132 research outputs found

    Pedagogía cultural para una educación hacia el encuentro

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    La categoría de la diferencia ha sido desde siempre puesta en relación dialéctica con la categoría de la igualdad, como objetivo social a conseguir o hacia el cual tender. A pesar de los esfuerzos de los Estados y de las instituciones en esta dirección, se asiste a una continua marginación que golpea a algunos sectores de la población (inmigrantes, discapacitados, ancianos…). Por esto nos preguntamos: ¿es correcto, en el pensamiento que guía las investigaciones, las acciones educativas y sociales, contraponer diferencia e igualdad? ¿Existe alguna otra forma de interrogarnos sobre las diferencias? Escuchamos, en el trabajo cotidiano de los profesionales de la educación y de la salud que hay una urgencia: hace falta encontrar prácticas que conduzcan a vivir mejor, a hacer del Encuentro el centro del propio trabajo. Con esta contribución deseo poner sobre la mesa una de las diferencias que están en la base de nuestro ser en el mundo, la lengua madre, a partir de una experiencia concreta con las familias inmigrantes. El deseo de contribuir a la creación de un pensamiento de la mediación cultural que nos invite al encuentro con las diferencias, propias, y aquellas de los demás, es la piedra angular de este escrito.The category of difference has always been placed in a dialectic relationship to the equality category, with a social target to reach or head. Besides the efforts of States and Institutions in this sense, we see a continuous migration that hits some population's parts (migrants, disabled people, elderly, ...). We ask then: is it right, in the thought that leads researches, social and educational actions, set difference against equality? Does another method exist that can be used to question differences? We feel, inside the education and care professionals’ daily work , that there’s an urgency: we need to have Meeting. With this contribute I desire to focus one of the differences founding our being in the world, the mother language, starting from a concrete experience with migrant families. The desire to contribute in the creation of a cultural mediation’s thought that invites us to the Meeting with differences, own ones or others ones, is the line that outlines this writing.Fil: Cima, Rosanna. Academia Argentina de Letra

    Ripensare l'ordine delle cose

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    The ability to observe and to define problems is the main required element to solve them. The failure of host policies implemented by the states with an overflowing immigration, has stimulated the pedagogical research to be poised between the global Souths and different Norths and pick out existential methodologies capable of fully understanding the reality. The Human Science Department of the University of Verona together with Centro Astalli of Trento (a corporation that deals with asylum applicants and forced migrations) have been working on a participated research for two years: the gamble is the employment of a phenomenology attentive to daily life and at the same time to the geopolitical dimension. The decolonial theory is a part of the rich intercultural pedagogical panorama and has the goal to reconsider the educational terms of the encounter of the Other. These are the theoretical references which permit to articulate a deconstruction of the epistemologies that still are contributing to maintain the coloniality of the knowledge, of the existence and of the view influencing deeply the relation with the Other. The educational and care processes are broken down and reassembled in a multi-situated and multilingual form to highlight those life gestures that create a shared experiential consciousness. This requires an interpretative innovation

    La vita \ue8 come un uovo

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    L\u2019istituzione \ue8 un sistema artificiale di protezione. Ha una natura ambivalente, protegge chi sta fuori e quelli che stanno dentro. Normalmente chi entra in una istituzione \ue8 perch\ue9 vive stati di pericolo. Nelle istituzioni viene esercitata quindi la messa a riparo, la protezione di chi vive situazioni di fragilit\ue0 e/o di vulnerabilit\ue0. Protezione appartiene ad un campo semantico nel quale affluiscono anche tante sfaccettature della prostituzione. Parlo di quell\u2019immaginario istituzionale che si erge sulla cura, sull\u2019educazione, sull\u2019accoglienza, sull\u2019aiuto e il sostegno all\u2019altra. Si tratta di quel lavoro che si svolge in momenti dove la vita mostra il suo inizio (la gestazione, la nascita, le creature piccole), il suo finire (la malattia, il morire), la sofferenza dell\u2019esistere fisico e psichico, la deportazione da s\ue9. Momenti in cui il corpo dell\u2019altra e dell\u2019altro espone le fragilit\ue0 della vita, ma in uno stato in cui l\u2019anormalit\ue0 percepita spesso maschera le effettive ingiustizie che causano le stesse fragilit\ue0

    Pedagog\ueda cultural para una educaci\uf3n hacia el encuentro

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    The category of difference has always been placed in a dialectic relationship to theequality category, with a social target to reach or head. Besides the efforts of States andInstitutions in this sense, we see a continuous migration that hits some population's parts(migrants, disabled people, elderly, ...). We ask then: is it right, in the thought that leadsresearches, social and educational actions, set difference against equality? Does anothermethod exist that can be used to question differences? We feel, inside the education andcare professionals\u2019 daily work , that there\u2019s an urgency: we need to have Meeting. Withthis contribute I desire to focus one of the differences founding our being in the world, themother language, starting from a concrete experience with migrant families. The desire tocontribute in the creation of a cultural mediation\u2019s thought that invites us to the Meetingwith differences, own ones or others ones, is the line that outlines this writing

    Memorie mobili: voci di nipoti e nonni nelle famiglie transnazionali

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    The paper presents a section of a quantitative and qualitative research, which took place in the Italian North-eastern region between 1982 and 2013, aiming at finding the images and relationship that grandchildren live with their grandparents (Gecchele, 2015). The essay takes into account stories written by pupils of primary and secondary schools, children of migrant parent who were born in Italy or that came through family reunification. The younger ones, engaged together with their parents in the complex process of interacting and integrating with the realities of the host country, express the relationship with their grandparents by showing a cultural and a value-based crossbreeding passing through at least three generations. In the migration process, how does the generational transmission of family educational models get activated? What role is reserved for the elderly who normally remain in the country of origin? Which in the “weight” of oral memories when the youngsters during the migration process tend to forget the language of the elderly? The voices of the older and younger people, geographically distant and always in tension between a before-migration period and a contemporary now, call for expanding the queries on the relationship between the memories of family education and the forging of mobile individual and family identities

    La mediaci\uf3n ling\ufc\uedstica cultural en la etapa de ense\uf1anza primaria

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    Currently in our schools still exist differences among students despite the efforts of states and institutions to diminish them through educational, cultural, linguistic programs, etc. There is a continuous marginalization that strikes some sectors of the population (immigrants, the disabled, the elderly ...) In our case, in the daily work of education and health professionals we find the urgency to find practices within the school that leads to improve the coexistence and make the \u201cencounter\u201d the center of their own work. The aim of this paper is to present the work of linguistic-cultural mediation from educational and social services for a group of immigrants elementary students and their families to achieve full integration into the school


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    We daily experience forms of encounter and conviviality offering resistance to the regime of individualism and engaging differences, without smothering them. A conference was carried out last year to provide a forum for sharing experiences of life trajectories, creative processes and work experiences in this regard. Titled ‘Connessioni Decoloniali. Pratiche che ricreano convivenza’ (Decolonial connections. Practices that recreate conviviality), the conference was held at the University of Verona on the 19th , 20th e 21st May 201

    Decolonial connections : practices recreating conviviality : University of Verona, Italy 19-21 May, 2016

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    We daily experience forms of encounter and conviviality offering resistance to the regime of individualism and engaging differences, without smothering them. A conference was carried out last year to provide a forum for sharing experiences of life trajectories, creative processes and work experiences in this regard. Titled ‘Connessioni Decoloniali. Pratiche che ricreano convivenza’ (Decolonial connections. Practices that recreate conviviality), the conference was held at the University of Verona on the 19th , 20th and 21st May 2016.peer-reviewe

    Vulnerability tracking tools in the context of perinatality

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