92 research outputs found

    Does Multilateralism Crowd Out Intra-Group Trade? Evidence From Some Developing Regions

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    The literature is ambiguous on the nature of the relationship between multilateral trade negotiations and growth of intra-group trade. However, both the WTO and proponents ofliberalization maintain that the relationship is positive and that the WTO supports regional bodies and intra-group trade. But does evidence support this? It is possible that the WTO supports regional bonding, while its existence discourages growth of actual trade and development of institutions within regions. Our findings seem to support this view, particularly for southern countries as shown by trends in intra-group trade captured in this work

    Development of Transdermal Patches for the Delivery of Chlorpheniramine in Infants using Hypromellose and Cassava Starch Composite Polymers

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    Background: Chlorpheniramine is an antihistamine that is used in the treatment of rhinitis and other allergies. Objectives: The objectives of this research was to develop and evaluate transdermal patches for improved delivery of chlorpheniramine in infants using hypromellose and cassava starch composite polymers. Methods: Chlorpheniramine transdermal patches were formulated by solvent casting method using varying amounts of hypromellose (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), cassava starch and polyethylene glycol 4000. The formulated transdermal patches were characterized by Fourier Transform Infra-red Spectroscopy (FT-IR), folding endurance, elongation breaking test, percentage moisture uptake/loss and ex vivo permeation studies. Results: The spectra showed no chemical interaction between the ingredients. The transdermal patches showed elastic qualities and high folding endurance. Patches with consistently high moisture uptake (around 40%) were observed to contain high concentration of cassava starch while those with higher amounts of HPMC lost more water (around 35%). The ex vivo study showed efficient permeation and flux for the target purpose. Conclusion: Transdermal patches may be used to deliver low dose chlorpheniramine drug through the skin possibly soft and thin infant skin. Keywords: Transdermal; permeation; flux; allergy; chlorpheniramin

    Location Analysis and Application of GIS in Site Suitability Study for Biogas Plant

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    Proper livestock waste management and development of robust system for the treatment of the bio-waste has been emphasized and investigated by several searchers. Utilization of bio-waste for bio-energy production is advantageous for sustainable environment and socio-economic viewpoints. This study therefore is essential in providing critical strategy needed in situating bio-energy plants, consideration was made in the application of geospatial technology owing to it wide adoption and numerous advantages. Data for site analysis of biogas plant was obtained from GIS organizations and agency, the biomass generation and sites data was obtained from field survey. The biomass potential was based on paunch content generated in the various 43 abattoirs in the study area. The ArcGIS 10 software was used for all GIS operations and subsequent map production. The final suitability index map was obtained by overlaying the land use suitability map with the biomass spatial density layer. The suitable areas were divided into 4 classes: the Most Suitable, Highly Suitable, Moderate Suitable and Not Suitable. The study indicates that suitable sites are predominant in the East and central region of the study area, this study is essential in developing framework for siting biogas plant

    Use of Herbicides among Rural Women Farmers in Abia State, Nigeria

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    Abstract The study examined the use of herbicides among rural women farmers in Abia State, Nigeria. Specifically, identified the sources of information and practices in the use of herbicides, assessed the knowledge level of the rural women on the use of herbicides, ascertained the practices of rural women farmers regarding herbicide use and determined the constraints to the use of herbicides among the women. Using a multistage sampling technique, 70 farmers were selected. The data collected using structured interview schedule, were analysed using descriptive statistics. Some of the herbicides used by the respondents were primextra (22.9%), force up (21.5%), raze down (18.6%) and tackle (18.6%). Majority (64.3%) applied herbicide twice in one growing season. The mean quantity applied was 8.5%. On the farmers’ knowledge level, about half (51.8%) of the women had moderate knowledge on herbicide technology while 30.0% had high knowledge and 18.2% had the low knowledge. The respondents practised cleaning and rinsing of sprayers after use (=1.31), using separate utensil for mixing herbicides (=1.39) and washing of clothes used or spraying separately from other clothes (=1.14). The perceived major constraints to the use of herbicides were: inadequate training (=1.12), inadequate awareness (=1.10), and high cost of herbicides (=1.07). The study recommends increase in extension contact for awareness and training on right use of herbicides. Keywords: herbicides, rural women, Abia State

    Use of Herbicides among Rural Women Farmers in Abia State, Nigeria

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    Abstract The study examined the use of herbicides among rural women farmers in Abia State, Nigeria. Specifically, identified the sources of information and practices in the use of herbicides, assessed the knowledge level of the rural women on the use of herbicides, ascertained the practices of rural women farmers regarding herbicide use and determined the constraints to the use of herbicides among the women. Using a multistage sampling technique, 70 farmers were selected. The data collected using structured interview schedule, were analysed using descriptive statistics. Some of the herbicides used by the respondents were primextra (22.9%), force up (21.5%), raze down (18.6%) and tackle (18.6%). Majority (64.3%) applied herbicide twice in one growing season. The mean quantity applied was 8.5%. On the farmers’ knowledge level, about half (51.8%) of the women had moderate knowledge on herbicide technology while 30.0% had high knowledge and 18.2% had the low knowledge. The respondents practised cleaning and rinsing of sprayers after use (=1.31), using separate utensil for mixing herbicides (=1.39) and washing of clothes used or spraying separately from other clothes (=1.14). The perceived major constraints to the use of herbicides were: inadequate training (=1.12), inadequate awareness (=1.10), and high cost of herbicides (=1.07). The study recommends increase in extension contact for awareness and training on right use of herbicides. Keywords: herbicides, rural women, Abia State

    Positional Accuracy Assessment of Historical Google Earth Imagery

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    Google Earth is the most popular virtual globe in use today. Given its popularity and usefulness, most users do not pay close attention to the positional accuracy of the imagery, and there is limited information on the subject. This study evaluates the horizontal accuracy of historical GE imagery at four epochs between year 2000 and 2018, and the vertical accuracy of its elevation data within Lagos State in Nigeria, West Africa. The horizontal accuracies of the images were evaluated by comparison with a very high resolution (VHR) digital orthophoto while the vertical accuracy was assessed by comparison with a network of 558 ground control points. The GE elevations were also compared to elevation data from two readily available 30m digital elevation models (DEMs), the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) v3.0 and the Advanced Land Observing Satellite World 3D (AW3D) DEM v2.1. The most recent GE imagery (year 2018) was the most accurate while year 2000 was the least accurate. This shows a continuous enhancement in the accuracy and reliability of satellite imagery data sources which form the source of Google Earth data. In terms of the vertical accuracy, GE elevation data had the highest RMSE of 6.213m followed by AW3D with an RMSE of 4.388m and SRTM with an RMSE of 3.682m. Although the vertical accuracy of SRTM and AW3D are superior, Google Earth still presents clear advantages in terms of its ease of use and contextual awareness.Comment: 36 page

    Multi-criteria decision analysis for the evaluation and screening of sustainable aviation fuel production pathways

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    The aviation sector, a significant greenhouse gas emitter, must lower its emissions to alleviate the climate change impact. Decarbonization can be achieved by converting low-carbon feedstock to sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). This study reviews SAF production pathways like hydroprocessed esters and fatty acids (HEFA), gasification and Fischer–Tropsch Process (GFT), Alcohol to Jet (ATJ), direct sugar to hydrocarbon (DSHC), and fast pyrolysis (FP). Each pathway's advantages, limitations, cost-effectiveness, and environmental impact are detailed, with reaction pathways, feedstock, and catalyst requirements. A multi-criteria decision framework (MCDS) was used to rank the most promising SAF production pathways. The results show the performance ranking order as HEFA > DSHC > FP > ATJ > GFT, assuming equal weight for all criteria

    A systematic CRISPR screen defines mutational mechanisms underpinning signatures caused by replication errors and endogenous DNA damage.

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    Mutational signatures are imprints of pathophysiological processes arising through tumorigenesis. We generated isogenic CRISPR-Cas9 knockouts (Δ) of 43 genes in human induced pluripotent stem cells, cultured them in the absence of added DNA damage, and performed whole-genome sequencing of 173 subclones. ΔOGG1, ΔUNG, ΔEXO1, ΔRNF168, ΔMLH1, ΔMSH2, ΔMSH6, ΔPMS1, and ΔPMS2 produced marked mutational signatures indicative of being critical mitigators of endogenous DNA modifications. Detailed analyses revealed mutational mechanistic insights, including how 8-oxo-dG elimination is sequence-context-specific while uracil clearance is sequence-context-independent. Mismatch repair (MMR) deficiency signatures are engendered by oxidative damage (C>A transversions), differential misincorporation by replicative polymerases (T>C and C>T transitions), and we propose a 'reverse template slippage' model for T>A transversions. ΔMLH1, ΔMSH6, and ΔMSH2 signatures were similar to each other but distinct from ΔPMS2. Finally, we developed a classifier, MMRDetect, where application to 7,695 WGS cancers showed enhanced detection of MMR-deficient tumors, with implications for responsiveness to immunotherapies

    Is the Public willing to help the Nigerian Police during the Boko Haram crisis? A look at moderating factors.

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    This paper sought the opinion of 200 Nigerians on their willingness to cooperate with the Police during the Boko Haram crisis. Public perceptions of Police effectiveness during the crisis, residence location, gender and religious affiliation were used as moderators. Data was analysed using an explanatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling. Results indicated a strong association between perceived effectiveness and willingness to report to the Police with respondents who question the effectiveness of the Police being less likely to be willing to report criminal activity about Boko Haram. Further to this, the impact of religion on willingness to report was at least partially mediated by perceived effectiveness of the Police with the results showing that Christian respondents perceived the Police as less effective. Females and those living in the North were significantly less willing to report criminal activity to the Police The findings are then discussed in relation to the BH crises and directions for future research are given

    Online cognitive-behavioral intervention for stress among English as a second language teachers: implications for school health policy

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    IntroductionStress is one of the highest-ranked work-related injuries worldwide and has become almost universal among the Nigerian workforce. English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers face enormous work-related threats that lead to occupational stress. When ESL teachers are stressed, students' language development and entire educational progress are at risk. This is mostly underscored as English, though a second language, serves as the language of instruction in Nigerian schools. As a result, managing occupational stress is particularly important for ESL teachers, as it is among the definitive ways of improving ESL learning and overall educational outcomes. This study examined the effectiveness of online cognitive behavioral intervention (o-CBI) in lowering occupational stress among ESL teachers.MethodESL teachers with at least 1 year of experience were among the participants (N = 89). Participants were divided into two groups: the intervention group (N = 44) and the control group (N = 45). For 9 weeks, the experimental group engaged in nine sessions of 2 h of the o-CBI program. The Single Item Stress Questionnaire (SISQ), the Satisfaction with Therapy and Therapist Scale-Revised (STTS–R), and the Teachers' Stress Inventory (TSI) were the measures used to collect primary and secondary data. Four sets of data were collected at baseline, post-test, and follow-up 1 and 2 evaluations. The data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, t-test statistics, repeated measures ANOVA, and bar charts.Results and discussionCompared to the control group, the o-CBT group had significantly lower TSI scores at the post-test (Time 2) and follow-up evaluations (Times 3 and 4). Between pre-, post-, and follow-up 1 and 2 measurements, there were no significant differences in occupational stress index scores in the control group. It was concluded that o-CBI is effective in job-stress treatment among ESL teachers. In addition, implications for school health policy are discussed. The o-CBI for occupational stress was well received by the participants, showing high acceptability among ESL teachers
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