113 research outputs found

    Perforated duodenal ulcer in a dog with gallbladder agenesis

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    Background: Duodenal ulceration (DU) in dogs derives from different causes but has never previously been related to gallbladder agenesis (GA). GA is a rare congenital disorder in dogs and is considered a predisposing factor for DU in humans. Case description: A 5-month-old intact female Maltese was presented for acute vomiting and diarrhea. Abdominal ultrasound suggested duodenal perforation and absence of the gallbladder. Exploratory laparotomy was performed to treat the perforation and confirmed GA. Hepatic ductal plate malformation (DPM) was histologically diagnosed in liver biopsy, but no signs of liver dysfunction were detected by blood work at first admission. Two months later, the dog developed signs of portal hypertension and medical treatment was started. However, the clinical condition gradually worsened until liver failure and the dog was euthanized 8 months after surgery. Necropsy confirmed hepatic abnormalities. Conclusion: This report describes a case of DU associated with GA and DPM in a dog. As in humans, GA may represent a hepatobiliary disease predisposing to gastroduodenal ulcerations

    D-dimer levels during and after anticoagulation withdrawal in patients with venous thromboembolism treated with non-Vitamin K anticoagulants

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    Background D-dimer levels measured during and after vitamin K antagonist withdrawal may be used in clinical practice to assess the individual risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism. Currently, direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) are frequently used in venous thromboembolism treatment; however, their pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics characteristics are completely different than vitamin K antagonists. The present study aimed at comparing the results of D-dimer levels during and after anticoagulation withdrawal in patients with venous thromboembolism treated with DOACs or warfarin. Material and methods D-dimer levels were measured in 527 patients (\u201ccases\u201d) during DOACs treatment (T0) and after 15 (T15), 30 (T30), 60 (T60) and 90 (T90) days after their discontinuation and in 527 patients (\u201ccontrols\u201d) enrolled in the DULCIS study (all treated with warfarin), matched for sex, age (+/-3 y), type of D-dimer assay and site of venous thromboembolism. Both cases and controls received anticoagulant treatment after a first venous thromboembolism event that was unprovoked or associated with weak risk factors. Results The rate of positive D-dimer results was significantly higher in cases than in controls at T0 (10.8% vs 5.1%, p = 0.002) and at T30 (18.8% vs 11.8%, p = 0.019), as well as at the other time-points, though not statistically significant. Conclusion D-dimer levels during and after stopping an anticoagulant treatment for a venous thromboembolism episode differ between patients treated with a DOAC than in those treated with warfarin. Specifically designed prospective studies are warranted to reassess the use of D-dimer as predictor of the risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism in patients treated with DOACs

    Improved Selective Class i HDAC and Novel Selective HDAC3 Inhibitors: Beyond Hydroxamic Acids and Benzamides

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    The application of class I HDAC inhibitors as cancer therapies is well established, but more recently their development for nononcological indications has increased. We report here on the generation of improved class I selective human HDAC inhibitors based on an ethylketone zinc binding group (ZBG) in place of the hydroxamic acid that features the majority of HDAC inhibitors. We also describe a novel set of HDAC3 isoform selective inhibitors that show stronger potency and selectivity than the most commonly used HDAC3 selective tool compound RGFP966. These compounds are again based on an alternative ZBG with respect to the ortho-anilide that is featured in HDAC3 selective compounds reported to date

    Prevalence of pulmonary embolism among patients hospitalized for syncope

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    BACKGROUNDThe prevalence of pulmonary embolism among patients hospitalized for syncope is not well documented, and current guidelines pay little attention to a diagnostic workup for pulmonary embolism in these patients.METHODSWe performed a systematic workup for pulmonary embolism in patients admitted to 11 hospitals in Italy for a first episode of syncope, regardless of whether there were alternative explanations for the syncope. The diagnosis of pulmonary embolism was ruled out in patients who had a low pretest clinical probability, which was defined according to the Wells score, in combination with a negative D-dimer assay. In all other patients, computed tomographic pulmonary angiography or ventilation-perfusion lung scanning was performed.RESULTSA total of 560 patients (mean age, 76 years) were included in the study. A diagnosis of pulmonary embolism was ruled out in 330 of the 560 patients (58.9%) on the basis of the combination of a low pretest clinical probability of pulmonary embolism and negative D- dimer assay. Among the remaining 230 patients, pulmonary embolism was identified in 97 (42.2%). In the entire cohort, the prevalence of pulmonary embolism was 17.3% (95% confidence interval, 14.2 to 20.5). Evidence of an embolus in a main pulmonary or lobar artery or evidence of perfusion defects larger than 25% of the total area of both lungs was found in 61 patients. Pulmonary embolism was identified in 45 of the 355 patients (12.7%) who had an alternative explanation for syncope and in 52 of the 205 patients (25.4%) who did not.CONCLUSIONSPulmonary embolism was identified in nearly one of every six patients hospitalized for a first episode of syncope

    Rate and duration of hospitalisation for acute pulmonary embolism in the real-world clinical practice of different countries : Analysis from the RIETE registry

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    Interazione e Cognizione. Interaction and Cognition

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    L’unità di ricerca in Interazione si occupa di oggetti per i quali il senso emerge dall’interazione, tra persone e cose, persone e persone, o tra gli oggetti stessi se dotati di forme di autonomia. Sono materia della ricerca, quindi, le interfacce nella loro accezione più ampia, il cui senso è da ricercarsi nell’interazione tra le parti coinvolte. Con la crescente diffusione e ubiquità delle tecnologie informatiche, le nuove ecologie degli oggetti giocano un ruolo importante. Questa prospettiva obbliga i designer a concepire inedite pratiche di composizione e configurazione, e gli scienziati a inventare metriche e metodi di valutazione. In particolare, l’interazione gestuale e corporea, con le sue caratteristiche di continuità ed espressività, introduce nuove sfide metodologiche e inedite possibilità creative. L’interazione è anche al centro dei processi di fruizione e comunicazione dei prodotti, artistici e di design.È dunque manifesta la necessità di dedicare particolare attenzione alle attività di ricerca che riguardano gli aspetti tecnologici, teorico-scientifici e progettuali dell’interazione

    Strategie di rappresentazione e comunicazione della messa in scena urbana, tra arti visive e performative

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    Il seguente articolo indaga le metodologie di rappresentazione e fruizione di una messa in scena, temporanea o permanente, che investe nelle arti visive e performative quali potenti attivatori di forme di rigenerazione urbana. Si osservano le configurazioni geometrico-spaziali di contesti a scala variabile, ma anche la loro estetica descritta dalle diverse possibili narrazioni che scaturiscono anche da specifici progetti di comunicazione visiva e multimediale, per comprendere la loro ricaduta nelle dinamiche sociali. I casi studio presi in esame mostrano come la \u2018funzionalit\ue0\u2019 dell\u2019intervento urbano non possa prescindere dalla \u2018finzionalit\ue0\u2019 di un\u2019immagine pervasiva, costruita e divulgata allo scopo di assecondare il desiderio del fruitore potenziale, anche solo per richiamarne la fugace presenza

    Mutant Bodies : Statue Digitization and Exhibition at the National Archaeological Museum of Venice

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    Statuary constitutes a significant field where to involve digital technologies overall, ranging from the survey of artefacts up to their staging, in narratives capable of showing the changes that have distorted their original image during centuries. The valuable collection preserved in the National Archaeological Museum of Venice has many Roman copies of Greek originals, including three Gauls, young warriors who were chosen for mercenary looting expeditions. These statues present manifest physiognomic discontinuities due to removals, collapses, and restorations from the Sixteenth century that inexorably altered their original anthropomorphic conformation. The Venetian Museum was the first to open in Europe in 1596. After several vicissitudes that decreed its closure, it reopened in 1923–1926, with a new set-up designed by archaeology professor Carlo Anti. The modernist approach in conceiving the fruition of the statues, together with their spatial location, is what we see in the current conditions. Part of the exhibited elements, consistent with the searching for the original form typical of modernism, were deprived of the additions of the 16th century historical restorations which attempted to return an image of their past. The first research objective concerns the relationship between indirect survey methodologies—typical of digital photogrammetry—and the restoration practices that over the centuries have left invasive traces upon the artefacts; the second is to test innovative communication projects that intertwine mixed multimedia content, to be implemented in the institutional web channels and the new set-up of the National Archaeological Museum of Venice, scheduled for 2021–2022

    Visioni in movimento e spazi espositivi di memorie in transito = Visions in Motion and Exhibition Spaces of Transition Memories

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    Il contributo restituisce gli esiti di un progetto di ricerca biennale dedicato al rilievo, allo studio, alla valorizzazione e musealizzazione della statuaria esposta nel Museo archeologico nazionale di Venezia. Partendo da alcuni casi esemplari, le tecnologie digitali permettono di generare cloni 3D mappati con texture ad altissima risoluzione, per approfondire la conoscenza del patrimonio offerto e incentivare proposte di allestimento espositivo basate su forme di narrazione utili alla corretta comprensione degli artefatti esposti. In linea con la volontà della direzione del museo di riconfigurarne completamente l’immagine e i percorsi di fruizione, tutt’ora limitati da anacronistiche logiche moderniste, si ridistribuiscono le opere per nuclei tematici. La necessità di dedicare una sala all’approfondimento di copie romane di originali greci, note per evidenti discontinuità fisiognomiche riconducibili ad asportazioni, riadattamenti e interventi di restauro cinquecenteschi, ha permesso di produrre modelli, rappresentazioni grafiche e animazioni capaci di dialogare con gli artefatti esposti, così da accompagnare il visitatore nel percorso di lettura e comprensione del patrimonio offerto dalla statuaria. I progetti di allestimento qui presentati riflettono il bisogno di ripopolare i luoghi museali, per sperimentare inediti approcci fruitivi delle opere e dei contenuti ad esse associati, ibridando la dimensione tangibile dell’esperienza con quella effimera della sua virtualizzazione. _________________________________________________ The paper describes two-year research project results dedicated to the survey, study, valorisation and musealisation of the statuary exhibited in the National Archaeological Museum of Venice. Starting from a few exemplary cases, digital technologies make it possible to generate 3D clones mapped with ultra-high-resolution textures, in order to deepen the offered heritage knowledge and encourage exhibition design proposals based on narration forms useful for the correct understanding of the artifacts shown. In line with the museum management’s desire to completely reconfigure its image and the ways in which it can be used, now limited by anachronistic modernist logic, the works are redistributed according to thematic groups. The need to dedicate a room to study of Roman copies of Greek originals, known for evident physiognomic discontinuities due to removals, readaptations, and sixteenth-century restorations, has made it possible to produce models, graphic representations and animations able to be dialoguing with the artifacts exhibited, so as to accompany the visitor in the process of reading and understanding the heritage offered by the statuary. The set-up projects here presented reflect the need to repopulate museum spaces, to experiment with new works fruition approaches and their associated contents, hybridising the tangible dimension of experience with the ephemeral dimension of its virtualisation