588 research outputs found


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    Influence of Hybridization on the Properties of the Spinless Falicov-Kimball Model

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    Without a hybridization between the localized f- and the conduction (c-) electron states the spinless Falicov-Kimball model (FKM) is exactly solvable in the limit of high spatial dimension, as first shown by Brandt and Mielsch. Here I show that at least for sufficiently small c-f-interaction this exact inhomogeneous ground state is also obtained in Hartree-Fock approximation. With hybridization the model is no longer exactly solvable, but the approximation yields that the inhomogeneous charge-density wave (CDW) ground state remains stable also for finite hybridization V smaller than a critical hybridization V_c, above which no inhomogeneous CDW solution but only a homogeneous solution is obtained. The spinless FKM does not allow for a ''ferroelectric'' ground state with a spontaneous polarization, i.e. there is no nonvanishing -expectation value in the limit of vanishing hybridization.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    The trans-activation domain of the sporulation response regulator Spo0A revealed by X-ray crystallography

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    Sporulation in Bacillus involves the induction of scores of genes in a temporally and spatially co-ordinated programme of cell development. Its initiation is under the control of an expanded two-component signal transduction system termed a phosphorelay. The master control element in the decision to sporulate is the response regulator, Spo0A, which comprises a receiver or phosphoacceptor domain and an effector or transcription activation domain. The receiver domain of Spo0A shares sequence similarity with numerous response regulators, and its structure has been determined in phosphorylated and unphosphorylated forms. However, the effector domain (C-Spo0A) has no detectable sequence similarity to any other protein, and this lack of structural information is an obstacle to understanding how DNA binding and transcription activation are controlled by phosphorylation in Spo0A. Here, we report the crystal structure of C-Spo0A from Bacillus stearothermophilus revealing a single alpha -helical domain comprising six alpha -helices in an unprecedented fold. The structure contains a helix-turn-helix as part of a three alpha -helical bundle reminiscent of the catabolite gene activator protein (CAP), suggesting a mechanism for DNA binding. The residues implicated in forming the sigma (A)-activating region clearly cluster in a flexible segment of the polypeptide on the opposite side of the structure from that predicted to interact with DNA. The structural results are discussed in the context of the rich array of existing mutational data

    Variable-Speed-of-Light Cosmology from Brane World Scenario

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    We argue that the four-dimensional universe on the TeV brane of the Randall-Sundrum scenario takes the bimetric structure of Clayton and Moffat, with gravitons traveling faster than photons instead, while the radion varies with time. We show that such brane world bimetric model can thereby solve the flatness and the cosmological constant problems, provided the speed of a graviton decreases to the present day value rapidly enough. The resolution of other cosmological problems such as the horizon problem and the monopole problem requires supplementation by inflation, which may be achieved by the radion field provided the radion potential satisfies the slow-roll approximation.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, revised version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Measurement of the Xi-p Scattering Cross Sections at Low Energy

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    In this paper we report cross-section measurements for Ξp\Xi^-p elastic and inelastic scatterings at low energy using a scintillating fiber active target. Upper limit on the total cross-section for the elastic scattering was found to be 24 mb at 90% confidence level, and the total cross section for the ΞpΛΛ\Xi^-p\to\Lambda\Lambda reaction was found to be 4.32.7+6.34.3^{+6.3}_{-2.7} mb. We compare the results with currently competing theoretical estimates.Comment: 9 page

    Fluid Models of Many-server Queues with Abandonment

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    We study many-server queues with abandonment in which customers have general service and patience time distributions. The dynamics of the system are modeled using measure- valued processes, to keep track of the residual service and patience times of each customer. Deterministic fluid models are established to provide first-order approximation for this model. The fluid model solution, which is proved to uniquely exists, serves as the fluid limit of the many-server queue, as the number of servers becomes large. Based on the fluid model solution, first-order approximations for various performance quantities are proposed

    Modulation control and spectral shaping of optical fiber supercontinuum generation in the picosecond regime

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    Numerical simulations are used to study how fiber supercontinuum generation seeded by picosecond pulses can be actively controlled through the use of input pulse modulation. By carrying out multiple simulations in the presence of noise, we show how tailored supercontinuum Spectra with increased bandwidth and improved stability can be generated using an input envelope modulation of appropriate frequency and depth. The results are discussed in terms of the non-linear propagation dynamics and pump depletion.Comment: Aspects of this work were presented in Paper ThJ2 at OECC/ACOFT 2008, Sydney Australia 7-10 July (2008). Journal paper submitted for publication 30 July 200

    Electronic and optical spectra in a diluted magnetic semiconductor multilayer

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    The effects of random distribution of magnetic impurities with concentration xx in a semiconductor alloy multilayer at a paramagnetic temperature are investigated by means of coherent potential approximation and tight-binding model. The change in the electronic states and the optical absorption spectrum with xx is calculated for weak and strong exchange interactions between carrier spins and localized spin moments on magnetic ions. We find that the density of states and optical absorption are strongly layer-dependent due to the quantum size effects. The electronic and optical spectra are broadened due to the spin fluctuations of magnetic ions and in the case of strong exchange interaction, an energy gap appears in both spectra. Furthermore, the interior layers show higher contribution in the optical absorption of the system. The results can be helpful for magneto-optical devices at a paramagnetic temperature.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Fractional Quantum Hall States of Clustered Composite Fermions

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    The energy spectra and wavefunctions of up to 14 interacting quasielectrons (QE's) in the Laughlin nu=1/3 fractional quantum Hall (FQH) state are investigated using exact numerical diagonalization. It is shown that at sufficiently high density the QE's form pairs or larger clusters. This behavior, opposite to Laughlin correlations, invalidates the (sometimes invoked) reapplication of the composite fermion picture to the individual QE's. The series of finite-size incompressible ground states are identified at the QE filling factors nu_QE=1/2, 1/3, 2/3, corresponding to the electron fillings nu=3/8, 4/11, 5/13. The equivalent quasihole (QH) states occur at nu_QH=1/4, 1/5, 2/7, corresponding to nu=3/10, 4/13, 5/17. All these six novel FQH states were recently discovered experimentally. Detailed analysis indicates that QE or QH correlations in these states are different from those of well-known FQH electron states (e.g., Laughlin or Moore-Read states), leaving the origin of their incompressibility uncertain. Halperin's idea of Laughlin states of QP pairs is also explored, but is does not seem adequate.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures; revision: 1 new figure, some new references, some new data, title chang

    Wireless body sensor design for intra-vaginal temperature monitoring

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    Sensor nodes are small devices able to collect and retrieve sensorial data. The use of these sensors for medical purposes offers valuable contributions to improve patients’ healthcare, both for diagnosis and therapeutics monitoring. An important and common parameter used on healthcare diagnosis is the body temperature. It is monitored on several matters related with gynecological and obstetrics issues but, usually it is measure at the skin surface. Then, this paper proposes the design concepts of a new intra-body sensor for long-term intra-vaginal temperature collection. The embedded IEEE 802.15.4 communication module allows the integration of this sensor in wireless sensor networks for remote data access and monitoring. It is presented the sensor architecture, the construction of the corresponding testbed, and its performance evaluation. This sensor may be used on several applications, including fertile and ovulation period detection, and preterm labor prevention