31 research outputs found

    Selected Characteristics Of Artistic Gymnastics Achievements And Their Diagnostics

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    V příspěvku předkládáme přehled výsledků studií, které se zabývají problematikou identifikace výkonů ve sportovní gymnastice mužů a žen, a zároveň nabízejí možnosti jeho diagnostiky. Charakteristickým znakem sportovněgymnastického výkonu je přesná a formálně dokonalá realizace různě náročných dovedností koordinačně estetického charakteru. Změna kvality výkonu je provázena řadou morfologických, strukturálních a z nich plynoucích funkčních změn, které je vhodné dlouhodobě sledovat a hodnotit. Za nejčastěji využívané můžeme označit testy statické i dynamické síly, dále anaerobní a aerobní kapacity a dynamiky tepové frekvence v podmínkách soutěžního výkonu.This article presents a review of research study results that deal with identification achievement in men’s and women’s artistic gymnastics. In addition, it is to examine the scope of their diagnostics. The characteristic attribute of artistic gymnastics achievement is correct. It is an excellent recognition of different gymnastic skills and the variety of difficulty. Qualitative changes of gymnastics achievements are followed by many morphological, structural and functional changes. These are useful longitudinally to monitor and evaluate performance. These tests are frequently used as designate tests for static and dynamic power, anaerobic and aerobic capacity and also a to test heart rate dynamics during gymnastics competitions

    Implementation of the new standard Notices to Skippers in the Czech Republic

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá implementací nového standardu Notices to Skippers v České republice v rámci projektu IRIS 2 Europe. V úvodu práce je krátká informace o standardu Notices to Skippers. Následuje samotná struktura zpráv a XML schématu. Třetí část pak analyzuje změny staré a nové verze XML schématu. Poté se práce věnuje analytické části, která začíná popisem systému LAVDIS, který slouží mimo jiné k zadávání i distribuci zpráv a obsahuje také jednotlivé formuláře včetně popisu a návrhu změn. Poslední část poté obsahuje podrobný popis návrhu datového modelu. Dle zadání se ještě uvažovalo o části aplikační, týkající se implementace a vlastního testovacího provozu, která však z důvodů uvedených v závěru nemohla být naplněna.This thesis deals with implementation of new standards Notices to Skippers in the Czech Republic within project IRIS 2 Europe. In the introduction is brief information about the standard of Notices to Skippers. Followed by the structure of messages and XML schema. The third part analyzes changes in the old and new versions of XML schema. Then the work is devoted to the analytical part, which starts with a description of LAVDIS which serves except the others to enter and distribution of messages and includes various forms, including a description and design changes. The last part then contains a detailed description of the design of data model. According to the task was considered a part relating to the implementation and testing use, but for the reasons given in the end it could not be fulfilled.Katedra informatiky v dopravěStudent reagoval na připomínky uvedené v posudcích vedoucího a oponenta bakalářské práce, zodpověděl dotazy členů komise.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Animation support of simulation models based on the planning of discrete events method

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    V této bakalářské práci byla realizována vzorová implementace jádra řídícího animaci dokumentující evoluci simulačního výpočtu využívajícího metodu plánování diskrétních událostí. V rámci případové studie bylo zmíněné jádro využito pro realizaci animace přemísťování cestujících v rámci autobusových okružních linek. Tyto okružní linky byly realizovány implementací abstraktní datové struktury obousměrně cyklicky zřetězeného lineárního seznamu s hlavou.In this bachelor work was realized the exemplary implementation of animation core documenting the evolution of simulation computation using planning of discrete events method. In the context of the case studies was core used for the realization of animation of movements of passengers on the circular bus lines. These circular lines were realized by the implementation of abstract data structure two-way cyclically chained linear list with head.Katedra informatiky v dopravěDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Objectivity of gymnasts' achievements judging in relation by Code of Points Men's Artistic Gymnastics changes

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    Title: Objectivity of gymnasts' achievements judging in relation by Code of Points Men's Artistic Gymnastics changes The problem of our work is an objectivity of gymnastics way of ranking or judging. Analysis of results reached at chosen men's artistic gymnastics competition and also a method of gymnastics judging was used for solving purpose of our thesis. The evaluation of gymnasts achievements are realized by referees according to Code of Points (CoP) Men's Artistic Gymnastics (MAG), which are periodically changed. The purpose was verify possibility of determination degree of objectivity judging gymnastic performances in relation to changes rules of men's artistic gymnastics realized in years 2006, 2009, 2013 through analysis of gymnastics results in seniors and juniors categories reached on important international competitions. We used methods and techniques of statistical description for ordinal data; Sign test; Wilcoxon test; contingency table and sign diagram for contingency table. For evaluation rate of interrater concordance referees of panel "B" or "E" we used ICC and Pearson's correlation coefficient. For evaluation of bilateral discriminability of reached gymnastics results we used SEM and calculation of Critical Differences. In connection with changes of CoP MAG on monitored period..

    Objectivity of gymnasts' achievements judging in relation by Code of Points Men's Artistic Gymnastics changes

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    Title: Objectivity of gymnasts' achievements judging in relation by Code of Points Men's Artistic Gymnastics changes The problem of our work is an objectivity of gymnastics way of ranking or judging. Analysis of results reached at chosen men's artistic gymnastics competition and also a method of gymnastics judging was used for solving purpose of our thesis. The evaluation of gymnasts achievements are realized by referees according to Code of Points (CoP) Men's Artistic Gymnastics (MAG), which are periodically changed. The purpose was verify possibility of determination degree of objectivity judging gymnastic performances in relation to changes rules of men's artistic gymnastics realized in years 2006, 2009, 2013 through analysis of gymnastics results in seniors and juniors categories reached on important international competitions. We used methods and techniques of statistical description for ordinal data; Sign test; Wilcoxon test; contingency table and sign diagram for contingency table. For evaluation rate of interrater concordance referees of panel "B" or "E" we used ICC and Pearson's correlation coefficient. For evaluation of bilateral discriminability of reached gymnastics results we used SEM and calculation of Critical Differences. In connection with changes of CoP MAG on monitored period..

    Origins of bacterial endosymbionts in arthropods

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    Current bioinformatic methods such as molecular phylogenetics and phylogenomics provide us with good insight to symbiont evolution. Though modern science evolves rapidly, accelerates speed of acquiring novel discoveries and improves their quality, there is still endless row of questions waiting to be answered. This thesis focuses on origins of symbiosis between insects and Enterobacteria, and the mechanisms promoting association of bacteria with arthropods. The main emphasis is put on the secondary symbionts of the genus Sodalis (Enterobacteriaceae) and the pathogenic Anaplasma phagocytophilum (Anaplasmataceae) that seems to be undergoing first steps to become hereditary mutualist

    An investigation of maximal hand grip strength related to body mass index in healthy Czech children

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    Hand grip strength is one of the most important markers in muscle strength assessment for many reasons. However, its maximal value in kilograms is highly dependent on body size, which may misrepresent results, especially among children. Therefore, correction by body mass index (BMI) can be used as a suitable approach for its objectification. The aims of this study were to create reference values for the grip to BMI ratio and for hand grip strength for children in the Czech Republic. 554 children of both genders, aged from 4 to 14 years, were included in the current study. Reference values were approximated by Tukey’s Hinges percentiles calculation method. The percentile charts were created using the Lambda-Mu-Sigma (LMS) method