46 research outputs found

    The role of physical activity in prevention and treatment of peripheral vascular disorders

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    Peripheral vascular diseases constitute one of the most significant medical and social problems. Physiotherapy plays an important role among and in addition to various treatment modalities. Physiotherapy for vascular applied in vessel disease treatment primaliry consists of resonable and regular exercises and activities, and selected physical procedures. The review paper presents current data concerning the most commonly applied exercises and physical procedures in selected peripheral vascular diseases

    Możliwości medycyny fizykalnej w leczeniu porażenia nerwu pośrodkowego – opis przypadku

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    Introduction. Post-traumatic lesions of peripheral nerves prove to be extremely difficult in treatment and planning rehabilitation. Most frequently, those lesions have been caused by accidents or other circumstances. The lesion severity degree and consequences may be very substantially. This execution usually operating intervention with following rehabilitation. The recent years this is the dynamic development of method from physical medicine which more and more often help led treatment.Case Report. The case study presents the result of treatment with use of spatial magnetic field in two patients (51 year-old and 31 year-old) after trauma injury-induced injury of the upper extremity with subsequent paralysis of median nerve.Discussion. In the course of therapy, provided in outpatient clinic, the patients underwent a 45-day cycle of procedures with the use of generator for spatial magnetic field therapy. Before admission to the Clinic, the patient had undergone outpatient treatment, without satisfactory results. The therapy applied using spatial magnetic field, created optimum conditions for regeneration and reinnervation of damaged nerves, leading to improved functional condition of treated patients.Conclusions. In the treatment of trauma injury of peripheral nerve important is introduction the proper treatment and the rehabilitation. Utilization of new apparatus, also the apparatus to spatial magnetic fields can in future supporttreatment and also accelerate their return to health. (JNNN 2015;4(3):117–120)Wstęp. Pourazowe uszkodzenia nerwów obwodowych stanowią niezwykle trudny problem w leczeniu oraz planowaniu rehabilitacji. Najczęściej uszkodzenia te spowodowane są przez tzw. nieszczęśliwy wypadek lub inne okoliczności.Stopień ciężkości uszkodzenia i jego następstwa mogą być bardzo różne. Wymaga to zazwyczaj przeprowadzenia zabiegu operacyjnego z następową rehabilitacją. Ostatnie lata to dynamiczny rozwój metod medycyny fizykalnej, które coraz częściej wspomagają prowadzone leczenie.Opis przypadku. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki leczenia z wykorzystaniem przestrzennego pola magnetycznego u dwóch pacjentów (51 lat i 31 lat) po urazowym uszkodzeniu kończyny górnej z następowym porażeniem nerwu pośrodkowego.Dyskusja. Do leczenia wykorzystano aparat do przestrzennego pola magnetycznego wykonując 45 zabiegów podczas całej sesji terapeutycznej. Dotychczasowe leczenie pod postacią wcześniej wdrożonych zabiegów fizjoterapeutycznych nie przyniosło w pełni zadowalających efektów. Zastosowanie terapii wykorzystującej przestrzenne pole magnetycznestworzyło optymalne warunki regeneracji i reinerwacji uszkodzonych nerwów zmierzające do poprawy stanu funkcjonalnego leczonych chorych.Wnioski. W leczeniu urazowych uszkodzeń nerwów obwodowych ważne jest wprowadzenie właściwego leczenia wspartego rehabilitacją. Wykorzystanie nowych urządzeń, w tym także terapii przestrzennym polem magnetycznym może w przyszłości wspomóc leczenie, a także przyśpieszyć ich powrót do zdrowia.(PNN 2015;4(3):117–120

    Decreased lipid profile and oxidative stress in healthy subjects who underwent whole-body cryotherapy in closed cryochamber with subsequent kinesiotherapy

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    Objective. The aim of the study was to estimate the impact of whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) and subsequent kinesiotherapy on oxidative stress and lipid profile when performed in a closed cryochamber on healthy subjects. Material and Methods. The effect of ten WBC procedures lasting 3 minutes a day followed by a 60-minute session kinesiotherapy on oxidative stress and lipid profile in healthy subjects (WBC group, n = 16) was investigated. The WBC group was compared to the kinesiotherapy only (KT; n = 16) group. The routine parameters of oxidative stress (antioxidant enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidant status, lipid peroxidation products, total oxidative status (TOS), and oxidative stress index (OSI)) and lipid profile were estimated one day before the beginning and one day after the completion of the research program. Results. After treatment, in the WBC group, a significant decrease of oxidative stress markers (TOS and OSI) and a significant increase of total antioxidant capacity were observed. The activity of plasma SOD-Mn and erythrocyte total SOD increased significantly in the WBC group. In the KT group, the erythrocyte activity of total SOD, CAT, and GR decreased significantly after the treatment. The levels of T-Chol and LDL-Chol decreased significantly after treatment in both groups, but the observed decrease of these lipid parameters in the WBC group was higher in comparison to the KT group. The level of TG decreased significantly after treatment in the WBC group only. Conclusion. WBC performed in a closed cryochamber followed by kinesiotherapy improves lipid profile and decreases oxidative stress in healthy subjects

    Superficial temporal artery aneurysm

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    Introduction: The superficial temporal artery (STA), an end branch of the external carotid artery, is a major artery of the head. Due to its location, where skin and fat tissue remain the only protection of the artery, it can be easily damaged while head injury, causing an aneurysm to form. So far around four hundreds of cases of STA aneurysms have been described in the literature. Material and methods: We present a 37-year-old woman with a painless pulsatile mass of approximatelyone centimeter above the left ear and headaches in the left temporal area. In the past, she was a victim ofdomestic violence with a few head trauma. Results: The STA aneurysm was confirmed in ultrasound imaging. The patient did not meet the criteria for the diagnosis of giant cell arteritis. She was presented for a vascular surgery consultation and qualified for surgical resection of the aneurysm. In addition, the patient was diagnosed with hepatic hemangioma and mild aortic and mitral valve regurgitation. Conclusions: According to the available literature, STA aneurysms have mostly been reported as post--traumatic. The gold standard for STA aneurysm treatment is surgical resection. The procedure was reported as safe, as well as a low grade of recurrence or complications during the procedure was shown in the literature

    Whole-body cryostimulation as an effective method of reducing oxidative stress in healthy men

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    Background. Whole-body cryostimulation (WBC) is the therapeutic exposure of the total human body (without underwear) to a very low temperature (below –100°C) for 120–180 s. Currently, WBC is used more frequently not only in the treatment of patients suffering from various diseases, but also by healthy people as a wellness method. Objectives. The aim of this research is to evaluate the impact of WBC procedures on oxidative stress parameters in healthy men. Material and Methods. The study involved 32 healthy male subjects who were randomly divided into 2 groups: 16 men exposed to WBC procedures with subsequent kinesiotherapy (WBC group) and 16 men exposed only to kinesiotherapy procedures (KT group). Depending on the group, the subjects were exposed to 10 daily WBC procedures lasting 3 min, with a subsequent 60-min of kinesiotherapy, or exclusively to kinesiotherapy. In subjects from both groups, a day before the beginning of a cycle of treatment and a day after its completion, the level of selected indicators of oxidative stress and non-enzymatic antioxidants, as well as the activity of antioxidant enzymes in serum, plasma and erythrocyte lysates were determined. Results. In the WBC group subjects, we recorded a statistically significant decrease in the concentrations of most of the parameters of oxidative stress with an accompanying increase in plasma concentrations of non-enzymatic antioxidants (total antioxidant status and uric acid). We recorded no significant changes in the activities of antioxidant enzymes (plasma total superoxide dismutase (SOD) and its isoenzymes SOD-Mn and SOD-ZnCu, erythrocyte catalase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase). Conclusions. The results we obtained confirmed that WBC decreases oxidative stress in healthy men (Adv Clin Exp Med 2016, 25, 6, 1281–1291)

    Rzadka anomalia rozwojowa wyrostka kolczystego kręgu szyjnego (hiperplazja wyrostka kolczystego kręgu C5) : opis przypadku

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    Background: Hyperplasia of a spinous process on a cervical vertebra is a very rare developmental anomaly of the spine. Case Report: A patient, without any distinct disorders in cervical spine mobility, presented with hyperplasia of the right part of a spinous process of vertebra C5 in the form of an osseous structure near the right side of cervical vertebra C5, positioned from the upper-medial to the lateral-inferior direction and vanishing close to the transversal process of thoracic vertebra Th1, visible by radiogram. Conclusion: It seems that hyperplasia of a spinous process does not cause any significant disorders in spine mobility with subsequent clinical symptoms

    Evaluation of the healing progress of phlegmon related to type 2 diabetes treated with the local hyperbaric oxygen therapy

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    Introduction. Phlegmon is a disease which causes purulent inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue, beingof unlimited character. This disease does not only affect the external coverings of the body; it may also betransmitted to the internal organs, and lead to their insufficiency. Case report. The study presents the results of the physical therapy applied to phlegmon located in the rightshank and foot of a 57-year old patient with type 2 diabetes after an ineffective typical symptomatic treatment.A local hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been used in this treatment which utilizes the therapeutic effect of gaseswith high oxygen content close to 100%,exceeding the pressure of one atmosphere. Results. After completion of the 4-month therapy complete regression of pain symptoms was achieved assessedaccordingly to the VAS scale, as well as the complete healing of wounds, reduction of the inflammatoryreaction and skin congestion, thanks to which the amputation of the limb turned out not to be necessary. Thethermographic assessment performed after the completion of the treatment confirmed normalization of thepreviously reduced temperature of tissues in the area of healed wounds. Conclusions. The obtained initial results indicate that the therapy with the use of the local hyperbaric oxygentherapy may constitute a useful adjunctive method for treatment of patients whose wounds are hard to heal,including wounds with inflammatory origin

    Ocena wpływu badania tomograficznego z dożylnym podaniem kontrastu na czynność wydalniczą nerek

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    INTRODUCTION: Despite the described risk of contrast-induced nephropathy, defined as sudden (up-to 48–72 h) deterioration of renal function after the administration of contrast, guidelines for border level renal excretory function markers securing safe contrast CT have not been established. The aim of study was to assess the effect of CT with intravenous contrast on changes of renal excretory function markers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In a prospective study, 60 patients who had CT with intravenous contrast were analyzed. Before CT and after 48 hours, the level of markers of renal function: creatinine, urea and potassium were marked in the patients’ serum and the eGFR value was calculated. The patients were divided into 2 groups, depending on the output value of creatinine and eGFR: group 1 – normal values and group 2 – slightly elevated ones by 20%. RESULTS: The average concentration of creatinine before CT did not differ significantly from the values after contrast application (1.05 ± 0.23 vs. 1.03 ± 0.26 mg/dl). The average value of eGFR before contrast CT did not differ significantly from the value after contrast application (71.53 ± 18.86 vs. 74.25 ± 22.50 ml/min./1.73 m2). No significant changes in urea and potassium concentrations after radio-contrast application were observed. The values of the analyzed markers did not differ significantly compared to the baseline values in any group, nor did sex or type of CT have an effect on the marker levels. CONCLUSIONS: The intravenous administration of contrast during CT does not cause significant changes in renal excretory function markers, either in patients with normal renal function or in patients with baseline values elevated by 20%, irrespective of sex or type of CT.WSTĘP: Pomimo opisywanego ryzyka wystąpienia nefropatii kontrastowej definiowanej jako nagłe (do 48–72 h) pogorszenie funkcji nerek po podaniu kontrastu dotychczas nie ustalono wytycznych odnośnie do granicznego poziomu markerów czynności wydalniczej nerek, dla których dopuszczalne jest wykonanie kontrastowego badania TK. Celem pracy była ocena wpływu dożylnego podania kontrastu podczas badań TK różnego typu na zmiany wartości markerów czynności wydalniczej nerek. MATERIAŁ I METODY: W prospektywnym badaniu analizowano 60 kolejnych pacjentów (25 kobiet i 35 mężczyzn), którym wykonano badanie TK z dożylnym podaniem kontrastu. W dniu badania oraz po 48 godzinach w surowicy pacjentów oznaczano stężenie markerów czynności nerek: kreatyniny, mocznika i potasu oraz obliczano współczynnik filtracji kłębuszkowej (eGFR). Pacjentów podzielono na 2 grupy zależnie od wyjściowych wartości badanych markerów: grupa 1 – wartości prawidłowe, grupa 2 – wartości przekraczające normę średnio o ok. 20%. WYNIKI: Średnie stężenie kreatyniny przed badaniem nie różniło się znamiennie od stężenia po badaniu (1,05 ± 0,23 vs. 1,03 ± 0,26 mg/dl). Średnia wartość eGFR przed badaniem nie różniła się znamiennie od wartości po badaniu (71,53 ± 18,86 vs. 74,25 ± 22,50 ml/min./1,73 m2). Nie stwierdzono również istotnych zmian stężenia mocznika i potasu po wykonaniu badania. Wartości badanych parametrów po wykonaniu badania TK nie różniły się znamiennie w stosunku do wartości wyjściowych w żadnej grupie chorych, nie były również zależne od płci i rodzaju badania TK. WNIOSKI: Dożylne podanie kontrastu w trakcie badania TK nie powoduje znamiennych zmian wartości markerów czynności wydalniczej nerek u pacjentów z prawidłową czynnością nerek oraz u pacjentów z wyjściowymi wartościami markerów przekraczającymi granicę normy o ok. 20%, bez względu na płeć i rodzaj wykonanego badania

    Nitrotyrosine, Nitrated Lipoproteins, and Cardiovascular Dysfunction in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: What Do We Know and What Remains to Be Explained?

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a strong risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), which are the most important cause of morbidity and mortality in the population of patients living with DM. DM is associated with lipid metabolism disorders characterized by a decrease in the high-density lipoprotein blood concentration, an increase in the triglyceride blood concentration, and the presence of modified lipoproteins not routinely measured in clinical practice. Nitrated lipoproteins are produced by the nitration of the tyrosyl residues of apolipoproteins by myeloperoxidase. There is some evidence from the research conducted showing that nitrated lipoproteins may play a role in the development of cardiovascular dysfunction, but this issue requires further investigation. It was found that the nitration of HDL particles was associated with a decrease in caspase-3 and paraoxonase-1 activity, as well as a decrease in the activity of cholesterol transport via ABCA1, which reduces the protective effect of HDL particles on the cardiovascular system. Less information has been collected about the role of nitrated LDL particles. Thus far, much more information has been obtained on the relationship of nitrotyrosine expression with the presence of cardiovascular risk factors and the development of cardiovascular dysfunction. The purpose of this paper is to provide an extensive review of the literature and to present the most important information on the current state of knowledge on the association between nitrotyrosine and nitrated lipoproteins with dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, especially in patients living with DM. Moreover, directions for future research in this area were discussed

    Application of Topical Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Medical Active Dressings in the Treatment of Arterial Leg Ulcers—A Pilot Study

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    Leg ulcers are a very serious worldwide medical problem. When the ulcer is extensive and deep the prognosis is usually unfavorable. The treatment requires comprehensive solutions that take into account modern specialized medical dressings, and more and more often, selected methods in the field of physical medicine. The study included 30 patients (13 women—43.4% and 17 men—56.6%) with chronic arterial ulcers of the lower limbs. The mean age of the treated patients was 65.63 ± 8.77 years. Patients were randomly assigned to two study groups. In group 1 (16 patients), specialist ATRAUMAN Ag medical dressings and local hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatments were used. In group 2 (14 patients), only specialized ATRAUMAN Ag dressings were used. The treatment was carried out for 4 weeks. The progress of healing ulcers was assessed by using the planimetric method, while the intensity of pain ailments was assessed by the visual analog VAS scale. In both study groups, a statistically significant reduction in the mean surface area of the treated ulcers was obtained, respectively, from 8.53 ± 1.71 cm2 to 5.55 ± 1.11 cm2 in group 1 (p 2 to 6.28 ± 1.13 cm2 in group 2 (p p p p = 0.003). In turn, the percentage assessment of the pain intensity assessed in the VAS scale in group 1 was 36.97 ± 6.36% and was statistically significantly higher compared to group 2 (29.34 ± 4.77%) (p = 0.002). The addition of local hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatments as a supplement to the therapy with the use of specialized medical dressings improves the effectiveness the arterial ulcers treatment of the lower limbs in terms of reducing the ulceration area and reducing pain ailments