103 research outputs found

    Damages of Ultrastructure in Rat Skeletal Muscles after Chysical Exercise

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    長期間のかなり激しい身体トレーニングが骨格筋組織にどのような変化を与えたかを調べることが本実験の目的である。1988年著者がソウルで行われたオリンピック科学会議に報告したものの一貫として, 今回もラットを用い, 9週間の水泳の後に幾つかの骨格筋組織を採集し, 電子顕微鏡で対照群との組織像の比較を行ったもので, 以下の如き結果が得られた。気泡を洗い落としたラットに水泳トレーニングを実施した翌日に, 遅筋成分の多い Soleus (ヒラメ筋) に組織の変性が見られ, Z-Line (Z-Band) の離脱やStreaming, さらに明白な組織像の変化が見られたが, EDL (長指伸筋) には同様変化が見られなかった。対照群と比べて Plantaris (足底筋) がとくに, ミトコンドリアの発達が見られた。ミトコンドリアは Subsarcolemma 及び Intermyofibrillar の両方とも発達が見られ, 数および大きさそして内膜突起の密度の増加も見られた。The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the possible effect of long term physical exercise which may cause some extend of damage in the skeletal muscles. Newly wened male Wister rats were used. The training by swimming was conducted for 9 weeks with 6 days a week in a special deviced pool. Tissues of skeletal muscle were cheaked by using electron microscope. The following results were noted : long-period of swimming exercise training caused a conspicuous damage in the skeletal muscles. The soleus is one of the tissue that is susceptable to the damage that induced by swimming exercise. The plantalis not in the EDL, suffered a similar damage to a lesser extent. This kind of damage in the exercised rats were not appeared in the control rats. Damage were streaming of Z-band and disruption of sarcomere. Number and size of mitochondria both in subsarcolemmal and intermyfibrillar space were increased following the training, particularly the plantaris muscle

    Adaptation of LDH Isozymes and Lactate Metabolism Ilon-Deficient Rats

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    純系の雌ラットに鉄欠乏飼料を摂食させ, 乳酸代謝およびLDH ISOZYMEのPATTERNSに与える影響を調べた。5週間の鉄欠乏食を与えた後, ラットの血中HEMOGLOBIN値はCONTROL群の12.2g/deに対して欠乏群は6.4と低い。血漿中の鉄含有量は, 162μg/deと58μg/deで後者の欠乏群はCONTROL群の約3分の1強しか含有していないことを観察した。乳酸値について見ると, 全血液 (WHOLE BL00D) 血漿, および心筋中ともに鉄欠乏群の方がかなりの増加傾向を示した。LDHの活性は, 鉄欠乏によって, とくに腓腹筋・ヒラメ筋中に高く, 心筋中は逆に値が低くなっている。ISOZYMEのSUBUNITについて見ると, ヒラメ筋はM_3HおよびM_2H_2の2つが増加し, 腓腹筋ではM_2H_2およびMH_3の2つに有意な増加が見られる。H_4のSUBUNITは, 下肢筋中にとくに活性が低くなる。このことから, HEART TYPEのSUBUNITの活性低下は乳酸産出量を増加させる重要な一因であり, その活性低下は鉄欠乏からの影響を大きく受けていることは明らかである。Effects of dietary iron deficiency on lactate metabolism were studied in weanling female rats. Following the iron deficient diet for 5 weeks, mean hemoglobin concentration was lowered to 6.4 g/dl relative to 12.2 in control group. Mean plasma iron levels were 58 and 162 μg/dl, respectively. Significantly elevated resting lactate levels were observed in whole blood, plasma, and heart from iron-dificient anemic relative to control rats. Total activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was elevated in soleus and gastrocnemius muscles in response to iron deficiency. That in heart was lowered. The M_3H and M_2H_2 isozymes in soleus and M_2H_2 and MH_3 in gastrocnemius were increased. The H_4 isozyme was significantly reduced in the lower leg skeletal muscles. It was suggested that iron deficiency anemia induces an elevation of lactate production following an increase in total LDH activity and change in LHD isozyme patterns

    A New Training Equipment and Method for Increasing Speed and Strength

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    この特殊なトレーニング方法および装置は, 競技スポーツの動きのなかで筋力やスピードの強化を可能にするため, 工夫されたものである。走・跳の実際の動きのなかで実施可能ないわゆる Special training 方法として考案されたものである。さらに現在はNASAのある研究班に取り上げられ, 無重力状態で常時着用することが出来, 携帯便利と軽量の利点をもつもので, 将来宇宙ステーションのトレーニング方法になるのではないかと, その効果について検討されているものである。一方, リハビリテーションのスポーツ療法としての実用性と価値は, マレーシアの University Sains の医学部生理学教室で, 長期臥床の患者に取りつけ, 下肢の抗重力筋の萎縮や骨の脱灰 (Osteoporosis) の予防として, 臨床テストに使われているものである。本実験は100m走と12分間走, 即ち, 短距離走と長距離走の走運動中に, このトレーニング装置を着用するものと, 着用しないものとの間の Performances の相違および心拍数の変化についてみたものである。結果は下記のように要約される。1. 100m走の場合, Driving Leg の膝の Pick-up が速くなり, そのため Step Frequency が増加し, その反面 Driving Leg が Expansable Tube からの抵抗により, Step Length が短くなった。上記の二つの走速度を決定する要因の変化にもかかわらず, 100m走の所要時間にはほとんど差が見られず, 僅か0.3秒の差はあるが統計的有意ではなかった。2. 12分間走の走距離と心拍数の関係については, 着用したものと着用しないものとの間に顕著な差が見られた。着用した場合走距離が約400m取る減少 (2992.56 : 2608.33m) し, その減少率は13%である。心拍数では着用したグループが有意に増加 (161.25 : 153.67回/分) し, その増加率は約5%である。3. Expansable Tube の牽引力 (抵抗力) は, Easy Speed Running の時の最大伸展時に約5kgの張力がかかり, Top Speed での走運動時ではLoad Cell の立ち上がりと Expansable Tube の収縮と伸展との間に時間のずれが大きく, 正確に測定することができず。遠隔操作が可能で携帯便利な新しい機械の出現に期待する


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    Sport injury that occurred in sport activity or during training has become a serious problem in resent years. Here we know a fact that is in all the developed countries, people have more leisure time and need more sport activities as a part of their daily life. It\u27s simply a matter of fact that is the more the people participated in sport activities the more the chance of injury increased. So there is a question, how could people lose their valuable life or became handicap through whole of his life simple by way of sport? We still know the most important thing for sport is to promot ones\u27 physical condition toword soundly body status. Today the students in sport clubs, they believe the suprume goal of sport is to win. In this paper we try to arouse the student and their instructors to pay more attention to the facts, what coused sport injury and how to prevent it occur, especially for these kinds of sport as aquatics, skiing, maintain claim, combatives and ball games. Here we summarized the students of this college as insurant for sport injury in 1978. We wish some findings may be of benifet to the works of prevention and improvement of the sport injury as follow ; 1. Above 50% of the case is occupied by the students of freshment, and the persentage decreased with the grade from freshment to senior. 2. There is nearly 80% of the whole cases that advented from the students in the club of Rugby. 3. Above 90% of the injury is occurred from the students in doing their club activities. 4. The most advented injury occurred in the body is the lower extrimities, it occupied half of the whole case. 5. May, March and October in a year are the months caused more injury, August, September are the months less injury occurred. 6. No significant relationship could be seen between sports and the kinds of injury in this study

    ヒトの二つの投動作様式における負荷量と performance との関係

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    The purpose of this study was to relat the muscle strength and the differenciation of two basic throwing patterns. As we know both in our daily life and sports activities there are commonly seen that putting heavy things and over hand throwing light things for the purpose of getting distance. These phenomenon also found in children\u27s motor development of throwing movement. At the early stage of children\u27s throwing movement putting or putting like movement appeared early than that of throwing, particularly to the over hand throwing. There are qeustions what coused this differenciation, and what were the factors or imformation for us to select throwing patterns while facing a load? May be nuromascular function from physical aspect, and motor learning in daily activities are factors which coused this differenciation that mentioned above. In this study we thought that the muscle strength could be one of the most powerful limiting factor. For the purpose of this hypothesia we used a loads alternative ball asked subjects to push and over hand throw it in sitting position, stablized by a belt tightly around the subjects\u27 hip. The load increased gradually by 500g from 1.0kg to 6.0kg. Performances were measured, including fine trials for each load. EMGs were recorded by surface electrodes from muscles of shoulder gardle and arm, seven muscles included. A high speed cinecamera used to analyze the change of throwing patterns. Subjects were seven groups of male and female volounteers that were distance runner, shotputtor, javelin thrower, and weight liftor, totally up to 26 subjects included. Some evidences obtained in this study summalized as follow : 1) Throwing patterns ; As load increased there were no significant change of the patterns of push from series of tracings made from motion picture films, but the over hand throw were quite disguised when the load increased which were lower the elbow joint, and exerted the movement with a mixed pattern of push and throw, especialy at the heavier load. (fig. 1. 2. 3.) The quality change following the increasing of loads were ; Lengthening the movement time and movement distance, and lowering the angle of incident and initial velocity. (table 1). 2) EMGs of two throwing patterns ; Electromyographical study of the muscle function reveals what muscle actually does at any moment of these movements. In this study results of EMGs were ; At light load the Triceps (caput longum), Deltoideus (medius), and Trapezius (superior) worked quite difference in character for two throwing movements which indicated these muscles had their own functions differ in exerting push and over hand throw, but no these differences found when the load was increased to the maximum or nearly the maximum (the maximum load in this study is 6.0kg), muscles worked almost the same manner from the beginig to the ending of two of these movements. The amplitude of EMGs increased linearly on line with the increasing of load also found. 3) The perfomances decreased with the increasing of loads could be found in two movements, particularly the over hand throw decreased more sharply than the push in the first half during the load increasing processes. (fig. 7) 4) There were an intersection point of the performances of two throwing movements at certain load during the increasing of loads, here we called the point of intersection in term of cross point, and the loads at the cross point was called critical loads. This cross point appeared in all subjects in this study. 5) The percent of the loads at cross point to the maximum back strength were differ in groups as follow ; 1.80% (0.28) for shotputter, 2.04% (0.60) for distance runner, 2.12% (0.19) for javelin thrower, 1.53% (0.30) for weight liftor, and 2.29% (0.37) for hand ball player of male subjects. The percent of two groups of female subjects were 2.12% (0.18) for hand ball player, and 1.73% (0.11) for discus thrower and javelin thrower. The range of these persent were centered around 1.53% to 2.29% with a small stander diviation as descriped above. (table 2) 6) There were differences largely in back strength which messured as an index of maximum muscle strength, the range of back strength were 156kg. for male hand ball player, 125kg. for famel hand ball player, 181.7kg. for male shoputter, 160kg. for male javelin thrower, 112.5kg. for male distance runner, 166.7kg. for male weight liftor, and 148.3 kg. for female discus and javelin thrower respectly. 7) The percent of the cross point were differ in groups which were higher in male and female hand ball player as well as male javelin thrower, lower in weight liftor male shoputter and female discus and javelin thrower, and the long distance runner located in the middle. (table 3, 7 and fig. 8

    Direct recovery of lipase derived from Burkholderia cepacia in recycling aqueous two-phase flotation

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    In this paper, aqueous two-phase flotation (ATPF) composed of thermo-sensitive ethylene oxide–propylene oxide (EOPO) copolymer and ammonium sulfate was developed for direct recovery of Burkholderia cepacia (B. cepacia) strains ST8 lipase from fermentation broth. The effect of varying polymer molar mass, concentration of ammonium sulfate, pH, amount of loaded crude feedstock, initial volume of EOPO phase, concentration of EOPO, initial volume of aqueous phase, nitrogen flow rate and flotation time upon ATPF performance were investigated. Under the optimal conditions of ATPF, the average separation efficiency and purification fold are 76% and 13%, respectively. The recycling of phase components was introduced to minimize the use of organic solvent and salt in ATPF. It was demonstrated EOPO phase in the ATPF system was recovered up to 75%. There was no significant difference in selectivity, purification fold, separation efficiency and recovery yield of lipase obtained between ATPF using fresh and recycled chemicals. B. cepacia lipase was successfully purified by using ATPF, which is composed of copolymer EOPO/ammonium sulfate in a single downstream processing step

    Recovery of lipase derived from Burkholderia cenocepacia ST8 using sustainable aqueous two-phase flotation composed of recycling hydrophilic organic solvent and inorganic salt

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    Recycling hydrophilic organic solvent/inorganic salt aqueous two-phase flotation (ATPF) is a novel, low cost, green and high efficient technique for recovery of biomolecules. Recycling ATPF composed of 2-propanol and potassium phosphate was developed for sustainable separation, concentration and purification of Burkholderia cenocepacia ST8 lipase from liquid fermentation broth. Thirteen parameters upon recycling hydrophilic organic solvent/inorganic salt ATPF performance were investigated. The optimum conditions for this recycling ATPF were determined to be 40 mL volume of 50% (w/w) 2-propanol, 1.0 L of 250 g/L of potassium phosphate, pH 8.5, 100% (v/v) of crude feedstock, 30 mL/min of N2 flow rate for 30 min in a 8 cm radius of colorimeter tube with G4 porosity (5–15 μm) sintered glass disk. A purification factor of 14.4 ± 0.04 and a lipase yield of 99.2 ± 0.03% were achieved in this optimized ATPF. The recycling of phase-forming components employed at the end of recovery process was based on the principals of green chemistry, with high efficiency and economical viability. There was no gross variation of results during the process of scaling-up. Therefore, this novel recycling ATPF is feasible to be applied at industrial-scale

    Evaluation of the diagnostic performance of infrared imaging of the breast: a preliminary study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The study was conducted to investigate the diagnostic performance of infrared (IR) imaging of the breast using an interpretive model derived from a scoring system.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of our hospital. A total of 276 women (mean age = 50.8 years, SD 11.8) with suspicious findings on mammograms or ultrasound received IR imaging of the breast before excisional biopsy. The interpreting radiologists scored the lesions using a scoring system that combines five IR signs. The ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve and AUC (area under the ROC curve) were analyzed by the univariate logistic regression model for each IR sign and an age-adjusted multivariate logistic regression model including 5 IR signs. The cut-off values and corresponding sensitivity, specificity, Youden's Index (Index = sensitivity+specificity-1), positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV) were estimated from the age-adjusted multivariate model. The most optimal cut-off value was determined by the one with highest Youden's Index.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For the univariate model, the AUC of the ROC curve from five IR signs ranged from 0.557 to 0.701, and the AUC of the ROC from the age-adjusted multivariate model was 0.828. From the ROC derived from the multivariate model, the sensitivity of the most optimal cut-off value would be 72.4% with the corresponding specificity 76.6% (Youden's Index = 0.49), PPV 81.3% and NPV 66.4%.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We established an interpretive age-adjusted multivariate model for IR imaging of the breast. The cut-off values and the corresponding sensitivity and specificity can be inferred from the model in a subpopulation for diagnostic purpose.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>NCT00166998.</p