67 research outputs found

    Vibrations as the main element of transport external costs in terms of economic and human impact

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    Transport negatively effects borne not only the environment, but they also have a negative impact on society and contribute to economic efficiency decrease and economic losses. The purpose of this article is to present economic and social approach to vibrations as the external cost of transportation

    Selection of future transport technologies in Silesia with foresight method

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    The article presents results of foresight project research over transportation and transport infrastructure for the Silesian Province until 2025. Technological development scenarios creation procedures were taken under special consideration

    The lean production educational simulation game

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    W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia teoretyczne oraz analizę praktyczną odwzorowania mechanizmów zachodzących w rzeczywistości przy pomocy gry symulacyjnej. W szczególności podkreślono edukacyjny charakter modelowania realnych procesów logistycznych. Drugorzędnym, choć nie mniej istotnym aspektem tak przedstawianej rzeczywistości, jest atrakcyjny dla odbiorców aspekt rozrywkowy, który ułatwia odbiorcom podejmowanie właściwych decyzji, a jednocześnie przyswajanie poznanych w teorii zagadnień. Przedstawiona gra symulacyjna oparta jest na stworzeniu prostych elementów, co nie wymaga od uczestników dodatkowej wiedzy czy umiejętności manualnych w tym zakresie. Odpowiednie zorganizowanie stanowisk pracy, odzwierciedlające sytuację realnych komórek produkcyjnych, pomaga zrozumieć istotę narzędzi wspomagania sterowania produkcją w oparciu o metody Lean Production, wskazując różnice między produkcją tradycyjną w komórkach, systemem pchanym i systemem ssącym.The paper presents theoretical and practical analysis of the actual mapping mechanisms involved in the simulation game. In particular, the educational nature of real logistics processes modelling was emphasized. A secondary, but no less important aspect of reality as presented is attractive to buyers entertainment which helps receivers make the right decisions, known in the theory of assimilation issues. The presented simulation game is based on the creation of simple elements, which does not require additional knowledge and manual skills in this area from the participants. Suitably organizing jobs, reflecting the real production cells helps to understand the essence of the production control support tools based on Lean Production, pointing out the differences between conventional work cells,and the push and pull system

    Influence of a Potential Railway Line Connecting the Caspian Sea with the Black Sea on the Development of Eurasian Trade

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    This article deals with the current state of the transport of goods on East - West routes. It presents currently available options of carriage with mentioning the barriers and problems associated with the increasing Eurasian trade of goods carried along these corridors. Special attention was focused on costs and time analysis of exemplary freight of 40-feet container from China to Poland using alternative routes. It is determined that there are alternative possibilities that also include waterways. The main aim of this article is to present the potential demand related to the TRACECA major traffic flows passing through a corridor formed on one hand, in Western and Central Europe, and on the other - in Central and East Asia. As one of these possibilities a TRACECA corridor with the railway Baku-Tbilisi-Kars is considered together with SWOT analysis based on experts’ knowledge. The benefits of intermodal transport are obvious so the introduction of railway line connecting two seas, the Caspian Sea with the Black Sea, seems to be the crucial element in the cheapest solution

    Historia lokalna czy międzynarodowe sieci kontaktów – na marginesie pracy Berndta Strobacha Der Hofjude Berend Lehmann (1661–1730). Eine Biografie

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    The article presents the latest biography of the German court Jew Berend Lehmann. A critical analysis of the publication made it possible to formulate a proposal to look at the biography of the main protagonist in a network perspective.W artykule przestawiona została najnowsza biografia niemieckiego Żyda nadwornego Berenda Lehmanna. Krytyczna analiza publikacji pozwoliła na sformułowanie propozycji spojrzenia na życiorys głównego bohatera w perspektywie sieciowej

    Failure Mode and Effect Analysis of Air Cargo Freight Services Provider

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    In the theoretical part, this article presents the basic conditions for the organization of air transport cargo divided into different types of cargo shipments. Then an analysis of the Polish market of air cargo shipments is presented, taking into account the type of companies, airlines and airports that support them. In the research part, an FMEA analysis of an entity providing air cargo transport organization services was made, presenting several disadvantages and possible remedial actions that contribute to the improvement of the quality of services

    Formation of poly-L-lysine monolayers on silica : modeling and experimental studies

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    Modification of solid substrates by poly-l-lysine (PLL) layers has been widely employed in order to improve their biocompatibility, for promoting protein and cell immobilization for fabrication of biosensor arrays and antibacterial coatings. However, despite many studies conducted in the literature, there is a deficiency in a quantitative description of PLL adsorption processes. It is postulated that this becomes feasible by applying direct experimental techniques combined with thorough theoretical modeling. In this work, the kinetics of PLL adsorption on silica for various ionic strengths was determined in situ under controlled flow conditions using the optical reflectometry and the streaming potential methods. Both the initial adsorption rates and longer time kinetic runs were acquired and quantitatively interpreted in terms of the convective diffusion and the random sequential adsorption theoretical modeling based on the coarse-grained Monte Carlo approach. This unique combination of experimental and theoretical approaches enabled us to gain new insight into the mechanism of macroion adsorption controlled by the electrostatic interactions, which affect both the molecule conformations and the blocking effects. Besides significance for basic science, the results obtained in this work can be exploited for developing reliable procedures for preparing stable PLL monolayers of well-controlled coverage and electrokinetic properties

    Cargo Loading and Unloading Efficiency Analysis in Multimodal Transport

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    The paper presents assessment of the impact of the processes handling efficiency on the transport process based on research done in the real object, using same technologies and material handling equipment. The aim of the paper was to confirm importance of loading and unloading processes of palletized cargo as an initial and final link of multimodal transport by developing methods’ proposal for monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of cargo operations as well as development of measures and comparison estimators. The analysis of the manipulation operations’ duration throughout the transport process is based on the percentile rates of manipulation and carriage in total transport process duration and the percentage of manipulating time in the duration of the carriage. These indicators and examined loading and unloading times, are the basis for the development of scheduling algorithms for optimizing transport processes on the scale of the whole transport chain. This data is also a helpful input to support strategic decisions on the allocation of financial resources for the development of infrastructure and terminal equipment, warehouses and other facilities.</p