1,100 research outputs found

    Computer implemented classification of vegetation using aircraft acquired multispectral scanner data

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    The use of aircraft 24-channel multispectral scanner data in conjunction with computer processing techniques to obtain an automated classification of plant species association was discussed. The classification of various plant species associations was related to information needed for specific applications. In addition, the necessity for multiple selection of training fields for a single class in situations where the study area consists of highly irregular terrain was detailed. A single classification was illuminated differently in different areas, resulting in the existence of multiple spectral signatures for a given class. These different signatures result since different qualities of radiation upwell to the detector from portions that have differing qualities of incident radiation. Techniques of training field selection were outlined, and a classification obtained from a natural area in Tishomingo State Park in northern Mississippi was presented

    Application of remotely sensed multispectral data to automated analysis of marshland vegetation. Inference to the location of breeding habitats of the salt marsh mosquito (Aedes Sollicitans)

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    The techniques used for the automated classification of marshland vegetation and for the color-coded display of remotely acquired data to facilitate the control of mosquito breeding are presented. A multispectral scanner system and its mode of operation are described, and the computer processing techniques are discussed. The procedures for the selection of calibration sites are explained. Three methods for displaying color-coded classification data are presented

    AeroWorks: Mode Selection Panel for Autopilot

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    Tato práce se zaobírá implementací aplikace pro panel zadávání módů pro systém autopilota. Popisuje systémy automatického řízení letu od jejich počátků až po současnost. Zabývá se modelem prostorového pohybu letounu. Dále popisuje hardwarovou charakteristiku panelu pro zadávání módů, aplikaci, kterou je panel nahrán, z hlediska implementace a funkčnosti, testování na leteckém simulátoru SimStar a plány do budoucna.This thesis deals with the implementation of the aplication for the autopilot mode selection panel. It describes automatic flight control systems from their origins to the present. It deals with the spacial model of aircraft motion. It also describes the hardware characteristics of the panel, the application in terms of implementation and functionality, testing on flight simulator SimStar and future plans.

    Oh, never dies: the haunted fiction of Alice Munro

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    Ovarian Cancer Screening: There May Be Light at the End of the Tunnel?

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    This letter comments on the reported results of the United Kingdom Collaborative trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS) by Jacobs, Menon et al (2015)

    Utilization of LANDSAT multispectral data in geobotanical investigations: The location of ironstone gravel in the Sam Houston National Forest

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    Practical techniques were developed and evaluated for deriving geobotanical information from LANDSAT MSS data acquired for a test site in the Sam Houston National Forest near Cleveland, Texas where gravel deposits exist in sufficient quantity that economical extraction would be feasible. A correlation was shown between a single spectral class and the presence of ironstone gravel. Field data indicates that this class relates to upland pine which was probably under stress as the result of a prolonged drought which was in progress at the time of data acquisition. It is suggested that the subsurface gravel produces a soil which has less field capacity for water retention, causing early appearance of water stress in the surface vegetation over these soils. In all areas within the QMC formation where this class occurred, gravel was located when borings were made

    Tax treaties between Slovakia and the Middle East countries

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    The objective of this article is to provide a basic systematic review of tax treaties between Slovakia and the Middle East States and their similarities and differences as compared to the standard OECD/UN Model Tax Conventions. The methods used include abstraction, comparison, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and summarization. Findings include diverging practice concerning the scope and objective of double tax treaties such as criteria for residency, zakat provisions, transfer pricing rules, and anti-abuse rules. Taking into account the context of Slovak administrative practice and lack of experience with double tax treaties this diverging practice may lead to occasions of tax treaty override

    Theoni V. Alderidge: Broadway and Beyond

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    Design of Automatic Trading System Based on Trend Indicators and Oscillators

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá implementací softwaru na automatické obchodování na burze, založeného na bázi trendových ukazatelů a oscilátorů. Popisuje různé signály, které poskytují formace v grafech a technické indikátory, ale také možnosti využití pokročilých metod umělé inteligence. Práce dále popisuje celý proces vývoje softwaru od jednotlivých částí až po jejich skládání do jednoho celku. Soustřeďuje se při tom na optimalizační procesy jednotlivých častí, ale i kompletního systému. Práce se také zabývá testováním systému na historických datech a následnou aplikací na data nejnovější. Představuje plány do budoucna, možnosti nasazení systému na reálné trhy a jeho dalšího zdokonalování za účelem vývoje ideálního obchodního systému schopného autonomního uvažování a obchodování.This thesis deals with the implementation of the software for automated stock trading based on trend indicators and oscillators. It describes the various signals that are provided by formations in charts and technical indicators, but also the possibility of using advanced artificial intelligence methods. This document describes entire development process of the software from individual parts to the folding of these parts into one system. It focuses on the optimization processes of individual parts, as well as a complete system. This thesis also deals with the testing of the system on historical data and its application on the latest data. It introduces the future plans, deployment options to the real market and its further improvement in order to develop ideal business system capable of autonomous thinking and trading.