5 research outputs found

    The role of family functioning and self-concept in predicting antisocial behavior in adolescence

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    Ova studija je imala za cilj da istraži koliko aspekti porodičnog funkcionisanja i samopoimanje imaju udjela u genezi antisocijalnog ponašanja adolescenata. Kao okvir za razumjevanje porodičnog funkcionisanja uzete su postavke sistemske porodične teorije. Istraživanje je realizovano u Crnoj Gori, u periodu od aprila do juna 2011 godine, na uzorku od 270 ispitanika adolescentne dobi (12-18 god), u redovnim školama u 5 opština, u različitim regijama zemlje. Od porodičnih varijabli ispitivane su: zadovoljstvo porodicom, patrijarhalna struktura, porodična kompetencija tj.zdravlje, kohezija, komunikacija, afektivna responzivnost i rješavanje konflikata. U okviru porodične dinamike posebno je istraživan odnos roditelj-dijete i to kroz nekoliko aspekata tog odnosa i posebno za oca i za majku. Kad je u pitanju samopimanje, takođe su ispitivani različiti aspekti. Među oblicima antisocijalnog ponašanja, u ovom istraživanju su specifikovana tri oblika: nedisciplinovano ponašanje u školi, impulsivnost i prokriminalno ponašanje. Procjenjivalo se u kojoj mjeri adolescenti pokazuju neki od ovih oblika antisocijalnog ponašanja i koje od gore pomenutih varijabli porodičnog funkcionisanja, odnosa roditelj-adolescent i samopimanja imaju najviše uticaja na takvo ponašanje. Odnosno, ispitivalo se na osnovu koje od tih varijabli, ili kog skupa varijabli, se najbolje može predvidjeti adolescentova sklonost ka antisocijalnom ponašanju. I na kraju, ispitivalo se da li porodične varijable imaju neposredan uticaj na adolescentovo antisocijalno ponašanje, ili je taj uticaj posredovan varijablama samopoimanja. Za procjenu varijabli porodičnog funkcionisanja korištene su dvije skale: SFI (Self Report Family Inventory), autora Hampson, Hulgus i Beavers (1991.), koja je prevedena za potrebe istraživanja i imenovana kao ISPO (Inventar samoprocjene porodičnih odnosa) i SRDI, autora Opačić i sar.(1995.), koja sadrži i podskale koje sam koristila za ispitivanje kvaliteta odnosa roditelj-adolescent.. Za procjenu adolescentovog samopimanja korištena je Skala samopoimanja (Opačić 1995). Sve pomenute skale su skale samoprocjene. U ovom istraživanju podaci o porodičnom funkcionisanju, kvalitetu odnosa roditelj-adolescent i samopimanju, prikupljani su samo iz jednog izvora, od adolescenta-ispitanika. Kad je u pitanju adolescentova sklonost ka antisocijalnom ponašanju, korištena su dva izvora: samoprocjena adolescenta i procjena od strane njihovih razrednih starješina u školi. U tu svrhu su korištene dvije verzije skale za procjenu antisocijalnog ponašanja, čiji je autor Opačić (1995)...The goal of this study is to research to what extent the aspects of family functioning and self-concept take part in the genesis of antisocial behavior of adolescents. The framework for understanding the family functioning are the postulates of systemic family theory. The research was conducted in Montenegro within the time frame April-June 2011, with the sample of 270 adolescent examinees (12-18 years of age), in the regular schools in 5 municipalities all over the country. The family variables represented in the research are: satisfaction with one’s family, patriarchal structure, family competence, its health in the sense of its cohesion, communication, affective responsiveness and conflict resolution. Within the family dynamics, the parent-child relation-ship was the focus of research through several aspects of that relationship and specific em-phasis on mother and father. Numerous aspects of self-concept were also researched. Three forms of antisocial behavior were specified within this research, namely: lack of disciplined behavior in school, impulsiveness and pro-criminal behavior. The assessment was performed about the extent of some of these forms of adolescent antisocial behavior exhibited and which of the above mentioned variables of family functioning had the biggest impact on such behavior. The goal of the research was to try to predict adolescents’ inclination toward anti-social behavior based on some of those variables. Finally, I also researched whether the fami-ly variables have a direct impact on adolescents’ behavior or whether such an impact was a by-product of self-concept variables. Two scales were used for assessing family functioning variables: SFI (Self Report Family Inventory), created by Hampson, Hulgus&Beavers (1991.), which was translated for the research and classified as “ISPO - Inventar samoprocjene porodičnih odnosa” and SRDI, created by Opačić et al.1995, which also contains sub scales used for assessing the quality of the parent-adolescnet relationship. The Self-Concept Scale (Opačić 1995) was used for assessing adolescents’ self-concept. All of the above mentioned scales are the self assessment scales. This research on family functioning and the quality of parent-adolescent relationship collected all of the data from only one source, namely from the adolescent examinees. However, when it comes to adolescents’ inclination towards antisocial behavior, two sources were used: adolescents’ self assessment and their class teachers’ assessment. For that part of research, two versions of antisocial behavior assessment scale were used (created by Opačić 1995)..

    Određivanje koncentracija metamizol-natrijuma u inflamiranim zglobovima svinja posle intravenske i elektroforetske aplikacije

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    Concentrations of the NSAID metamizol sodium (MmNa) in the synovial fluid and hyaline cartilage of inflamed knee and elbow joints of pigs after i.v. application and iontophoresis (IPh) were investigated. The research was conducted on 14 male pigs divided equally into two experimental groups and exposed to artificial inflammation of knees and elbows prior to the application of MmNa. The first group (A) was administered 2.5 g (twice the maximum therapeutic dose) MmNa intravenously, whilst the second group (B) was exposed to the same dose, but applied by IPh into contralateral knee and elbow joints. Four hours after the application of MmNa biopsies of the affected knee and elbow joints were performed. The average concentration of MmNa in the synovial fluid of inflamed joints in group A was 9.81±1.96μg/g, while in group B was 170.66±2.07 μg/g, being 17 times higher. The average concentration of MmNa in the hyaline cartilage was 2.29±1.16μg/g following i.v. administration and 98.36±21.58μg/g after IPh, i.e. approximatelly 43 times higher. This led to the conclusion that IPh of MmNa, resulting in incomparably higher concentrations in inflamed joints without any adverse systemic effects, has an advantage over i.v. application.U sinovijalnoj tečnosti i hijalinoj hrskavici inflamiranog kolenog i lakatnog zgloba svinja određivane su koncentracije metamizol-natrijuma (MmNa) aplikovanog i.v. i putem elektroforeze. Arteficijelno zapaljenje kolena i lakta prasadi izazvano je terpentinskim uljem. Metamizol-natrijum je primenjen u dozi od 2.5 g u prvoj grupi prasadi intravenski, a u drugoj putem elektroforeze u kontalateralni koleni i lakatni zglob. Četiri sata posle aplikacije MmNa urađena je biopsija tretiranih zglobova. Prosečna koncentracija MmNa u sinovijalnoj tečnosti inflamiranih zglobova prasadi posle i.v. aplikacije iznosila je 9,81±1,96μg/g, a posle elektroforeze bila je 170,66±2,07μg/g tkiva, odnosno oko 17 puta viša. Izmerena prosečna koncentracija MmNa u hijalinoj hrskavici iznosila je 2,29±1,16μg/g posle i.v. aplikacije i 98,36±21,58μg/g posle aplikacije elektroforezom, odnosno oko 43 puta više. Zaključujeno je da MmNa primenjen elektroforezom postiže statistički veoma značajno više prosečne koncentracije u inflamiranim zglobovima u odnosu na i.v. aplikaciju. Primena MmNa elektroforezom ima značajnu prednost nad i.v. aplikacijom ovog leka ne samo zbog postizanja značajno viših koncentracija u inflamiranim zglobovima, već i zbog izostajanja sistemskih neželjenih reakcija

    Expert recommendations for the design of a children’s movement competence assessment tool for use by primary school teachers

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    A child’s early school years provide a crucial platform for them to develop fundamental movement skills (FMS), yet it has been acknowledged that there is a shortage of suitable FMS assessment tools for teachers to use within schools. To begin to address this shortfall, the purpose of this study was to elicit expert recommendations for the design of a FMS assessment tool for use by primary school teachers. A multi-phase research design was used, involving two scenario-guided focus groups with movement experts (n = 8; five academics and three practitioners). Data captured in both focus groups were transcribed verbatim and thematically analysed. Three dichotomous dilemmas emerged from the data in relation to assessing children’s movement competence: (a) Why? For research purposes or to enhance teaching and learning?; (b) How? Should the assessment setting be engineered or natural?; and (c) What? Should the detail of the assessment be complex or simple and should the nature of the tasks be static or dynamic? These findings suggest that any future development of movement competence assessment protocols for use by primary school teachers needs to consider the specific purpose and context of the assessment

    The role of family functioning and self-concept in predicting antisocial behavior in adolescence

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    Ova studija je imala za cilj da istraži koliko aspekti porodičnog funkcionisanja i samopoimanje imaju udjela u genezi antisocijalnog ponašanja adolescenata. Kao okvir za razumjevanje porodičnog funkcionisanja uzete su postavke sistemske porodične teorije. Istraživanje je realizovano u Crnoj Gori, u periodu od aprila do juna 2011 godine, na uzorku od 270 ispitanika adolescentne dobi (12-18 god), u redovnim školama u 5 opština, u različitim regijama zemlje. Od porodičnih varijabli ispitivane su: zadovoljstvo porodicom, patrijarhalna struktura, porodična kompetencija tj.zdravlje, kohezija, komunikacija, afektivna responzivnost i rješavanje konflikata. U okviru porodične dinamike posebno je istraživan odnos roditelj-dijete i to kroz nekoliko aspekata tog odnosa i posebno za oca i za majku. Kad je u pitanju samopimanje, takođe su ispitivani različiti aspekti. Među oblicima antisocijalnog ponašanja, u ovom istraživanju su specifikovana tri oblika: nedisciplinovano ponašanje u školi, impulsivnost i prokriminalno ponašanje. Procjenjivalo se u kojoj mjeri adolescenti pokazuju neki od ovih oblika antisocijalnog ponašanja i koje od gore pomenutih varijabli porodičnog funkcionisanja, odnosa roditelj-adolescent i samopimanja imaju najviše uticaja na takvo ponašanje. Odnosno, ispitivalo se na osnovu koje od tih varijabli, ili kog skupa varijabli, se najbolje može predvidjeti adolescentova sklonost ka antisocijalnom ponašanju. I na kraju, ispitivalo se da li porodične varijable imaju neposredan uticaj na adolescentovo antisocijalno ponašanje, ili je taj uticaj posredovan varijablama samopoimanja. Za procjenu varijabli porodičnog funkcionisanja korištene su dvije skale: SFI (Self Report Family Inventory), autora Hampson, Hulgus i Beavers (1991.), koja je prevedena za potrebe istraživanja i imenovana kao ISPO (Inventar samoprocjene porodičnih odnosa) i SRDI, autora Opačić i sar.(1995.), koja sadrži i podskale koje sam koristila za ispitivanje kvaliteta odnosa roditelj-adolescent.. Za procjenu adolescentovog samopimanja korištena je Skala samopoimanja (Opačić 1995). Sve pomenute skale su skale samoprocjene. U ovom istraživanju podaci o porodičnom funkcionisanju, kvalitetu odnosa roditelj-adolescent i samopimanju, prikupljani su samo iz jednog izvora, od adolescenta-ispitanika. Kad je u pitanju adolescentova sklonost ka antisocijalnom ponašanju, korištena su dva izvora: samoprocjena adolescenta i procjena od strane njihovih razrednih starješina u školi. U tu svrhu su korištene dvije verzije skale za procjenu antisocijalnog ponašanja, čiji je autor Opačić (1995)...The goal of this study is to research to what extent the aspects of family functioning and self-concept take part in the genesis of antisocial behavior of adolescents. The framework for understanding the family functioning are the postulates of systemic family theory. The research was conducted in Montenegro within the time frame April-June 2011, with the sample of 270 adolescent examinees (12-18 years of age), in the regular schools in 5 municipalities all over the country. The family variables represented in the research are: satisfaction with one’s family, patriarchal structure, family competence, its health in the sense of its cohesion, communication, affective responsiveness and conflict resolution. Within the family dynamics, the parent-child relation-ship was the focus of research through several aspects of that relationship and specific em-phasis on mother and father. Numerous aspects of self-concept were also researched. Three forms of antisocial behavior were specified within this research, namely: lack of disciplined behavior in school, impulsiveness and pro-criminal behavior. The assessment was performed about the extent of some of these forms of adolescent antisocial behavior exhibited and which of the above mentioned variables of family functioning had the biggest impact on such behavior. The goal of the research was to try to predict adolescents’ inclination toward anti-social behavior based on some of those variables. Finally, I also researched whether the fami-ly variables have a direct impact on adolescents’ behavior or whether such an impact was a by-product of self-concept variables. Two scales were used for assessing family functioning variables: SFI (Self Report Family Inventory), created by Hampson, Hulgus&Beavers (1991.), which was translated for the research and classified as “ISPO - Inventar samoprocjene porodičnih odnosa” and SRDI, created by Opačić et al.1995, which also contains sub scales used for assessing the quality of the parent-adolescnet relationship. The Self-Concept Scale (Opačić 1995) was used for assessing adolescents’ self-concept. All of the above mentioned scales are the self assessment scales. This research on family functioning and the quality of parent-adolescent relationship collected all of the data from only one source, namely from the adolescent examinees. However, when it comes to adolescents’ inclination towards antisocial behavior, two sources were used: adolescents’ self assessment and their class teachers’ assessment. For that part of research, two versions of antisocial behavior assessment scale were used (created by Opačić 1995)..

    The role of family functioning and self-concept in predicting antisocial behavior in adolescence

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    Ova studija je imala za cilj da istraži koliko aspekti porodičnog funkcionisanja i samopoimanje imaju udjela u genezi antisocijalnog ponašanja adolescenata. Kao okvir za razumjevanje porodičnog funkcionisanja uzete su postavke sistemske porodične teorije. Istraživanje je realizovano u Crnoj Gori, u periodu od aprila do juna 2011 godine, na uzorku od 270 ispitanika adolescentne dobi (12-18 god), u redovnim školama u 5 opština, u različitim regijama zemlje. Od porodičnih varijabli ispitivane su: zadovoljstvo porodicom, patrijarhalna struktura, porodična kompetencija tj.zdravlje, kohezija, komunikacija, afektivna responzivnost i rješavanje konflikata. U okviru porodične dinamike posebno je istraživan odnos roditelj-dijete i to kroz nekoliko aspekata tog odnosa i posebno za oca i za majku. Kad je u pitanju samopimanje, takođe su ispitivani različiti aspekti. Među oblicima antisocijalnog ponašanja, u ovom istraživanju su specifikovana tri oblika: nedisciplinovano ponašanje u školi, impulsivnost i prokriminalno ponašanje. Procjenjivalo se u kojoj mjeri adolescenti pokazuju neki od ovih oblika antisocijalnog ponašanja i koje od gore pomenutih varijabli porodičnog funkcionisanja, odnosa roditelj-adolescent i samopimanja imaju najviše uticaja na takvo ponašanje. Odnosno, ispitivalo se na osnovu koje od tih varijabli, ili kog skupa varijabli, se najbolje može predvidjeti adolescentova sklonost ka antisocijalnom ponašanju. I na kraju, ispitivalo se da li porodične varijable imaju neposredan uticaj na adolescentovo antisocijalno ponašanje, ili je taj uticaj posredovan varijablama samopoimanja. Za procjenu varijabli porodičnog funkcionisanja korištene su dvije skale: SFI (Self Report Family Inventory), autora Hampson, Hulgus i Beavers (1991.), koja je prevedena za potrebe istraživanja i imenovana kao ISPO (Inventar samoprocjene porodičnih odnosa) i SRDI, autora Opačić i sar.(1995.), koja sadrži i podskale koje sam koristila za ispitivanje kvaliteta odnosa roditelj-adolescent.. Za procjenu adolescentovog samopimanja korištena je Skala samopoimanja (Opačić 1995). Sve pomenute skale su skale samoprocjene. U ovom istraživanju podaci o porodičnom funkcionisanju, kvalitetu odnosa roditelj-adolescent i samopimanju, prikupljani su samo iz jednog izvora, od adolescenta-ispitanika. Kad je u pitanju adolescentova sklonost ka antisocijalnom ponašanju, korištena su dva izvora: samoprocjena adolescenta i procjena od strane njihovih razrednih starješina u školi. U tu svrhu su korištene dvije verzije skale za procjenu antisocijalnog ponašanja, čiji je autor Opačić (1995)...The goal of this study is to research to what extent the aspects of family functioning and self-concept take part in the genesis of antisocial behavior of adolescents. The framework for understanding the family functioning are the postulates of systemic family theory. The research was conducted in Montenegro within the time frame April-June 2011, with the sample of 270 adolescent examinees (12-18 years of age), in the regular schools in 5 municipalities all over the country. The family variables represented in the research are: satisfaction with one’s family, patriarchal structure, family competence, its health in the sense of its cohesion, communication, affective responsiveness and conflict resolution. Within the family dynamics, the parent-child relation-ship was the focus of research through several aspects of that relationship and specific em-phasis on mother and father. Numerous aspects of self-concept were also researched. Three forms of antisocial behavior were specified within this research, namely: lack of disciplined behavior in school, impulsiveness and pro-criminal behavior. The assessment was performed about the extent of some of these forms of adolescent antisocial behavior exhibited and which of the above mentioned variables of family functioning had the biggest impact on such behavior. The goal of the research was to try to predict adolescents’ inclination toward anti-social behavior based on some of those variables. Finally, I also researched whether the fami-ly variables have a direct impact on adolescents’ behavior or whether such an impact was a by-product of self-concept variables. Two scales were used for assessing family functioning variables: SFI (Self Report Family Inventory), created by Hampson, Hulgus&Beavers (1991.), which was translated for the research and classified as “ISPO - Inventar samoprocjene porodičnih odnosa” and SRDI, created by Opačić et al.1995, which also contains sub scales used for assessing the quality of the parent-adolescnet relationship. The Self-Concept Scale (Opačić 1995) was used for assessing adolescents’ self-concept. All of the above mentioned scales are the self assessment scales. This research on family functioning and the quality of parent-adolescent relationship collected all of the data from only one source, namely from the adolescent examinees. However, when it comes to adolescents’ inclination towards antisocial behavior, two sources were used: adolescents’ self assessment and their class teachers’ assessment. For that part of research, two versions of antisocial behavior assessment scale were used (created by Opačić 1995)..