21 research outputs found

    Glastir Monitoring & Evaluation Programme. First year annual report

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    The Welsh Government has commissioned a comprehensive new ecosystem monitoring and evaluation programme to monitor the effects of Glastir, its new land management scheme, and to monitor progress towards a range of international biodiversity and environmental targets. A random sample of 1 km squares stratified by landcover types will be used both to monitor change at a national level in the wider countryside and to provide a backdrop against which intervention measures are assessed using a second sample of 1 km squares located in areas eligible for enhanced payments for advanced interventions. Modelling in the first year has forecast change based on current understanding, whilst a rolling national monitoring programme based on an ecosystem approach will provide an evidence-base for on-going, adaptive development of the scheme by Welsh Government. To our knowledge, this will constitute the largest and most in-depth ecosystem monitoring and evaluation programme of any member state of the European Union

    Highly local environmental variability promotes intrapopulation divergence of quantitative traits: an example from tropical rain forest trees

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    In habitat mosaics, plant populations face environmental heterogeneity over short geographical distances. Such steep environmental gradients can induce ecological divergence. Lowland rainforests of the Guiana Shield are characterized by sharp, short-distance environmental variations related to topography and soil characteristics (from waterlogged bottomlands on hydromorphic soils to well-drained terra firme on ferralitic soils). Continuous plant populations distributed along such gradients are an interesting system to study intrapopulation divergence at highly local scales. This study tested (1) whether conspecific populations growing in different habitats diverge at functional traits, and (2) whether they diverge in the same way as congeneric species having different habitat preferences. Phenotypic differentiation was studied within continuous populations occupying different habitats for two congeneric, sympatric, and ecologically divergent tree species (Eperua falcata and E. grandiflora, Fabaceae). Over 3000 seeds collected from three habitats were germinated and grown in a common garden experiment, and 23 morphological, biomass, resource allocation and physiological traits were measured. In both species, seedling populations native of different habitats displayed phenotypic divergence for several traits (including seedling growth, biomass allocation, leaf chemistry, photosynthesis and carbon isotope composition). This may occur through heritable genetic variation or other maternally inherited effects. For a sub-set of traits, the intraspecific divergence associated with environmental variation coincided with interspecific divergence. The results indicate that mother trees from different habitats transmit divergent trait values to their progeny, and suggest that local environmental variation selects for different trait optima even at a very local spatial scale. Traits for which differentiation within species follows the same pattern as differentiation between species indicate that the same ecological processes underlie intra- and interspecific variation

    Basic wood density variations of Parkia velutina Benoist, a long-lived heliophilic Neotropical rainforest tree

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    International audienceL’analyse de la densité radiale des bois tropicaux révèle des profils linéaires et parfois curvilignes. Ce type d’étude ne prend généralement pas en compte les variations longitudinales, qui sont considérées comme similaires aux variations radiales. La présente étude vise à mettre en lumière (1) un nouveau profil curviligne de la densité radiale du bois, (2) des différences d’amplitude entre les gradients radiaux et longitudinaux et (3) à classer les variations de la densité du bois (DB) selon différentes échelles pour Parkia velutina, essence émergente des forêts humides néotropicales. La variabilité de la densité du bois a été évaluée sur des rondelles entières recueillies sur six arbres abattus et des carottes radiales prélevées sur dix arbres sur pied, et le taux de croissance en hauteur par des prélèvements sur un axe dominant. Cette essence montre des taux de croissance très élevés indicatifs d’un tempérament héliophile. La DB varie de 0,194 à 0,642 g/cm3, amplitude rarement observée au sein d’un même arbre. La variation radiale de la DB est curviligne, l’amplitude radiale étant généralement plus faible qu’en longitudinal. En conséquence, pour les arbres matures, les valeurs DB dans les houppiers sont plus élevées que dans le tronc. Les variations de la DB peuvent être très significatives à différentes échelles. Le partitionnement de la variance montre également que l’estimation intra-individu de la DB pour l’essence Parkia velutina est plus précise si l’on prend en compte à la fois le gradient longitudinal et radia

    Transfer of the waterfall source isolate Pectobacterium carotovorum M022 to Pectobacterium fontis sp. nov., a deep-branching species within the genus Pectobacterium

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    International audiencePectobacterium carotovorum M022(T) has been isolated from a waterfall source in Selangor district (Malaysia). Using genomic and phenotypic tests, we re-examined the taxonomical position of this strain. Based on 14 concatenated housekeeping genes (fusA, rpoD, rpoS, acnA, purA, gyrB, recA, mdh, mtID, groEL, secY, glyA, gapA and rpIB), multi-locus sequence analysis revealed that strain M022(T) falls into a novel Glade separated from the other Pectobacterium species. The in silico DNA-DNA hybridization and average nucleotide identity values were lower than the 70 and 95% threshold values, respectively. In addition, by combining genomic and phenotypic tests, strain M022(T) may be distinguished from the other Pectobacterium isolates by its incapacity to grow on D(+)-xylose, L-rhamnose, cellobiose and lactose. Strain M022(T) (=CFBP 8629(T)=LMG 30744(T)) is proposed as the type strain of the Pectobacterium fontis sp. nov

    Draft Genome Sequences of Pseudomonas fluorescens Strains PA4C2 and PA3G8 and Pseudomonas putida PA14H7, Three Biocontrol Bacteria against Dickeya Phytopathogens.

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    International audiencePseudomonas fluorescens strains PA4C2 and PA3G8 and Pseudomonas putida strain PA14H7 were isolated from potato rhizosphere and show an ability to inhibit the growth of Dickeya phytopathogens. Here, we report their draft genome sequences, which provide a basis for understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in antibiosis against Dickeya