12 research outputs found

    Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Protocorn Like Bodies (PLB) Anggrek Papua Dendrobium discolor dengan Perlakuan Auksin dan Sitokinin

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    Dendrobium could meet the demands of domestic and foreign consumers from time to time because of their very charming flower blossoms. Orchid flowers are attractive because of the variety their color, size, shape, composition, number of buds the blossom of flowers, especially for the color it is vary greatly. One of the potential Dendrobium Papua orchids is Dendrobium discolor. To fulfill the needs of Dendrobium orchids in pots or in peaces it is depend on the success of Protocorn Like Bodies (PLB) cultivation. The purpose of this study was to determine the growth and development of PLB cultivated in vitro on Vacint & Went (V&W) base media with a combination of different plant growth regulators. The method used wasPLB cultivation with tissue culture techniques in vitro on V&W media with a factorial completely randomized design (CRD). The first factor was auxin treatment (2,4D) with 5 concentrations 1, 2, 3, and 4 ppm plus control (without plant growth regulator treatment), while the second factor was cytokinin treatment with 5 concentrations 1, 2, 3, and 4 ppm plus 1 control (without plant growth regulator treatment). Each treatment repeated 5 times, threfore, there are 125 treatment units in total 125 treatment units. The media used were Vacin and Went (VW). The variables measured were leaf length and the number of leaves per plantlet in each combination treatment of plant growth regulator (PGR) after one month of cultivation. Data were analyzed by using variance (ANOVA) to determine the significance. The results of this study indicated that the combination treatment of auxin and cytokinin PGR in V&W media had a significant effect on the length and number of plantlets leaves and the most significant treatment was the combination of PGR auxin: cytokinin = 0:3 ppm. So it can be concluded that the best medium for PLB culture is a combination of PGR auxin: cytokinin = 0:3 ppm. with an average value of 3.5 cm plantlet leaf length and number of 6 leaves per plantlet. Key words: Protocorn Like Bodies; tissue culture; V&W medium; auxins; cytokinins

    Analisis Golongan Metabolit Sekunder Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Batang Cemara Laut (Casuarina equisetifolia L.) dan Cemara Gunung (Casuarina junghuhniana Mig.)

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    The use of medicinal plants as natural medicine is increasingly trend and developing rapidly to prevent and treat disease, also maintain human health. Spruce plants belong to Casuarinaceae family and Magnoliophyta, generally contain of secondary metabolite compounds such as: alkaloid, saponin, polyphenol, flavonoid, and tannin that can be efficacious to cure diseases in human. The purpose of this study was to analyze the secondary metabolites compound of Casuarina equisetifolia L. and Casuarina junghuhniana Mig. using the Fransworth phytochemical screening method of bark ethanol extracts. The analysis of phytochemical screening of spruce bark shows flavonoid, saponin and tannin activity, while the montain spruce shows alkaloid, steroid, saponin and tannin activity. Further research is needed to investigate the ethnopharmaceutical information on the use of the spruce plants as a traditional medicine.Key words: Spruce plants; screening; extract; analysis; phytochemical; secondary metabolite

    Studi Etnofarmasi dan Skrining Fitokimia Ekstrak Kulit Batang Tumbuhan Nelambo Suon (Rubiaceae) Obat Tradisional Antimalaria Suku Yali di Distrik Heriapini Kabupaten Yahukimo

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    The Nelambo Suon plant is an antimalarial medicinal plant belonging to the Rubiaceae family. This plant is commonly used as a traditional medicine by the Yali Tribe, Sabelebi Village, Heriapini District, Yahukimo Regency, Papua. This plant is typical of Papua which grows wild in hilly habitats and on the edge of cliffs in tropical rain climates. The purpose of this study was to determine the benefits of the traditional antimalarial medicinal plant of the Suon based on ethnopharmaceutical studies and to determine the content of secondary metabolite chemical compounds through the bark extract of Suon Nelambo. The method used to determine the benefits of plants in ethnopharmaceuticals is interviews method. While the test for the content of chemical compounds of secondary metabolites used the phytochemical screening method according to Farnsworth. The results showed that the Suon plant has long been used for generations by the Yali tribe in Sabelebi Village as a traditional antimalarial medicine. The part of the plant organ used is the bark of the stem, which is young or still soft and not too hard. How to use it is by boiling, and the boiled water is drunk in the morning and evening for a period of 3-5 days. The results of phytochemical screening showed that the bark extract of Suon contains a group of secondary metabolite chemical compounds, such as alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, triterpenoids, saponins, tannins and quinones. The results of this study are one of the new discoveries of medicinal plants that can be used as antimalarial drugs in Papua. Key words: ethnopharmacy; phytochemical screening; Nelambo Suon; Yahukimo

    Skrining Senyawa Kimia dan Uji Aktivitas Sitotoksik Ekstrak Etanol Teripang Kridou Bintik (Bohadschia argus Jeager) Asal Pantai Harlem Kabupaten Jayapura, Papua

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    The Bohadschia argus Jeager contains bioactive compounds that have the potential as antibiotics, antibacterial, antitumor, anticoagulants and anesthetics and alleviate cancer. This study aims to determine the content of chemical compounds group and to test the cytotoxic activity of ethanol extract of Bohadschia argus Jeager. The method for determining the group of chemical compounds was used the color reaction and precipitation using chemical reagents. The method for testing cytotoxic activity using the Brine Shimp Lethality Test (BSLT), this method commonly was used to test the safety of the use of natural ingredients as traditional medicine. The results of screening of the chemical compound group of  Bohadschia argus Jeager extract showed that the extract contained a lot of alkaloids secondary metabolites and few saponins. The results of testing of cytotoxic activity showed LC50 value of 878.22 ppm. Base on the results of this study it can be concluded that the ethanol extract of Bohadschia argus Jeager has significant cytotoxic activity against Artemia salina Leach, so it can be considered as a chemotherapeutic agent.   Key words: Screening, chemical compounds, ethanol extract, B. argus, BSLT.

    Uji Aktivitas Sitotoksik dan Analisis Fitokimia Ekstrak Etanol Daun Sampare (Glochidion sp.)

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    Sampare (Glochidion sp., Family: Phyllantaceae) is a plant which grows dominant in Biak, Papua. Based on the local wisdom of the community, by hereditary, it can be used as an herbal medicine to treat the malaria disease. This study aims to determine the toxicity of LC50 and to know the phytochemical compounds of extracted leaf of Glochidion sp using ethanol. The Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) and phytochemical screening using reagent chemical substance methods were used in this research. The results of this study can be concluded that the toxicity of extracted leaf of Glochidion sp. using ethanol was low, with LC50 = 758.58 ppm and the results of phytochemical analysis showed the existence of the content of alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins and quinones. But, the steroids and triterpenoids could not be found in the extracted leaf of Glochidion sp using ethanol. Therefore, for further research is needed to isolate the bioactive compounds and in vivo test on the plasmodium, which cause the malaria disease. Key words: Glochidion sp., malaria desease, Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT), LC50, phytochemical analysi

    Skrining Fitokimia dan Uji Aktivitas Sitotoksik dari Tumbuhan Sarang Semut (Myrmecodia beccarii Hook.f.) Asal Kabupaten Merauke

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    Sarang semut (Myrmecodia beccarii Hook.f.) is a famous medicinal plant of Papua, which has traditionally potential in treating a wide variety of mild and severe illnesses, such as cancers and tumors, gout, coronary heart disease, hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, migraines, rheumatism, and leukemia. The purposes of this study were to determine the content of the active compound group and the cytotoxic activity of sarang semut plants from Merauke Region. The extraction was done by maceration using 96 % ethanol. The concentration of ethanolic extract were 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 ppm. The results of the study showed that the cytotoxic activity determine using BSLT (Brine Shrimp Lethality Test) method have a high cytotoxic activity with LC50 values of 22.86 ppm and containing the active compound namely flavonoids, tannins and saponins separately. The ethanolic extract of tuber of sarang semut (M. beccarii) has a high cytotoxic activity against larvae of Artemia salina Leach according BSLT method. Key words: Active compound, M. beccarii, cytotoxic activity, Merauke

    Penetapan Kadar Metilripariokromen-A Pada Organ Eupatorium Riparium Reg. Dari Daerah Yang Berbeda

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    Metilripariokromen-A merupakan senyawa bioaktif yang terdapat pada tanaman Eupatorium riparium Reg.(Asteraceae). Metilripariokromen-A memiliki aktivitas yang berhubungan dengan tekanan darah tinggi seperti aktivitas vasodilatasi, diuretik, penurunan laju denyut jantung, penurunan tekanan darah sistolik, ekskresi Na + , K + dan CL - . Metilripariokromen-A juga mampu menurunkan pertumbuhan koloni jamur Aspergillus flavus, toksis terhadap jamur patogen Collectotrichum gloeosporioides, menghambat perkecambahan biji gulma Galinsoga ciliate dan G. parviflora. E. riparium mempunyai potensi sebagai sumber bahan alam untuk pembuatan obat, fungisida dan herbisida. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi metilripariokromen-A pada organ akar, batang dan daun E. riparium serta untuk menetapkan kadar metilripariokromen-A pada ekstrak was bensin E. riparium yang berasal dari daerah G. Merapi Kaliurang, G. Menoreh Samigaluh dan Tawangmangu Karanganyar. Konsentrasi senyawa bioaktif sangat tergantung dengan kondisi lingkungan abiotik dan genotif. Metode yang digunakan untuk analisis identifikasi dan penetapan kadar metilripariokromen-A adalah Kromatografi Lapis Tipis-Densitometri (KLT-Densitometri). Berdasarkan hasil analisis KLT- Densitometri menunjukkan bahwa metilripariokromen-A hanya terdapat di dalam organ daun. Hasil penetapan kadar metilripariokromen-A menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan antarsampel dari ketiga daerah yang berbeda. Kadar metilripariokromen-A tertinggi terdapat dalam ekstrak was bensin daun E. riparium yang berasal dari G. Menoreh Samigaluh (9,48%) selanjutnya dari G. Merapi Kaliurang (5,37%) dan dari Tawangmangu Karanganyar (9,30%)

    Peran Herpetofauna dalam Bidang Kesehatan: Peluang dan Tantangan

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    Skin secretions and venom from many species of amphibi (frogs and toads) and reptil (group of herpetofauna) from different famillies contain a wide range of unique physiological compounds with biological activity such as peptide, protein, non-protein, and enzyme. They are potent for drug development. The compounds, known as mode of action have practical application as pharmaceutical agents, diagnostic reagents or preparative tools. Peptides with potential anticancer, fibrinolityc, antibacterial, antifungal, antidiabetic activity play important roles in human health. This review introduces roles of herpetofauna for drugs development, potential therapeutic values and their application in human health and disease.Key words: Herpetofauna, skin secretion, venom, drugs development, health

    Pelatihan Usaha Budidaya Tanaman Sayuran Dengan Teknik Hidroponik

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    Food crop cultivation, such as vegetables, is one of methods to reach food security goals. There are lots of methods to cultivate vegetables, and one among them is hydroponic cultivation. Our activities aimed to introduce this hydroponic cultivation technology to the community in SMA Negeri 2 Skanto, District of Keerom,  Jayapura. The methodology used this time was technology transfer by sharing information to the students as targeted community. The high enthusiasm from participants became an indicator for the successful of this program.Keyword: cultivation; food security; vegetables; hydroponic.