11,351 research outputs found

    Cultural ecosystem services: stretching out the concept

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    Physical changes during Z-track movement in Sco X-1 on the flaring branch

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    We present results of a detailed study of X-ray flaring in the Z-track source Sco X-1 in a highly super-Eddington state made using high quality Rossi-XTE data from the PCA and HEXTE instruments. The emission model successfully used to explain the dipping LMXB, and other classes of LMXB in recent years, was applied to study the physical evolution along the Z-track which remains a major problem. This model consists of blackbody emission from the neutron star plus Comptonized emission from an extended accretion disk corona. As found in earlier work, major changes take place in the neutron star blackbody emission with kT increasing in flaring, and the blackbody radius R_BB increasing substantially to a maximum value of 9.4 +/- 0.6 km, consistent with the radius of the neutron star, after which R_BB decreases. Thus this result is a measurement of neutron star radius. The behaviour of Sco X-1 in flaring is compared with our previous results for the strong flaring that takes place in the bright dipping, flaring LMXB X 1624-490. Remarkably, during movement along the Normal Branch towards the apex with the Flaring Branch, the luminosities of both spectral components decrease, suggesting the possibility that Mdot may decrease on the Normal Branch, contrary to the widely-held view that Mdot increases monotonically along the Z-track. During flaring, we detect for the first time an increase of the Comptonization cut-off energy which may suggest heating of the ADC plasma by the neutron star flare. The energy of a broad Gaussian line at 6.4 keV does not change, but the intensity of the line increases in flaring suggesting either an increase in ADC size in flaring or the effects of irradiation by the neutron star.Comment: 12 pages including 8 figures, Astronomy and Astrophysics in press; reference list correcte

    Stellar escapers from M67 can reach solar-like Galactic orbits

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    We investigate the possibility that the Sun could have been born in M67 by carrying out NN-body simulations of M67-like clusters in a time-varying Galactic environment, and following the galactic orbits of stars that escape from them. We find that model clusters that occupy similar orbits to M67 today can be divided up into three groups. Hot clusters are born with a high initial zz-velocity, depleted clusters are born on cold orbits but are destroyed by GMC encounters in the Galactic disc, and scattered clusters are born on cold orbits and survive with more than 1000 stars at an age of 4.6 Gyr. We find that all cluster models in all three cluster groups have stellar escapers that are kinematicaly similar to the Sun. Hot clusters having the lowest such fraction f⊙=0.06f_{\odot} = 0.06 %, whilst depleted clusters have the highest fraction, f⊙=6.61f_{\odot} = 6.61 %. We calculate that clusters that are destroyed in the Galactic disc have a specific frequency of escapers that end up on solar-like orbits that is ∌\sim 2 times that of escapers from clusters that survive their journey

    Synchronization Limits of Chaotic Circuits

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    Through system modeling with electronic circuits, two circuits were constructed that exhibit chaos over a wide ranges of initial conditions. The two circuits were one that modeled an algebraically simple “jerk” function and a resistor-inductor-diode (RLD) circuit where the diode was reverse-biased on the positive voltage cycle of the alternating current source. Using simulation data from other experiments, the waveforms, bifurcation plots, and phase space plots of the concrete circuit were verified. Identical circuits were then built containing variable components and coupled to their original, matching circuits. The variable components were used to observe a wide range of conditions to establish the desynchronization parameters and the range of synchronization

    The Distribution of X-ray Dips with Orbital Phase in Cygnus X-1

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    We present results of a comprehensive study of the distribution of absorption dips with orbital phase in Cygnus X-1. Firstly, the distribution was obtained using archival data from all major X-ray observatories and corrected for the selection effect that phase zero (superior conjunction of the black hole) has been preferentially observed. Dip occurrence was seen to vary strongly with orbital phase \phi, with a peak at \phi ~ 0.95, i.e. was not symmetric about phase zero. Secondly, the RXTE ASM has provided continuous coverage of the Low State of Cygnus X-1 since Sept. 1996, and we have selected dip data based on increases in hardness ratio. The distribution, with much increased numbers of dip events, confirms that the peak is at \phi ~ 0.95, and we report the discovery of a second peak at \phi ~ 0.6. We attribute this peak to absorption in an accretion stream from the companion star HDE 226868. We have estimated the ionization parameter at different positions showing that radiative acceleration of the wind is suppressed by photoionization in particular regions in the binary system. To obtain the variation of column density with phase, we make estimates of neutral wind density for the extreme cases that acceleration of the wind is totally suppressed, or not suppressed at all. An accurate description will lie between these extremes. In each case, a strong variation of column density with orbital phase resulted, similar to the variation of dip occurrence. This provides evidence that formation of the blobs in the wind which lead to absorption dips depends on the density of the neutral component in the wind, suggesting possible mechanisms for blob growth.Comment: 9 pages, Latex, 7 ps figures. accepted by MNRA

    Firewood, food and niche construction : the potential role of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers in actively structuring Scotland's woodlands.

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    Over the past few decades the potential role of Mesolithic hunter–gatherers in actively constructing their own niches, through the management of wild plants, has frequently been discussed. It is probable that Mesolithic hunter–gatherers systematically exploited specific woodland resources for food and fuel and influenced the ‘natural’ abundance or distribution of particular species within Mesolithic environments. Though there has been considerable discussion of the pollen evidence for potential small-scale human-woodland manipulation in Mesolithic Scotland, the archaeobotanical evidence for anthropogenic firewood and food selection has not been discussed in this context. This paper assesses the evidence for the active role of Mesolithic hunter–gatherer communities in systematically exploiting and managing woodlands for food and fuel in Scotland. While taphonomic factors may have impacted on the frequency of specific species in archaeobotanical assemblages, it is suggested that hunter–gatherers in Mesolithic Scotland were systematically using woodland plants, and in particular hazel and oak, for food and fuel. It is argued that the pollen evidence for woodland management is equivocal, but hints at the role of hunter–gatherers in shaping the structure of their environments, through the maintenance or creation of woodland clearings for settlement or as part of vegetation management strategies. It is proposed that Mesolithic hunter–gatherers may have actively contributed to niche construction and that the systematic use of hazel and oak as a fuel may reflect the deliberate pruning of hazel trees to increase nut-yields and the inadvertent – or perhaps deliberate – coppicing of hazel and oak during greenwood collection
