling approach was applied to EEG datasets acquired from 12 stroke patients during the execution of a motor task with the stroke affected hand before and after the rehabilitative intervention. Significant patterns of the network reinforced after the training were extracted and a significant correlation was found between indices related to the reinforced pattern and the clinical outcome indicated by clinical scales

    Attentional processes during P3-based Brain Computer Interface task in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients

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    To be available for a wide range of end-users a brain-computer interface (BCI) should be flexible and adaptable to end-users’ cognitive strengths and weaknesses. People’s cognitive abilities change according to the disease they are affected by, and people suffering from the same disease could have different cognitive capacities. We aimed at investigating how the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) disease, and two different cognitive attentional aspects [1] influenced the usage of a P3-based BC

    Combustion synthesis of metal carbides: Part I. Model development

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    The definition of a rigorous theoretical framework for the appropriate physico-chemical description of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) processes represents the main goal of this work which is presented in two sequential articles. In this article, a novel mathematical model to simulate SHS processes is proposed. By adopting a heterogeneous approach for the description of mass transfer phenomena, the model is based on appropriate mass and energy conservation equations for each phase present during the system evolution. In particular, it takes microstructural evolution into account using suitable population balances and properly evaluating the different driving forces from the relevant phase diagram. The occurrence of phase transitions is treated on the basis of the so-called enthalpy approach, while a conventional nucleation-and-growth mechanistic scenario is adopted to describe quantitatively the formation of reaction products. The proposed mathematical model may be applied to the case of combustion synthesis processes involving a low melting point reactant and a refractory one, as for the synthesis of transition metal carbides from pure metal and graphite. Thus, the model can be profitably used to gain a deeper insight into the microscopic elementary phenomena involved in combustion synthesis processes through a suitable combination of experimental and modeling investigations, as it may be seen in Part II of this wor

    Joint analysis of eye blinks and brain activity to investigate attentional demand during a visual search task

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    In several fields, the need for a joint analysis of brain activity and eye activity to investigate the association between brain mechanisms and manifest behavior has been felt. In this work, two levels of attentional demand, elicited through a conjunction search task, have been modelled in terms of eye blinks, brain activity, and brain network features. Moreover, the association between endogenous neural mechanisms underlying attentional demand and eye blinks, without imposing a time-locked structure to the analysis, has been investigated. The analysis revealed statistically significant spatial and spectral modulations of the recorded brain activity according to the different levels of attentional demand, and a significant reduction in the number of eye blinks when a higher amount of attentional investment was required. Besides, the integration of information coming from high-density electroencephalography (EEG), brain source localization, and connectivity estimation allowed us to merge spectral and causal information between brain areas, characterizing a comprehensive model of neurophysiological processes behind attentional demand. The analysis of the association between eye and brain-related parameters revealed a statistically significant high correlation (R > 0.7) of eye blink rate with anterofrontal brain activity at 8 Hz, centroparietal brain activity at 12 Hz, and a significant moderate correlation with the participation of right Intra Parietal Sulcus in alpha band (R = -0.62). Due to these findings, this work suggests the possibility of using eye blinks measured from one sensor placed on the forehead as an unobtrusive measure correlating with neural mechanisms underpinning attentional demand

    Osmotic behaviour of human mesenchymal stem cells: implications for cryopreservation

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    Aimed at providing a contribution to the optimization of cryopreservation processes, the present work focuses on the osmotic behavior of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). Once isolated from the umbilical cord blood (UCB) of three different donors, hMSCs were characterized in terms of size distribution and their osmotic properties suitably evaluated through the exposure to hypertonic and isotonic aqueous solutions at three different temperatures. More specifically, inactive cell volume and cell permeability to water and di-methyl sulfoxide (DMSO) were measured, being cell size determined using impedance measurements under both equilibrium and dynamic conditions. Experimental findings indicate that positive cell volume excursions are limited by the apparent increase of inactive volume, which occurs during both the shrink-swell process following DMSO addition and the subsequent restoration of isotonic conditions in the presence of hypertonic solutions of impermeant or permeant solutes. Based on this evidence, hMSCs must be regarded as imperfect osmometers, and their osmotic behavior described within a scenario no longer compatible with the simple two-parameter model usually utilized in the literature. In this respect, the activation of mechano-sensitive ion-channels seemingly represents a reasonable hypothesis for rationalizing the observed osmotic behavior of hMSCs from UCB

    The Estimation of Cortical Activity for Brain-Computer Interface: Applications in a Domotic Context

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    In order to analyze whether the use of the cortical activity, estimated from noninvasive EEG recordings, could be useful to detect mental states related to the imagination of limb movements, we estimate cortical activity from high-resolution EEG recordings in a group of healthy subjects by using realistic head models. Such cortical activity was estimated in region of interest associated with the subject's Brodmann areas by using a depth-weighted minimum norm technique. Results showed that the use of the cortical-estimated activity instead of the unprocessed EEG improves the recognition of the mental states associated to the limb movement imagination in the group of normal subjects. The BCI methodology presented here has been used in a group of disabled patients in order to give them a suitable control of several electronic devices disposed in a three-room environment devoted to the neurorehabilitation. Four of six patients were able to control several electronic devices in this domotic context with the BCI system

    Distinctive physiological muscle synergy patterns define the Box and Block Task execution as revealed by electromyographic features

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    Stroke survivors experience muscular pattern alterations of the upper limb that decrease their ability to perform daily-living activities. The Box and Block test (BBT) is widely used to assess the unilateral manual dexterity. Although BBT provides insights into functional performance, it returns limited information about the mechanisms contributing to the impaired movement. This study aims at exploring the BBT by means of muscle synergies analysis during the execution of BBT in a sample of 12 healthy participants with their dominant and non-dominant upper limb. Results revealed that: (i) the BBT can be described by 1 or 2 synergies; the number of synergies (ii) does not differ between dominant and non-dominant sides and (iii) varies considering each phase of the task; (iv) the transfer phase requires more synergies. Clinical Relevance— This preliminary study characterizes muscular synergies during the BBT task in order to establish normative patterns that could assist in understanding the neuromuscular demands and support future evaluations of stroke deficit

    The Italian research project ROAD-NGN ‘Optical frequency/wavelength division multiple access techniques for next generation networks'

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    The paper describes the activities of the Italian national research project ROAD-NGN ‘Optical frequency/wavelength division multiple access techniques for next generation networks’; the project aims to investigate and experiment new technological solutions to facilitate the migration of access systems from copper to optical fibre, and to help the integration with broadband wireless architectures, with particular interest for the backhauling of the fourth generation (4G) Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks. The approaches, based on the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) techniques, can enable the unbundling of the local loop (ULL) and are upgradable toward very ultra wideband systems
