7 research outputs found

    Acoso sexual callejero y asertividad en adolescentes de una institución educativa del Distrito de Chepén 2022

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    El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre acoso sexual callejero y asertividad en adolescentes de una institución educativa del distrito de Chepén, 2022. La investigación fue cuantitativa, con diseño descriptivo correlacional, y de enfoque transversal, los instrumentos utilizados fueron la Escala de Acoso sexual Callejero y la Escala de Asertividad de Rathus que fue validado y aplicado al contexto peruano, la muestra se obtuvo mediante la fórmula para población finitas y de forma aleatoria, quedando compuesto por 120 mujeres estudiantes. Con respecto a los resultados, en primer lugar, se aplicó la prueba de normalidad Kolmogórov-Smirnov donde se aprecia que los resultados alcanzados son no paramétricos; con respecto al nivel alto, el 64.2% de evaluadas evidenció ser víctima de acoso sexual callejero; en lo que respecta al asertividad 65.3% denotó un nivel alto. Se concluye que entre la variable acoso sexual callejero y asertividad existe correlación inversa y altamente significativa

    Violência física intra-familiar entre jovens mexicanos e egípcios

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of experiencing intra-familial violence among Mexican and Egyptian youth and to describe its associated risk factors. METHODS: Data from questionnaires applied to 12,862 Mexican and 5,662 Egyptian youth, aged 10 to 19, who attended public schools were analyzed. Biviarate and logistic regression analysis were used to determine the relationship between socio-demographics, the experience of intra-familial violence and violence perpetration. RESULTS: The prevalence of having experienced intra-familial violence was comparable across the Mexican and Egyptian populations (14% and 17%, respectively). In Mexico, young men were more likely to have experienced such violence (OR=2.36) than women, whereas in Egypt, young women were at slightly greater risk than young men (OR=1.25). Older age, male gender and urban residence were independent correlates of experiencing intra-familial violence among Mexican youth. For Egyptian adolescents, in contrast, younger age, female gender and having non-married parents were independent correlates of victimization. Intra-familial violence victims were also more likely than non-victims to perpetrate violence (Mexico: OR=13.13; Egypt: OR=6.58). CONCLUSIONS: Mexican and Egyptian youth experienced intra-familial violence at a relatively low prevalence when compared with youth of other countries. A strong association was found between experiencing intra-familial violence and perpetrating violence.OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência da violência intra-familiar sofrida por jovens mexicanos e egípcios, e descrever os fatores de risco associados. MÉTODOS: Os dados analisados foram obtidos de questionários aplicados a 12.862 mexicanos e 5.662 egípcios, jovens de 10 a 19 anos, que freqüentam escolas públicas. O relacionamento entre fatores sociodemográficos, a violência sofrida e sua perpetração foram investigados por meio de análise bivariada e regressão logística. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de violência intra-familiar foi comparável entre as populações mexicana e egípcia (14% e 17%, respectivamente). No México, essa violência foi muito mais provável entre os homens jovens do que entre mulheres (OR=2,36), enquanto que no Egito era mais provável entre as mulheres jovens do que homens (OR=1,25). Idade mais elevada, gênero masculino e residência urbana são fatores associados a violência intra-familiar entre jovens mexicanos. Entre jovens egípcios, a idade mais baixa,o gênero feminino e pais não casados foram fatores associados a essa violência. Foi mais provável a repetição da violência pelos jovens que eram vítimas da violência intra-familiar (México: OR=13,13; Egito: OR=6,58). CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de experimentar a violência intra-familiar de jovens mexicanos e egípcios foi baixa em comparação com jovens em outros países. Houve forte associação entre vítimas de violência intra-familiar e a repetição da violência

    Intra-familial physical violence among Mexican and Egyptian youth

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of experiencing intra-familial violence among Mexican and Egyptian youth and to describe its associated risk factors. METHODS: Data from questionnaires applied to 12,862 Mexican and 5,662 Egyptian youth, aged 10 to 19, who attended public schools were analyzed. Biviarate and logistic regression analysis were used to determine the relationship between socio-demographics, the experience of intra-familial violence and violence perpetration. RESULTS: The prevalence of having experienced intra-familial violence was comparable across the Mexican and Egyptian populations (14% and 17%, respectively). In Mexico, young men were more likely to have experienced such violence (OR=2.36) than women, whereas in Egypt, young women were at slightly greater risk than young men (OR=1.25). Older age, male gender and urban residence were independent correlates of experiencing intra-familial violence among Mexican youth. For Egyptian adolescents, in contrast, younger age, female gender and having non-married parents were independent correlates of victimization. Intra-familial violence victims were also more likely than non-victims to perpetrate violence (Mexico: OR=13.13; Egypt: OR=6.58). CONCLUSIONS: Mexican and Egyptian youth experienced intra-familial violence at a relatively low prevalence when compared with youth of other countries. A strong association was found between experiencing intra-familial violence and perpetrating violence

    Exploring the Role of Nutraceuticals in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): Rationale, State of the Art and Future Prospects

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a complex and common disorder, with many factors involved in its onset and development. The clinical management of this condition is frequently based on the use of some pharmacological antidepressant agents, together with psychotherapy and other alternatives in most severe cases. However, an important percentage of depressed patients fail to respond to the use of conventional therapies. This has created the urgency of finding novel approaches to help in the clinical management of those individuals. Nutraceuticals are natural compounds contained in food with proven benefits either in health promotion or disease prevention and therapy. A growing interest and economical sources are being placed in the development and understanding of multiple nutraceutical products. Here, we summarize some of the most relevant nutraceutical agents evaluated in preclinical and clinical models of depression. In addition, we will also explore less frequent but interest nutraceutical products which are starting to be tested, also evaluating future roads to cover in order to maximize the benefits of nutraceuticals in MDD

    The Placentas of Women Who Suffer an Episode of Psychosis during Pregnancy Have Increased Lipid Peroxidation with Evidence of Ferroptosis

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    Psychosis is a complex entity characterized by psychological, behavioral, and motor alterations resulting in a loss of contact with reality. Although it is not common, pregnancy can be a period in which a first episode of psychosis can manifest, entailing detrimental consequences for both the fetus and the mother. The pathophysiological basis and study of maternofetal wellbeing need to be further elucidated. Lipid peroxidation and ferroptosis are two phenomena that are tightly linked to the placental dysfunction commonly observed in different complications of pregnancy. In the present study, we aim to explore the histopathological and gene expression of different markers of lipid peroxidation and ferroptosis in the placentas of women who underwent a first episode of psychosis during their pregnancy (n = 22). The aim is to then compare them with healthy pregnant women (n = 20). In order to achieve this goal, iron deposits were studied using Prussian Blue staining. In addition, the protein/gene expression of a transferrin receptor (TFRC), as well as an acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 4 (ACSL-4), arachidonate lipoxygenase-5 (ALOX-5), malondialdehyde (MDA), and glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPX4) were all analyzed through gene expression (RT-qPCR) and immunohistochemical procedures. Our results demonstrate an increased presence of iron deposits that are accompanied by a further expression of TFRC, ACSL-4, ALOX-5, MDA, and GPX4—all of which are observed in the placenta tissue of women who have suffered from a first episode of psychosis. Therefore, in our study, a histopathological increase in lipid peroxidation and ferroptosis markers in the affected women is suggested. However, further studies are needed in order to validate our results and to establish possible consequences for the reported alterations

    Intra-familial physical violence among Mexican and Egyptian youth Violência física intra-familiar entre jovens mexicanos e egípcios

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of experiencing intra-familial violence among Mexican and Egyptian youth and to describe its associated risk factors. METHODS: Data from questionnaires applied to 12,862 Mexican and 5,662 Egyptian youth, aged 10 to 19, who attended public schools were analyzed. Biviarate and logistic regression analysis were used to determine the relationship between socio-demographics, the experience of intra-familial violence and violence perpetration. RESULTS: The prevalence of having experienced intra-familial violence was comparable across the Mexican and Egyptian populations (14% and 17%, respectively). In Mexico, young men were more likely to have experienced such violence (OR=2.36) than women, whereas in Egypt, young women were at slightly greater risk than young men (OR=1.25). Older age, male gender and urban residence were independent correlates of experiencing intra-familial violence among Mexican youth. For Egyptian adolescents, in contrast, younger age, female gender and having non-married parents were independent correlates of victimization. Intra-familial violence victims were also more likely than non-victims to perpetrate violence (Mexico: OR=13.13; Egypt: OR=6.58). CONCLUSIONS: Mexican and Egyptian youth experienced intra-familial violence at a relatively low prevalence when compared with youth of other countries. A strong association was found between experiencing intra-familial violence and perpetrating violence.<br>OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência da violência intra-familiar sofrida por jovens mexicanos e egípcios, e descrever os fatores de risco associados. MÉTODOS: Os dados analisados foram obtidos de questionários aplicados a 12.862 mexicanos e 5.662 egípcios, jovens de 10 a 19 anos, que freqüentam escolas públicas. O relacionamento entre fatores sociodemográficos, a violência sofrida e sua perpetração foram investigados por meio de análise bivariada e regressão logística. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de violência intra-familiar foi comparável entre as populações mexicana e egípcia (14% e 17%, respectivamente). No México, essa violência foi muito mais provável entre os homens jovens do que entre mulheres (OR=2,36), enquanto que no Egito era mais provável entre as mulheres jovens do que homens (OR=1,25). Idade mais elevada, gênero masculino e residência urbana são fatores associados a violência intra-familiar entre jovens mexicanos. Entre jovens egípcios, a idade mais baixa,o gênero feminino e pais não casados foram fatores associados a essa violência. Foi mais provável a repetição da violência pelos jovens que eram vítimas da violência intra-familiar (México: OR=13,13; Egito: OR=6,58). CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de experimentar a violência intra-familiar de jovens mexicanos e egípcios foi baixa em comparação com jovens em outros países. Houve forte associação entre vítimas de violência intra-familiar e a repetição da violência