170 research outputs found

    Characterization of a novel proton-CT scanner based on Silicon and LaBr3_3(Ce) detectors

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    Treatment planning systems at proton-therapy centres generally use X-ray computed tomography (CT) as primary imaging technique to infer the proton treatment doses to tumour and healthy tissues. However, proton stopping powers in the body, as derived from X-ray images, suffer from important proton-range uncertainties. In order to reduce this uncertainty in range, one could use proton-CT images instead. The main goal of this work is to test the capabilities of a newly-developed proton-CT scanner, based on the use of a set of tracking detectors and a high energy resolution scintillator for the residual energy of the protons. Different custom-made phantoms were positioned at the field of view of the scanner and were irradiated with protons at the CCB proton-therapy center in Krakow. We measured with the phantoms at different angles and produced sinograms that were used to obtain reconstructed images by Filtered Back-Projection (FBP). The obtained images were used to determine the capabilities of our scanner in terms of spatial resolution and proton Relative Stopping Power mapping and validate its use as proton-CT scanner. The results show that the scanner can produce medium-high quality images, with spatial resolution better than 2 mm in radiography, below 3 mm in tomography and resolving power in the RSP comparable to other state of the art pCT cameras

    Contrasting properties of particle-particle and hole-hole excitations in 206Tl and 210Bi nuclei

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    A complete-spectroscopy investigation of low-lying, low-spin states in the one-proton-hole and one-neutron-hole nucleus 206Tl has been performed by using thermal neutron capture and \u3b3-coincidence technique with the FIPPS Ge array at ILL Grenoble. The new experimental results, together with data for the one-proton-particle and one-neutron-particle nucleus 210Bi (taken from a previous study done at ILL in the EXILL campaign), allowed for an extensive comparison with predictions of shell-model calculations performed with realistic interactions. No phenomenological adjustments were introduced in the calculations. In 210Bi, state energies, transition multipolarities and decay branchings agree well with theory for the three well separated multiplets of states which dominate the low-lying excitations. On the contrary, in 206Tl significant discrepancies are observed: in the same energy region, six multiplets were identified, with a significant mixing among them being predicted, as a consequence of the smaller energy separation between the active orbitals. The discrepancies in 206Tl are attributed to the larger uncertainties in the determination of the off-diagonal matrix elements of the realistic shell-model interaction with respect to the calculated diagonal matrix elements, the only ones playing a major role in the case of 210Bi. The work points to the need of more advanced approaches in the construction of the realistic interactions

    Angular distributions of rays from 210bi produced in 208 pb+208pb deep-inelastic reactions

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    The high-spin yrast structure of the 210Bi nucleus was investigated using -ray coincidence spectroscopy following deep-inelastic reactions in the 208Pb+208Pb system. Cascades of rays following the decay of a new isomer were identified. Spin-parity assignments to the states known from previous studies as well as to newly located excitations were made based on the measured angular distributions of rays combined with a transition conversion coefficient analysis

    Octupole transitions in the 208Pb region

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    The 208Pb region is characterised by the existence of collective octupole states. Here we populated such states in 208Pb + 208Pb deep-inelastic reactions. γ-ray angular distribution measurements were used to infer the octupole character of several E3 transitions. The octupole character of the 2318 keV 17− → 14+ in 208Pb, 2485 keV 19/2 − → 13/2 + in 207Pb, 2419 keV 15/2 − → 9/2 + in 209Pb and 2465 keV 17/2 + → 11/2 − in 207Tl transitions was demonstrated for the first time. In addition, shell model calculations were performed using two different sets of two-body matrix elements. Their predictions were compared with emphasis on collective octupole states.This work is supported by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), UK, US Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DEAC02-06CH11357 and DE-FG02-94ER40834, NSF grant PHY-1404442

    Reduction in the uncertainty of the neutron-capture cross section of 210Bi: Impact of a precise multipolarity measurement of the 2− → 1− main ground-state transition

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    International audience; The mixing ratio of the main 320-keV, M1 + E2 ground-state γ transition in 210Bi has been more precisely quantified, allowing a significant reduction in the uncertainty of measurements of the neutron-capture cross section to the ground state of 210Bi from 25% to 0.9%. Accurate values for neutron-capture cross sections to both the ground and long-lived 9− isomeric state at 271 keV in 210Bi are of particular importance as Pb-Bi finds increased usage in Accelerator Driven Systems

    (n,γ) reactions on rare Ca isotopes: Valence-hole - Coreexcitation couplings in47Ca

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    Recent results on the structure of 47Ca will be presented. The nucleus of interest was populated via the cold-neutron capture 46Ca(n,\u3b3) reaction, on a rare 46Ca target, during the EXILL experimental campaign at the nuclear reactor of Institut Laue- Langevin in Grenoble. High-resolution \u3b3-ray spectroscopy, performed with a composite array of HPGe detectors, enabled the identification of new transitions deexciting states between the neutron-capture level and the ground state. Experimental data will be compared with a novel microscopic theoretical model, currently under development, specifically designed to describe the low-lying structure of odd-mass nuclei with one valence particle/hole outside a spherical doubly-magic core, using the Skyrme effective interaction self-consistently

    Yrast structure of the two-proton- and three-neutron-hole nucleus Hg203 from the decay of a 53/2+ isomer

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    The decay of a new, 53/2+, isomer at 8281 keV in Hg203 has been studied by γ coincidence spectroscopy. A half-life of 146(30) ns was measured. In addition, another isomeric, 39/2+, level with a half-life of 7.8(1.5) ns was observed. Some elements of the Rydstroem shell-model interaction have been adjusted to reproduce level energies in nuclei with two to four holes in the Pb208 core. With this interaction, the new states in the five-hole nucleus Hg203 are reproduced with an rms error of 105 keV

    β Decay and isomeric properties of neutron-rich Ca and Sc isotopes

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    The isomeric and β-decay properties of neutron-rich Sc53-57 and Ca53,54 nuclei near neutron number N=32 are reported, and the low-energy level schemes of Sc53,54,56 and Ti53-57 are presented. The low-energy level structures of the 21Sc isotopes are discussed in terms of the coupling of the valence 1f7/2 proton to states in the corresponding 20Ca cores. Implications with respect to the robustness of the N=32 subshell closure are discussed, as well as the repercussions for a possible N=34 subshell closure
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