138 research outputs found

    Towards Establishing Effective Protective Boundaries for the Lunan Stone Forest Using an Online Spatial Decision Support System

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     The Lunan Stone Forest is the Worldʼs premier pinnacle karst landscape, and was established as a national park in 1982. The existing boundaries are essentially arbitrary, based on notional scenic value, and take into consideration neither the physical landscape nor the existing pattern of urban development. Moreover, the location of the boundaries is not clear to the local community, rendering them largely ineffective. Developing an online Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) potentially provides a way to establish protective boundaries that are meaningful from the perspective of karst science, yet also readily identifiable by the local community within the context of the existing urban fabric. The 7km2 “core area” of the Stone Forest Park is used to illustrate the use of the SDSS.   Lunanski kaniti gozd je najlepši primer »kamnitega gozda« (shilin) na svetu in je bil 1982 razglašen za narodni park. Sedanje meje parka so bile dogovorjene na osnovi zaznavne pokrajinske vrednote in ne upoštevajo niti fizičnih lastnosti pokrajine niti obstoječega vzorca razvoja mesta. Še več, lokalnim skupnostim meje niso jasne in so zato še manj učinkovite. Z razvojem Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) na spletu je dano orodje, s pomočjo katerega bi bilo mogoče določiti meje varovanega območja, ki bi bile zadovoljujoče z vidika krasoslovja in sprejete s strani lokalnih skupnosti v skladu s sedanjim urbanim razvojem. Na 7 km2 osrednjega dela Kamnitega gozda je prikazana možnost uporabe SDSS.

    Accessing Distributed WFS Data Through A RDF Query Interface

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    Nondestructive Evaluation of Inoculation Effects of AMF and <em>Bradyrhizobium japonicum</em> on Soybean under Drought Stress From Reflectance Spectroscopy

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    Precise estimation of leaf chlorophyll content (LCC) and leaf water content (LWC) of soybean, using remote sensing technology, provides a new avenue for the nondestructive evaluation of inoculation effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and Bradyrhizobium japonicum (BJ) on soybean growth condition. In this study, a series of pot experiments were conducted in the greenhouse, soybean inoculated with Glomus intraradices (G.i, one of AMF species), G.i and BJ, and non-inoculation were planted under drought stress (DS) and normal irrigation (NI) conditions. Leaf spectra and LCC and LWC were measured on the 28th and 56th days after inoculation. Two new simple ratio (SR) indices, derived from the first derivative spectral reflectance at λ1 nm (Dλ1) and the raw spectral reflectance at λ2 nm (Rλ2), were developed to estimate LCC and LWC. The results indicate that under DS, plants inoculated with G.i had higher LCC and LWC than the non-inoculated plants, followed by the counterparts co-inoculated with G.i and BJ. Linear estimation models, established by the D650/Rred edge and D1680/R680, achieved great improved accuracy for quantifying LCC and LWC of soybean under inoculation and drought stress treatments, with determination of coefficient of 0.63 and 0.76, respectively

    Updating Categorical Soil Maps Using Limited Survey Data by Bayesian Markov Chain Cosimulation

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    Updating categorical soil maps is necessary for providing current, higher-quality soil data to agricultural and environmental management but may not require a costly thorough field survey because latest legacy maps may only need limited corrections. This study suggests a Markov chain random field (MCRF) sequential cosimulation (Co-MCSS) method for updating categorical soil maps using limited survey data provided that qualified legacy maps are available. A case study using synthetic data demonstrates that Co-MCSS can appreciably improve simulation accuracy of soil types with both contributions from a legacy map and limited sample data. The method indicates the following characteristics: (1) if a soil type indicates no change in an update survey or it has been reclassified into another type that similarly evinces no change, it will be simply reproduced in the updated map; (2) if a soil type has changes in some places, it will be simulated with uncertainty quantified by occurrence probability maps; (3) if a soil type has no change in an area but evinces changes in other distant areas, it still can be captured in the area with unobvious uncertainty. We concluded that Co-MCSS might be a practical method for updating categorical soil maps with limited survey data

    Ekonomski rast i emisija ugljika u Kini: Kuznetsova krivulja prostorne ekonometrije

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    Economic development has largely contributed to the increment of CO2 emission. This study uses spatial econometric models to investigate the relationship between economic growth and carbon emission in China with data of 30 provinces of China during the period of 2000 to 2012. Results show that the relationship between carbon emission and economic growth in China during the recent decade has the development tendency toward an inverse U-shaped curve, approximately confirming the carbon emission’s Kuznets curve hypothesis in China. There exists a significant spatial correlation between carbon emission and economic growth,implying that carbon emission in a province may be influenced by economic growth in adjacent provinces. When economic growth reaches 279.91 million Yuan/km2 GDP (at a comparable price in 2000), the contradiction between economic growth and carbon emission begins to be gradually alleviated. These findings provide new insights and valuable information for reducing carbon emissions in China.Gospodarski razvoj uvelike je pridonio povećanju emisije CO2. Ova studija koristi prostorne ekonometrijske modele za istraživanje odnosa između gospodarskog rasta i emisije ugljika u Kini s podacima iz 30 pokrajina Kine u razdoblju od 2000. do 2012. godine. Rezultati pokazuju da tijekom posljednjeg desetljeća odnos emisije ugljika i gospodarskog rasta u Kini ima tendenciju razvoja prema inverznoj krivulji U-oblika, približno potvrđujući hipotezu Kuznetsove krivulje emisije ugljika u Kini. Postoji značajna prostorna povezanost između emisije ugljika i ekonomskog rasta, što implicira da na emisiju ugljika u pokrajini može utjecati gospodarski rast u susjednim pokrajinama. Nakon što je ekonomski rast dosegnuo omjer od 279,91 milijuna Yuan/km2 BDP-a (usporediva cijena u 2000. godini), kontradikcija između gospodarskog rasta i emisije ugljika počinje se postupno ublažavati. Ovi rezultati pružaju nove uvide i vrijedne informacije kako reducirati emisije ugljika u Kini