898 research outputs found

    Analysing and improving a recruitment process: A teaching case for developing business process improvement capabilities

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    The demand for Business Process Management (BPM) is rapidly rising and with that, the need for capable BPM professionals is also rising. Yet, only a very few structured BPM training/ education programs are available, across universities and professional trainers globally. The ‘lack of appropriate teaching resources’ has been identified as a critical issue for BPM educators in prior studies. Case-based teaching can be an effective means of educating future BPM professionals. A main reason is that cases create an authentic learning environment where the complexities and challenges of the ‘real world’ can be presented in a narrative enabling the students to develop crucial skills such as problem solving, analysis and creativity-within-constraints, and to apply the tools and techniques within a richer and real (or proxy to real) context. However, so far well documented BPM teaching cases are scarce. This article aims to contribute to address this gap by providing a comprehensive teaching case and teaching notes that facilitates the education of selected process improvement phases, namely identification, modelling, analysis, and improvement. The article is divided into three main parts: (i) Introductory teaching notes, (ii) The case narrative, and (iii) Student activities from the case and teaching notes

    Re-use of domain knowledge to increase adoption of off-site manufacturing for construction in Australia

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    Many construction industry decision-makers believe there is a lack of off-site manufacture (OSM) adoption for non-residential construction in Australia. Identification of construction business process was considered imperative in order to assist decision-makers to increase OSM utilisation. The premise that domain knowledge can be re-used to provide an intervention point in the construction process led a team of researchers to construct simple base-line process models for the complete construction process, segmented into six phases. Sixteen domain knowledge industry experts were asked to review the construction phase base-line models to answer the question “Where in the process illustrated by this base-line model phase is an OSM task?”. Through an iterative and generative process a number of off-site manufacture intervention points were identified and integrated into the process models. The re-use of industry expert domain knowledge provided suggestions for new ways to do basic tasks thus facilitating changes to current practice. It is expected that implementation of the new processes will lead to systemic industry change and thus a growth in productivity due to increased adoption of OSM

    Privacy compliance verification in cryptographic protocols

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    To provide privacy protection, cryptographic primitives are frequently applied to communication protocols in an open environment (e.g. the Internet). We call these protocols privacy enhancing protocols (PEPs) which constitute a class of cryptographic protocols. Proof of the security properties, in terms of the privacy compliance, of PEPs is desirable before they can be deployed. However, the traditional provable security approach, though well-established for proving the security of cryptographic primitives, is not applicable to PEPs. We apply the formal language of Coloured Petri Nets (CPNs) to construct an executable specification of a representative PEP, namely the Private Information Escrow Bound to Multiple Conditions Protocol (PIEMCP). Formal semantics of the CPN specification allow us to reason about various privacy properties of PIEMCP using state space analysis techniques. This investigation provides insights into the modelling and analysis of PEPs in general, and demonstrates the benefit of applying a CPN-based formal approach to the privacy compliance verification of PEPs

    Network Ties and Their Effect on Employee Collaboration in Enterprise Social Networks: A Review and Research Agenda

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    In recent years, there has been a rapid growth and widespread adoption of social media technologies across all industries. Despite the growing importance of enterprise social networks (ESN) in creating social capital and facilitating innovation, there has been limited research in examining the role of employee relationships (ties) in these networks. Earlier studies have reported that the network structure can enhance or restrict employee behaviour to a great extent and that those who implement ESN should consider how network structure can support positive collaboration behaviour, rather than restrict it. Accordingly, we propose that the understanding of network ties and their effect on employees’ collaboration will help in influencing the design and use of ESN in a way that it will help in building productive and sustainable employee collaboration. This paper reviews the existing literature to understand the relationship between network ties and collaboration outcomes and proposes a future research agenda

    APQL: A process-model query language

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    As business process management technology matures, organisations acquire more and more business process models. The management of the resulting collections of process models poses real challenges. One of these challenges concerns model retrieval where support should be provided for the formulation and efficient execution of business process model queries. As queries based on only structural information cannot deal with all querying requirements in practice, there should be support for queries that require knowledge of process model semantics. In this paper we formally define a process model query language that is based on semantic relationships between tasks in process models and is independent of any particular process modelling notation

    A Note on Improving Variational Estimation for Multidimensional Item Response Theory

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    Survey instruments and assessments are frequently used in many domains of social science. When the constructs that these assessments try to measure become multifaceted, multidimensional item response theory (MIRT) provides a unified framework and convenient statistical tool for item analysis, calibration, and scoring. However, the computational challenge of estimating MIRT models prohibits its wide use because many of the extant methods can hardly provide results in a realistic time frame when the number of dimensions, sample size, and test length are large. Instead, variational estimation methods, such as Gaussian Variational Expectation Maximization (GVEM) algorithm, have been recently proposed to solve the estimation challenge by providing a fast and accurate solution. However, results have shown that variational estimation methods may produce some bias on discrimination parameters during confirmatory model estimation, and this note proposes an importance weighted version of GVEM (i.e., IW-GVEM) to correct for such bias under MIRT models. We also use the adaptive moment estimation method to update the learning rate for gradient descent automatically. Our simulations show that IW-GVEM can effectively correct bias with modest increase of computation time, compared with GVEM. The proposed method may also shed light on improving the variational estimation for other psychometrics models
