107 research outputs found

    Transcriptional slippage in the positive-sense RNA virus family Potyviridae.

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    The family Potyviridae encompasses ~30% of plant viruses and is responsible for significant economic losses worldwide. Recently, a small overlapping coding sequence, termed pipo, was found to be conserved in the genomes of all potyvirids. PIPO is expressed as part of a frameshift protein, P3N-PIPO, which is essential for virus cell-to-cell movement. However, the frameshift expression mechanism has hitherto remained unknown. Here, we demonstrate that transcriptional slippage, specific to the viral RNA polymerase, results in a population of transcripts with an additional "A" inserted within a highly conserved GAAAAAA sequence, thus enabling expression of P3N-PIPO. The slippage efficiency is ~2% in Turnip mosaic virus and slippage is inhibited by mutations in the GAAAAAA sequence. While utilization of transcriptional slippage is well known in negative-sense RNA viruses such as Ebola, mumps and measles, to our knowledge this is the first report of its widespread utilization for gene expression in positive-sense RNA viruses.Work in the AEF laboratory was funded by grants from the WellcomeTrust [088789], [106207] and Biotechnology and Biological ResearchCouncil (BBSRC) [BB/J007072/1], [BB/J015652/1]. Work in the JPC laboratorywas funded by BBSRC grants [BB/J015652/1], [BB/J011762/1]. BYWC wassupported by a Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship [096082]and an EMBL long-term postdoctoral fellowship

    High-Resolution Analysis of Coronavirus Gene Expression by RNA Sequencing and Ribosome Profiling.

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    Members of the family Coronaviridae have the largest genomes of all RNA viruses, typically in the region of 30 kilobases. Several coronaviruses, such as Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (MERS-CoV), are of medical importance, with high mortality rates and, in the case of SARS-CoV, significant pandemic potential. Other coronaviruses, such as Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus and Avian coronavirus, are important livestock pathogens. Ribosome profiling is a technique which exploits the capacity of the translating ribosome to protect around 30 nucleotides of mRNA from ribonuclease digestion. Ribosome-protected mRNA fragments are purified, subjected to deep sequencing and mapped back to the transcriptome to give a global "snap-shot" of translation. Parallel RNA sequencing allows normalization by transcript abundance. Here we apply ribosome profiling to cells infected with Murine coronavirus, mouse hepatitis virus, strain A59 (MHV-A59), a model coronavirus in the same genus as SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. The data obtained allowed us to study the kinetics of virus transcription and translation with exquisite precision. We studied the timecourse of positive and negative-sense genomic and subgenomic viral RNA production and the relative translation efficiencies of the different virus ORFs. Virus mRNAs were not found to be translated more efficiently than host mRNAs; rather, virus translation dominates host translation at later time points due to high levels of virus transcripts. Triplet phasing of the profiling data allowed precise determination of translated reading frames and revealed several translated short open reading frames upstream of, or embedded within, known virus protein-coding regions. Ribosome pause sites were identified in the virus replicase polyprotein pp1a ORF and investigated experimentally. Contrary to expectations, ribosomes were not found to pause at the ribosomal frameshift site. To our knowledge this is the first application of ribosome profiling to an RNA virus.NI was supported by a Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship (Wellcome Trust, 092334/Z/10/Z). Work in the AEF lab was funded by grants from the Wellcome Trust (088789 and 106207), the U.K. Biotechnology and Biological Research Council (BBSRC) (BB/J007072/1 and BB/J015652/1), and the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No [646891]). Work in the IB laboratory was supported by the Medical Research Council (MRC) (MR/M011747/1) and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) (BB/L000334/1).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from PLOS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.100547

    The use of duplex-specific nuclease in ribosome profiling and a user-friendly software package for Ribo-seq data analysis.

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    Ribosome profiling is a technique that permits genome-wide, quantitative analysis of translation and has found broad application in recent years. Here we describe a modified profiling protocol and software package designed to benefit more broadly the translation community in terms of simplicity and utility. The protocol, applicable to diverse organisms, including organelles, is based largely on previously published profiling methodologies, but uses duplex-specific nuclease (DSN) as a convenient, species-independent way to reduce rRNA contamination. We show that DSN-based depletion compares favorably with other commonly used rRNA depletion strategies and introduces little bias. The profiling protocol typically produces high levels of triplet periodicity, facilitating the detection of coding sequences, including upstream, downstream, and overlapping open reading frames (ORFs) and an alternative ribosome conformation evident during termination of protein synthesis. In addition, we provide a software package that presents a set of methods for parsing ribosomal profiling data from multiple samples, aligning reads to coding sequences, inferring alternative ORFs, and plotting average and transcript-specific aspects of the data. Methods are also provided for extracting the data in a form suitable for differential analysis of translation and translational efficiency.This work was supported by an EMBL long-term postdoctoral fellowship to B.Y.C., Sir Henry Wellcome Fellowships to B.Y.C. and N.I., a Wellcome Trust PhD scholarship to J.D.J., a Wellcome Trust Fellowship to A.E.F. (088789), and UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council grants to I.B. (BB/L000334/ 1) and A.E.F. (BB/J007072/1). Work in the Baulcombe laboratory is supported by The Gatsby Charitable Foundation and the European Research Council Advanced Investigator grant TRIBE. D.C.B. is the Royal Society Edward Penley Abraham Research Professor. We wish to thank Professor Stuart G. Siddell, University of Bristol, for providing the murine 17 clone 1 cellsThis is the final version of the article. It was first available from Cold Springs Harbor Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1261/rna.052548.11

    Distinct roles of Argonaute in the green alga Chlamydomonas reveal evolutionary conserved mode of miRNA-mediated gene expression

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    Abstract: The unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is evolutionarily divergent from higher plants, but has a fully functional silencing machinery including microRNA (miRNA)-mediated translation repression and mRNA turnover. However, distinct from the metazoan machinery, repression of gene expression is primarily associated with target sites within coding sequences instead of 3′UTRs. This feature indicates that the miRNA-Argonaute (AGO) machinery is ancient and the primary function is for post transcriptional gene repression and intermediate between the mechanisms in the rest of the plant and animal kingdoms. Here, we characterize AGO2 and 3 in Chlamydomonas, and show that cytoplasmically enriched Cr-AGO3 is responsible for endogenous miRNA-mediated gene repression. Under steady state, mid-log phase conditions, Cr-AGO3 binds predominantly miR-C89, which we previously identified as the predominant miRNA with effects on both translation repression and mRNA turnover. In contrast, the paralogue Cr-AGO2 is nuclear enriched and exclusively binds to 21-nt siRNAs. Further analysis of the highly similar Cr-AGO2 and Cr-AGO 3 sequences (90% amino acid identity) revealed a glycine-arginine rich N-terminal extension of ~100 amino acids that, given previous work on unicellular protists, may associate AGO with the translation machinery. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that this glycine-arginine rich N-terminal extension is present outside the animal kingdom and is highly conserved, consistent with our previous proposal that miRNA-mediated CDS-targeting operates in this green alga

    Transcriptional slippage in the positive-sense RNA virus family Potyviridae

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    The family Potyviridae encompasses ~30% of plant viruses and is responsible for significant economic losses worldwide. Recently, a small overlapping coding sequence, termed pipo, was found to be conserved in the genomes of all potyvirids. PIPO is expressed as part of a frameshift protein, P3N‐PIPO, which is essential for virus cell‐to‐cell movement. However, the frameshift expression mechanism has hitherto remained unknown. Here, we demonstrate that transcriptional slippage, specific to the viral RNA polymerase, results in a population of transcripts with an additional “A” inserted within a highly conserved GAAAAAA sequence, thus enabling expression of P3N‐PIPO. The slippage efficiency is ~2% in Turnip mosaic virus and slippage is inhibited by mutations in the GAAAAAA sequence. While utilization of transcriptional slippage is well known in negative‐sense RNA viruses such as Ebola, mumps and measles, to our knowledge this is the first report of its widespread utilization for gene expression in positive‐sense RNA viruses

    Most microRNAs in the single-cell alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii are produced by Dicer-like 3-mediated cleavage of introns and untranslated regions of coding RNAs.

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    We describe here a forward genetic screen to investigate the biogenesis, mode of action, and biological function of miRNA-mediated RNA silencing in the model algal species,Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Among the mutants from this screen, there were three at Dicer-like 3 that failed to produce both miRNAs and siRNAs and others affecting diverse post-biogenesis stages of miRNA-mediated silencing. The DCL3-dependent siRNAs fell into several classes including transposon- and repeat-derived siRNAs as in higher plants. The DCL3-dependent miRNAs differ from those of higher plants, however, in that many of them are derived from mRNAs or from the introns of pre-mRNAs. Transcriptome analysis of the wild-type and dcl3 mutant strains revealed a further difference from higher plants in that the sRNAs are rarely negative switches of mRNA accumulation. The few transcripts that were more abundant in dcl3 mutant strains than in wild-type cells were not due to sRNA-targeted RNA degradation but to direct DCL3 cleavage of miRNA and siRNA precursor structures embedded in the untranslated (and translated) regions of the mRNAs. Our analysis reveals that the miRNA-mediated RNA silencing in C. reinhardtii differs from that of higher plants and informs about the evolution and function of this pathway in eukaryotes.Work in the Baulcombe laboratory is supported by the Balzan Prize award and the ERC Advanced Investigator Grant ERC-2013-AdG 340642 TRIBE. AAV was supported by a Marie-Curie fellowship (PIEF-GA-2010-276037). BYC was supported by an EMBL long-term postdoctoral fellowship and a Sir Henry Wellcome Fellowship (096082). DCB is the Royal Society Edward Penley Abraham Research Professor.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press via https://doi.org/10.1101/gr.199703.11

    Novel virus discovery and genome reconstruction from field RNA samples reveals highly divergent viruses in dipteran hosts.

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    We investigated whether small RNA (sRNA) sequenced from field-collected mosquitoes and chironomids (Diptera) can be used as a proxy signature of viral prevalence within a range of species and viral groups, using sRNAs sequenced from wild-caught specimens, to inform total RNA deep sequencing of samples of particular interest. Using this strategy, we sequenced from adult Anopheles maculipennis s.l. mosquitoes the apparently nearly complete genome of one previously undescribed virus related to chronic bee paralysis virus, and, from a pool of Ochlerotatus caspius and Oc. detritus mosquitoes, a nearly complete entomobirnavirus genome. We also reconstructed long sequences (1503-6557 nt) related to at least nine other viruses. Crucially, several of the sequences detected were reconstructed from host organisms highly divergent from those in which related viruses have been previously isolated or discovered. It is clear that viral transmission and maintenance cycles in nature are likely to be significantly more complex and taxonomically diverse than previously expected

    Changes in Outcomes and Factors Associated With Survival in Melanoma Patients With Brain Metastases

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    BACKGROUND: Treatment options for patients with melanoma brain metastasis (MBM) have changed significantly in the last decade. Few studies have evaluated changes in outcomes and factors associated with survival in MBM patients over time. The aim of this study is to evaluate changes in clinical features and overall survival (OS) for MBM patients. METHODS: Patients diagnosed with MBMs from 1/1/2009 to 12/31/2013 (Prior Era; PE) and 1/1/2014 to 12/31/2018 (Current Era; CE) at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center were included in this retrospective analysis. The primary outcome measure was OS. Log-rank test assessed differences between groups; multivariable analyses were performed with Cox proportional hazards models and recursive partitioning analysis (RPA). RESULTS: A total of 791 MBM patients (PE, n = 332; CE, n = 459) were included in analysis. Median OS from MBM diagnosis was 10.3 months (95% CI, 8.9-12.4) and improved in the CE vs PE (14.4 vs 10.3 months, P \u3c .001). Elevated serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was the only factor associated with worse OS in both PE and CE patients. Factors associated with survival in CE MBM patients included patient age, primary tumor Breslow thickness, prior immunotherapy, leptomeningeal disease, symptomatic MBMs, and whole brain radiation therapy. Several factors associated with OS in the PE were not significant in the CE. RPA demonstrated that elevated serum LDH and prior immunotherapy treatment are the most important determinants of survival in CE MBM patients. CONCLUSIONS: OS and factors associated with OS have changed for MBM patients. This information can inform contemporary patient management and clinical investigations

    Response of Treatment-Naive Brain Metastases to Stereotactic Radiosurgery

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    With improvements in survival for patients with metastatic cancer, long-term local control of brain metastases has become an increasingly important clinical priority. While consensus guidelines recommend surgery followed by stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) for lesions \u3e3 cm, smaller lesions (≤3 cm) treated with SRS alone elicit variable responses. To determine factors influencing this variable response to SRS, we analyzed outcomes of brain metastases ≤3 cm diameter in patients with no prior systemic therapy treated with frame-based single-fraction SRS. Following SRS, 259 out of 1733 (15%) treated lesions demonstrated MRI findings concerning for local treatment failure (LTF), of which 202 /1733 (12%) demonstrated LTF and 54/1733 (3%) had an adverse radiation effect. Multivariate analysis demonstrated tumor size (\u3e1.5 cm) and melanoma histology were associated with higher LTF rates. Our results demonstrate that brain metastases ≤3 cm are not uniformly responsive to SRS and suggest that prospective studies to evaluate the effect of SRS alone or in combination with surgery on brain metastases ≤3 cm matched by tumor size and histology are warranted. These studies will help establish multi-disciplinary treatment guidelines that improve local control while minimizing radiation necrosis during treatment of brain metastasis ≤3 cm

    A Comprehensive Analysis of Shared Loci between Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) and Sixteen Autoimmune Diseases Reveals Limited Genetic Overlap

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    In spite of the well-known clustering of multiple autoimmune disorders in families, analyses of specific shared genes and polymorphisms between systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and other autoimmune diseases (ADs) have been limited. Therefore, we comprehensively tested autoimmune variants for association with SLE, aiming to identify pleiotropic genetic associations between these diseases. We compiled a list of 446 non–Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) variants identified in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of populations of European ancestry across 17 ADs. We then tested these variants in our combined Caucasian SLE cohorts of 1,500 cases and 5,706 controls. We tested a subset of these polymorphisms in an independent Caucasian replication cohort of 2,085 SLE cases and 2,854 controls, allowing the computation of a meta-analysis between all cohorts. We have uncovered novel shared SLE loci that passed multiple comparisons adjustment, including the VTCN1 (rs12046117, P = 2.02×10−06) region. We observed that the loci shared among the most ADs include IL23R, OLIG3/TNFAIP3, and IL2RA. Given the lack of a universal autoimmune risk locus outside of the MHC and variable specificities for different diseases, our data suggests partial pleiotropy among ADs. Hierarchical clustering of ADs suggested that the most genetically related ADs appear to be type 1 diabetes with rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn's disease with ulcerative colitis. These findings support a relatively distinct genetic susceptibility for SLE. For many of the shared GWAS autoimmune loci, we found no evidence for association with SLE, including IL23R. Also, several established SLE loci are apparently not associated with other ADs, including the ITGAM-ITGAX and TNFSF4 regions. This study represents the most comprehensive evaluation of shared autoimmune loci to date, supports a relatively distinct non–MHC genetic susceptibility for SLE, provides further evidence for previously and newly identified shared genes in SLE, and highlights the value of studies of potentially pleiotropic genes in autoimmune diseases