33 research outputs found

    20 lat trzeciego sektora w Polsce – doświadczenia i perspektywy

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    Year 1989 marked a breakthrough in the presence and development of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Poland. The freedom of association was restored, and the society immediately took advantage of this freedom. Since the early 1990s, decentralization has been coupled with a revived activity of the civic sector, and a clear increase in the number of ‘grass-root’ initiatives, stimulated by the society itself. The number of NGOs has kept growing, including the associations, foundations, and church organizations. The scope of their activity, the number of employees and the tasks they undertake have been expanding. In order to understand the essence of social economy, and primarily to notice the opportunity to develop the state on the basis of the principles of social economy, it was necessary to change the definition of the essence of the state and society, their role, and to correlate their mutual objectives and needs. The administrative reform executed in Poland in 1999, resulted in moving the burden of public tasks from the central government to the units of territorial self-government. The administrative reform introduced three layers of territorial division in order to promote self-governance, facilitate the operation of local authorities, and bring them closer to citizens. Over the last twenty years, NGOs have become a valuable partner in territorial self-government by performing various kinds of public tasks and thus becoming an exceptionally significant element of social policy. The principles regulating the co-existence of the third sector and the state are laid down in the act of law of April 24, 2003 on public benefit and volunteer work, which provides a comprehensive regulation of the activity of NGOs in the realm of public life, the principles (subsidiarity, sovereignty of parties, partnership, efficiency, fair competition, and transparency), and the form of cooperation between such organizations and the organs of public administration with respect to the performance of public tasks. It should be emphasized, however, that while NGOs have taken over services rendered in some areas, their potential has not been fully utilized. The functioning of social organizations manifests civic freedom and society’s self-organization. The activities of the third sector organizations allow the fulfillment of important social needs, such as the need for spontaneous association, social initiative and organizational autonomy. The functioning of social organizations has an advantageous influence on the activity of public and private organizations. The NGOs in Poland and abroad play an increasingly significant role, both in the development of civic society of democratic states, and also in the process of performing public tasks and the development of economies. At present, forms of cooperation between NGOs and the territorial self-government are being sought. This may indicate that both local authorities and the third sector organizations have reached a point where they are ready to form a real partnership. This is an optimistic statement, especially given the opportunity to develop the sector of social economy using the financial means of the EU structural funds. Along with the ageing of affluent societies, social exclusion, poverty and unemployment are the fundamental social problems for Poland and the whole of modern Europe. The subjects of the third sector of an economy can play a key role in solving these problems

    20 lat trzeciego sektora w Polsce – doświadczenia i perspektywy

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    Year 1989 marked a breakthrough in the presence and development of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Poland. The freedom of association was restored, and the society immediately took advantage of this freedom. Since the early 1990s, decentralization has been coupled with a revived activity of the civic sector, and a clear increase in the number of ‘grass-root’ initiatives, stimulated by the society itself. The number of NGOs has kept growing, including the associations, foundations, and church organizations. The scope of their activity, the number of employees and the tasks they undertake have been expanding. In order to understand the essence of social economy, and primarily to notice the opportunity to develop the state on the basis of the principles of social economy, it was necessary to change the definition of the essence of the state and society, their role, and to correlate their mutual objectives and needs. The administrative reform executed in Poland in 1999, resulted in moving the burden of public tasks from the central government to the units of territorial self-government. The administrative reform introduced three layers of territorial division in order to promote self-governance, facilitate the operation of local authorities, and bring them closer to citizens. Over the last twenty years, NGOs have become a valuable partner in territorial self-government by performing various kinds of public tasks and thus becoming an exceptionally significant element of social policy. The principles regulating the co-existence of the third sector and the state are laid down in the act of law of April 24, 2003 on public benefit and volunteer work, which provides a comprehensive regulation of the activity of NGOs in the realm of public life, the principles (subsidiarity, sovereignty of parties, partnership, efficiency, fair competition, and transparency), and the form of cooperation between such organizations and the organs of public administration with respect to the performance of public tasks. It should be emphasized, however, that while NGOs have taken over services rendered in some areas, their potential has not been fully utilized. The functioning of social organizations manifests civic freedom and society’s self-organization. The activities of the third sector organizations allow the fulfillment of important social needs, such as the need for spontaneous association, social initiative and organizational autonomy. The functioning of social organizations has an advantageous influence on the activity of public and private organizations. The NGOs in Poland and abroad play an increasingly significant role, both in the development of civic society of democratic states, and also in the process of performing public tasks and the development of economies. At present, forms of cooperation between NGOs and the territorial self-government are being sought. This may indicate that both local authorities and the third sector organizations have reached a point where they are ready to form a real partnership. This is an optimistic statement, especially given the opportunity to develop the sector of social economy using the financial means of the EU structural funds. Along with the ageing of affluent societies, social exclusion, poverty and unemployment are the fundamental social problems for Poland and the whole of modern Europe. The subjects of the third sector of an economy can play a key role in solving these problems

    Relevance of admission hyperglycaemia and diabetes mellitus to efficacy and safety of mechanical thrombectomy in stroke patients

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    Introduction. The relevance of diabetes mellitus (DM) to the efficacy of mechanical thrombectomy (MT) has been the subject of few studies and with only inconclusive results. Objectives. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of DM and admission hyperglycaemia on the efficacy and safety of MT in stroke patients. Material and methods. This retrospective study analysis focused on the relevance of admission hyperglyacemia and DM to the functional status of patients treated with MT at the Upper Silesian Medical Centre of the Silesian Medical University in Katowice, Poland. Results. 417 stroke patients (median age 70 years) were qualified for the study. There were 103 patients (24.70%) with DM. Admission hyperglycaemia ≥ 140 mg% was found in 91 patients (21.82%), of whom 69 were diagnosed with DM before or during hospitalisation. The parameters with the strongest effect on the functional status on days 7, 90 and 365 were: age, and neurological status according to the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) on the first day of ischaemic stroke before MT. The angiographic effect indirect after MT and patient functional status on days 7, 90 and 365 were comparable between the groups, regardless of the DM burden. The frequency of symptomatic intracranial bleeding 24 hours after MT was comparable between patients with and patients without DM (p = 0.092). Model based on parameters were age, NIHSS on the first day of ischaemic stroke, an when score in Thrombolysis In Cerebral Infarct (TICI) showed good predictive attributes for the functional status of patients in the acute period (day 7). Age, a lack of admission hyperglycaemia, and the neurological state on day 1 of ischaemic stroke (before MT) were the key parameters for a favourable outcome (≤ 2 points on the modified Rankin Scale, mRS) on day 90. Admission hyperglycaemia ≥ 140 mg/dL, regardless of the presence or absence of DM, had a negative effect on achieving a good functional status one week after stroke onset. Conclusions. Diabetes mellitus has a neutral effect on the angiographic and clinical outcomes of mechanical thrombectomy in stroke patients. It does not increase the risk of intracranial haemorrhage after instrumental therapy. It is admission hyperglycaemia, rather than diabetes mellitus, that is a predictor of poor functional status in patients treated with thrombectomy. According to our results, the patient’s neurological status, age, and the outcome of thrombectomy are relevant to the functional status in the acute ischaemic stroke period

    Terapia nadczynności tarczycy jodem promieniotwórczym jest bezpieczna u chorych na chorobę Gravesa i Basedowa z orbitopatią — badanie prospektywne

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    Introduction: Radioactive iodine (RAI) therapy may induce or worsen orbitopathy (GO) in Graves’ disease (GD). The aim of this study was a prospective assessment of the risk of GO exacerbation in a GD patients cohort submitted to RAI therapy for hyperthyroidism.Material and methods: 208 consecutive GD patients treated with 131I in 2007 were enrolled. The analysis was performed on 156 patients strictly monitored for one year. Glucocorticosteroid (GCS) prophylaxis was administered if GO symptoms or GO history were present, and in cases of tobacco smokers even without GO symptoms. Clinical and biochemical evaluation at one, three, six, and 12 months after therapy was performed in the whole group, then at 24 months in 138 patients.Results: There was no severe GO progression in patients without GO symptoms at the time of RAI treatment. The risk of severe GO worsening for preexisting GO patients (demanding systemic GCS administration) during the 12-month follow-up after RAI therapy was 10%. 12 and 24 months after 131I administration, stable improvement compared to the initial GO status had been achieved in most (98–96%) patients.Conclusions:1. In patients with mild GO, the risk of severe GO worsening after RAI therapy is acceptable, as long as RAI therapy is applied with GCS cover.2. In patients without GO symptoms at the time of RAI therapy but with a history of GO and with subclinical GO diagnosed by MRI only, the risk of severe progression is minimal.3. Distant outcomes of RAI treatment confirmed its safety in GO patients. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (1): 40–45)Wstęp: Leczenie jodem promieniotwórczym (131I) może indukować lub nasilać objawy orbitopatii u pacjentów z rozpoznaniem choroby Graves-Basedowa (CHGB). Celem pracy była prospektywna ocena ryzyka zaostrzenia orbitopatii w grupie chorych leczonych 131I z powodu nadczynności tarczycy.Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono 208 kolejnych pacjentów z rozpoznaniem CHGB leczonych 131I w 2007. Do analizy włączono 156 chorych ściśle monitorowanych przez rok. Osłona glikokortykoidowa (GCS) była stosowana w przypadku występowania objawów orbitopatii, dodatniego wywiadu w kierunku orbitopatii i u palaczy tytoniu, także bez objawów orbitopatii. Kliniczna i biochemiczna ocena była przeprowadzona w całej grupie 1, 3, 6 i 12 miesięcy po leczeniu 131I i u 138 chorych po 24 miesiącach.Wyniki: Nie obserwowano poważnego zaostrzenia orbitopatii u chorych bez objawów GO w chwili leczenia 131I. Ryzyko istotnej progresji orbitopatii (wymagającej stosowania GKS systemowych) w ciągu 12 miesięcznej obserwacji wynosiło u chorych z wyjściowymi objawami orbitopatii 10%. U większości chorych 12 i 24 miesiące po leczeniu 131I poprawa orbitopatii w porównaniu ze stanem wyjściowym była trwała.Wnioski:1. Ryzyko istotnej progresji objawów po leczeniu 131I u chorych z orbitopatią o umiarkowanym nasileniu jest akceptowalne.2. Ryzyko progresji orbitopatii u chorych bez objawów w chwili leczenia 131I, ale z dodatnim wywiadem w kierunku orbitopatii i z subklinicznymi objawami (obecnymi tylko w badaniu NMR) jest minimalne.3. Odległa ocena potwierdza bezpieczeństwo terapii radiojodem u chorych z orbitopatią. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (1): 40–45

    Security theory and practice: Energy security and environmental/climate protection in the second decade of the 21st century: Development trends

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    ZE WSTĘPU: W niniejszym tomie podjęte zostały aktualne zagadnienia związane z wybranymi aspektami bezpieczeństwa ekologicznego (w ujęciu przedmiotowym i narodowym), jak również implikacjami powiązania kwestii ochrony środowiska i klimatu z rozwojem społeczno-ekonomicznym oraz polityką i bezpieczeństwem energetycznym

    Keratin-Butyrate Scaffolds Promote Skin Wound Healing in Diabetic Rats Through Down-Regulation of IL-1β and Up-Regulation of Keratins 16 and 17

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    Impaired wound healing particularly in diabetics creates a significant healthcare burden. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of keratin-butyrate fibers (FKDP +0.1%NaBu) in a full-thickness skin wound model in 30 diabetic rats. Physicochemical examination showed that the obtained dressing possesses a heterogeneous structure and butyrate was slowly released into the wound. Moreover, the obtained dressing is nontoxic and supports cell growth. In vivo results showed that keratin-butyrate dressing accelerated wound healing on days 4 and 7 post-injury (p < .05). Histopathological and immunofluorescence examination revealed that applied dressing stimulated macrophage infiltration, which favors tissue remodeling and regeneration. The dressing was naturally incorporated into regenerating tissue. The highest mRNA expression level of interleukin 1β (IL-1β) was observed during the first 2 weeks in the control wounds compared to FKDP +0.1%NaBu treated wounds, in which IL-1β was significantly decreased. In FKDP +0.1%NaBu dressed wounds, mRNA expression of IL-10 and VEGF increased significantly (p < .05) from day 14. Keratin-butyrate treated wounds enhanced mRNA expression of keratin 16 and 17 and zonula occludens protein-1 and junctional adhesion molecules (p < .05) on days 14, 21, and 28 post-injuries. Our study showed that keratin butyrate dressing is safe and can efficiently accelerate skin wound healing in diabetic rats

    Assessment of selected B cells populations in the workers of X-ray departments

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    Objectives: Workers of X-ray departments are occupationally exposed to long-term low levels of ionizing radiation (LLIR), which may affect their humoral immunity. The aim of the study was to assess the influence of LLIR on the number and proportion of B cells (CD19+), B1 cells (CD5+CD19+) and memory B cells (CD27+CD19+) in peripheral blood of such workers. Materials and Methods: In the study group of 47 X-ray departments workers and the control group consisting of 38 persons, the number and percentage of CD19+, CD5+CD19+, CD27+CD19+ cells as well as CD5+CD19+/CD19+ and CD27+CD19+/CD19+ cell ratios were assessed using flow cytometry. Additionally, the study group was divided into 2 groups by the length of employment below and over 15 years and analysis adjusted for age and smoking habit was performed. Results: The total number of CD19+ cells showed significant increase in the group of workers in comparison with the persons from the control group, whereas the percentage of CD5+CD19+ cells as well as CD27+CD19+/CD19+ and CD5+CD19+/CD19+ cell ratios were lower. Percentage, number of CD5+CD19+ cells and CD5+CD19+/CD19+ cell ratio were significantly lower in the workers with length of employment longer than 15 years in comparison with those employed below 15 years. Moreover, we found positive associations between the number of CD19+ cells and employment as well as smoking habit, whereas the number of CD5+CD19+ cells was positively associated with cigarette smoking alone. Percentage of CD5+CD19+ cells as well as CD5+CD19+/CD19+ and CD27+CD19+/CD19+ cell ratios were negatively correlated with employment. Conclusions: The study suggests association between the suppressive influence of low level ionizing radiation on circulating in peripheral blood, especially of B1 cells as well as of memory B cells, in workers of X-ray units, which is adverse in relation to microbiological threat

    Servant Sisters work in Dobra from 1909 to 2004

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    Na lata 1909–2004 przypadła w Dobrej praca sióstr zakonnych ze zgromadzenia Służebniczek Bogarodzicy Dziewicy Niepokalanie Poczętej, zwanych potocznie Służebniczkami Dębickimi. Artykuł niniejszy traktuje o ich pracy – niezwykle skromnej, acz tak bardzo potrzebnej dla wspólnoty parafialnej – siostry troszczyły się w tym czasie o chorych, ubogich, pomagały starszym, pracowały przy parafii, troszcząc się o wygląd kościoła i stan bielizny kościelnej, prowadziły katechezę, a przede wszystkim prowadziły ochronkę dla dzieci, co było głównym ich celem i zadaniem. W artykule zostały ukazane także trudności, z jakimi siostry się zmagały, a wszystko oparte zostało o materiały archiwalne pozostałe po siostrach oraz o ich wspomnienia. Artykuł jest nowatorski, gdyż porusza zagadnienia dotąd nieopracowane.During the years 1909-2004, the work of the religious sisters of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, commonly known as the Dębica servants, took place in Dobra. The sisters took care of the sick, the poor, and the elderly. They also worked in the parish, taking care of the appearance of the church and the state of the church linen. The article also shows the difficulties the sisters had to face and is based on the archival materials left by the sisters and their memories. The article is innovative because it deals with issues that have not been worked out before

    On the evolution of corruption patterns in the post-communist countries

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    In this paper, we study the evolution of corruption patterns in 27 post-communist countries during the period 1996-2012 using the Control of Corruption Index and the corruption category Markov transition probability matrix. This method allows us to generate the long-run distribution of corruption among the post-communist countries. Our empirical findings suggest that corruption in the post-communist countries is a very persistent phenomenon that does not change much over time. Several theoretical explanations for such a result are provided

    Firm-Level Perception of Corruption in Postcommunist Countries

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    The article looks at how Polish firms view corruption and whether they see it as a major obstacle to doing business. The authors investigate the relationship between the characteristic features of firms and their perception of corruption. The authors examine the findings of previous studies in the field. They conduct an empirical analysis using panel data on 25,000 firms in 27 postcommunist countries from 1999 to 2010. The research makes it possible to identify companies for which corruption is a major obstacle to doing business. The authors conclude that corruption is especially troublesome for companies producing goods for the domestic market and for private companies based on domestic capital. The study also finds that corruption poses a problem to companies regardless of their efficiency and size. The authors’ key recommendation for economic policy makers is that they should depersonalize businesses’ contacts with the government administration and reduce their frequency.Celem artykułu jest zbadanie zależności między charakterystykami przedsiębiorstw a stopniem postrzegania przez nie korupcji jako ważnej przeszkody w działalności. W artykule przedstawiono przegląd literatury na temat wpływu charakterystyk przedsiębiorstw na postrzeganie przez nie korupcji, a następnie przeprowadzono badanie empiryczne przy użyciu danych panelowych dotyczących działalności 25 tys. przedsiębiorstw w 27 krajach postkomunistycznych w latach 1999-2010. Badanie to umożliwiło identyfikację atrybutów firm, dla których korupcja może stanowić największy problem. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że zjawisko to jest najbardziej dokuczliwe w przypadku przedsiębiorstw produkujących na rynek krajowy oraz przedsiębiorstw o prywatnym kapitale krajowym. Ponadto badanie wykazało, że trudności związane z korupcją nie mają związku z efektywnością czy z wielkością firmy. Natomiast duże znaczenie miał czas poświęcony osobistym kontaktom z urzędnikami oraz liczba kontroli państwowych prowadzonych w siedzibie danej firmy. Na tej podstawie w artykule przedstawiono rekomendację dla polityki gospodarczej - należy dążyć do depersonalizacji kontaktów przedsiębiorców z państwem, a także zmniejszenia ich częstości