33 research outputs found

    The Grzymała Lubański Affair

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    The purpose of this article is to examine the personal and professional life of Henryk Grzymała Lubański. A Polish Garibaldian who was completely erased from public memory after his death, Lubański was extremely active in promoting the Russian and Polish languages and Russian and Polish literature among Italians. This article, which is based on a variety of unpublished archival sources, is the first to be entirely dedicated to this subject. This work contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the history of Slavic studies and Russian studies in Italy in the second half of the 19thcentury.The purpose of this article is to examine the personal and professional life of Henryk Grzymała Lubański. A Polish Garibaldian who was completely erased from public memory after his death, Lubański was extremely active in promoting the Russian and Polish languages and Russian and Polish literature among Italians. This article, which is based on a variety of unpublished archival sources, is the first to be entirely dedicated to this subject. This work contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the history of Slavic studies and Russian studies in Italy in the second half of the 19thcentury


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    Il presente lavoro, basato principalmente su fonti e documenti d’archivio del XIX° secolo, costituisce una panoramica degli sviluppi storici nella metodologia e nei programmi d’insegnamento del russo come lingua straniera nella seconda metà del XIX° secolo in Italia (1864-1892). Sono quindi esaminati i corsi di russo come lingua straniera tenuti presso la Regia università di Napoli da G. Lignana, il Real Collegio Asiatico da D. De Vivo, e la Regia università di Roma da H. Grzymała Lubański, dedicando speciale attenzione ai manuali di grammatica russa per parlanti non madrelingua. Teaching Russian in Italian Universities from 1864 to 1892Based mainly on 19th century sources and archived documents, this paper offers an overview of the historical developments in teaching Russian FL and programs during the second half of the 19th century in Italy (1864-1892). The courses in Russian FL examined were conducted at the Royal University of Naples by G. Lignana, at the Royal Asian College in Naples by D. De Vivo, and at the Royal University of Rome by H. Grzymała Lubański, with special attention on Russian grammar textbooks for non-native speakers

    Teaching Slavic languages in Italy at a university level (from 1864 to 1918)

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    il presente articolo si prefigge di ricostruire i primi tentativi di avviare corsi di lingue slave in Italia, e osservare la situazione dell’insegnamento delle lingue slave all’università dal 1864 al 1918. Il lavoro è basato principalmente su fonti poco conosciute o mai studiate in precedenza

    Boris Akunin e il romanzo antinichilista giudeofobico di fine Ottocento

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    <b> Boris Akunin and 19th century Anti-Nihilistic Judeophobic Novel</b> <p> The aim of this article is to demonstrate how Boris Akunin works to reconstruct Russian history before Bolshevik revolution, especially through the imitation and revision of Ninetinth Century literary feelings and perceptions. Having reaffirmed the postmodernist nature of The State Counsellor with quotations and arguments, among the others, by Baraban, Rubinštejn, Possamai, Numato, De Lotto, Rančin, to bring new contribution to a better understanding of this peculiar post-modernist novel our work has been made mainly by reviewing the historical parts of The State Counsellor drawing constantly a comparison between this novel and anti-Nihilistic literature.In the article we underline a series of problems related to the syncretism between Boris Akunin’s The State Counsellor and 1) anti-Nihilistic novel, 2) anti-Nihilistic Judeophobic novel of the Seventies, Eighties and fi rst years of the Nineties, particularly a) I.I. Jasinskij’s Po gorjačim sledam (1892), b) V.V. Krestovskij’s T’ma egipetskaja (1888). Akunin’s literary processes to rewrite history into The State Counsellor are clearly based on anti-Nihilistic literary sources, especially those literary topoi as the so-called “group of fi ve”, the “Jewish nihilists behind Bolshevik revolution”, the “Jewish pogrom”, a.s.o

    Ebrei e “zona di residenza” durante il regno di Alessandro II

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    <p>Alessandro Cifariello<br /><em>Jews and &ldquo;living space&rdquo; during the reign of Tsar Alexander II</em></p><p>This is the first of a series of papers written in Italian, English, and Russian, devoted to the publication of material not included in the Author&rsquo;s 2009 dissertation entitled <em>Judeophobia and the Anti-Nihilistic Novel in Russia at the End of the 19th Century</em>. Taking as a point of departure works by leading scholars, such as Israel Bartal, Cesare G. De Michelis, Jonathan Frankel, John D. Klier, Dan Miron, Benjamin Nathans, Laura Salmon, Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern, and Yuri Slezkine, this article aims at offering some new perspectives on the Pale of Settlement and on the history and culture of Russian Jewry during the reign of Alexander II. It highlights the laws and reforms concerning Russian Jews implemented by the Tsar&rsquo;s government, and their fallout on Russian culture. The Author analyzes Jewish geography, urban space, history, legislation, reforms, society, cultural convergences and differences in the Pale of Settlement. The paper concludes with information about the 1881-1882 Russian pogroms and about how certain Jewish inhabitants of the Pale of Settlement then emigrated towards Central and Western Europe, the Middle East and the Americas. The paper discusses the commonplace of a separate Jewish space in the Pale envisaged in some late 19th and early 20th Century Yiddish literature, and describes the multicultural universe made up of several nationalities, one of which was in fact Russian Jewry, struggling for its rights and for full emancipation.</p