2,837 research outputs found

    Parfait - Designing a Scalable Bug Checker

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    We present the design of Parfait, a static layered program analysis framework for bug checking, designed for scalability and precision by improving false positive rates and scale to millions of lines of code. The Parfait framework is inherently parallelizable and makes use of demand driven analyses. In this paper we provide an example of several layers of analyses for buffer overflow, summarize our initial implementation for C, and provide preliminary results. Results are quantified in terms of correctly-reported, false positive and false negative rates against the NIST SAMATE synthetic benchmarks for C code

    What is a Secure Programming Language?

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    Our most sensitive and important software systems are written in programming languages that are inherently insecure, making the security of the systems themselves extremely challenging. It is often said that these systems were written with the best tools available at the time, so over time with newer languages will come more security. But we contend that all of today\u27s mainstream programming languages are insecure, including even the most recent ones that come with claims that they are designed to be "secure". Our real criticism is the lack of a common understanding of what "secure" might mean in the context of programming language design. We propose a simple data-driven definition for a secure programming language: that it provides first-class language support to address the causes for the most common, significant vulnerabilities found in real-world software. To discover what these vulnerabilities actually are, we have analysed the National Vulnerability Database and devised a novel categorisation of the software defects reported in the database. This leads us to propose three broad categories, which account for over 50% of all reported software vulnerabilities, that as a minimum any secure language should address. While most mainstream languages address at least one of these categories, interestingly, we find that none address all three. Looking at today\u27s real-world software systems, we observe a paradigm shift in design and implementation towards service-oriented architectures, such as microservices. Such systems consist of many fine-grained processes, typically implemented in multiple languages, that communicate over the network using simple web-based protocols, often relying on multiple software environments such as databases. In traditional software systems, these features are the most common locations for security vulnerabilities, and so are often kept internal to the system. In microservice systems, these features are no longer internal but external, and now represent the attack surface of the software system as a whole. The need for secure programming languages is probably greater now than it has ever been

    Dynamic binary translation using run-time feedbacks

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    AbstractDynamic binary translation is the process of translating, modifying and rewriting executable (binary) code from one machine to another at run-time. This process of low-level re-engineering consists of a reverse engineering phase followed by a forward engineering phase.UQDBT, the University of Queensland Dynamic Binary Translator, is a machine-adaptable translator. Adaptability is provided through the specification of properties of machines and their instruction sets, allowing the support of different pairs of source and target machines. Most binary translators are closely bound to a pair of machines, making analyses and code hard to reuse.Like most virtual machines, UQDBT performs generic optimizations that apply to a variety of machines. Frequently executed code is translated to native code by the use of edge weight instrumentation, which makes UQDBT converge more quickly than systems based on instruction speculation.In this paper, we describe the architecture and run-time feedback optimizations performed by the UQDBT system, and provide results obtained in the x86 and SPARC® platforms

    Robust Gaussian Filtering using a Pseudo Measurement

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    Many sensors, such as range, sonar, radar, GPS and visual devices, produce measurements which are contaminated by outliers. This problem can be addressed by using fat-tailed sensor models, which account for the possibility of outliers. Unfortunately, all estimation algorithms belonging to the family of Gaussian filters (such as the widely-used extended Kalman filter and unscented Kalman filter) are inherently incompatible with such fat-tailed sensor models. The contribution of this paper is to show that any Gaussian filter can be made compatible with fat-tailed sensor models by applying one simple change: Instead of filtering with the physical measurement, we propose to filter with a pseudo measurement obtained by applying a feature function to the physical measurement. We derive such a feature function which is optimal under some conditions. Simulation results show that the proposed method can effectively handle measurement outliers and allows for robust filtering in both linear and nonlinear systems

    Protocolo de cuidados de Enfermería en el paciente crítico: Neumonía

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    La neumonía es una de las enfermedades infecciosas más frecuentes con una incidencia en la población general entre 3 y 5 casos por mil habitantes y año. Esta incidencia aumenta de forma importante en la población anciana hasta entre 20 y 30 casos por mil habitantes y año (1). En general, los procesos neumónicos que con mayor frecuencia ocasionan insuficiencia respiratoria grave son los que ocurren en pacientes hospitalizados: es la denominada neumonía intrahospitalaria o nosocomial (NIH). Dentro de la neumonía nosocomial está la neumonía asociada a ventilación mecánica (NAVM), que se presenta en pacientes sometidos a intubación endotraqueal. Otro aspecto importante es el que plantea la “Health-Care Associated Pneumonia” (HCAP), que incluye a pacientes, la mayoría ancianos, que tienen factores de riesgo potenciales para microorganismos multiresistentes (MMR) y que pueden constituir una población muy particular en cuanto a pronóstico y tratamiento de la neumonía. En un estudio reciente publicado en Thorax (2) puede observarse que los grandes aumentos en la incidencia empiezan a partir de los 70 años y aumentan sobre todo a partir de los 80 y 90 años. Esto ha motivado la diferenciación entre anciano y muy anciano, o lo que es lo mismo, entre paciente agudo y paciente crítico. Con el aumento importante de la población anciana, la neumonía es y va a ser un problema sanitario de primer orden. La enfermería, conocedora de las posibles complicaciones y efectos secundarios de la ventilación mecánica (VM), es crucial a la hora de definir unos objetivos y establecer una priorización de los cuidados de enfermería aplicados al paciente crítico. Dado que las diferentes normativas publicadas en los últimos años para el manejo de la neumonía no abordan este tema de una forma específica y tan sólo algunas lo hacen de forma colateral (3) (4) realizaremos un plan de cuidados exhaustivo.Departamento de EnfermeríaGrado en Enfermerí

    Multi-class Classification with Machine Learning and Fusion

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    Treball realitzat a TELECOM ParisTech i EADS FranceMulti-class classification is the core issue of many pattern recognition tasks. Several applications require high-end machine learning solutions to provide satisfying results in operational contexts. However, most efficient ones, like SVM or Boosting, are generally mono-class, which introduces the problem of translating a global multi-class problem is several binary problems, while still being able to provide at the end an answer to the original multi-class issue. Present work aims at providing a solution to this multi-class problematic, by introducing a complete framework with a strong probabilistic and structured basis. It includes the study of error correcting output codes correlated with the definition of an optimal subdivision of the multi-class issue in several binary problems, in a complete automatic way. Machine learning algorithms are studied and benchmarked to facilitate and justify the final selection. Coupling of automatically calibrated classifiers output is obtained by applying iterative constrained regularisations, and a logical temporal fusion is applied on temporal-redundant data (like tracked vehicles) to enhance performances. Finally, ranking scores are computed to optimize precision and recall is ranking-based systems. Each step of the previously described system has been analysed from a theoretical an empirical point of view and new contributions are introduced, so as to obtain a complete mathematically coherent framework which is both generic and easy-to-use, as the learning procedure is almost completely automatic. On top of that, quantitative evaluations on two completely different datasets have assessed both the exactitude of previous assertions and the improvements that were achieved compared to previous methods

    La soledad no deseada en personas mayores del ámbito rural

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    En el presente trabajo se logra identificar la Soledad No Deseada que sufren las personas mayores en el ámbito rural a través de la revisión de más de 100 publicaciones en relación al tema. Inicialmente se reconocen los conceptos de Soledad, Vejez y Soledad No Deseada en personas mayores. Paso seguido, se realiza una revisión de las diferencias entre vivir durante la vejez en la ruralidad versus lo urbano, y cómo se entrecruzan las variables de la Red de servicios, el arraigo, los cambios, el nivel educativo - escolarización, y situación económica, entre otros. Lo que permite entrar a revisar los factores que se han identificado en los diferentes estudios, a saber: género, migración, edad, calidad de vida, depresión, cognición y morbilidad. El trabajo finaliza con una revisión del papel del Trabajo Social en la prevención y atención, evidenciando la importancia de las políticas públicas para la prevención y atención, y resaltando el Modelo de Atención de Castilla y León, que ha sido destacado a nivel Europeo.This paper identifies the Unwanted Loneliness suffered by the elderly in rural areas through the review of 100 publications related to the subject. First, the concepts of Loneliness, Old Age and Unwanted Loneliness in elderly are defined. It follows a review of the differences between spending old age in rural versus urban areas, and the interconnection between variables such as the network of services, their roots, changes, educational level - schooling, and economic situation, among others. others. This allowed to review the factors that have been identified in the different studies, namely: gender, migration, age, quality of life, depression, cognition and morbidity. This paper finalizes with a review of the role of Social Work in the prevention and care, underlining the importance of public policies for prevention and care, and highlighting the Castilla y León Care Model that has been emphasized at the European level.Departamento de PsicologíaGrado en Trabajo Socia