18 research outputs found

    HDOT — An approach towards productive programming of hybrid applications

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    bulk synchronous parallel (BSP) communication model can hinder performance increases. This is due to the complexity to handle load imbalances, to reduce serialisation imposed by blocking communication patterns, to overlap communication with computation and, finally, to deal with increasing memory overheads. The MPI specification provides advanced features such as non-blocking calls or shared memory to mitigate some of these factors. However, applying these features efficiently usually requires significant changes on the application structure. Task parallel programming models are being developed as a means of mitigating the abovementioned issues but without requiring extensive changes on the application code. In this work, we present a methodology to develop hybrid applications based on tasks called hierarchical domain over-decomposition with tasking (HDOT). This methodology overcomes most of the issues found on MPI-only and traditional hybrid MPI+OpenMP applications. However, by emphasising the reuse of data partition schemes from process-level and applying them to task-level, it enables a natural coexistence between MPI and shared-memory programming models. The proposed methodology shows promising results in terms of programmability and performance measured on a set of applications.This work has been developed with the support of the European Union H2020 program through the INTERTWinE project (agreement number 671602); the Severo Ochoa Program awarded by the Spanish Government (SEV-2015-0493); the Generalitat de Catalunya (contract 2017-SGR-1414); and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TIN2015-65316-P, Computaci on de Altas Prestaciones VII). The authors gratefully acknowledge Dr. Arnaud Mura, CNRS researcher at Institut PPRIME in France, for the numerical tool CREAMS. Finally, the manuscript has greatly bene ted from the precise comments of the reviewers.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    RICH: implementing reductions in the cache hierarchy

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    Reductions constitute a frequent algorithmic pattern in high-performance and scientific computing. Sophisticated techniques are needed to ensure their correct and scalable concurrent execution on modern processors. Reductions on large arrays represent the most demanding case where traditional approaches are not always applicable due to low performance scalability. To address these challenges, we propose RICH, a runtime-assisted solution that relies on architectural and parallel programming model extensions. RICH updates the reduction variable directly in the cache hierarchy with the help of added in-cache functional units. Our programming model extensions fit with the most relevant parallel programming solutions for shared memory environments like OpenMP. RICH does not modify the ISA, which allows the use of algorithms with reductions from pre-compiled external libraries. Experiments show that our solution achieves the performance improvements of 11.2% on average, compared to the state-of-the-art hardware-based approaches, while it introduces 2.4% area and 3.8% power overhead.This work has been supported by the RoMoL ERC Advanced Grant (GA 321253), by the European HiPEAC Network of Excellence, by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (contract TIN2015-65316-P), and by Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2017- SGR-1414 and 2017-SGR-1328). V. Dimić has been partially supported by the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) of the Government of Catalonia under Ajuts per a la contractació de personal investigador novell fellowship number 2017 FI_B 00855. M. Moretó has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under Ramón y Cajal fellowship number RYC-2016-21104. M. Casas has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under Ramon y Cajal fellowship number RYC-2017-23269. This manuscript has been co-authored by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC. under Contract No. DENA0003525 with the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security AdministrationPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The OmpSs reductions model and how to deal with scatter-updates

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    Scatter-updates represent a reoccurring algorithmic pattern in many scientific applications. Their scalable execution on modern systems is difficult due to performance limitations introduced by their irregular memory access pattern that prohibits an efficient use of the memory subsystem. Further performance degradation is caused by techniques that are required in order to eliminate potential data races and come at the cost of overhead. Taking a closer look at algorithmic properties, access patterns and common support techniques reveals that a one-size-fits-all solution does not exist and solutions are needed that can adapt to individual properties of the algorithm while maintaining programming transparency. In this work we propose a solution framework that supports a broad set of techniques, provides the required access pattern analytics to allow dynamic decision making and shows what language extensions are needed to maintain programming transparency. A reference implementation in OmpSs, a task-based parallel programming model, shows programmability and scalability of this solution

    Scaling irregular array-type reductions in OmpSs

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    Array-type reductions represent a frequently occurring algorithmic pattern in many scientific applications. A special case occurs if array elements are accessed in a non-linear, often random manner, which makes their concurrent and scalable execution difficult. In this work we present a new approach that consists of language- and runtime support to facilitate programming and delivers high scalability on modern shared-memory systems for such irregular array-type reductions. A reference implementation in OmpSs, a task-parallel programming model, shows promising results with speed-ups up to 15x on the Intel Xeon processor

    Scaling irregular array-type reductions in OmpSs

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    Array-type reductions represent a frequently occurring algorithmic pattern in many scientific applications. A special case occurs if array elements are accessed in a non-linear, often random manner, which makes their concurrent and scalable execution difficult. In this work we present a new approach that consists of language- and runtime support to facilitate programming and delivers high scalability on modern shared-memory systems for such irregular array-type reductions. A reference implementation in OmpSs, a task-parallel programming model, shows promising results with speed-ups up to 15x on the Intel Xeon processor

    On algorithmic reductions in task-parallel programming models

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    Wide adoption of parallel processing hardware in mainstream computing as well as the interest for efficient parallel programming in developer communities increase the demand for programming models that offer support for common algorithmic patterns. An algorithmic pattern of particular interest are reductions. Reductions are iterative memory updates of a program variable and appear in many applications. While their definition is simple, their variety of implementations including the use of different loop constructs and calling patterns makes their support in parallel programming models difficult. Further, their characteristic update operation over arbitrary data types that requires atomicity makes their execution computationally expensive and scalable execution challenging. These challenges and their relevance makes reductions a benchmark for compilers, runtime systems and hardware architectures today. This work advances research on algorithmic reductions. It improves their programmability by adding support for task-parallel and array-type reductions. Task-parallel reductions occur in while-loops and recursive algorithms. While for each recursive algorithm an iterative formulation exists, while-loop programs represent a super class of for-loop computable programs and therefore cannot be transformed or substituted. This limitation requires an explicit support for reduction algorithms that fall within this class. Since tasks are suited for a concurrent formulation of these algorithms, the presented work focuses on language extension to the task construct in OmpSs and OpenMP. In the first section of this work we present a generic support for task-parallel reductions in OmpSs and OpenMP and introduce the ideas of reduction scope, reduction domains and static and on-demand memory allocation. With this foundation and the feedback received from the OpenMP language review board, we develop a formalized proposal to add support for task-parallel reductions in OpenMP. This engagement led to a fruitful outcome as our proposal has been accepted into OpenMP recently. As a first step towards support of array-type reduction in a task-parallel programming model, we present a landscape of support techniques and group them by their underlying strategy. Techniques follow either the strategy of direct access (atomics), redirection or iteration ordering. We call techniques that implement redirection into thread-private data containers as techniques with alternative memory layouts (AMLs) and techniques that are based on iteration ordering as techniques with alternative iteration space (AIS). A universal support of AML-based techniques in parallel programming models can be achieved by defining basic interface methods allocate, get and reduce. As examples for new techniques that implement this interface, we present CachedPrivate and PIBOR. CachedPrivate implements a software cache to reduce communication caused by irregular accesses to remote nodes on distributed memory systems. PIBOR implements Privatization with In-lined Block-ordering, a technique that improves data locality by redirecting accesses into thread-local bins. Both techniques implement a get-method that returns a private memory storage for each update operation of the reduction loop. As an example of a technique with an alternative iteration space (AIS), we present Commutative Reductions (ComRed). This technique uses an inspector-executor execution model to generate knowledge about memory access patterns and memory overlaps between participating tasks. This information is used during the execution phase to schedule tasks with overlaps commutatively. We show that this execution model requires only a small set of additional language constructs. Performance results obtained throughout different Chapters of this work demonstrate that software techniques can improve application performance by a factor of 2-4.La amplia adopción de hardware de procesamiento paralelo para la computación de propósito general, así como el interés por una programación paralela eficiente en la comunidad de desarrolladores, han aumentado la demanda de modelos de programación que ofrezcan soporte para patrones algorítmicos comunes. Un patrón algorítmico de particular interés son las reducciones. Las reducciones son actualizaciones iterativas de memoria de una variable del programa y aparecen en muchas aplicaciones. Aunque su definición es simple, su variedad de implementaciones, incluyendo el uso de diferentes construcciones de bucle y patrones de llamada, hace que su soporte en los modelos de programación paralelos sea difícil y requiera un cuidadoso diseño en lo que respecta a programabilidad, transparencia y rendimiento. Además, la necesidad de atomicidad en la ejecución de estas operaciones hace que sean costosas desde el punto de vista computacional y difícilmente escalables. Estos desafíos y su relevancia convierten a esta clase de operaciones en una referencia para medir el rendimiento de compiladores, sistemas en tiempo de ejecución y arquitecturas de hardware actuales. Impulsados por la necesidad de disponer de una implementación eficiente en nuestro modelo de programación paralelo, hemos desarrollado nuevas ideas que presentamos en este trabajo. Nuestras contribuciones son las siguientes: en primer lugar, añadimos soporte para reducciones de tareas paralelas (para bucles while y funciones recursivas) en el modelo de programación OmpSs y desarrollamos una propuesta para su inclusión en la especificación de OpenMP. En segundo lugar, desarrollamos nuevas técnicas para acelerar las reducciones irregulares y casi-regulares de tipo array y evaluamos su impacto mediante diferentes aplicaciones en varias arquitecturas. En tercer lugar, mostramos cómo estas técnicas pueden ser soportadas en OmpSs y OpenMP. Asimismo, mostramos que las reducciones se benefician de sistemas en tiempo de ejecución inteligentes implementando un esquema inspector-ejecutor. Nuestra propuesta de reducción de tareas paralelas ha sido aceptada recientemente en el estándar OpenMP

    Task-parallel reductions in openMP and OmpSs

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    © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014. The wide adoption of parallel processing hardware in mainstream computing as well as the raising interest for efficient parallel programming in the developer community increase the demand for parallel programming model support for common algorithmic patterns. In this work we present an extension to the OpenMP task construct to add support for reductions in while-loops and general-recursive algorithms. Further we discuss implications on the OpenMP standard and present a prototype implementation in OmpSs. Benchmark results confirm applicability of this approach and scalability on current SMP systems.This work has been developed with the support of the grant SEV-2011-00067 of Severo Ochoa Program, awarded by the Spanish Government and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (contracts TIN2012-34557, and CAC2007-00052) by the Generalitat de Catalunya (contract 2009-SGR-980) and the Intel-BSC Exascale Lab collaboration project. Also the authors would like to thank the OpenMP community for their substantial contribution to this work.Peer Reviewe