560 research outputs found

    Parameter Extraction Software for Silicon Carbide Schottky, Merged Pin Schottky and Pin Power Diode Models

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    A software program for on-state parameter extraction is presented for the realization of a high quality model for SiC Schottky, Merged PiN Schottky, and PiN Power diodes based on McNutt and Mantooth\u27s Comprehensive SiC Diode model [ 1 ]

    Spatial risk assessment and the protection of cultural heritage in southern Tajikistan

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    Growing digital documentation of cultural heritage resources yielded from an increasing number of international projects, calls for the development of formal computational approaches to assess the risks that this invaluable material heritage is exposed to. This paper proposes a nuanced case-control approach to the risk assessment developed by the Central Asian Archaeological Landscape (CAAL) project for an area in southern Tajikistan. A number of statistical methods are applied for the spatial modelling of the risk to the cultural heritage across the study area and for the assessment of the local scenarios of potential archaeological features already affected by natural and human threats. The value of this formal approach is in its flexible applicability to diverse regional and national settings, as well as in its capability of being updated and repeated within the same territory. This provides local stakeholders, heritage professionals, and local authorities, with a useful tool to develop a risk management plan that includes quantitative as well as qualitative spatial assessments

    Avaliação do auto-conceito de competência em universitários brasileiros

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    [Resumo] o auto-conceito de competencia refere-se a percepção de si próprio relativamente as competencias cognitivas, sociais e de criatividade. Raty & Snellman (1992) construíram uma escala para avaliar este tipo de auto-conceito. A escala foi adaptada em Portugal por Faria, Lima-Santos e Bessa (1996a) tendo apresentado resultados satisfatórios, capazes de justificar a adequação do instrumento ao contexto portugues. Com o objetivo de adaptar este instrumento a realidade brasileira, foi desenvolvida esta pesquisa a partir da aplicação da escala modificada a 403 estudantes universitários, a grande maioria do primeiro período. A amostra compos-se de 270 mulheres e 133 homens, dos cursos de administração (61), psicologia (60), enfermagem (54), engenharia (42), letras (42) e outros cursos (144), tendo as idades variado entre 16 e 26 anos para 90% dos participantes. O instrumento compreende as 6 subescalas seguintes, num total de 31 itens tipo Likert de 5 pontos: i) resolução de problemas, ii) assertividade social, iii) cooperação social, iv) sofisticação ou motivação para aprender, v) prudencia na aprendizagem e vi) pensamento divergente. Foi calculada a consistencia interna, tendo-se encontrado alpha de Cronbach de .80, para N =358.Uma análise fatorial revelou estrutura próxima das subescalas descritas, apresentando entretanto mistura de itens de subescalas diversas nos seis primeiros fatores que explicam 43% da varianci

    A Programmable ANSI C Code Transformation Engine.

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    Source code transformations are a very effective method of parallelizing and improving the efficiency of programs. Unfortunately most compiler systems require implementing separate (sub-)programs for each transformation. This paper describes a different approach. We designed and implemented a fully programmable C code transformation engine. It can be programmed by means of a transformation language. This language was especially designed to be easy to use and flexible enough to express most of the common transformations that can be found in the mainstream compiler systems. In addition, it allows specification of more exotic, but highly desirable, transformations (like for example inter-procedural transformations). The program features a userfriendly graphical user interface, allowing interactive application of transformations. Its possible applications range from coarse-grain parallelism exploitation to optimizers for multimedia instruction sets

    A Programmable ANSI C Code Transformation Engine.

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    Source code transformations are a very effective method of parallelizing and improving the efficiency of programs. Unfortunately most compiler systems require implementing separate (sub-)programs for each transformation. This paper describes a different approach. We designed and implemented a fully programmable C code transformation engine. It can be programmed by means of a transformation language. This language was especially designed to be easy to use and flexible enough to express most of the common transformations that can be found in the mainstream compiler systems. In addition, it allows specification of more exotic, but highly desirable, transformations (like for example inter-procedural transformations). The program features a userfriendly graphical user interface, allowing interactive application of transformations. Its possible applications range from coarse-grain parallelism exploitation to optimizers for multimedia instruction sets

    Update on Development of SiC Multi-Chip Power Modules

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    Progress has been made in a continuing effort to develop multi-chip power modules (SiC MCPMs). This effort at an earlier stage was reported in 'SiC Multi-Chip Power Modules as Power-System Building Blocks' (LEW-18008-1), NASA Tech Briefs, Vol. 31, No. 2 (February 2007), page 28. The following recapitulation of information from the cited prior article is prerequisite to a meaningful summary of the progress made since then: 1) SiC MCPMs are, more specifically, electronic power-supply modules containing multiple silicon carbide power integrated-circuit chips and silicon-on-insulator (SOI) control integrated-circuit chips. SiC MCPMs are being developed as building blocks of advanced expandable, reconfigurable, fault-tolerant power-supply systems. Exploiting the ability of SiC semiconductor devices to operate at temperatures, breakdown voltages, and current densities significantly greater than those of conventional Si devices, the designs of SiC MCPMs and of systems comprising multiple SiC MCPMs are expected to afford a greater degree of miniaturization through stacking of modules with reduced requirements for heat sinking; 2) The stacked SiC MCPMs in a given system can be electrically connected in series, parallel, or a series/parallel combination to increase the overall power-handling capability of the system. In addition to power connections, the modules have communication connections. The SOI controllers in the modules communicate with each other as nodes of a decentralized control network, in which no single controller exerts overall command of the system. Control functions effected via the network include synchronization of switching of power devices and rapid reconfiguration of power connections to enable the power system to continue to supply power to a load in the event of failure of one of the modules; and, 3) In addition to serving as building blocks of reliable power-supply systems, SiC MCPMs could be augmented with external control circuitry to make them perform additional power-handling functions as needed for specific applications. Because identical SiC MCPM building blocks could be utilized in such a variety of ways, the cost and difficulty of designing new, highly reliable power systems would be reduced considerably. This concludes the information from the cited prior article. The main activity since the previously reported stage of development was the design, fabrication, and testing a 120- VDC-to-28-VDC modular power-converter system composed of eight SiC MCPMs in a 4 (parallel)-by-2 (series) matrix configuration, with normally-off controllable power switches. The SiC MCPM power modules include closed-loop control subsystems and are capable of operating at high power density or high temperature. The system was tested under various configurations, load conditions, load-transient conditions, and failure-recovery conditions. Planned future work includes refinement of the demonstrated modular system concept and development of a new converter hardware topology that would enable sharing of currents without the need for communication among modules. Toward these ends, it is also planned to develop a new converter control algorithm that would provide for improved sharing of current and power under all conditions, and to implement advanced packaging concepts that would enable operation at higher power density

    Auditoría de comunicación y propuestas de campañas internas y globales

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    Communication plays a decisive role for the success and permanence of an institution, so, the importance of communication is not only for the life and existence of the human being, but for the parallel society that exists within the organizations that require Communication to establish relationships and common agreement...La comunicación juega un papel decisivo para el éxito y permanencia de una institución, por lo que, la importancia de la comunicación no solamente es para la vida y existencia del ser humano, sino para la sociedad paralela que existe dentro de las organizaciones que requieren de la comunicación para establecer relaciones y común acuerdo..

    Construcción de la figura del docente rural en la prensa gráfica argentina

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    In this work, we explore the construction made by La Nación, Clarín and Página 12 of the figure of “rural teacher”. To do this, from a selection of 91 articles from 2010-2019, we analyzed the decisions regarding the written and visual discourse used in the articles to portray the profession of these teachers. The results of our analysis show that the construction made of the image of these teachers differs according to the newspaper: in La Nación, the discourse that prevails is one of a “hero” rural teacher that, with vocation and effort, faces the challenging circumstances to provide education to a few children in remote places. In Clarín, several of the notes follow the same pattern and others reflect an image of a rural teacher recognized for his innovative practices, commitment, and the academic results of his students, although the notion of challenges persists. Finally, in Página 12, although some articles follow the “hero-challenges” model, the teacher is represented as part of a group who, rarely individualized, who claims for his/her rights.En este trabajo, indagamos en la construcción que hacen La Nación, Clarín y Página 12 de la figura de “docente rural”. Para ello, a partir de una selección de 91 artículos para el período 2010-2019, se analizaron las decisiones en torno al discurso escrito y visual utilizado en las notas para retratar la profesión de los maestros rurales. Los resultados de nuestro análisis arrojan que la construcción que se hace de la imagen de estos docentes varía según el diario. Es así que en La Nación prevalece fuertemente un discurso sobre un docente rural “héroe” que con vocación y esfuerzo enfrenta los desafíos coyunturales para brindar educación a unos pocos niños en parajes remotos. En Clarín, varias de las notas siguen se mismo modelo y otras reflejan una imagen de docente rural reconocido por su actualización, compromiso y los resultados académicos de sus estudiantes, aunque en su discurso persiste la noción de desafíos. Por último, en Página 12, si bien algunos artículos siguen el modelo “héroe-desafíos”, el docente es representado como parte de un colectivo, raramente individualizado, que reclama por sus derechos