42,762 research outputs found

    A global approach for using kinematic redundancy to minimize base reactions of manipulators

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    An important consideration in the use of manipulators in microgravity environments is the minimization of the base reactions, i.e. the magnitude of the force and the moment exerted by the manipulator on its base as it performs its tasks. One approach which was proposed and implemented is to use the redundant degree of freedom in a kinematically redundant manipulator to plan manipulator trajectories to minimize base reactions. A global approach was developed for minimizing the magnitude of the base reactions for kinematically redundant manipulators which integrates the Partitioned Jacobian method of redundancy resolution, a 4-3-4 joint-trajectory representation and the minimization of a cost function which is the time-integral of the magnitude of the base reactions. The global approach was also compared with a local approach developed earlier for the case of point-to-point motion of a three degree-of-freedom planar manipulator with one redundant degree-of-freedom. The results show that the global approach is more effective in reducing and smoothing the base force while the local approach is superior in reducing the base moment

    Integrated Wireless Multimedia Turbo-Transceiver Design Approaching the Rayleigh Channel's Capacity: Interpreting Shannon's Lessons in the Turbo-Era

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    Claude Shannon's pioneering work quantified the performance limits of communications systems operating over classic wireline Gaussian channels. However, his source and channel coding theorems were derived for a range of idealistic conditions, which may not hold in low-delay, interactive wireless multimedia communications. Firstly, Shannon's ideal lossless source encoder, namely the entropy encoder may have an excessive codeword length, hence exhibiting a high delay and a high error sensitivity. However, in practice most multimedia source signals are capable of tolerating lossy, rather than lossless delivery to the human eye, ear and other human sensors. The corresponding lossy and preferably low-delay multimedia source codecs however exhibit unequal error sensitivity, which is not the case for Shannon's ideal entropy codec. There are further numerous differences between the Shannonian lessons originally outlined for Gaussian channels and their ramifications for routinely encountered dispersive wireless channels, where typically bursty, rather than random errors are encountered. This paper elaborates on these intriguiging lessons in the context of a few turbo-transceiver design examples, using a jointly optimised turbo transceiver capable of providing unequal error protection in the context of MPEG-4 aided wireless video telephony. The transceiver investigated consists of Space-Time Trellis Coding (STTC) invoked for the sake of mitigating the effects of fading, Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM) or Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation (BICM) as well as two different-rate Non-Systematic Convolutional codes (NSCs) or Recursive Systematic Convolutional codes (RSCs). A single-class protection based benchmarker scheme combining STTC and NSC is used for comparison with the unequal-protection scheme advocated. The video performance of the various schemes is evaluated when communicating over uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. It was found that the achievable performance of the proposed scheme is within 0.99~dB of the corresponding capacity of the Rayleigh fading channel

    Turbo-Detected Unequal Protection MPEG-4 Wireless Video Telephony using Multi-Level Coding, Trellis Coded Modulation and Space-Time Trellis Coding

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    Most multimedia source signals are capable of tolerating lossy, rather than lossless delivery to the human eye, ear and other human sensors. The corresponding lossy and preferably low-delay multimedia source codecs however exhibit unequal error sensitivity, which is not the case for Shannon’s ideal entropy codec. This paper proposes a jointly optimised turbo transceiver design capable of providing unequal error protection for MPEG-4 coding aided wireless video telephony. The transceiver investigated consists of space-time trellis coding (STTC) invoked for the sake of mitigating the effects of fading, in addition to bandwidth efficient trellis coded modulation or bit-interleaved coded modulation, combined with a multi-level coding scheme employing either two different-rate non-systematic convolutional codes (NSCs) or two recursive systematic convolutional codes for yielding a twin-class unequal-protection. A single-class protection based benchmark scheme combining STTC and NSC is used for comparison with the unequal-protection scheme advocated. The video performance of the various schemes is evaluated when communicating over uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. It was found that the proposed scheme requires about 2.8 dBs lower transmit power than the benchmark scheme in the context of the MPEG-4 videophone transceiver at a similar decoding complexity

    Burst-by-Burst Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalised TCM, TTCM and BICM for H.263-Assisted Wireless Video Telephony

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    Decision Feedback Equaliser (DFE) aided wideband Burst-by-Burst (BbB) Adaptive Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM), Turbo Trellis Coded Modulation (TTCM) and Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation (BICM) assisted H.263-based video transceivers are proposed and characterised in performance terms when communicating over the COST 207 Typical Urban wideband fading channel. Specifically, four different modulation modes, namely 4QAM, 8PSK, 16QAM and 64QAM are invoked and protected by the above-mentioned coded modulation schemes. The TTCM assisted scheme was found to provide the best video performance, although at the cost of the highest complexity. A range of lower-complexity arrangements will also be characterised. Finally, in order to confirm these findings in an important practical environment, we have also investigated the adaptive TTCM scheme in the CDMA-based Universal Mobile Telecommunications System's (UMTS) Terrestrial Radio Access (UTRA) scenario and the good performance of adaptive TTCM scheme recorded when communicating over the COST 207 channels was retained in the UTRA environment

    Base reaction optimization of redundant manipulators for space applications

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    One of the problems associated with redundant manipulators which were proposed for space applications is that the reactions transmitted to the base of the manipulator as a result of the motion of the manipulator will cause undesirable effects on the dynamic behavior of the supporting space structure. It is therefore necessary to minimize the magnitudes of the forces and moments transmitted to the base. It is shown that kinematic redundancy can be used to solve the dynamic problem of minimizing the magnitude of the base reactions. The methodology described is applied to a four degree-of-freedom spatial manipulator with one redundant degree-of-freedom

    Non-equilibrium spatial distribution of Rashba spin torque in ferromagnetic metal layer

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    We study the spatial distribution of spin torque induced by a strong Rashba spin-orbit coupling (RSOC) in a ferromagnetic (FM) metal layer, using the Keldysh non-equilibrium Green's function method. In the presence of the s-d interaction between the non-equilibrium conduction electrons and the local magnetic moments, the RSOC effect induces a torque on the moments, which we term as the Rashba spin torque. A correlation between the Rashba spin torque and the spatial spin current is presented in this work, clearly mapping the spatial distribution of Rashba Spin torque in a nano-sized ferromagnetic device. When local magnetism is turned on, the out-of-plane (Sz) Spin Hall effect (SHE) is disrupted, but rather unexpectedly an in-plane (Sy) SHE is detected. We also study the effect of Rashba strength (\alpha_R) and splitting exchange (\Delta) on the non-equilibrium Rashba spin torque averaged over the device. Rashba spin torque allows an efficient transfer of spin momentum such that a typical switching field of 20 mT can be attained with a low current density of less than 10^6 A/cm^2

    A Turbo-Detection Aided Serially Concatenated MPEG-4/TCM Videophone Transceiver

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    A Turbo-detection aided serially concatenated inner Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM) scheme is combined with four different outer codes, namely with a Reversible Variable Length Code (RVLC), a Non-Systematic Convolutional (NSC) code a Recursive Systematic Convolutional (RSC) code or a Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) code. These four outer constituent codes are comparatively studied in the context of an MPEG4 videophone transceiver. These serially concatenated schemes are also compared to a stand-alone LDPC coded MPEG4 videophone system at the same effective overall coding rate. The performance of the proposed schemes is evaluated when communicating over uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. It was found that the serially concatenated TCM-NSC scheme was the most attractive one in terms of coding gain and decoding complexity among all the schemes considered in the context of the MPEG4 videophone transceiver. By contrast, the serially concatenated TCM-RSC scheme was found to attain the highest iteration gain among the schemes considered

    Induced Lorentz- and CPT-violating Chern-Simons term in QED: Fock-Schwinger proper time method

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    Using the Fock-Schwinger proper time method, we calculate the induced Chern-Simons term arising from the Lorentz- and CPT-violating sector of quantum electrodynamics with a bμψˉγμγ5ψb_\mu \bar{\psi}\gamma^\mu \gamma_5 \psi term. Our result to all orders in bb coincides with a recent linear-in-bb calculation by Chaichian et al. [hep-th/0010129 v2]. The coincidence was pointed out by Chung [Phys. Lett. {\bf B461} (1999) 138] and P\'{e}rez-Victoria [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 83} (1999) 2518] in the standard Feynman diagram calculation with the nonperturbative-in-bb propagator.Comment: 11 pages, no figur

    Use of genetic algorithms and gradient based optimization techniques for calcium phosphate precipitation

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    Phase equilibrium computations constitute an important problem for designing and optimizing crystallization processes. The Gibbs free energy is generally used as an objective function to find phase amount and composition at equilibrium. In such problems, the Gibbs free energy may be a quite complex function, with several local minima. This paper presents a contribution to handle this kind of problems by implementation of an optimization technique based on the successive use of a genetic algorithm (GA) and of a classical sequential quadratic programming (SQP) method: the GA is used to perform a preliminary search in the solution space for locating the neighborhood of the solution. Then, the SQP method is employed to refine the best solution provided by the GA. The basic operations involved in the design of the GA developed in this study (encoding with binary representation of real values, evaluation function, adaptive plan) are presented. Several test problems are first presented to demonstrate the validity of the approach. Then, calcium phosphate precipitation which is of major interest for P-recovery from wastewater, has been chosen as an illustration of the implemented algorithm