671 research outputs found

    Ontology-based explanation of classifiers

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    The rise of data mining and machine learning use in many applications has brought new challenges related to classification. Here, we deal with the following challenge: how to interpret and understand the reason behind a classifier's prediction. Indeed, understanding the behaviour of a classifier is widely recognized as a very important task for wide and safe adoption of machine learning and data mining technologies, especially in high-risk domains, and in dealing with bias.We present a preliminary work on a proposal of using the Ontology-Based Data Management paradigm for explaining the behavior of a classifier in terms of the concepts and the relations that are meaningful in the domain that is relevant for the classifier

    Energy rating of a water pumping station using multivariate analysis

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    Among water management policies, the preservation and the saving of energy demand in water supply and treatment systems play key roles. When focusing on energy, the customary metric to determine the performance of water supply systems is linked to the definition of component-based energy indicators. This approach is unfit to account for interactions occurring among system elements or between the system and its environment. On the other hand, the development of information technology has led to the availability of increasing large amount of data, typically gathered from distributed sensor networks in so-called smart grids. In this context, data intensive methodologies address the possibility of using complex network modeling approaches, and advocate the issues related to the interpretation and analysis of large amount of data produced by smart sensor networks. In this perspective, the present work aims to use data intensive techniques in the energy analysis of a water management network. The purpose is to provide new metrics for the energy rating of the system and to be able to provide insights into the dynamics of its operations. The study applies neural network as a tool to predict energy demand, when using flowrate and vibration data as predictor variables

    Life history and ecological genetics of the colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri

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    The colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri is a cosmopolitan, marine filter feeder, introduced as a laboratory research organism in the 1950s. Currently, it is widely used in many laboratories to investigate a variety of biological questions. Recently, it has become a species of concern, as it is an invasive species in many coastal environments. Here, we review studies on the geographical distribution of the species, sexual and asexual reproduction in the field, tolerance to temperature, salinity and anthropogenic activity, polychromatism, enzymatic polymorphism, and the genetic basis of pigmentation. Studying the relationship between genetic polymorphism and the adaptation of B. schlosseri to environmental stress is a challenge of future research and will improve our understanding of its evolutionary success and invasive potential

    Capacidade de combinação de genitores, parâmetros genéticos de aparência ede rendimento de tubérculos e características de qualidade funcional e industrial de clones de batata.

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    Tese (Doutorado) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia, Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, 2018. Orientador: Arione da Silva Pereira, Coorientadores: Caroline Marques Castro, Marcia Vizzotto

    Assessment of crash fire hazard of LH sub 2 fueled aircraft

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    The relative safety of passengers in LH2 - fueled aircraft, as well as the safety of people in areas surrounding a crash scene, has been evaluated in an analytical study. Four representative circumstances were postulated involving a transport aircraft in which varying degrees of severity of damage were sustained. Potential hazard to the passengers and to the surroundings posed by the spilled fuel was evaluated for each circumstance. Corresponding aircraft fueled with liquid methane, Jet A, and JP-4 were also studied in order to make comparisons of the relative safety. The four scenarios which were used to provide a basis for the evaluation included: (1) a small fuel leak internal to the aircraft, (2) a survivable crash in which a significant quantity of fuel is spilled in a radial pattern as a result of impact with a stationary object while taxiing at fairly low speed, (3) a survivable crash in which a significant quantity of fuel is spilled in an axial pattern as a result of impact during landing, and (4) a non-survivable crash in which a massive fuel spill occurs instantaneously

    Global periodicity conditions for maps and recurrences via Normal Forms

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    We face the problem of characterizing the periodic cases in parametric families of (real or complex) rational diffeomorphisms having a fixed point. Our approach relies on the Normal Form Theory, to obtain necessary conditions for the existence of a formal linearization of the map, and on the introduction of a suitable rational parametrization of the parameters of the family. Using these tools we can find a finite set of values p for which the map can be p-periodic, reducing the problem of finding the parameters for which the periodic cases appear to simple computations. We apply our results to several two and three dimensional classes of polynomial or rational maps. In particular we find the global periodic cases for several Lyness type recurrences.Comment: 25 page

    Entry and Exit of Nonprofit Organizations. An investigation with Italian census data

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    The latest census of Italian nonprofit organizations \u2013 compared with the previous one - showed a significant development of the nonprofit sector between 2001 and 2011. The number of organizations increased more than 28% while the growth of employees (about 61%) was even more impressive. These results notwithstanding, the mere comparison of aggregate census data does not give a true understanding of the dynamic of the sector. In particular, the entry and exit of organizations, as well as their migration between different sectors of activity, or geographical areas, cannot be detected with aggregate data. In this paper, we try to fill this gap using \u2013 for the first time \u2013 census micro-data. Our analysis tempers the optimism arising from the reading of aggregate data. We show that organizations that were already active a decade ago gave the most important contribution to the growth of employment, while newly created organizations were not as relevant

    Some properties of the k-dimensional Lyness' map

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    This paper is devoted to study some properties of the k-dimensional Lyness' map. Our main result presentes a rational vector field that gives a Lie symmetry for F. This vector field is used, for k less or equal to 5 to give information about the nature of the invariant sets under F. When k is odd, we also present a new (as far as we know) first integral for F^2 which allows to deduce in a very simple way several properties of the dynamical system generated by F. In particular for this case we prove that, except on a given codimension one algebraic set, none of the positive initial conditions can be a periodic point of odd period.Comment: 22 pages; 3 figure